绗琗NUMX绔 涓€鍓戝鍓戝

鍩庨棬杩椤 ammonia jade

Chu Hao 鍙槸涓€镒o纴渚垮皢Red Shadow Sword 鎷斾 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍩庡涓嫔铡 鍩庡涓嫔铡 鍩庡涓嫔铡

鈥滈兘缁欐垜钖潃锛屾棤璁哄浣曢兘瑕佸湪杩欓噷姝诲畧锛佲€濋偅钖嶅啖瀹濋偅钖嶅啖瀹濋偅钖嶅啖瀹け绁炰竴涓嫔け绁炰竴涓嫔锲炶锲炶浜嗛琼鏉ワ纴鈥滀 浜嗗叏鍩庣殑锏 浜嗗叏鍩庣殑锏 锛屼 锛屼 浜嗕綘浠殑 佺埗 佺埗 佺埗 佺埗 佺埗 佺埗 瀹氲鍦ㄨ 瀹氲鍦ㄨ 瀹氲鍦ㄨ 瀹氲鍦ㄨ 瀹氲鍦ㄨ 瀹氲鍦ㄨ 瀹氲鍦ㄨ瀹堬紒鈥

鈥滃紦绠 缁 缁 灏勭锛屽叾浠栦 灏勭锛屽叾浠栦 灏勭锛屽叾浠栦 灏勭锛屽叾浠栦 灏勭锛屽叾浠栦

鈥沧槸锛佲 濅紬澹叺杞 濅紬澹叺杞 濅紬澹叺杞 濅紬澹叺杞 劧搴旈 劧搴旈 劧搴旈 劧搴旈 鍏靛櫒涓嬩 鍏靛櫒涓嬩 鍏靛櫒涓嬩 鍏靛櫒涓嬩 鍏靛櫒涓嬩

Hey! Hey! Hey!

鍩庡锛岄偅terrifying 镄刅icious Beast 澶у啖寮€濮嬩简绉诲姩銆

Chu Hao 鏉ュ埌鍩庝笅锛屽彧瑙佷笂涓嫔紑钖堢殑鍩庨棬宸叉槸琚敓鐢熸挒镰翠涓涓涓ぇ娲烇纴涓ぇ娲烇纴岄偅澶岄偅澶村叕鐗涘彧鎾炶繘浜嗕竴鍗婄殑韬綋锛屼笁鍙鼓掓柇浜嗕袱鍙纴瓒掓柇浜嗕袱鍙纴瓒掓柇浜嗕袱鍙纴瓒潃涓锷ㄤ笉锷纴浼锷ㄤ笉锷纴浼锷ㄤ笉锷纴浼炰箣涓嬫寕鎺変 銆

杩欐湁涓ソ澶勶纴锲犱 鍏 鍏     搴炲ぇ镄勪綋鍨嬶纴钖屾牱璧 搴炲ぇ镄勪綋鍨嬶纴钖屾牱璧   锛岄偅涔堜 锛岄偅涔堜 cious Vicious Beast 嶈兘杩涙潵銆

鈥滃 pile 锛佲 濅竴澶 濅竴澶 village angolin 澶 竴涓﹄粠瑁傜绅涓 竴涓﹄粠瑁傜绅涓 竴涓﹄粠瑁傜绅涓 浜呜繘鏉ワ纴鍢纴瀹冧竴杩涙潵渚 伃鍒 伃鍒 伃鍒 畧鍗殑鎷〉ご涓€鍒€锛屽彧鏄畠镄勯碁鐢锛屽彧鏄畠镄勯碁鐢嫢嫢夊夊澶殑阒殑阒殑阒灞呯劧鍙槸灏嗗畠灞呯劧鍙槸灏嗗畠灞呯劧鍙槸灏嗗畠灞呯劧鍙槸灏嗗畠撹撹鍦ㄤ鍦 鍦 笂锛屽苟娌¤兘浼ゅ鍒 畠銆

Pangolin 鑹 毦鍦 皢鏁 皢鏁 皢鏁 皢鏁 皢鏁 皢鏁 皢鏁 皢鏁 . . . . . .. 鐒剁殑鍒╅娇锛屽镌€all around 镄勫畧鍗 piles 钖 钖 捣鏉ャ

绱ф帴镌€锛屽张鏄竴澶碦ed Tailed Raccoon 阍讳 杩囨潵銆

鈥沧潃锛佲 濆畧鍗 濆畧鍗 濆畧鍗 绾 悍澶 悍澶 彨锛屾尌鍒 彨锛屾尌鍒 鎸ゆ柀銆 鎸ゆ柀銆

锲犱 鍏ュ彛澶皬锛孷icious Beast 铏界劧鍦ㄥ闱 (2) 嫢 chain 夊 sign 澶 殑鍐涢槦锛屽彲浠呰兘涓 鍙彧鍦 鍙彧鍦 鍙彧鍦 鍙彧鍦 氲 氲 氲 氲鍦 镄勫 镄勫 锷╀箣涓嬶纴鍙嶅 锷╀箣涓嬶纴鍙嶅 掓槸浜 掓槸浜 掓槸浜 掓槸浜 掓槸浜 掓槸浜 掓槸浜 杩欐 杩欐 杩欐 杩欐 杩欐 杩欐 杩欐 €

涔卞垁 愭柀锛岄ザ鏄疺 icious Beast 镄勯槻寰 °C 瀬寮 纴瑕佷篃鏋 笉浣忚 笉浣忚 笉浣忚 柀杩囨潵锛孷 柀杩囨潵锛孷 柀杩囨潵锛孷 柀杩囨潵锛孷 柀杩囨潵锛孷 柀杩囨潵锛孷 柀杩囨潵锛孷 柀杩囨潵锛孷 柀杩囨潵锛孷 柀杩囨潵锛孷 柀杩囨潵锛孷厛澶撮儴阒熷緢蹇 琚柀鏉 锛岄矞琛 锛岄矞琛 锛岄矞琛 锛岄矞琛 寮ユ 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 ュ懗鍗佽 ュ懗鍗佽

鈥滃緢濂 纴灏辫 纴灏辫 纴灏辫 镙 畧浣忥紒鈥濋偅钖嶅啖瀹 畧浣忥紒鈥濋偅钖嶅啖瀹 畧浣忥紒鈥濋偅钖嶅啖瀹 畧浣忥紒鈥濋偅钖嶅啖瀹 畧浣忥紒鈥濋偅钖嶅啖瀹 缁忎笅浜嗗煄澧欙纴鈥滃彧瑕佹垜浠殑 缁忎笅浜嗗煄澧欙纴鈥滃彧瑕佹垜浠殑 缁忎笅浜嗗煄澧欙纴鈥滃彧瑕佹垜浠殑 ious ious娼殑棣栭鏉€鎺夛纴杩欎簺Vicious Beast 灏 镊︼阃 镊︼阃 鏁 鏁 鏁 紒鈥

Vicious Beast 娌 簨涔熶笉浼氲仈钖堣捣鏉ユ敾鍩庣帺锛岃 簨涔熶笉浼氲仈钖堣捣鏉ユ敾鍩庣帺锛岃 屾槸鐢 屾槸鐢 竴澶 垨 垨 垨 垨 cious cious cious cious cious cious cious cious cious cious cious cious Vicious Beast涓茶仈锛屽埄鐢ㄦ湰韬己澶х殑铡嬭揩锷涘佛浠よ捣浜嗗叾浠栦绠绾icious Beast 锛岃 Umbrella Gallium 崭 (2)垚Vicious Beast 娼紒

笌镄备笌镄 igh igh level Vicious Beast 瓒婂锛岄偅涔埚紩鍙戠殑Vicious Beast 娼篃瑙勬ā瓒婂ぇ銆傞€Arg father 鏉ヨ锛屼竴澶碫ajra Realm 镄刅icious Beast 鑳 涓囧彧宸 涓囧彧宸 涓囧彧宸 cious cious cious Vicious Beast 锛岄偅涔堟寜杩欎 勬 勬 勬 浼 锛屾娆 锛屾娆 簲璇ユ湁鍗佸嚑鍙猇 簲璇ユ湁鍗佸嚑鍙猇 簲璇ユ湁鍗佸嚑鍙猇 ra ra ra Realm 镄刅icious Beast 锛

Chain 夊煄闂ㄥ彲瀹堬纴浜 杩栾 杩栾 繘鍩庨棬镄刅 繘鍩庨棬镄刅 繘鍩庨棬镄刅 繘鍩庨棬镄刅 繘鍩庨棬镄刅 ious ious 伞涔堟潵涓€鍙潃涓€鍙纴鍙纴屽煄澶翠绠绨灏勶纴钖屾牱瀵筕绠绨灏勶纴钖屾牱瀵筕icious Beast 缇ら€犳垚浜嗙浉褰撶殑犳垚浜嗙浉褰撶殑揿揿銆

Nourish! Nourish!

鍙 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 镞讹纴鍦 镞讹纴鍦 ご鍏 ご鍏 ご鍏 ご鍏 ご鍏 ご鍏 ご鍏 ご鍏

涓嶆槸瀹冮啋杩囨潵鍙堟垨 呰缮 呰缮 呰缮 呰缮 屾槸琚 屾槸琚 屾槸琚 屾槸琚 绉嶅 绉嶅 澶 澶 澶 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑

鈥淣ot good 锛屽揩镣规姄浣忛偅澶碫icious Beast 锛岀粷涓嶈兘璁╁ぇ闂ㄦ晕寮€锛佲€濋偅钖嶅啖瀹桦厛鏄竴镒o纴鐒跺悗绔嫔埢钖 悗绔嫔埢钖 銆傝鏄 銆傝鏄 銆傝鏄 銆傝鏄 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅 紑锛屾秾杩涙潵镄刅涓€鍙﹄袱鍙﹄简銆

绔嫔埢灏 湁鍗佸嚑涓﹄ 湁鍗佸嚑涓﹄ 戜 戜 戜 戜 戜 戜 戜 涓婂幓锛屾姝诲湴灏嗛偅澶



“Come a little more! Let’s meet some more!” The officer was yelled.

Someone rushed up, because the giant bull was unable to start, and had to hold the waist and legs of the people in front.

But the bull’s body is still moving outward!


All around people are shocked, what kind of monster is Vicious Beast outside, how is Strength so terrifying?


At this moment, the bulls, including a lot of people hanging on it, the speed of the movement increased sharply, and the whole city gate was broken! I saw a giant orangutan with a height of ten meters standing at the gate of the city gate, and the right arm made a moving posture, and the bull had been flying far away!

– including a dozen people who are tightly grasped on it!


The bull’s body fell into the back of the Vicious Beast group, and dozens of Vicious Beast snarled and attacked immediately. The human screams suddenly made a big hit! It was still humans who squeezed into the city’s Vicious Beast with a partial number of advantages. In the blink of an eye, the situation immediately reversed, turning Vicious Beast into a manpower guard against the orders.

Fortunately, in the previous move, some people couldn’t catch it and let go of their hands, otherwise the number of people who were thrown out would be even more!

But everyone has no time to think about this, because the gates are wide open and the Vicious Beast army is pouring in!


Everyone is a big shout, and Vicious Beast must be blocked here, because here humans still have the advantage of terrain, forming a small number of balances in the range, otherwise let Vicious Beast all into the city, then it will be finished.

Hey, Red Shadow Sword came out of the sheath and Chu Hao killed it without a word.

puff! puff! puff!

The Rising Cloud Sword Technique unfolded, and the speed was so fast that a red-red ray of light danced, and immediately there were three Vicious Beast spurting between the necks.

When he killed this, he immediately improved his morale and made everyone around him screaming and rushing out with weapons.

This is a dead battle!

Vicious Beast will not have any pity and will not accept surrender! Not you die or I die!

Chu Hao has a hollow heart and moves under his feet. The top five of Rising Cloud Sword Technique keeps running. He maintains a very high Slaughter efficiency, and up to three swords can kill a Vicious Beast. But Sixth Style can’t be used lightly. It takes too long to accumulate power and there is still about three seconds of fatigue after it is used. It is too dangerous to play here!

Slaughter four!

Vicious Beast has fallen all the time, and there are also human corpses.

Bang! Bang!

The gorilla was very difficult to get in from the gate. It was too large, and the wall was a little shaken, and dust was falling from the top, as if it were an earthquake.

“Kill the orangutan, never let it in!” Chu Hao said immediately, first to kill the giant behemoth.

The big guy’s Strength has reached at least five or six 10.000 catties, and the destructive power is too terrifying!

“How come the master has not come to support?” Someone anxiously yelled. The basics of fighting here are the Lesser Ascension Realm and the Middle Ascension Realm. As long as there is a Great Ascension Realm Vicious Beast, it will be a huge blow to them.

“I can’t manage that much, stop this Vicious Beast!” Others also shouted, the destructive power of this gorilla is absolutely terrifying!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The sword is snarling, but the gorilla is just waving in front of one arm, and it will make everyone sway, and in front of at least 5th-Grade’s Great Ascension Realm Vicious Beast, they are too weak.

Chu Hao took a deep breath and he must make a difference and make a decision!

Rising Cloud Sword Technique Sixth Style !

Can’t manage that much!

Red Shadow Sword tilted and the tip of the sword fell slightly, and Chu Hao entered the state of power.

Because all around and others are attacking gorilla, this gives Chu Hao the chance to make a big move. The three seconds is actually very short, the Red Shadow Sword trembles slightly, and the Treasure Tool on the wrist also flows out of the powerful Strength.

At this time, Chu Hao will still want to hide the problem of strength!

Go all out!


He figured out and rushed toward Gorilla.

Gorilla apparently didn’t put him in his eyes, just dancing one arm at random, and the other hand was still moving his body.


Chu Hao’s mind suddenly became empty and clear, time became slow in his eyes, and gorilla’s attack was clearly resolved. His body changed and his feet moved like drunk.

But he miraculously escaped the gorilla’s blow!

Being able to do this, in addition to Chu Hao’s own powerful analytical skills, is also because other people are attacking at the same time, distracting gorilla’s attention, otherwise at least 5th-Grade Great Ascension Realm’s attack speed, he is It is impossible to escape!

But in any case, Chu Hao did escape the attack of gorilla!

Now… it’s time for him to fight!

Red Shadow Sword out!

Chu Hao pushes the sword and takes gorilla’s right eye!

What about Vicious Beast, the eyes are definitely the weakest part!

In the eyes of Gorilla, there is a hint of fierceness, and there is even more fear!


The tip of the sword pierced!

How sharp is Red Shadow Sword, plus the most last style of Rising Cloud Sword Technique, and the combination of Chu Hao itself and Treasure Tool is up to 10.000 catties! This sword has no sword handle!

“Hey–” Gorilla screamed with an earth-shattering roar. The huge body trembled fiercely. Hey, it shook the wall, and under the pain, a stronger Strong broke out. It was actually squeezing the body!

Chu Hao stabbed a sword and was weak and weak. He barely pulled out the sword and his body retreated backwards softly.

Gorilla climbed up, blood squirting in his right eye, letting it roar and dance with pain, his arms swaying, not only the human army crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, even Vicious Beast was killed by it!

It has entered a violent state, regardless of the enemy, it is completely killing!

Chu Hao is rushing to gasp, Rising Cloud Sword Technique’s last style instantly dumps his Strength, but fortunately, Gorilla is now in a state of insanity, not deliberately targeting him!

Even so, he was flung out of the violent force, and his clothes became ruined.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as people don’t hurt! As long as he breathes, he can slow down.

After a few seconds of gorilla’s frenzy, I finally came back to God, and I stared at Chu Hao, exuding the chill of the Hittites.

This weak human has actually hurt it!

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

It screamed and waved a hand and patted Chu Hao.

The wind is whistling, and there is a rock falling!

This is simply not hard to fight, the Strength gap is too big! Chu Hao has no hesitation, and immediately runs out!

Gorilla also chased up with the slightest hesitation, it must kill this abominable human!

One person and one immediately launched a fierce chase.

(ps: bragging, to be a dragon, plus group: 273857096)

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