Old Zhu’s Refiner Palace is like a forbidden area, and few people can usually approach it, let alone someone enters the Item Palace with him.

This time Old Zhu let Xiao Yun and Yuan Xing follow, intending to let two people watch.

This is an ancient Refiner room, in which neatly arranged cauldron of various ethnic groups, and utensils needed by Refiner.

Refiner, first tempering the fine iron, melting the Refiner embryo, this is an extremely complicated process, which also tests one’s endurance.

Only by smelting the purest can we sharpen sharp weapons.

The embryo is related to the formation of this weapon.

Often many people fail to reach the point where they will tempering in the process of smelting refined iron.

It is even more difficult to smelt into embryos.

Therefore, the difficulty of Refiner Dao is far from comparable to ordinary martial arts.

Especially for refining the Magic Item, the formation mark must be engraved after the device is completed.

Carving a formation mark, this must have a strong Mental Power and strength.

Furthermore, the Refiner must have a good understanding of Formation Dao.

To make Magic Item, at least you must have the cultivation level of Yuan Core Realm.

As for refining the Spiritual Item, it is even more difficult.

Spiritual Item, many high-level Monster Beast skeletons are used as materials. If you want to use this skeleton for midable power, you must have strong strength control, and you must control the seal carefully to hold the trace of the skeleton bloodlines. Bloodline’s Spirit, incorporated into the Formation.

Refining the Spiritual Item, even if you step into Yuan Soul Realm’s powerhouse, it may not be possible.

After entering the Refiner room, Old Zhu began to explain the basics of Refiner Dao for Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun also listened silently, it was always right to learn more.

Such as Formation!

On the last Battle Domain trip, if Xiao Yun didn’t understand the formation, he really couldn’t enter the Core Yuan Stage so smoothly.

Not even the ancient mountain in Heavenly Flame Mountain Range can set foot.

While explaining, Lord Old Zhu began to smelt the Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold stone, and Xiao Xiao and Yuan Xing watched it beside him.

“Smelting metal and stone is like refining Medicine Pill. You must control the heat, leave the essence and remove the chaff.” Old Zhu’s palm has a flicker of the flame, and is submerged into a quaint red tripod. Inside, there is one after another Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold stone.

The flame was scarlet-red, and when it appeared, it sent out a wave of terror.

The momentum contained in this flame even shook Xiao Yun’s Purple Flame Martial Spirit.

But the flame seemed very gentle, not at all exuding that overbearing momentum.

Xiao Yun looked at the flames with a stunned look, but his eyes seemed confused.


At this time, the Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold stone in cauldron has begun to be smelted, with golden golden gold flowing out.

This Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold is extremely hard and is a rare Refiner material, but under the True Fire tempering of Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse, it is still like a stone. Soon, one after another Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold stone is smelted and left in cauldron The next pool was exuded with hot and fluctuating red inflammation fluid.

“To repair the Magic Item, if there is a defect, you must fill it first, and inscribe the formation mark.” When Old Zhu said, he placed Heavenly Flame Halberd in the cauldron, where it had the appearance of a halberd embryo, like long halberd inlaid In it, a cluster of flames covered the halberd.

“If you want to repair the defect, you must first smelt some of it and re-refine it,” Old Zhu explained while controlling True Fire to smelt the Heavenly Flame Halberd blade. “This halberd blade is made from Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold and does not contain it. What is the power of Bloodlines, so even smelting will not affect its quality, but if you repair some Spiritual Items, you will have the power of Bloodlines to smelt, which will make the Magic Item lack. Even if the repair is successful, it is not the previous Magic. Item and even formidable power will plummet … “

Old Zhu flutters, while melting Heavenly Flame Halberd, explaining the things to pay attention to on Refiner Dao.

Although he had said these things before, it was easier to understand under the demonstration of Old Zhu at this time.

Some of them are deeply imprinted in my mind.

Xiao Yun’s understanding of Refiner Dao also deepened.

“Now it is reshaping the halberd.” Old Zhu’s eyes were frozen, his eyes were calm, he was watching Heavenly Flame Halberd inside Ding tightly. At this moment, he was like a Grandmaster, all the minds were melted into the Refiner, virtually Gives an inexplicable intent domain.

Xiao Yun stood beside him, could not help but respectfully.

The process of reshaping the halberd is very slow, Old Zhu seems to have spent all his energy to smelt.

Watching those Heavenly Flames continue to blend into the Halberd Blade, Xiao Yun’s heart became tense.


After the Heavenly Flame melted into a blade shape, Old Zhu flicked the palm, beside it was a curved spring of spiritual spring water poured into the halberd, and a burst of white smoke rose up, and immediately the Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold Began to cool, turning into a real halberd.

And when that halberd blade took shape, there was a powerful force invisible from the emergence of Old Zhu’s palm, which affected the reshaping of the halberd blade.

Looking closely, there seems to be a Yuan Qi sledgehammer evolved there.

Almost every corner of the Halberd has been tempered.


I don’t know how long, Old Zhu is finally relaxed.

“Finished?” Seeing Old Zhu relaxed, Xiao Yun eyes shined, staring at Ding inside tightly.

There, the halberd of Heavenly Flame Halberd was already formed.

The halberd blade is red, exuding an extremely intense and hot atmosphere, and the dazzling scarlet light flickers and is breathtaking.

Halberd is finally complete.

“Finally succeeded.” Xiao Yun relaxed, his eyes were full of joy.

At first, this halberd was lacking, it was a remnant soldier, but now the halberd is bright and dazzling.

There was a spirit of perspiration spreading in it, and at a glance, I knew it was not an ordinary weapon.

“The defect is repaired, and the next step is to repair the formation mark.” Old Zhu continued with a look, “It is easy to smelt the ice blade, but it will be more difficult to repair the formation mark. This must not only have a wealth of formation mark. Knowledge also requires strong strength control. “

“If the strength control is not enough, the formation mark will not be engraved, let alone make it seamlessly connect with the old texture.”

After speaking, Old Zhu took out Heavenly Flame Halberd, put it on a desk, and began preparing to repair the formation mark.

“You Heavenly Flame Halberd formation mark is too incomplete. You see here, it ’s intermittent, making you inject Fire Yuan into it and you ca n’t get a connection. It will waste a lot of True Yuan. When you look at it, it almost breaks. This It’s like a river. You suddenly build a dam in the middle and intercept the turbulent river. How can he sweep the river? “

“It’s not enough to rely on the overflowing river water,” Old Zhu said, pointing to some incomplete formation marks on Heavenly Flame Halberd.

Xiao Yun looked along the old Zhu ’s pump light. He also felt this when using Heavenly Flame Halberd. The Fire Yuan injection was powerful and difficult to come out, as if it was blocked by something. After such a simple analysis by Old Zhu, Everything is clear.

“These formation marks are vague, and it is difficult to accumulate too many True Fires …” Old Zhu repeatedly pointed out the incompleteness of Heavenly Flame Halberd.

Beside, Xiao Yun and Yuan Xing both listened in silence and looked very serious.

This is a rare learning opportunity.

After Old Zhu explained it, he began to use yuan strength to erase some incomplete formation marks on Heavenly Flame Halberd.

If you want to repair the formation mark, you must erase some incomplete and continue.

Seemingly simple work, but difficult to do as heavenly ascension.

You know, this Heavenly Flame Halberd is a Spiritual Item. The hardness is so strong that even Yuan Core Realm cultivator cannot break it.

The formation mark engraved on it will be deeply embedded into it like a burnt mark. It is too difficult to erase the trace.

This is the real difficulty in repairing Magic Item.

Even Old Zhu was cautiously done, concentrated attention completely, not to talk to Xiao Yun.

This process lasted for a full day, and Old Zhu erased some formation marks, and then started to describe the new formation mark.

“Inscription formation mark requires not only strong yuan strength support, but also a strong Soul Power.” At this time Old Zhu said, “This is the real test of people’s hearts. Many people can’t be successful, but they are defeated by the inscription. formation mark. “

“You have to look carefully.” After saying a word, he began to engraving the formation mark.

The engraving of the formation mark pays attention to the end-to-end connection, and even if it is repaired, it must be done step by step.

Xiao Yun and Yuan Xing stared at the front tightly, watching Old Zhu engraving the formation mark.

The engraving formation mark has a special tool, which is a trowel, also known as a stylus pen. It is made of rare metals.

Old Zhu started, the trowel moved very slowly, and every moment it seemed cautiously, it seemed to condense all his mind.

At the same time, there was a yuan strength in his palm that poured into the guillotine.

Every stroke, every line, and the inscription of the lines is like a painstaking effort.

When the trowel fell, Xiao Yun’s heart was beating, and it seemed that the pulse frequency of own was already in sync with it.

He could even feel the mood of Old Zhu at this time.

At this point Old Zhu was completely immersed in the inscription runes.

At this point, Xiao Yun has become more respectful of Refiner.

This profession is harder than pill refining and requires more energy.


Time passed, but it seemed to Xiao Yun and the others that it was completely still. Until three days later, Old Zhu’s stab in the hand was a stroke, and finally he left Heavenly Flame Halberd, and at this time he was also deeply relieved. Tones, the tense nerves all relaxed.

Xiao Yun and Yuan Xing next to me also felt inexplicably relaxed.

Before that, not only them, but even this space was completely influenced by Old Zhu, and fell into an inexplicable realm.

“Finally succeeded.” Old Zhu picked up Heavenly Flame Halberd and looked left and right. After discovering everything flawless, there was a ray of light in that old eye, which looks similar to an artwork completed by own. Feeling quite relieved.

In fact, repairing a Spiritual Item is harder than refining it.

Because when refining the Spiritual Item and engraving runes, it can be done in one go.

But in the process of repair, you still have to connect with the runes left by the predecessors.

This connection is the most test of human skills!

Seeing the runes on Heavenly Flame Halberd re-engraved, Xiao Yun also had a smile on his face.

“You try.” Old Zhu handed Heavenly Flame Halberd to Xiao Yun.

“Well.” Xiao Yun took Heavenly Flame Halberd and couldn’t wait to inject True Fire into it.

When True Fire is injected into Heavenly Flame Halberd, Xiao Yun can sense that the runes on the halberd are absorbing the True Fire that he injected. Immediately, these runes are spread throughout the halberd like the veins of the human body, and a vast mysterious fluctuation follows. Permeated.

On Heavenly Flame Halberd, the rays of light flickered, and dazzling rays of light bloomed. Now it is like an open Divine Weapon emitting a dramatic wave. It has a great momentum to conquer the world. Xiao Yun holds it Heavenly Flame Halberd’s popularity has changed dramatically.

“Yes, True Fire is unimpeded in Heavenly Flame Halberd, and finally can realize the true formidable power of this halberd.” Xiao Yun holding Heavenly Flame Halberd inexplicably feels that this halberd can break everything, that kind Self-confidence made Feiyang look energetic.

Old Zhu’s Refiner Palace is like a forbidden area, and few people can usually approach it, let alone someone enters the Item Palace with him.

This time Old Zhu let Xiao Yun and Yuan Xing follow, intending to let two people watch.

This is an ancient Refiner room, in which neatly arranged cauldron of various ethnic groups, and utensils needed by Refiner.

Refiner, first tempering the fine iron, melting the Refiner embryo, this is an extremely complicated process, which also tests one’s endurance.

Only by smelting the purest can we sharpen sharp weapons.

The embryo is related to the formation of this weapon.

Often many people fail to reach the point where they will tempering in the process of smelting refined iron.

It is even more difficult to smelt into embryos.

Therefore, the difficulty of Refiner Dao is far from comparable to ordinary martial arts.

Especially for refining the Magic Item, the formation mark must be engraved after the device is completed.

Carving a formation mark, this must have a strong Mental Power and strength.

Furthermore, the Refiner must have a good understanding of Formation Dao.

To make Magic Item, at least you must have the cultivation level of Yuan Core Realm.

As for refining the Spiritual Item, it is even more difficult.

Spiritual Item, many high-level Monster Beast skeletons are used as materials. If you want to use this skeleton for midable power, you must have strong strength control, and you must control the seal carefully to hold the trace of the skeleton bloodlines. Bloodline’s Spirit, incorporated into the Formation.

Refining the Spiritual Item, even if you step into Yuan Soul Realm’s powerhouse, it may not be possible.

After entering the Refiner room, Old Zhu began to explain the basics of Refiner Dao for Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun also listened silently, it was always right to learn more.

Such as Formation!

On the last Battle Domain trip, if Xiao Yun didn’t understand the formation, he really couldn’t enter the Core Yuan Stage so smoothly.

Not even the ancient mountain in Heavenly Flame Mountain Range can set foot.

While explaining, Lord Old Zhu began to smelt the Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold stone, and Xiao Xiao and Yuan Xing watched it beside him.

“Smelting metal and stone is like refining Medicine Pill. You must control the heat, leave the essence and remove the chaff.” Old Zhu’s palm has a flicker of the flame, and is submerged into a quaint red tripod. Inside, there is one after another Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold stone.

The flame was scarlet-red, and when it appeared, it sent out a wave of terror.

The momentum contained in this flame even shook Xiao Yun’s Purple Flame Martial Spirit.

But the flame seemed very gentle, not at all exuding that overbearing momentum.

Xiao Yun looked at the flames with a stunned look, but his eyes seemed confused.


At this time, the Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold stone in cauldron has begun to be smelted, with golden golden gold flowing out.

This Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold is extremely hard and is a rare Refiner material, but under the True Fire tempering of Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse, it is still like a stone. Soon, one after another Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold stone is smelted and left in cauldron The next pool was exuded with hot and fluctuating red inflammation fluid.

“To repair the Magic Item, if there is a defect, you must fill it first, and inscribe the formation mark.” When Old Zhu said, he placed Heavenly Flame Halberd in the cauldron, where it had the appearance of a halberd embryo, like long halberd inlaid In it, a cluster of flames covered the halberd.

“If you want to repair the defect, you must first smelt some of it and re-refine it,” Old Zhu explained while controlling True Fire to smelt the Heavenly Flame Halberd blade. “This halberd blade is made from Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold and does not contain it. What is the power of Bloodlines, so even smelting will not affect its quality, but if you repair some Spiritual Items, you will have the power of Bloodlines to smelt, which will make the Magic Item lack. Even if the repair is successful, it is not the previous Magic. Item and even formidable power will plummet … “

Old Zhu flutters, while melting Heavenly Flame Halberd, explaining the things to pay attention to on Refiner Dao.

Although he had said these things before, it was easier to understand under the demonstration of Old Zhu at this time.

Some of them are deeply imprinted in my mind.

Xiao Yun’s understanding of Refiner Dao also deepened.

“Now it is reshaping the halberd.” Old Zhu’s eyes were frozen, his eyes were calm, he was watching Heavenly Flame Halberd inside Ding tightly. At this moment, he was like a Grandmaster, all the minds were melted into the Refiner, virtually Gives an inexplicable intent domain.

Xiao Yun stood beside him, could not help but respectfully.

The process of reshaping the halberd is very slow, Old Zhu seems to have spent all his energy to smelt.

Watching those Heavenly Flames continue to blend into the Halberd Blade, Xiao Yun’s heart became tense.


After the Heavenly Flame melted into a blade shape, Old Zhu flicked the palm, beside it was a curved spring of spiritual spring water poured into the halberd, and a burst of white smoke rose up, and immediately the Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold Began to cool, turning into a real halberd.

And when that halberd blade took shape, there was a powerful force invisible from the emergence of Old Zhu’s palm, which affected the reshaping of the halberd blade.

Looking closely, there seems to be a Yuan Qi sledgehammer evolved there.

Almost every corner of the Halberd has been tempered.


I don’t know how long, Old Zhu is finally relaxed.

“Finished?” Seeing Old Zhu relaxed, Xiao Yun eyes shined, staring at Ding inside tightly.

There, the halberd of Heavenly Flame Halberd was already formed.

The halberd blade is red, exuding an extremely intense and hot atmosphere, and the dazzling scarlet light flickers and is breathtaking.

Halberd is finally complete.

“Finally succeeded.” Xiao Yun relaxed, his eyes were full of joy.

At first, this halberd was lacking, it was a remnant soldier, but now the halberd is bright and dazzling.

There was a spirit of perspiration spreading in it, and at a glance, I knew it was not an ordinary weapon.

“The defect is repaired, and the next step is to repair the formation mark.” Old Zhu continued with a look, “It is easy to smelt the ice blade, but it will be more difficult to repair the formation mark. This must not only have a wealth of formation mark. Knowledge also requires strong strength control. “

“If the strength control is not enough, the formation mark will not be engraved, let alone make it seamlessly connect with the old texture.”

After speaking, Old Zhu took out Heavenly Flame Halberd, put it on a desk, and began preparing to repair the formation mark.

“You Heavenly Flame Halberd formation mark is too incomplete. You see here, it ’s intermittent, making you inject Fire Yuan into it and you ca n’t get a connection. It will waste a lot of True Yuan. When you look at it, it almost breaks. This It’s like a river. You suddenly build a dam in the middle and intercept the turbulent river. How can he sweep the river? “

“It’s not enough to rely on the overflowing river water,” Old Zhu said, pointing to some incomplete formation marks on Heavenly Flame Halberd.

Xiao Yun looked along the old Zhu ’s pump light. He also felt this when using Heavenly Flame Halberd. The Fire Yuan injection was powerful and difficult to come out, as if it was blocked by something. After such a simple analysis by Old Zhu, Everything is clear.

“These formation marks are vague, and it is difficult to accumulate too many True Fires …” Old Zhu repeatedly pointed out the incompleteness of Heavenly Flame Halberd.

Beside, Xiao Yun and Yuan Xing both listened in silence and looked very serious.

This is a rare learning opportunity.

After Old Zhu explained it, he began to use yuan strength to erase some incomplete formation marks on Heavenly Flame Halberd.

If you want to repair the formation mark, you must erase some incomplete and continue.

Seemingly simple work, but difficult to do as heavenly ascension.

You know, this Heavenly Flame Halberd is a Spiritual Item. The hardness is so strong that even Yuan Core Realm cultivator cannot break it.

The formation mark engraved on it will be deeply embedded into it like a burnt mark. It is too difficult to erase the trace.

This is the real difficulty in repairing Magic Item.

Even Old Zhu was cautiously done, concentrated attention completely, not to talk to Xiao Yun.

This process lasted for a full day, and Old Zhu erased some formation marks, and then started to describe the new formation mark.

“Inscription formation mark requires not only strong yuan strength support, but also a strong Soul Power.” At this time Old Zhu said, “This is the real test of people’s hearts. Many people can’t be successful, but they are defeated by the inscription. formation mark. “

“You have to look carefully.” After saying a word, he began to engraving the formation mark.

The engraving of the formation mark pays attention to the end-to-end connection, and even if it is repaired, it must be done step by step.

Xiao Yun and Yuan Xing stared at the front tightly, watching Old Zhu engraving the formation mark.

The engraving formation mark has a special tool, which is a trowel, also known as a stylus pen. It is made of rare metals.

Old Zhu started, the trowel moved very slowly, and every moment it seemed cautiously, it seemed to condense all his mind.

At the same time, there was a yuan strength in his palm that poured into the guillotine.

Every stroke, every line, and the inscription of the lines is like a painstaking effort.

When the trowel fell, Xiao Yun’s heart was beating, and it seemed that the pulse frequency of own was already in sync with it.

He could even feel the mood of Old Zhu at this time.

At this point Old Zhu was completely immersed in the inscription runes.

At this point, Xiao Yun has become more respectful of Refiner.

This profession is harder than pill refining and requires more energy.


Time passed, but it seemed to Xiao Yun and the others that it was completely still. Until three days later, Old Zhu’s stab in the hand was a stroke, and finally he left Heavenly Flame Halberd, and at this time he was also deeply relieved. Tones, the tense nerves all relaxed.

Xiao Yun and Yuan Xing next to me also felt inexplicably relaxed.

Before that, not only them, but even this space was completely influenced by Old Zhu, and fell into an inexplicable realm.

“Finally succeeded.” Old Zhu picked up Heavenly Flame Halberd and looked left and right. After discovering everything flawless, there was a ray of light in that old eye, which looks similar to an artwork completed by own. Feeling quite relieved.

In fact, repairing a Spiritual Item is harder than refining it.

Because when refining the Spiritual Item and engraving runes, it can be done in one go.

But in the process of repair, you still have to connect with the runes left by the predecessors.

This connection is the most test of human skills!

Seeing the runes on Heavenly Flame Halberd re-engraved, Xiao Yun also had a smile on his face.

“You try.” Old Zhu handed Heavenly Flame Halberd to Xiao Yun.

“Well.” Xiao Yun took Heavenly Flame Halberd and couldn’t wait to inject True Fire into it.

When True Fire is injected into Heavenly Flame Halberd, Xiao Yun can sense that the runes on the halberd are absorbing the True Fire that he injected. Immediately, these runes are spread throughout the halberd like the veins of the human body, and a vast mysterious fluctuation follows. Permeated.

On Heavenly Flame Halberd, the rays of light flickered, and dazzling rays of light bloomed. Now it is like an open Divine Weapon emitting a dramatic wave. It has a great momentum to conquer the world. Xiao Yun holds it Heavenly Flame Halberd’s popularity has changed dramatically.

“Yes, True Fire is unimpeded in Heavenly Flame Halberd, and finally can realize the true formidable power of this halberd.” Xiao Yun holding Heavenly Flame Halberd inexplicably feels that this halberd can break everything, that kind Self-confidence made Feiyang look energetic.

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