铏 氱 ┖  纴 Xiao Yun  鑸 炲 姩 锛 岃  鑸 炲 姩 锛 岃  鑸 炲 姩 锛 岃 鍑 簊 鍑 簊 € 鍑 簊 everal hundred meters 锛 岃 惤 鍦 ㄩ 偅 competition stage 镄 勮 镄 勮 缂 箣 澶 勩

鍦 ㄩ 偅 competition stage 紭 锛 孻 gui 紭 锛 孻 iyi 鍏 ㄨ Korean mustard 斁 鍑 rays of light 锛 岄 偅 small cauldron 鎶 ゆ 寔 鍦 ㄤ 笂 鍓 嶏 纴 鎶 ockout 浜 嗗 叏 閮 ╢allout 銆

 渜 asi- Essence Soul Realm 锛 岃 缮 鎽 勫 彇 浜 咶 ire Abyss Restricted Area 鍗 僗 NUMX meters 澶 勬 繁 镄 凪 onster Fire 锛 岀 殑 纭  疄 锷 沷 ut of the ordinary 锛 佲 €

Xiao Yun pupil light

杩 机 hen Yanfeng 镄 刡 attle strength 镄 勭 ‘out of the ordinary 锛 孊 urning Heavens Palm

Xiao Yun 忚 忚 澶 纴 鍦 ㄧ 灖 纴 鍦 ㄧ 灖 yi yi 簨 锛 岃 yi yi 簨 锛 岃 簨 锛 岃 簨 锛 岃 簨 锛 岃 峳 峳 elaxed 銆

Little Brat 闾 reasure cauldron out of the ordinary 锛 岀 called 鏀 fear 嚭 鏉 ョ 殑 镞 燽 right light 鑺 掑 寲 鑺 掑 寲 d 澶 澶 ч 儴 鍒 嗙 殑 fallout 銆


Yiiyi 浼 间 箮 鍙 戠 幇 浜 哫 iao Yun  瓙 褰 扑 腑 杩 樻 湁 镌 € ら  Medicine Pill ill 锛 屽 垰 峏 Yun 缁 椤 畠 镄 凪 edicine Pill 宸 宸 宸 楀 楀 嶅  浜 嗭 纴 嶅  浜 嗭 纴 嶅  浜 嗭 纴 Bra Bra 椋 熶棰 桵 edicine Pill 銆

彲 鐖 у 畠 闾 彲 鐖 彲 鐖 殑 妯 殑 妯 殑 妯 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼 牱 锛 屼   垬 镄 勪 簨 鎯 呫 垬 镄 勪 簨 鎯 呫 垬 镄 勪 簨 鎯 呫

濡 傛  鍙  埍 镄 剆 mall beast 锛 屼 笉 浠 呮 槸 Xiao Yun 锛 屽 NH 杩 炶 杩 炶 杩 炶 cultivator 涔 熸 槸 镒 熷 埌 鎯 婅  銆

 € ¢ snow white small beast

 € “Medium Pill 锛 佲 兘 鍦 ㄥ 悆 € 濇 湁 浜 镒 忓 埌 浜 嗙 粏 鑺 傦 纴 浠 庡  镒 忓 埌 浜 嗙 粏 鑺 傦 纴 浠 庡  镒 忓 埌 浜 嗙 粏 鑺 傦 纴 浠 庡  镒 忓 埌 浜 嗙 粏 鑺 傦 纴 浠 庡  粓 杩 橪 粓 杩 橪 ttle ttle ttle 湪 钖冭 嵂 锛 宯 ot at all 佸 埢 镒 忓 幓 鎶 佸 埢 镒 忓 幓 鎶 克 佸 埢 镒 忓 幓 鎶 g 闾 fallout 锛 屽  姝 や 竴 骞 曪 纴 璁 ╁ 缑 璁 draft 锛 屽  姝 や 竴 骞 曪 纴 璁 ╁ 缑 璁 洪 渿 鎾 间 笉 宸 诧 纴 杩 椤 埌 搴 曟 槸Bepirit Beast 锛

Treasure cauldron

乊 乊 iyi 镞 犱 簨 锛 孹 iao Yun slightly smiled 锛 岄 殢 钖 庡 张 鐬 呭 悜 浜 嗗 墠 鏂 广

Yan hen yanfeng 粡 鎭 ㈠ 锛 屼 粬 stubble 鑴 鑴 鐒 讹 纴 涔 熸 槸 绱 Xiao Yun 銆

浠 庡 垰 竴 鍑 竴 鍑 潵 鐪 嬶 纴 鎯 潵 鐪 嬶 纴 鎯 潵 鐪 嬶 纴 鎯 潵 鐪 嬶 纴 鎯 潵 鐪 嬶 纴 鎯  鎴 樿 儨 杩 欎  鎴 樿 儨 杩 欎  鎴 樿 儨 杩 欎  鎴 樿 儨 杩 欎  鎴 樿 儨 杩 欎 闱 掑 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 at not at all 闾 闾 箞 瀹 槗 銆 槗 銆

 € ¢ hen Yanfeng pupil light 涓 闂  纴 闂  纴 ╃ ╃ ╃ ╃ 涓 涓 涓 悜 镌 鍓 嶆 杩 Nan 杩Key

fire sea

Qi Huinandanban Hong Chen Yanfeng Right-d Fu Yangsepiben An Yunaohuogou Xiyiguaitao flame quilting Jianjiangbenwu Qu Shu Juan € ヨ Yifu Hourenmeijian Xuanlianlingxin fire sea Ning屽 嚭 锛 岄 偅 浜 沠 KEY 屽 嚭 锛 岄 偅 浜 沠 lame 镄 嗙 妫 鏆 存 棤 姣 旓 纴 burning aura

闾 g 瓑 flame 锛 岃 繛 Spiritual Item


姝 ュ 嚭 锛 宖 ire sea 璺 熼 殢 锛 屽 綋  缮  缮  缮  缮  缮  缮 ぉ 鍦 ぉ 鍦 ぉ 鍦

(Rh Rhyme 锛 孋 hen Yanfeng 姝 硷 纴 鐪 嬩  绱) Nan Nan coaxes and breaks down and plays with eggs. 锛 孋 hen Yanfeng 鍗 村  钖 屾 秷 鏁 e 湪 浜 唂 ire sea 褰 扑 腑璁 ╀ 汉 鐪 嬩 笉 娓 呬 粬 镄 剆 ilhouette 銆

“Han 浜 嗭 紒”

鍒 argon machine

Starred wide-eyed 銆

杩 欑 realm 锛 屽 お 鎯 LOU Han 浜 嗭 纴 浜 嗭 纴 嶆 槸 Ning Haohan 鍙  湁 銆

 € ”Han Juan 嶩 Heavenly Flame 钖 堬 纴 浠 栬 Umbrella 鏄  incarnation Heavenly Flame 涔 堬 紒 濋 偅 Zhou Qing slightly narrows the pupil 锛 屾  镞

“Chen Yanfeng’s work has been completed.”

杩 欑 瓑 澶 ╂ 墠 锛 屽 Fan 缁 忓 彲 浠 ュ 拰 浠 栦 slippery 浜 夐 攱 浜 嗭 紒

There are indeed some characters in the new discipline!


Just at this moment, the volume of the fire sea seemed to turn into a Fire Dragon.

But if you look closely, there seems to be a silhouette in the Fire Dragon.

The silhouette was full of flickering lights, so it was impossible to see clearly.

“Body melts into the fire!” Seeing this, Xiao Yun is also slightly startled.

Body and sky, this kind of realm speaking of which is easy, but it is difficult to achieve it as heavenly ascension.

But this Chen Yanfeng suddenly touched this realm.


The flame rolled up, a giant palm protruded out of it, and shot at Xiao Yun.

Burning Heavens Palm!

It’s still Burning Heavens Palm, but the momentum, the intent domain, is completely sublimated.

The fall of this palm contains a powerful world.

That momentum is no longer quasi- Essence Soul Realm.

“This Chen Yanfeng is so powerful, I’m not unfair to lose him!” Huang Tianxiao fixed his eyes, muttered.

Zou Wuji and the others next to him were also astonished.

Just now, most of them had lost to Chen Yanfeng, and they were a little unwilling to think that own was careful not to be so, but at this time, it seems that Chen Yanfeng did not take the action at all at first, and now he really shows his Full strength.

“Then Xiao Yun might compete with it?” Suddenly, countless individuals rushed to Xiao Yun.

Today’s Chen Yanfeng, the battle strength, has reached a level that ordinary people cannot reach.

Under Yuan Soul Realm, I’m afraid it’s hard to find rivals.

Faced with such momentum, Xiao Yun also felt strong pressure.

This Dao Rhyme is very strong. It is indeed a Fire Dao genius, which brings the power of own and True Fire to the extreme.

However, Xiao Yun was still very indifferent. He frowned, and the fire runes on his brows flashed.

Profound Nether Martial Spirit’s fire runes flashed, and a vast breath filled the body of Blessing Xiao Yun.

At the same time, Martial Spirit also has a huge flame sweeping out.

The flame was violent, such as the Flood Dragon going to sea, and the horrible waves shook the void.

I’m Heavenly Flame!

When this flame appeared, Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, and an inexplicable Dao Rhyme also permeated from him.

When he died, his body flickered and became hazy.

He seems to be turning into Heavenly Flame.

“Dao Rhyme!” Seeing this, on the high stage, several elder eyes shined, and also found these subtle fluctuations.

But it was just a moment, and everyone turned the pump light, and all of them frowned.

Because the youthful atmosphere on that competition stage has changed again.

“Heavenly Flame is for me!” Xiao Yun murmured.

Waiting for a murmur, the Heavenly Flame lingering around him flickered and became extremely soft.

Those flames finally merged into his within the body.

Heavenly Flame turned into Xiao Yun?

He just stood there, but the whole person had an inexplicable momentum.

At this point, the tremor was trembling, and Chen Yanfeng’s attack had fallen.

“Flame Martial Breaks Void!” A light shout came out, Xiao Yun slumped on the soles of his feet.


From a distance, the youth jumped on the competition stage, and his fist slammed towards the void strikes.

It was a fist with fire runes, and the light runes on it were very bright, it seemed to be armor.

He punched out with a punch, the void was in the depression, the fist passed, raising a terrifying fist.

The fist wind exploded as if the tail flame exploded, making a loud noise.

The next moment, under the watch of countless people’s pump light, this fist was with the giant palm strikes.


The loud noise was so powerful that when the two people confronted each other, the sky seemed to collapse.

A horrible flame burst out, sweeping the Quartet, Guo Ziwen, Zhou Wuji and the others all turned pale and frowned, because the kind of fluctuations actually lifted them from their seats, even if they inspired the Spiritual Item Can’t resist it.


Yiyi was also taken off, Little Brat brows tightly frowns, showing a dignified face.

“Very powerful impact!” The audience was shocked and shocked by this horrible collision.

From Chen Yanfeng take action to Xiao Yun’s counterattack, it seemed like a long time ago, but everything was instantaneous.

This kind of heavens frightening fluctuation will occur, which is totally beyond everyone’s expectations.

This is a real battle for genius!

On the competition stage, the flames bloomed, and the overlapping flames continued, and the void was almost distorted.

That power is too strong, beyond the average quasi- Essence Soul Realm powerhouse.

Realm’s power, coupled with Martial Dao’s blessing, has made the two people fight to a level beyond their peers.

“Who will win?” In shock, many people murmured intently, staring closely ahead.

At this moment, even Ren Kexin’s face was dignified, and Little Missy’s jade hand was clenched tightly.

Looking at her expression, she looked very nervous.

The fire on the competition stage dazzled, and it hurt the eyes.

Everyone squinted at the void.

After the fallout dissipated, the rays of light weakened, and finally a silhouette appeared in the sight of everyone.

A young man flew upside down, exuding blood in his mouth, and had messy long hair, which looked slightly embarrassed.

“Who is it?” After seeing the young man flying upside down, everyone’s eyes narrowed suddenly.

“It’s Chen Yanfeng!” The next moment, someone exclaimed, judging from the direction and appearance that this person was Chen Yanfeng.

“Where is Xiao Yun?” Immediately after seeing Chen Yanfeng’s appearance, someone darted in the other direction.

Obviously, these people wanted to find Xiao Yun who was also Zhenfei.

However, as far as the pump light is concerned, a silhouette appears at the location not at all judged by everyone.


Everyone was suspicious.

“Well, there’s someone there!” At that moment someone made a soft snoring sound, and the pump light moved to a distance not far from Chen Yanfeng.

This is where Chen Yanfeng just flew out.

There, a young man took long halberd, turned into a streak of light, and darted away toward Chen Yanfeng.


The long halberd cracked, and the young man was shaped like an electric power, but he appeared beside Chen Yanfeng in a blink of an eye.

He then moved on to long halberd and stopped at Chen Yanfeng’s neck.

“You’re defeated!” Xiao Yun’s words were bland, but the long halberd in his hand was filled with a flame that made people trembling in fear. The flame touched the skin, even the one who had a profound knowledge of Fire Dao. Chen Yanfeng also felt palpitations.

“I can penetrate two thousand 800 meters, and it really isn’t an ordinary person!” Chen Yanfeng smiled bitterly, and the pump light shone toward the youth in front of him.

“I lost.”

After the first battle, he has deeply understood Xiao Yun’s natural talent.

This young man’s understanding of Fire Dao is not worse than own.

And his realm is not as simple as Yuan Core 9-layer, then the realm on Fire Dao has reached at least half a step Yuan Soul Realm.

It’s even going to reach quasi- Essence Soul Realm.

Coupled with the heaven defying flame and the extraordinary accomplishments on Martial Dao, Xiao Yun wins!

And still win the leap!

Seeing Chen Yanfeng’s defeat, Xiao Yun took the long halberd in his hands.

“Your understanding of Fire Dao is also out of the ordinary!” After closing the long halberd, Xiao Yun glanced at Chen Yanfeng and said.

Chen Yanfeng’s strength also surprised him.

If it ’s not more than 2,000 meters deep in Fire Abyss, and the Monster Fire Body Tempering in it has reshaped the bones, Xiao Yun has no confidence in winning at all. This Martial Sect’s genius is indeed very powerful, not that it is easy to surpass Beyond.

This lets Xiao Yun know deeply how difficult the road will be in the future.

To surpass others, he must work hard.

Hearing Xiao Yun’s words, Chen Yanfeng smiled bitterly.

Then he slightly cup one fist in the other hand and stepped back.

In this way, only Xiao Yun remained on the entire competition stage.

At this moment, he attracts much attention!

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