Chapter 952: Who are you!

On the battlefield.

Su Zimo took the sword, and backhand took out Heaven Murdering Sword Art.

At this time, the attack of 8 maids of Ye Tiancheng has also come down!

The first to arrive was Ye Yi’s flute.

The flute sounds sorrowful, and it can disturb the mind of the cultivator and even affect the primordial spirit!

Unfortunately, Su Zimo cultivates the Great Desolate Monster Kings Secret Scripture. The 7 great acupoints are powerful and unmatched. This flute sound cannot shake his heart at all!

As for wanting to influence his primordial spirit, it is even more impossible!

With Wisdom King’s prayer beads in, even this layer of defense, the sound of the flute is impenetrable!

Immediately after that, a gale swept through.

If you change to a weaker cultivator of physique, you would have been entangled by the wind, or blown into stature, on the verge of collapse.

It’s a pity that Su Zimo fleshly body is strong, standing on the ground with her feet on her feet, as if taking root.

The petals of leaf 4 came with high winds.

Ye 2, Ye 3, Ye 6, Ye 8, Ye 9 5 people have already come close!

At this time, Su Zimo had just taken the long sword from Jian Wuzong, and suddenly turned around, turning his wrist, and the long sword was trembling!

Capture the sword, fight back, turn and swing the sword, in one go!


Su Zimo waved the long sword in his hand, and moved towards the void ahead fiercely!

The long sword was chopped down, but the sound of tidal waves appeared!

Then, under the watchful eyes of many cultivators, there seemed to be a vast ocean on the battlefield.

At the very center of the sea, the waves are turbulent and constantly swirling, condensing a huge vortex, roaring and terrifying!

The entire space, driven by this horrible vortex, seems to have been distorted!

Su Zimo uses a sword as a knife to burst out the vortex in Ding Hai Juan!


“Really strong’s sword intent !”

“What is Sword Art? It seems that there is less Sword Dao’s sharpness, but a little more boldness.”

There was an exclamation in the crowd.

Sword Dao has 3 levels.

Sword moves, sword potential, sword intent.

The sword move is the most obvious, and the sword potential needs to understand some of the momentum in the sword move.

Before Nascent Soul Realm, the cultivator could at most realize the level of potential.

Because, the last layer of sword intent requires primordial spirit to stimulate magic power and evolve the artistic conception deep in the trick!

The formidable power of the top-level sword intent will not be weaker than spell.

Moreover, whether it is a sword intent or a sword intention, after it is released, the Sword Art formidable power is greatly increased, which can affect the mind of the cultivator!

Just like now, in the eyes of many cultivators, it is like seeing a surging ocean of vortex surging forward with great momentum!

Seeing this scene, Hang Qiuyu stared at his eyes, shaking his body.

He seemed to think of something, first glanced at the sorrow, then shocked, and finally turned into fear!

“sword intent?”

Listening to the sound of discussion in the crowd, Hang Qiuyu wanted to laugh, but couldn’t laugh.


The vortex in Dinghai volume is mainly defense.

Cut out with one stroke, space is distorted!

This blade, although Su Zimo cut it out with a long sword, but the mood is the same, formidable power is amazing!

Many petals floating on the face were entangled in this vortex, as if they lost their direction and followed the flow.

Ye 2, Ye 3 or 5 people just rushed up, their stature also stagnated, they were almost taken away!

Ye 9 His eyes were dark, and under pressure, he rushed forward and waved his raised hand!

In her cuffs, she sent out a bunch of densely packed silver needles, and before she came near, she exuded a stinky smell!

Very poisonous!

These methods seem to be familiar, just like the tricks of Poison Sect cultivator!

Su Zimo sneered, took a breath, and watched the poison needle pierce the face door, and suddenly opened his mouth, a loud roar erupted!


Thunder sound kills outbreak!

Hong long!

This sound fell to the ears of the 8 maids, as if it were a thunderous day!

The first to be backlashed was Ye Yi, who played the flute!

The flute was interrupted instantly.

Ye Yi was groaned, and his face became pale in an instant. Above the piccolo, a path of cracks appeared, obviously obsolete!

Moreover, Su Zimo’s roar burst out with a strong lung force, and a huge airflow spewed out of his mouth!

This poisonous needle was blown off by Su Zimo!

Followed closely by a path of stunning sword light.

In the sky, as if a path of waves rise, moved towards Ye 2, Ye 3 and the others.

Dinghai Volume-Ripples!

Still using long sword to release the meaning of the sword, sword light 凛冽, quickly wiped the throat of leaves 2 and 3.

Two people were killed by Lei Yin, leaving their minds blank and holding the spot.

When the reaction came, I felt that I was constantly rising and spinning in the sky.

They even saw their bodies!

Headless corpse!

2 Ziх 殑 澶  锛 岃  Su Zimo 涓 € 鍓 戞 柀 钀

佸 彾 佸 彾 8 璺 濈  Su Zimo chain 杩 戙

烽 煶 鏉 € 链 chain 链 2 浜 浜

2 浜 虹 殑 榧 诲 瓟 锛 €€ 纴 鍢 纴 鍢 纴 鍢 纴 鍢 纴 鍢  锛 屽 弻 鐪 硷 纴 閮  锛 屽 弻 鐪 硷 纴 閮  锛 屽 弻 鐪 硷 纴 閮 缁 忔 笚 鍑 篴 缁 忔 笚 鍑 篴 where the path of chen is wide

7 绐 嶆 祦 chen € 锛

2 浜 Rainbow 洿 鎸 尯 镄 勫 尯 镄 勫 尯 镄 勫 掍 嫔 幓 锛 岃 缮 嫔 幓 锛 岃 缮 嫔 幓 锛 岃 缮 嫔 幓 锛 岃 缮 嫔 幓 锛 岃 缮 嫔 幓 锛 岃 缮 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 棰 楀 ご 棰 呴  璧 紒 紒 紒

浜 浜 浜 纴 纴  溂 闂  溂 闂  溂 闂  溂 闂  溂 闂  溂 闂 鍙  墿  溂 闂 嫔 彾 浜 5 浜

濂 gui 殑 fleshly body 锛 屽 湪 5 浜


Zi 鍒 氲  鍑 鍒 氲  鍑 竴 竴 Zi Zi Zi 灏 卞 Zimo 浜 鏉 ワ 纴 镙 鏉 ワ 纴 镙 鏉 ワ 纴 镙 浜 浜 浜 鏉 ワ 纴 镙 鏉 ワ 纴 镙 鏉 ワ 纴 镙 鏉 ワ 纴 镙 鏉 ワ 纴 镙 湰 娌 湰 娌 綍 綍 綍 綍 轰 轰

Oh la la !

杩 欎 竴 鍓 戏 纴 绔 熸 柀 鍑 轰 简 stormy sea 锛

垰 鍒 Hydrogen Women’s Peak Set

Su Zimo

8 How to do this

 € ¢ Brief Introduction

Su Zimo 浠 楀 墤 Juan 婂 墠 锛 宭 ong sword 杩 囧  锛 宎 path of 娑 熸 吉  幇 锛 屽 皢 娑 熸 3 浜 Coupling 叏 閮 ㄧ  缃 ╀ 简 杩 涘 幓 锛 屾 牴 链  毦 浠 ヨ 劚Tao

ding ding dong dong!

鍙 屾 nan 浜 ゆ 嶈 嶈 3 4 1

3 棰 楅 矞 锽 锽 秾 镄 勮 剳 琚 嬶 纴 秾 镄 勮 剳 琚 嬶 纴 秾 镄 勮 剳 琚 嬶 纴 秾 镄 勮 剳 琚 嬶 纴 秾 镄 勮 剳 琚 嬶 纴 秾 镄 勮 剳 琚 嬶 纴 秾 镄 勮 剳 琚 嬶 纴

瀵 竹 u Zimo 鍑 drying 镄 凬 ascent Soul True Monarch

濂 Karmic Retribution 銆

How to identify the source of the error message and how to use it as an ascent Soul True Monarch Bake

濡 备 粖 锛 屽 ス 浠  殑

滈 兘 翠 翠 翠 鍓 戜 箣 浜 镫 犳 镫 犳 镫 犳 镫 犳 纴 鏉 纴 鏉 浼 愬 喅 鏂  纴 浠 婃 棩 浼 愬 喅 鏂  纴 浠 婃 棩 浼 愬 喅 鏂  纴 浠 婃 棩 € € € € € € € € € € € € 侊 纴 鏋 € 侊 纴 鏋 侊 纴 鏋

 € ¢ Ling 澶 ︻ 嫚 浜 嗭 纴 镙 澶 ︻ 嫚 浜 嗭 纴 镙 澶 ︻ 嫚 浜 嗭 纴 镙 澶 ︻ 嫚 浜 嗭 纴 镙 湰 嶆 哕 湰 tender tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex 銆 傗 €

Qun Xiu secretly tongued out.

“who are you?”

獊 鐒 跺 搷 璧 獊 鐒 跺 搷 璧 獊 鐒 跺 搷 璧 獊 鐒 跺 搷 璧 竴 阆 揿 竴 阆 揿 1 阔 纴 浼 箮 鏄  湪 箮 鏄  湪 ㄩ 棶 锛 屽 嵈 鍙 箮 鏄  湪 箮 鏄  湪 箮 鏄  湪 湪 铡 嬫 姂 镌 湪 铡 嬫 姂 镌 湪 铡 嬫 姂 镌 湪 铡 嬫 姂 镌 浠 涔 堬 纴 澹 涔 堬 纴 澹 涔 堬 纴 澹Chain

鍙 ︼Hang Qiuyu 鐩  笉 淇  潧 镄 勭 洴 镌 Su Sumo锛 屾 槸 璋 侊 紒 ‘

Word intent 锛 岃 € 屾 槸 鍒 € 镒 忥 紒

Vine € vine ivine Phoenix Island 纴 Monkey 纴 Heavenly Desolate Continent

“Release Clarity True Scripture”

鑸  嫢 瀵 猴 纴 Floating Buddhist Temple 锛 孭 haseless Temple 镄 刅 oid Return Realm monk 锛 屽 悓 镞


Ye Tiancheng 绐 佺 劧 绗 戜 简 澹 澹 纴 骞 镄 勮  阆 掳 澹 镄 勮  阆 掳 纴 骞 纴 骞 纴 骞 纴 骞 纴 骞 滀 滀 滀 滀 滀 滀 滀 滀 鍓 戜 綔 鍒 滀 鍓 戜 綔 鍒 锛 屾 柦 灞 曞 嚭 鍒 锛 屾 柦 灞 曞 嚭 鍒 锛 屾 柦 灞 曞 嚭 鍒 锛 屾 柦 灞 曞 嚭 鍒杩 囨 墍 chain

浠 栨 槸 natural phenomenon 姒 滈  锛 孋 enterral Territory Number 1 True Monarch 銆

Su Zimo 镄 勬 drop 娈 碉 纴 tweezers︻ 劧 鐬 掍 笉 杩 囦 粬 锛

灏 卞 湪 姝 ゆ 椂 锛 屽 Attention chain diagram ao Monarch尪 浼 Hydrogen 笂 钘 忓 ご 锛 屼 綘 绌

3 Xuancun 畲 姣 晘 澶 у 镌 ¤ 钖 с € 俶 any thanks 炶 垶 锛 屾 槬 锛 岄 唹 椋 庢 祦 锛 屽 ぇ 鐭 冲 炶 垶 锛 屾 槬 锛 岄 唹 椋 庢 祦 锛 屽 ぇ 鐭 ellow Daoist 镄 勬 墦 璧 忥 纴 many thanks 鍜 岄 缁 嗛 洦 镄 勬 敮 鎸 and

(End of this chapter)

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