Eternal Tranquility

Chapter 748 Yin Yang Eyes

The woman who jumped into the river looked to be about 20 years old. She was dressed as a woman and her body was already submerged in the water. If the pillar hadn't grabbed her collar, she would have been swept away by the rushing river.

Although her eyes were full of anger and hatred, the woman's whole body exuded a dark and desperate aura, and she shouted the word "let go" decisively.

Then, she found that the expression of the pillar holding her changed in an instant, becoming like a Buddha with his head lowered and showing no sadness or joy, or a sage looking at the world coldly from above.

His voice, as small as a whisper, miraculously overcame the sound of the surging waves and reached the woman's ears clearly.

"Do you really want to die?"

There was no warmth in her tone, cold and ruthless, as if as soon as she replied that she wanted to die, the other party would let her go without hesitation!

The woman seeking death suddenly felt cold all over her body. She saw that the eyes of the other person staring at her suddenly changed. The black eye on the right side became even darker, as if no light could penetrate.

Such a terrifying sight scared her to the point of trembling with despair and anger. Her blinded mind regained some clarity, and there was a trace of hesitation on her frightened face.

In this short moment, she felt her body lighten and was grabbed by several other hands. However, several villagers who finally reacted rushed to the rescue and pulled the person back onto the boat with all their hands. .

The woman's whole body was soaked, her black hair was messy and stuck to her face, she looked embarrassed, she was shrinking and shivering. Several ladies immediately gathered around her, nagging her while dragging her into the cabin.

"How can you, a little lady, seek death?"

"If you have anything you can't think about, just talk to the aunts and you'll be able to solve it. Don't jump into the river."

"Ah, isn't this the daughter-in-law of the Li family in Taoshu Village? You, you... ugh!"

Before entering the cabin, the woman secretly glanced at the pillar through the gap in the crowd, only to see that he had sat back down and started shaking the oar. His expression was calm, and his right eye was also very normal, as if he had never left, as if the sentence was similar. The whispered "Do you really want to die" was just her delusion.

When her eyes left, Zhuzhu raised his head and touched his right eye for no apparent reason.

At that time, his head was very close to that of the woman, so he could clearly see the change in his own eyes from the other woman's wide-open eyes in fear, and at the same time, there was a chill flowing in the right eye socket.

This made him feel a little scared, and he couldn't help but think of a certain rumor.

Ferrymen are just boatmen, but because they are the ones who transport people from one shore to the other, there are some legends among the people that they also have the mission of traveling between the human world and the realm of the dead, shuttling between the Yin and Yang realms. .

He didn't believe it at first, but the changes in himself today made him more uncertain, scared and confused.

He considers himself to be an ordinary person. He has never made any achievements since he was a child. He is still a cripple. How can he be the messenger of the Yin and Yang worlds?

Amidst such uneasiness, the constant voices in the cabin made him feel better, at least there was someone by his side.

Zhuzi listened distractedly for a while. The villagers were trying to persuade the woman who jumped into the river. From those words, he slowly spelled out the cause of the incident.

It turned out that the woman was from Taoshu Village half a mile away. Her real name was Zhang Daya. She married the Li family in the same village. After many years of marriage, there was no news about her pregnancy, so she was returned to her parents' home by her husband's family. As a result, her father and brother wanted to sell her to a brothel in the city, saying that she was a chicken that couldn't lay eggs anyway, and it would be difficult to get married again, and they were unwilling to give her another mouth.

Zhang Daya, who was desperate, finally managed to escape today when her family members were not paying attention. Only then did she realize that there was no way out in the vastness of the world, so she decided to die.

Some of the villagers who were on the same boat tried to persuade her, some comforted her, and some scolded her cruel relatives, but in the end, there was nothing they could do to help her get out of the predicament.

A woman obeys her father at home and her husband when married. It is a huge scandal to be divorced because she has no children. Moreover, it is her father and brother who want to sell her now, so what can others do?

When the boat docked, Zhang Daya, who had kept his head buried in silence, pushed aside everyone and quickly got off the boat, looking towards the town a few miles away.

Zhu Zhu thought that the matter was over, he was just unlucky and encountered someone jumping into the river on his boat. But he didn't expect that after a few days of calm, the Zhang family and his son suddenly pulled up his boat with a group of people and wanted to take him to see the officials, saying that he had kidnapped his daughter.

Zhu Zhu looked at them in surprise: "W-what, isn't your daughter here..."

The Zhangs and his son immediately interrupted him.

"What are you doing! Da Ya is missing. She just disappeared after taking your boat. If she hadn't been abducted by you, she would have gone somewhere else! Please pay for my daughter!"

Zhuzi opened his mouth in a daze. He really wanted to say that your daughter is standing behind you. She is wearing a white dress and a white dress. Her beautiful face is very calm, and she has completely lost the madness that day.

Suddenly, he was shaken all over, and he glanced at the group of people and the people watching the excitement around him. He was so shocked that he took a few steps back, tripped on a stone, and fell down!

Because he suddenly discovered that on the entire river beach, it seemed that he was the only one who saw Da Ya, and no one else could see her at all!

Those who came to look for trouble thought he was afraid, and couldn't help but feel even more proud. They came well prepared, and they insisted that Zhang Daya disappeared after taking his boat, or that he had abducted her! If he doesn't want to see an official, that's fine. The Zhang family will marry their daughter to him. Since it's a marriage, a betrothal gift must be given, and the betrothal gift must be at least fifty taels of silver!


The villagers who were waiting for the boat by the river and passing by all exclaimed: Fifty taels of silver! Farmers like them work in the fields all year round without eating or drinking, so they can only save three to five taels of silver at most. Zhang and his son only need 50 taels of silver in one mouthful!

This is obviously bullying Zhu Zhu because he is not a local and has no one to support him at home.

A villager sneered and said, "Zhang Laizi, is your daughter's vagina made of gold? An abandoned woman who has been divorced without a child dares to ask for a dowry gift of fifty taels of silver. Are you crazy about money?"

Country people are capable of saying all kinds of rude things, causing a group of people to burst into laughter.

Zhuzi covered his mouth in fear, because upon hearing these words, Zhang Daya, who had been dumbfounded, suddenly moved and pounced on the speaker with bared teeth and claws!

"don't want!"

Zhuzhu blurted out, but he didn't expect that Zhang Daya really stopped and became stunned again.

"Don't want it?" Zhang Laizi came over fiercely and grabbed the clothes on his chest: "You don't want it if you say you don't want it? If I can't get any money today, I'll use your boat to pay for it!"

Although Zhu Zhu was lame and was in panic because he had seen something unusual, he still had the strength in his hand to paddle boats all year round, so he had no choice but to fight with the opponent.

Suddenly a shout came down from the hillside. Everyone turned around and saw Aunt Chunhua rushing down with a stick as thick as her wrist, followed by several women from Yanshang Village.

"Well, you Zhang Laizi, you have come to Yanshang Village to bully others!"

After saying that, he hit Zhang and his son!

They didn't beat anyone else. They only chased the Zhang family and his son, and while beating them, they cursed: "The chicken thief calls the donkey a fool all day long. In addition to beating the mother-in-law and selling the daughter, he also dares to show his vagina in public." Wherever there is a crack, you can dig in. If you dare to sneak into our Yanshang Village today, you will definitely be left with nothing to eat!"

Zhuzi was dumbfounded. He was squeezed outside in a few moments and couldn't get in.

Those who came to help were also stunned. They saw a group of old women who were as ferocious as tigers and wolves, beating Zhang and his son until they screamed in pain and ran all over the ground!

The plot of Fusion is very difficult to write. The author wrote a paragraph and felt dissatisfied, so he had to overturn and rewrite it, so I'm sorry for the delay.

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