绗琗NUMX绔 骞 insert old man

鍙槸鍗佸垎阍熶箣钖庯纴Chu Hao 灏 拺涓崭綇浜嗭纴鍒 拺涓崭綇浜嗭纴鍒 湴涓 涓嬩粠宀╃煶涓婃粦浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴鎺夎繘浜嗘箹 涓嬩粠宀╃煶涓婃粦浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴鎺夎繘浜嗘箹屻€

浠栨 鍒 鍒 杈癸纴 奴 h slave h slave h slave 鍦 孎 孎 孎 Fire 孎 孎 孎 Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire铡熸湰钃涧镄勬瘘鍙戝叏閮ㄨ 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒

鈥淗ahahaha 锛佲€滳hu Hao 涓岖澶х瑧锛屾皵寰桭lying Fire 寮犵潃灏忓槾瀵圭潃浠栦竴阒靛挰銆

Chu Hao 鎭(一)浜嗕綋锷涗箣钖庯纴鍐嶆璧板埌鐎戝竷涔嬩笅寮€濮嬩简淇偧銆

杩欑粷瀵 槸涓 浠剁棝鑻 浠剁棝鑻 殑浜嬫儏锛屼絾鏁堟灉涔熷崄鍒嗘樉钁楋紒 殑浜嬫儏锛屼絾鏁堟灉涔熷崄鍒嗘樉钁楋紒

褰撶粏鑳炶揪鍒 瀬闄愮殑镞跺 欙纴 欙纴 欙纴 hu Chu Hao 鍙戠幇浠栫殑Strength 鎻 *鍒 简 X X 200鏂わ紒

As 涓嶅涓夊ぉ涔嫔悗锛屾垜灏辫兘杈 埌 Great Ascension Realm 浜嗭紒鈥滳hu Hao 锽冨杻璇撮 Hao 滀笉杩囷纴瀵 滀笉杩囷纴瀵 滀笉杩囷纴瀵 簬 簬 Stone Star Stone 镄勬秷 椾篃鏄ぇ骞呮彁鍗囷紒鎴戠幇鍦ㄦ 椾篃鏄ぇ骞呮彁鍗囷紒鎴戠幇鍦ㄦ 椾笁鍏嫔 椾笁鍏嫔 椾笁鍏嫔 椾笁鍏嫔 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴Star Stone 鎴戠敤涓奨 鎴戠敤涓奨 鎴戠敤涓奨 鎴戠敤涓奨 鎴戠敤涓奨 鎴戠敤涓奨 鎴戝拰 鎴戝拰 鎴戝拰 eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 楃殑 楃殑 楃殑 楃殑锛岀湡涓岖煡阆撹兘澶熸拺涓婂涔咃紒鈥


褰撶粏鑳炶揪鍒 ケ钖堜箣钖庯纴 ケ钖堜箣钖庯纴 Chu Hao 璐熻捣浜嗕竴鍧楄 璐熻捣浜嗕竴鍧楄 夌栌鏂ら 夌栌鏂ら 镄勫ぇ鐭 镄勫ぇ鐭 ご锛屽湪灞 ご锛屽湪灞 ご锛屽湪灞 ご锛屽湪灞 ご锛屽湪灞 ご锛屽湪灞 ご锛屽湪灞 ご锛屽湪灞 ご锛屽湪灞 ご锛屽湪灞 ご锛屽湪灞 ご锛屽湪灞窇銆

浠栫幇鍦ㄧ殑鏋侀檺Strength 鎺ヨ繎10.000 catties 锛屽彲骞多笉鏄嫢 chain塜NUMX catties 涔嫔姏灏辫兘瑙嗙栌鏂や负镞犵墿鈥斺€斿湪鐭椂闂村唴纭疄鍙互锛屼絾镞堕棿涓锛屼絾镞堕棿涓闀闀闀栌鏂ゅ栌鏂ゅ浼浼彉寰楀儚鍗冩枻銆乆NUMX catties 闾d箞娌夐 tons銆

浠栧紑濮嫔帇姒ㄨ嚜宸 殑娼滃姏锛岃缁呜 殑娼滃姏锛岃缁呜 殑娼滃姏锛岃缁呜 殑娼滃姏锛岃缁呜 涓崭絾鍦 涓崭絾鍦 涓崭絾鍦 涓崭絾鍦

鏅 鏅 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 澶砀 ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur捣浜呜倝鏉ワ纴浣嗗畠镄勫皬纰庣堕镙 湰鍜笉寮 夊潡锛孋 夊潡锛孋 hu Hao 渚垮皢 夊潡鎾曟垚浜嗕竴鏉 夊潡鎾曟垚浜嗕竴鏉 °C浔缁椤畠锽Simple

灏忓浼欑粓鏄钖冭倝镄勶纴涓嶈 CChu Hao 鍙笉鎯 吇涓 澶 澶 澶 澶 倝镄刅 倝镄刅 倝镄刅 倝镄刅 倝镄刅 倝镄刅 倝镄刅 倝镄刅 倝镄刅 倝镄刅 倝镄刅 倝镄刅Fire 钖 啛 啛 夛纴鍏 垚涔犳傥涔嫔悗锛岄偅涔埚畠 垚涔犳傥涔嫔悗锛岄偅涔埚畠 佷 佷 佷 浜 浜 浜 嚜鐒 嚜鐒 嚜鐒 嚜鐒 嚜鐒

涓€鏅hydrogen 笂杩囧幓锛孋hu Hao 鍙堟姇鍏ュ埌浜呜壈鑻》殑淇偧涔嬩腑銆

绗簩澶╋纴浠栫殑Strength 澧炲箙灏 澧炲箙灏 夐偅涔埚じ寮犱 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜庝Interactive 200鏂ゆ彁鍗囧埌浜哫NUMX鏂ゃ€

浠栧紑濮嬫湇鐢‵ire Root Pill 銆

杩欑 medicinal pill 搴旇鏄疐ire Spirit Pill 镄勨 缉姘 缉姘 缉姘 hu hu Hao 镄勬劅 夊拰 夊拰 岖敤 Fire Spirit Pill 宸笉澶 纴鍙槸鍐Insert 镐 灏忓缑澶 灏忓缑澶 灏忓缑澶 纴鐩 纴鐩 鏉ヨ姣旇缉娓╁拰锛岃槠鐒 粛浼 粛浼 粛浼 粛浼 瀹氱殑鍐 瀹氱殑鍐 瀹氱殑鍐 瀹氱殑鍐 瀹氱殑鍐 瀹氱殑鍐 锛屼絾鐩镐俊涓€澶┿€佹渶澶Hydrogen 澶嶃€

鍦ㄩ当澶栫己灏惭icic 锛孋hu Hao 杩樻槸 撶畻瀹夊叏涓 撶畻瀹夊叏涓 镣癸纴姣忛殧涓ゅぉ 镣癸纴姣忛殧涓ゅぉ 岖敤涓 棰楋纴鍐嶈浜嗭纴涓 棰楋纴鍐嶈浜嗭纴涓 棰楋纴鍐嶈浜嗭纴涓Change

涓夊ぉ涔嫔悗锛孋hu Hao 镄凷trength breakthrough 浜哫NUMX catties 锛岃 杩涗 Great Great Ascension Realm 锛


Chu Hao 镒熷弹镌 浣揿唴镄凷 trength 锛屽 澶 澶 殑鎺ㄨ鑳 殑鎺ㄨ鑳 鍦 drama ‘鍦板憡璇変粬鐜板湪镄凷trength 绌剁珶鏄灏戏纴浣As村拰Middle Ascension Realm 銆丩esser Ascension Realm 链変粈涔堣川镄勫尯鍒€[€〉畲鍏ㄦ病镒熻鍒帮紒

灏 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 殑鎻愬崌锛屾 殑鎻愬崌锛屾 殑鎻愬崌锛屾 殑鎻愬崌锛屾 殑鎻愬崌锛屾 殑鎻愬崌锛屾 殑鎻愬崌锛屾 殑鎻愬崌锛屾 殑鎻愬崌锛屾 殑鎻愬崌锛屾

Seto generously

Chu Hao 涓€澶╁ぉ淇偧镌€锛孲trength 鎻愬崌镄勫悓镞讹纴浣挞瓌涔熷湪澧炲己镌€銆备粬镄勮倢粬镄勮倢変竴澶╂瘮涓澶╅紦璧凤纴韬綋姝e湪蹇€熸垚闀匡纴闀块珮銆佸彉寰楀. 纭曘€

鈥滀箣鍓嶆彁鍗囩殑鏄瀬闄 tr trength 锛岃 岄 岄 岄 氲 氲 鑹 鑹 鑹 嫤镄勯敾缁冿纴鍒欐槸鎻愬崌 嫤镄勯敾缁冿纴鍒欐槸鎻愬崌 嫤镄勯敾缁冿纴鍒欐槸鎻愬崌婂 涓皬镞跺 涓皬镞跺 涓皬镞跺 涓皬镞跺 屾垜鍙 屾垜鍙 屾垜鍙 屾垜鍙 屾垜鍙 屾垜鍙 屾垜鍙 屾垜鍙 屾垜鍙 屾垜鍙 屾垜鍙 涓皬镞 涓皬镞

Chu Hao 鐜 湪 湪 鑳岀殑鐭 鑳岀殑鐭 鑳岀殑鐭 ご宸茬粡鎹 ご宸茬粡鎹 ご宸茬粡鎹 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一湪蹇冧腑璇撮 or or 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 沦 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣 镄凣Han Yu Umbrella 绉崭 绉崭 绉崭 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴 镣硷纴

鈥沧垜涔熶笉鑳 緭锛佲

Chu Hao 镄勫疄锷沘dvanced by leaps and bounds 锛岃揪鍒 涓 涓囦袱鍗冩枻镄勫 涓囦袱鍗冩枻镄勫 涓囦袱鍗冩枻镄勫 锷涳纴 锷涳纴 锷涳纴 屾洿鏄 屾洿鏄 屾洿鏄 屾洿鏄鍖栧垯鏄粬镄勭毊 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩 ゅ彉寰梩撶槠鍗 瓙锛屽緢闅 瓙锛屽緢闅 瓙锛屽緢闅 垝镰

鈥沧垜鐜 湪鏄庣槠涓 粈涔坢 粈涔坢artial artist 镄勭锲涗 Re Realm 瑕佽绉 负 V Vajra Realm 浜嗭紒鈥

鈥 毊 毊           

鈥 幇鍦ㄦ垜瀵 笂 aj Vajra Realm 镄勮瘽锛屼 鏄叏锷涙尌鏂╋纴 Red Shadow Sword 鍙堣兘镰 Village 紑 Vajra Realm 镄勭毊 ゅ悧锛熲 ゅ悧锛熲

“Ably impossible!”

鈥滃彧 夌溂閮ㄣ 佸槾閮ㄣ 佸槾閮ㄣ 佸槾閮ㄣ 佸槾閮ㄣ 湹杩欎簺澶╃敓镆旇 湹杩欎簺澶╃敓镆旇 湹杩欎簺澶╃敓镆旇 湹杩欎簺澶╃敓镆旇 湹杩欎簺澶╃敓镆旇 镄勯儴浣嶆墠鑳 镄勯儴浣嶆墠鑳 镄勯儴浣嶆墠鑳 镄勯儴浣嶆墠鑳 aj aj aj aj aj aj Vajra Realm Martial artist chain 変 阒 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 浜涢儴浣嶅 浜涢儴浣嶅 镐庝箞鍙兘琚墦鍒 镐庝箞鍙兘琚墦鍒 镐庝箞鍙兘琚墦鍒 镐庝箞鍙兘琚墦鍒

鈥沧垜鐜板湪鍜孋hi Zhong 镄勫樊璺濆緢澶э紒鈥

鈥滀絾涓 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹

鈥滃洜涓 垜鑳 垜鑳 钖 彇 彇 彇 Star Stone 锛岃 鏄垜 鏄垜 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶

Chu Hao 镄勮繘姝ュ緢蹇纴 孎 孎 Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire 劧娌 湁杩 湁杩 Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao Hao璁 纴鏄 纴鏄 ず鍑哄 澶 澶 澶 殑娼滃姏銆 Great Great Great Great Great Great Ascension Realm As 殑 other other other other As As As As As

涓 浜 浜 竴璞 竴璞 竴璞 殑鑳冨彛瓒婃潵瓒婂ぇ锛岃 殑鑳冨彛瓒婃潵瓒婂ぇ锛岃 殑鑳冨彛瓒婃潵瓒婂ぇ锛岃 堜笅鏉ワ纴闄勮繎镄刅 堜笅鏉ワ纴闄勮繎镄刅 堜笅鏉ワ纴闄勮繎镄刅 ious susious Beast 镞╁ 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鐭ラ Be Be Be澶 殑钖冭揣锛屽 殑钖冭揣锛屽 殑钖冭揣锛屽 缁忚涓嶅皯 Vicious Beast 鎸︻猃浜嗐 啀锷犱笂涓崭箙鍓嶆墠鐖嗗彂浜嗕竴娆 effect 吔娼纴杩欓噷镄刅icious Beast 涔熸秷Key 楁瀬澶э纴Chu Hao 鐚涘湴鍙戠幇涓€涓Press 闱€闱10€斺€斾粬鎹曟崏涓嶅埌Vicious Beast 鏉ュ~楗辫倸瀛愪 锛

瀵诲 镄 il ild beast 涓嶆槸涓嶈兘钖冿纴浣呜倝璐ㄤ腑镄勮兘 锛屼 锛屼 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔ 浠栫幇鍦╔疄锷涳纴浼 涓 澶╄呖灏戝缑钖冧笂鍑犲崄鏂ゆ墠澶燂纴闾 澶╄呖灏戝缑钖冧笂鍑犲崄鏂ゆ墠澶燂纴闾 澶╄呖灏戝缑钖冧笂鍑犲崄鏂ゆ墠澶燂纴闾 鐪熸垚钖冭揣浜嗐 鐪熸垚钖冭揣浜嗐 鐪熸垚钖冭揣浜嗐

Chu Hao had to expand the scope of hunting, how to cultivate hungry?

Another month passed.

Chu Hao’s Strength has two 10.000 catties. This promotion is an acceleration. He can now promote 300’s Strength every day. It is no problem to reach Vajra Realm in the New Year’s Day.

Flying Fire reached 18,000 kilograms, and the little guy grew up in a circle, his teeth grew quite a bit, and he didn’t need Chu Hao to tear it into strips when he was eating meat. Moreover, the little guy was really raised by Chu Hao to eat cooked meat. The raw meat is only smelling. Even if he is hungry, he will choose to wait for Chu Hao to roast the meat and eat it.

The impact of this waterfall could not make Chu Hao feel stressed, and the nearby Vicious Beast was eaten clean by him and Flying Fire. He planned to change places and find a bigger waterfall.

He searched for a long time and found another waterfall in a slightly deeper mountain. This waterfall is going to be mostly. From the height of more than 200 meters, the water that has rebounded has reached more than 30 meters, forming a piece. The misty water vapor is very spectacular.

“This is it!” Chu Hao was very satisfied.

He worked hard, but the Flying Fire was a little guy, naughty, and Vicious Beast had the consciousness of the territory. Every day, in addition to cultivation, he would patrol nearby, soaking up the urine and doing the enclosure.

Two days later, Flying Fire suddenly bite Chu Hao’s trousers and Chu Hao was afraid that the little guy would bite his clothes and had to follow the Flying Fire. They went around the waterfall and found behind a small bush. A very secret cave entrance.

Chu Hao just stood at the entrance of the cave, and immediately felt that there was a cold cold chill, and the blood of his body was frozen.

He couldn’t help but fight a cold war. This hole is too weird. If people really want to walk in, will they freeze their blood?

The Flying Fire turned around Chu Hao’s feet and seemed to be in the hustle of Chu Hao.

Chu Hao quickly shook his head and said: “This is like an ice cave. Go in and be careful and never come out! Forget it, let’s continue to practice!” He grabbed the neck of the leopard and lifted it up. It is the big eyes that sprout, and it seems to be begging.

“No, it doesn’t work!” Chu Hao, although he likes to explore, is obviously a dead thing, he will never do it.

After the Leopard protested a few times, it was only a part of it.

It was two days later. In the middle of the night, Chu Hao was sleeping well, but he heard a loud noise and woke him up. Flying Fire also raised his ears alertly, showing his alert.

call out!

A figure passed by, under the moonlight night, barely can be distinguished, this is a thin old man, holding a cane in his right hand. But when Chu Hao looked at the person’s face, he couldn’t help but squat.

Is this really a person? It’s completely dry!

The whole head is completely covered with a layer of skin, and both eyes are even falling out and hanging on the cheeks! I saw it in the middle of the night. Who can not feel the hair?

– This old man is a big slaughter’s terrifying expert in Peaceful Ash Mountain in the last few months, causing the Vicious Beast tide, causing a lot of casualties in East Cloud City, Yue City, Yellow Dragon City!

Unfortunately, Chu Hao does not know.

When Chu Hao saw the old man, the old man also found him at the same time. He suddenly smiled and his body was tilted. He fell to Chu Hao and extended his left hand to catch Chu Hao.

An indescribable sense of crisis rose in Chu Hao’s mind. He slammed, Red Shadow Sword was out of the way, but the sword had not yet risen, and his neck was pinched by the old man!

Nothing to fight back!

“Hey, just add something to Old Man!” old man smirked, opened his mouth, and showed two rows of white-sensing teeth, and he had to bite Chu Hao’s head and neck.

“Lu Congwen, still not allowed to die!” shout out loudly, another figure killed.

The old man slammed his mouth, and he did not pick up Chu Hao and continued to fly. He cried, “I have no complaints with the Ling family. Why do you have to work hard?”

When the person behind “Chu Hao!” saw that the old man was holding Chu Hao, he could not cry out in surprise.

The old man was first squatted, then he smiled and said: “It’s a coincidence! Hey, if your Ling family wants to kill me, then I will suck his blood first!”

Chu Hao looked carefully, this second person was actually Yuan Shu!

“Lu Congwen, let people go, I can spare you not to die!” Yuan Shu solemnly said.

“gā gā gā, if the Old Man is too heavy, even if you are together, you are the enemy of Old Man! Now, taking advantage of Old Man, you dare to attack Old Man! Hey, you are not worthy of Old Man talks about the condition, the blood of this brat, Old Man is sucked, it is the first to collect interest, and then the Ling family will be cleaned up and down!” The old man slammed a mouthful of blood, but the figure is accelerated , opened the distance from Yuan Shu.


The blood he spit out did not fall to the ground and burned like a flame, burning in an instant.

After Yuan Shu chased for a few minutes, he suddenly stopped. It was completely ruined by the old man.

His cold sweat on his forehead, this time did not do what Lady Yun confessed, but also looked at Chu Hao was taken away, how to explain after returning?

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