This is also normal. Many people in Zhong Prefecture have not even heard of Star Sea Domain, which is outside the million li. How can they know the corner of Stars Island?

“Brother Yang, let’s go.” Shi Yu pulls Yang Xuan with his hand at the moment, he understands that if he continues, Yang Xuan’s temper will definitely conflict with Zhuge Yun.

Chapter 222 Xingchen’s Courtyard

After all, Yang Xuan didn’t want to get married when he first came to Divine City. He said to Liu Gui: “Senior Brother Liu is not going to help us Find a place to live, let’s go now.”

He just said hello that’s all, regardless of whether Liu Gui left or not, let alone Zhuge Yun, and turned around with Su Ziyao and the others go.

“damned bastard, do you still know respect?” Someone behind Zhuge Yun saw Yang Xuan wants to walk to walk and was immediately upset.

“It’s ridiculous, we are all Sword God Palace Outer Disciple, where is the honor? When you enter the seven peaks of Inner Sect that day, I may call you Senior Brother, now, you still Not enough, don’t put on airs in front of me.” Yang Xuan said without looking back, his words were domineering and arrogant, and he didn’t pay attention to the opponent at all.

This is also because in Divine City, if he is outside, he will rarely talk nonsense, and he has already killed Zhuge Yun, a group of unsightly guys.

“Impudent, a small new disciple, dare to speak wild words in front of us Senior Brothers?” Zhuge Yun was furious, one because Yang Xuan ignored him, and the other was jealous of Yang Xuan Hug left and right.

“What shit Senior Brother, in my eyes you are just a bunch of rubbish in human skin. You don’t want to do anything about bullying men and women secretly?” Yang Xuan sarcastically.

“Very well, if you don’t teach me today, you really treat me Zhuge Yun as having no temper.”

Zhuge Yun complexion ashen, a powerful sword force suddenly I pressed on Yang Xuan’s body and wanted him to make a fool of himself in the street.

“Your imposing manner too weak.” Yang Xuan sneered, face doesn’t change, his back was straight, as if he hadn’t been affected by Zhuge Yun’s sword, his footsteps kept carrying Su Ziyao and the others have gone far.

“How is it possible!?” Zhuge Yun both shocked and angry, he has understood Sword-Heart Illumination for two years, and the sword is strong enough to crush the ordinary Vientiane Realm martial artist, but now, Yang Xuan is unexpectedly Seeing his sword power as nothing, especially thinking of Yang Xuan’s imposing manner too weak, he felt like he was slapped fiercely by the opponent, making him tremble with anger and his fingers trembling.

“It turns out that he is so great!” Liu Gui stared at Yang Xuan’s back, hesitating whether he should catch up.

“Liu Gui, keep an eye on that kid, I want to know his every move.” At this moment, Zhuge Yun said coldly.

“This…” Liu Gui complexion slightly changed, but he knew that Yang Xuan and several people were brought by Ditian, and they are very likely to enter the Inner Sect Tianshu Peak in the future. He was about to say something. Zhuge Yun released murderous aura all over, and asked: “Why, do you have an opinion on this waste?”

“Don’t dare, I will stare at him.” Liu Gui hurriedly said, with a sneer in his heart. I hope Zhuge Yun and Yang Xuan clash and lead to Di Tian, ​​when the time comes Zhuge Yun absolutely can’t eat it. From here, it can be seen that he has suffered from Zhuge Yun before.


There are lots of other courtyards in Nancheng, and there are many vacant residences. Yang Xuan and the others quickly found a courtyard.

In Divine City, every other courtyard has a Formation to prevent outsiders from disturbing. Although there is no guide and introduction by Liu Gui, Yang Xuan has studied the opening method for a while. He also taught Su Ziyao and the others. In addition, he also set up Formation to establish contact with the array in the identity token of several people.

So from now on, only a few of them will be able to enter and leave the courtyard freely, and others have to break the formation forcibly if they want to enter, but forcibly breaking the array outside the residence of others violates the sect rules, so No one dares to try the law.


The other courtyard is a garden-style design, with shaded trees, pavilions, pavilions, rockeries and pools. There are trickles everywhere, goldfish are playing, and the scenery is beautiful.

In the air, the vitality is abundant, which is an absolute blessed place for cultivation.

Although the courtyard is not too big, it is only a few hundred square meters, but it is enough for Yang Xuan to live in. In fact, this is also a better courtyard in Nancheng, because there are just Outer Disciples for three years. I still can’t comprehend that Sword-Heart Illumination was left vacant after being expelled, but now it is cheaper for Yang Xuan and the others.

Walking around, Yang Xuan found that the courtyard was spotless and quite clean, and was very satisfied with it, so he blurted out a name.

Xingchen Courtyard!

Su Ziyao and the others are full of praise for this. After all, everyone is from Stars Island. It would be great to name this courtyard as Xingchen Courtyard.

“Since everyone has no objections, then we will live in this Xingchen Courtyard in the future.” Yang Xuan slightly smiled, and chose a quiet attic near the lotus pond as his and Su Ziyao residence in the other courtyard. Later, he said to others: “There are a lot of lofts here. Choose your own. Also, after choosing a place to live, familiarize yourself with the magical use of identity tokens. After an hour, we will gather in the yard and we will eat out together.”

Shen Yuexin and the others agreed. They both went to find a place to live. In fact, there is no need to look for it. There are only three lofts in the other courtyard. Among them, Shen Yuexin, Mu Qingyu, and Shangguanlian chose one, Shi Yu, Tiefeng, Luo Cheng, Li Yunfei, and Zhou Kun chose another seat.

Regardless of Shen Yuexin and the others, Yang Xuan and Su Ziyao walked into the attic in front of them hand in hand.

This loft is the smallest of the three lofts, with only two floors above and below. The lobby on the first floor is spacious and bright. There are bathrooms, kitchens, study rooms, Dan rooms, utensils, and a practice room. Room for the owner in this cultivation.

I won’t talk about the pill room and the instrument room. They each have a cauldron and a furnace, which can be used to pill concocting instruments. Of course, the premise is that you understand the way of pill instruments. If you don’t, then Dan The room and the instrument room have become furnishings, meaningless.

The last practice room is very good, with a nano array inside.

This is a jade platform half a meter in length and width. There is a fingernail-sized spring on the jade platform. After being absorbed and filtered by the nano-array, it can convert the Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth from the outside into fog. The squirting state makes Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth in the whole practice room extremely abundant, so cultivation double the results for half the effort.

Go up the stairs to the second floor. There are only two rooms here. There is only one bed in each room. There is no seat bench and no items on the bed.

It doesn’t matter. Yang Xuan and Su Ziyao received daily necessities from the Sundries Hall. Su Ziyao took these things out, and soon put a quilt on the bed, a chair, a bench, a coffee table, etc. , The two rooms also have a new look.

After spending a while on the big bed in the room, Yang Xuan and Su Ziyao came to the lobby on the first floor to study the identity token.

There is an array in this identity token. The magic is endless. You can search for many useful things by sinking your mind into the array, such as the benefits and sect rules of the Sword God Palace, and the map of the outer sect Divine City Projection, this map can be large or small, it seems to be the epitome of the entire Divine City. With this map, you don’t have to go everywhere like a headless fly.

In addition, there are many other things in the identity token, such as Sect contribution point, friend list, camera and so on.

Sect contribution point: In the future, as long as the Sect task is completed, the contribution point obtained will be injected into the identity token, which is connected to the Divine City array, and everyone’s Sect contribution point will be recorded , No one should think of random changes.

Friends list: You only need to leave a trace in your identity token, and you can call and contact within a hundred miles. If the relationship is close, you can also set up a video call, as long as it does not exceed 10 li, both of them can see each other’s projection, which is convenient and fast.

Camera: This is a good feature. If someone moves you rough, the video you record is the evidence. Give it to the Divine City Law Enforcement Palace. People who violate the sect rules will not be able to jump into the Yellow River. To clear, to be punished severely, to expel from the door.

One hour later, everyone gathered in the yard. After everyone took out their identity tokens and added friends to each other, they left the Xingchen Courtyard and planned to find a dining hall in Nancheng for a big meal.

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