Chapter 1075: Sweeping Strongly!

In all fairness, Su Zimo’s Bloodline, derived from the Great Desolate Monster Kings Secret Scripture, is stronger than the purest candle dragon blood vein!

The current young master of the flood dragon clan cannot even reach the Torch Dragon Clan Bloodline. How can he compete with Su Zimo?

Su Zimo just relies on the strength of the fleshly body, which is enough to suppress the young master of the flood dragon family easily!

The flood dragon tribe young master had his arms broken, his flesh was fuzzy, and he struggled to stand up, staring fiercely at Su Zimo.

Although he lost, he will never give up!

He was able to become the young master of the flood dragon clan, and he fought all the way, fighting up, and had suffered even worse than this.

What an injury to him, can’t be considered!

Defeated this time, he will naturally work harder to cultivate, and strive to become a member of the Five Lineages of Dragon Clan!

As long as the strength of the Dragon Clan of the hybrid lineage is sufficient, it is hoped that it will pass the test of the Five Lineages of Dragon Clan and become a member of the Five Lineages of Dragon Clan.

Of course, this test is extremely dangerous.

Since 10000 years, the number of hybrid dragons that can pass this test is no more than ten fingers, and there are always worries about life!

“Good, good!”

The flood dragon tribe young master gritted his teeth and said, “Long Mo, you really have some means. Today’s disgrace, I remember it! I will challenge High Sects in the future!”

“It’s not over yet today.”

Su Zimo pointed in front of Gu Yun and said lightly, “Come and apologize.”


Although the flood dragon clan young master was hit hard, he laughed like a big joke.


The flood dragon clan young master taunted, coldly said: “Long Mo, although I lost, but you want me to bow my head, it is impossible!”

“In front of me, I can’t help you!”

Su Zimo saw the young master of the flood dragon family is still arrogant, can not help but coldly snorted, stepped forward, reached out the palm of his hand, choked the neck of the young master of the flood dragon family, choked it up!

The young master of the flood dragon clan is strong, but Su Zimo is holding him like he is holding a chicken and turned to Gu Yun.

“Kneel down and apologize.”

Su Zimo’s tone is calm but unquestionable!

“You dream!”

The flood dragon clan young master took a spit, his eyes narrowed, and there was no fear in his eyes.

boom! boom!

Su Zimo poked out his toes and gently tapped on the knees of the young master of the flood dragon family.

2 knees fractured instantly!


The flood dragon tribe young master couldn’t bear it anymore, and screamed in his mouth, his legs were soft, and he knelt down!

In Su Zimo’s eyes, there was no sympathy.

涓嶨u Yun 韬笂鐨勪激鐩告瘮锛岃繖鏍规湰can鈥檛 be considered 浠€涔堬紒

骞稿ソGu Yun 娌℃湁鎬у懡涔嬪咖銆?/p>

鑻ユ槸Gu Yun 鍑轰簨锛屽氨绠楁槸鍦―ragon Bones Valley 锛孲u Zimo 涔熸暍澶у紑鏉€鎴掞紒

Su Zimo expression 鍐板喎锛屽湪浼楃洰鐫界澖涔嬩笅锛屾寜鐫€flood dragon 鏃弝oung master 鐨勫ご棰咃紝moved towards 鍦伴潰鍘嬩簡涓嬪幓锛?/p>

flood dragon 鏃弝oung master 鑴歌壊娑ㄥ緱閫氱孩锛屼换鍑粬濡備綍鍌姩Bloodline 锛岄兘鎶垫尅涓嶄綇澶撮《涓婃柟浼犳潵鐨勫帇鍔涳紒




flood dragon 鏃弝oung master 蹇冧腑娑屽姩鐫€鏃犲敖鐨勪笉鐢橈紒

Su Zimo 姝や妇锛屼笉浠呬粎鏄璁ゝlood dragon 鏃弝oung master 閬撴瓑锛屼粬涔熸槸瑕佽鏉傞緳lineage 鐨凞ragon Clan 鐪嬬潃銆?/p>

涓嶨u Yun 鍏钩涓€鎴橈紝浠栦笉绠°€?/p>

浣嗚嫢鏄兂taking advantage of one鈥檚 position to bully people 锛宖lood dragon 鏃弝oung master 灏辨槸涓嬪満锛?/p>

鈥淟ong Mo 锛屼綘姝や妇鏈厤杩囧垎浜嗕簺銆傗€?/p>

灏卞湪姝ゆ椂锛屼簯Dragon Clan young master 绔欎簡鍑烘潵锛岀洴鐫€Su Zimo 锛岀溂鐪镐腑娑屽姩鐫€fighting intent 锛屼笣姣笉鎯э紒

flood dragon 鏃弝oung master 鍙寰椾粬澶撮《涓婄殑鍔涢噺涓€杞伙紝涓嶇蹇冧腑鐙傚枩銆?/p>


Su Zimo 鏉惧紑鎵嬫帉锛岃浆韬湜鍘伙紝nodded 锛岄亾锛氣€滄棦鐒朵綘涓诲姩绔欏嚭鏉ワ紝涔熺渷寰楁垜鎵句綘浜嗐€傗€?/p>

璇濋煶鏈惤锛孲u Zimo 韬舰闂儊锛屽湪鍏惰韩鍚庢媺鎵嚭涓€杩炰覆娈嬪奖锛岀灛鎭棿锛屽氨宸茬粡鏉ュ埌浜慏ragon Clan young master 鐨勮韩鍓嶏紒


Su Zimo loudly shouted 锛屾帰鍑洪伄澶╁ぇ鎵嬶紝moved towards 浜慏ragon Clan young master 鎶撲簡杩囧幓銆?/p>

浜慏ragon Clan young master expression 涓€鍙樸€?/p>

褰揝u Zimo 鍐茶繃鏉ョ殑鏃跺€欙紝浠栧氨鎰忚瘑鍒帮紝鍙屾柟鐨勫姏閲忓樊璺濆お澶э紝鏍规湰涓嶈兘纭捈锛?/p>


浜慏ragon Clan young master 寮犲彛鍚愬嚭涓€鍥㈠法澶т簯闆撅紝鏁翠釜浜哄凡缁忔秷澶变笉瑙併€?/p>

涓庢柟鎵嶇殑浜慏ragon Clan 浜虹浉姣旓紝浜慏ragon Clan young master 閲婃斁鍑虹殑杩欓亾secret technique 锛屾槑鏄鹃珮鏄庝簡璁稿銆?/p>

浜戦浘绗肩僵锛孲u Zimo 缃韩鍏朵腑锛宒ivine consciousness 銆佺洰鍏夈€佸惉鍔涢兘琚弗閲嶅奖鍝嶏紒

浜慏ragon Clan young master 鐨勮杩广€侀蹇戒笉瀹氾紝宸茬粡鑳界瀿杩囦粬鐨勬劅搴旓紒

鑳芥垚涓轰竴鏃弝oung master 锛岀粷闈炵瓑闂诧紒

Su Zimo expression is calm.

闈㈠杩欓亾secret technique 锛屼粬鏈夎澶氭墜娈佃兘澶熺牬瑙o紒



Su Zimo 鐫佸紑鍙岀溂锛岃扛鍙戝嚭2 閬揹ivine light 锛岀獊鐒舵í绉伙紝鏁翠釜浜簃oved towards 閭d釜鏂瑰悜璐磋韩涓€闈狅紒



涓€閬搒ilhouette 浠庝簯闆句腑璺岃惤鍑哄幓锛屽彛鍚愰矞琛€锛屽崐杈硅韩瀛愰兘宸茬粡琚挒纰庝簡锛屾ā鏍峰噭鎯紝姝f槸浜慏ragon Clan young master 锛?/p>

2 tricks!

鍗充究鏄噴鏀惧嚭secret technique 鐨勪簯Dragon Clan young master 锛屼篃浠呬粎鎾戣繃2 鎷涳紒

鍦⊿u Zimo 鐨勮澶氭墜娈典箣涓紝鏈€绠€鍗曘€佹渶杞绘澗鐨勫氨鏄嚟鍊烻piritual Awareness 銆?/p>

闄ら潪浜慏ragon Clan young master 鑳藉繊浣忥紝涓嶅浠栧嚭鎵嬨€?/p>

鍚﹀垯锛屽彧瑕佷簯Dragon Clan young master 鏈夋墍寮傚姩锛孲u Zimo 灏变細immediately 鏈夋墍瀵熻锛屽氨绠楁槸鍐嶅己澶х殑secret technique 閬帺锛屼粬涔熻兘鎵惧嚭鍏剁湡韬紒

浜戦浘鏁e幓锛孲u Zimo 韬舰鏄鹃湶鍑烘潵锛屽皢浜慏ragon Clan young master 鎷庝簡璧锋潵锛岄殢鎵嬫墧鍦╢lood dragon 鏃弝oung master 韬竟銆?/p>

flood dragon 鏃弝oung master 蹇冧腑鐨勫枩鎮︼紝鎵嶅垰鍒氬崌璧凤紝灏卞彂鐜颁簯Dragon Clan young master 锛屼篃琚墧浜嗚繃鏉ワ紒

boom! boom!

Su Zimo 濡傛硶鐐埗锛岃冻灏栫偣鍦ㄤ簯Dragon Clan young master 鐨勫弻鑶濅箣涓婏紝涔熻浠栬藩鍦℅u Yun 闈㈠墠銆?/p>

2 浣峺oung master expression 闅惧牚锛屽弻鐩柗鐏€?/p>

鍦ㄨ繖涔堝Dragon Clan 鐨勬敞瑙嗕箣涓嬶紝姝や妇鍙畻鏄浠栦滑棰滈潰灏藉け锛?/p>

锜燚ragon Clan young master 鍜岄洦Dragon Clan young master 鐨勮劯鑹诧紝涔熸湁浜涢毦鐪嬨€?/p>


浠栦滑鎬庝箞閮絛idn鈥檛 expect 锛岃嚜宸辩珶鐒舵嫑鎯逛笂杩欐牱涓€浣嶆亹鎬栫殑瀛樺湪锛?/p>

鍙Su Zimo 杞繃韬紝moved towards 2 浣峺oung master 璧版潵锛宻aid in a tranquil voice 锛氣€測ou two 锛屼篃缁欐垜璺湪杩欏惂銆傗€?/p>

2 浣峺oung master complexion slightly changed 锛?/p>

as predicted!

杩欎釜Long Mo 锛岀珶鐒舵兂瑕佽浠栦滑4 浣峺oung master 璺湪杩欓噷锛岀粰Gu Yun 淇閬撴瓑锛?/p>

鈥淟ong Mo 锛屼綘涓嶈bully intolerably 锛佲€?/p>

锜燚ragon Clan young master 鍑濆0璇撮亾銆?/p>


Su Zimo 璺ㄦ涓婂墠锛屾牴鏈笉涓庤煚Dragon Clan young master 搴熻瘽锛岀洿鎺ュ嚭鎵嬶紝moved towards 锜燚ragon Clan young master 闀囧帇涓嬪幓锛?/p>


锜燚ragon Clan young master 杩樻病绛夊弽搴旇繃鏉ワ紝灏辫Su Zimo 涓€鎷抽噸鍒涳紝璺岃惤鍑哄幓锛?/p>

The gap is too big!

闆―ragon Clan young master 涔熶笉鑳藉垢鍏嶏紝涓嶈繃鏀拺2 涓懠鍚革紝灏遍噸浼ゅ€掑湴銆?/p>

杞溂涔嬮棿锛? 澶oung master 灏芥暟琚玈u Zimo 闀囧帇锛?/p>

Su Zimo 鍑烘墜锛屽己鍔挎í鎵潅榫檒ineage 锛?/p>

(End of this chapter)

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