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    Peaceful grassland, a Dharma Idol Realm Emperor descends.

    The original dead Saint Monument Secret Realm, because of the arrival of the Dharma Idol Realm Emperor, suddenly became agitated, a layer of gray-white airflow, out of nothing, hindering the sight of the Dharma Idol Realm Emperor.

    That's why, seven Great Influences negotiated and asked Origin Sea Realm King to come in and find one of the reasons for the Saint Monument shard.

    They are looking for the efficiency of the Saint Monument shards, not necessarily the Origin Sea Realm King.

    "How many are there."

    Empty Mountain Lord asks Deacon Elder, who is responsible for the recording of Hanging Mountain.


    Deacon Elder handed the storage pouch with the Saint Monument pieces to the Empty Mountain Lord.


    I heard the fifteen pieces, and the Empty Mountain Lord was a little surprised.

    Last time, Hanging Mountain got a total of fourteen. In the past three days, there are already fifteen, and maybe twenty can break through.

    Deacon Elder hesitated, saying: "It seems that there is a person who has gotten a lot of Saint Monument fragments, which attracted most of the attention, so it was so smooth."

    "No matter, as long as the Saint Monument fragments are only a few more."

    The Empty Mountain Lord was originally expected to be not very large, so it is easier to satisfy.

    You know, a piece of Saint Monument can be comprehend next to Saint Monument, seven pieces of Saint Monument, and you can always comprehend to Saint Monument Secret Realm.

    In the past, the Empty Mountain Lord could only comprehend for three or four days. After all, there were only a dozen pieces of Saint Monument fragments. It is impossible for him to occupy half of the person. He always wants to give others a chance.

    I'm coming back

    Seeing that the three days are coming to an end, people who are looking for the fragments of Saint Monument have returned to the peaceful grasslands.

    But I don't know why, looking at the returning people, Dharma Idol Realm Emperor always felt that there was a strange atmosphere in the air.

    “Xin Xiao, how is the harvest?”

    Empty Mountain Lord asks Xin Xiao.

    Xin Xiao respectful cup one fist in the other hand, "Mountain Lord, do not disgrace the mission, Xin Xiao personally got seven pieces of Saint Monument."

    Okay, good.

    Hear this, Empty Mountain Lord is a good mood, even better.

    Together with Xin Xiao's Saint Monument shard, Hanging Mountain has more than 20 harvests this time, and maybe it will eventually reach 30.

    "Mountain Lord !"

    Xin Xiao wants to stop.


    The Empty Mountain Lord is indicating.

    Xin Xiao said: "Compared with Li Fuchen, Xin Xiao's harvest is nothing. The Mountain Lord knows how many pieces of Saint Monument are Li Fuchen?"

    "Li Fuchen? Is that little fellow brought back by Cloud Emperor? How many pieces of Saint Monument did he get? ”

    Empty Mountain Lord is interested. In his opinion, Xin Xiao said that Li Fuchen's Saint Monument fragment is certainly no less than him, perhaps more than ten, which is undoubtedly good news.

    "One hundred and fifty-four!"

    Xin Xiao took a deep breath and slowed down.


    Empty Mountain Lord stunned and suspected that he had got it wrong.

    One hundred and fifty-four, how is this possible? In the past, Soul Heaven Empire, everyone added up not so many Saint Monument pieces, not even half.

    "Li Fuchen, is this true?"

    Cloud Emperor was also taken aback and couldn't help but look at Li Fuchen.

    Hanging Mountain All Dharma Idol Realm Emperor are looking at Li Fuchen.

    “Mountain Lord, Senior Cloud Emperor, Fuchen did get 154 pieces of Saint Monument.”

    Li Fuchen takes the Saint Monument shard from the storage pouch.

    Looking at the densely smashed, fragmented Saint Monument of the rays of light, everyone was demented.

    Especially Cloud Emperor, he finally understood why Li Fuchen said that every time he got five pieces of Saint Monument, he had to split it. The other party had absolute confidence, not just talking about it.

    "Li Fuchen, you made a great contribution."

    A Hanging Mountain Elder laughed and looked excited.

    He is also in the top ten Elder in Hanging Mountain. In the past, he could only divide a piece of Saint Monument. He could only be comprehend next to Saint Monument. Now that there are so many pieces of Saint Monument, he can say that he can also Three or five.

    During the conversation, the Elder waved and took Li Fuchen's pieces of Saint Monument.

    See you, Cloud Emperor said: "Elder Huang, I promised Li Fuchen, every time I got five pieces of Saint Monument, I divided him, one hundred and fifty-four pieces of Saint Monument, and thirty of them belonged to him."

    "This is not appropriate!"

    Elder Huang frowned, Cloud Emperor was too outrageous, and even this request was promised.

    Of course, who would have thought beforehand that Li Fuchen could get so many pieces of Saint Monument.

    "Elder Huang, give him thirty!"

    Empty Mountain Lord Road.

    If people don't believe, they won't stand. Since Cloud Emperor says so, Hanging Mountain can't lose faith.

    Not to mention the fact that there are so many pieces of Saint Monument, mainly relying on Li Fuchen, Hanging Mountain just provides a place to enter the Saint Monument Secret Realm.

    In a word, Hanging Mountain has made a big profit.

    After receiving thirty pieces of Saint Monument and Li Fuchen withdraw seven, "Senior Cloud Emperor, I only need seven, and these twenty-three are for you."Say, all the pieces of Saint Monument in Li Fuchen's handle were sent to Cloud Emperor.

    Cloud Emperor, "Li Fuchen, you…"

    This is twenty-three pieces of Saint Monument. In the past, he couldn't get one. He had twenty-three pieces at this time. For a time, he felt a little dizzy.

    Li Fuchen said: “Senior Cloud Emperor saved me twice. In comparison, twenty-three Saint Monument pieces are nothing at all. If the Senior Cloud Emperor needs it, the seven pieces of Saint Monument on my body are also willing to give.”

    His owe to Cloud Emperor is too heavy, he can not be taken for granted.

    Empty Mountain Lord has a bright eye. If Li Fuchen was in front of him, he was only a genius in his eyes, a genius, and now Li Fuchen, in his eyes, is a young man with a grudge, a heavy heart, the former He valued it and the latter made him appreciate it.

    "Okay, then I will pay for your kindness."

    Cloud Emperor laughed.

    Li Fuchen said: "Senior Cloud Emperor, this is no good, life-saving grace, it is so easy to return."

    Empty Mountain Lord shook his head and smiled: "You two are too far out. In my opinion, Li Fuchen, you might as well join me, Hanging Mountain, Cloud Emperor. What do you say?"

    The genius of Li Fuchen, Hanging Mountain is very much needed.

    Waiting for Li Fuchen to answer, a loud and thunderous voice sounded, "Empty Mountain Lord, your Hanging Mountain is really a good way to get nearly 200 pieces of Saint Monument pieces at once, is it to be even."

    Talking about the Red Moon Kingdom Lord.

    The thing about Saint Monument Secret Realm, which he already knows, is both shocking Li Fuchen's potential and very uncomfortable. Hanging Mountain can get so many Saint Monument pieces and can't help but provoke.

    He does not believe that other people have no idea.

    Sure enough, the Red Moon Kingdom Lord voice just fell, the Blue Sun Kingdom Lord also said: "Empty Mountain Lord, eating a single food is not a good thing, I don't have much Blue Sun Empire, just divide us twenty."

    There are so many pieces of Saint Monument found, and there are more Hanging Mountain. They are naturally less. If everything is normal, the Blue Sun Empire’s fragment of Saint Monument should have been twenty more, instead of the current ten. Pie.

    Empty Mountain Lord sneered, "You are so kind to say, how, want to violate the agreement? In the past, my Hanging Mountain Saint Monument was less fragmented. Can I have a proposal for you to give me a Hanging Mountain? ”

    He can understand the mood of a few people, but it is impossible to let him go out.

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