101 Unpacking (1)

European financiers flocked to Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

They went to the meeting because of Eaststellar’s under-the-hood work, but they didn’t look very good.

Taken from readwn.com

Maybe it was normal.

The finances of the European market were held by local banks called regional holders.

They were living by giving out loans to the state and companies and earning a certain amount of income, but Lee Hwan intervened in the gap and started to muddy the water.

“These days, Easterfield Finance mobilizes war funds everywhere and rolls bonds and bills, so we are almost dying because we have nothing to eat.”

“Hmm, was it?”

Lee Hwan shed their sarcasm as if it wasn’t a big deal.

Then some bank presidents left their seats and stood up.

“… … Have you ever seen such a shameless person? Hey, don’t you guys have any morals?”

“Seeking business ethics in the banking industry.”

Lee Hwan kicked his tongue, and the bankers growled, exposing his teeth to him.

Despite being surrounded by such a flock of wolves, Hana Lee Hwan still overflowed with leeway.

After putting a cigarette in the pipe, he sat down on a chair and crossed his legs.

Chi profit… … .

As the savory cigarette smoke filled the room, the slightly noisy hall became quiet again.

Lee Hwan smiled and said to them.

“Let’s be honest. Let’s say that you had a chance to be appointed as a business operator to mobilize military funds necessary for the recent war. Millions of dollars in checks and bonds come and go every month, and the premiums continue to accrue. If the benefits come right in front of you, will the surrounding environment come into your mind?”

“Such an opportunity would eventually come back to us, right?”

“Hey, why is that a chance to go back to you? Europe is now the smarter guy to take out the loan and be appointed as a bond distributor. They are all heads of families in Europe, and you probably don’t know that.”

As Europe’s financial market developed rapidly, chaebols of financial institutions were born, and they were still growing following the British war.

In particular, in the case of the Bearings family, they had strong enough to control the money chain of the British royal family, and they even transferred astronomical franc bonds to Paris, where the Bourbon dynasty was reconstituted.

Did the Hana Bearings rule Europe’s financial landscape from the start?

Traditions do not exist in the financial world, and there are bound to be people who lead the way according to the times.

Lee Hwan was emphasizing it.

“Everyone has a stomach ache. As we distribute weapons and complete the leasing system, all European countries only trade with us East Stellar. But it’s easy to admit that it’s the trend. No, on the contrary, if we do not acknowledge it now, we will inevitably be eliminated from the market.”

“… … what?”

In fact, European financiers thought that Lee Hwan would exhort them and maintain a low stance as much as possible in this discourse.

However, since he was young, Lee Hwan was such a hard man that the merchants at the top called him a jjangdol.

Everyone was at a loss for words at his upright posture.

Lee Hwan smiled and began to confide his plans in front of everyone.

He first put a piece of paper down on the table.

“Have you ever heard of Baltic Corporation?”

“Baltic Corporation? Isn’t that a company the British set up to seize northern Europe?”

“okay. Its official activity is mere investment, but in fact, it is known as an extortion organization that devoured all of Denmark’s trading hubs.”

“But why… … .”

“If you join me, you will not be confined to this cramped Western Europe, but will be able to lay the groundwork to expand into Russia and Asia.”

“… … What does that mean? No matter how good you are, how are you going to take us beyond Russia to reach unexplored China?”

In this era, China was a one-sided trading country robbing Britain of silver, and there was no way to penetrate the market except for opium.

There had never been a war before, so it was impossible to know the difference in power between Britain and China, but for now, no one thought that Britain could defeat China.

It was a dream come true for a financier to set foot on Chinese soil.

But what if that dream-like story becomes a reality?

“We, Easterfield Finance, have agreed to receive the transfer of Baltic Sea Co., Ltd. on the condition that we will supply 100,000 ES-1s, a new firearm, to the UK, and also supply ES-2 firearms in the future.”

“… … Huh!”

“Of course, it is by no means finalized yet. Because I put the decision on hold.”

Holding the Baltic Sea Corporation will provide a foothold for not only Northern Europe, but also Western Europe and Russia.

If the Baltic Corporation were to finance the British side of the battle between Russia and Britain, it would make huge profits.

Then, if Britain told Russia to take a picture, it would be a huge hit.

“There is no gun that can outperform the ES-2 yet in my analysis. It is for this reason that the Netherlands is taking up nearly 70% of its majors while participating in the Austrian Allied Forces.”

The Netherlands became famous for having the most enemy kills in the Allies, but the least damage to their allies.

They neutralized the enemy with excellent tactics, timely strike ability, and above all, overwhelming firepower.

Although less glamorous than Yi Hwan’s mercenary corps, there was virtually no country capable of overwhelming the Dutch army.

It was for this reason that Britain was so openly lining up to Lee Hwan.

Lee Hwan gave them the opportunity of a lifetime.

“If you join me, we can join England.”

“No, then what about the Netherlands? Aren’t you saying you’re going to betray your country of origin?”

“Who told you to betray? The Netherlands is a British ally and ally. It means that if you create just the right cause in the middle so that Britain can take over the guns, you can eat the Baltic Corporation without treachery.”

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has come to the financiers who have lost their way.

Of course, Lee Hwan did not think that they would be caught and dragged along with this level of fishing.

Perhaps, in their brains, great calculations and battles were going on.

‘Perhaps you are rolling your head to split the bone. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a particularly sharp number. There must be limits to the options given to you.’

They must choose one of the two.

It was the sound of having to choose one, whether to hold Lee Hwan’s hand or to sit on the streets as it is being killed in the financial industry as it is.

Then, holding Lee Hwan’s hand would be the right choice rather than letting go, but the problem was what happened after that.

Once inside Lee Hwan’s fence, they have to compete with each other within the cramped fence after pegging the Baltic Sea Co., Ltd.

It would be beneficial, but the only thing left to do is fight each other fiercely.

In Lee Hwan’s eyes, it was already clearly visible that the outset of the political battle was taking place.

“Now, what are you going to do?”

“… … Yes. Let us do as you say.”

“After all, people aren’t as tight-lipped as they think.”

“But I have one thing to promise you.”

“It’s a promise.”

“The stakes that will come back to us must be exactly the same, and it is difficult to establish a dictatorial policy. All decisions are made by the board of directors.”

If the stakes were distributed equally to all, the Baltic Corporation would be very open five minutes ago.

Because they each have the same stake, the only way to get ahead of the other person is to play politics, because it was clear that if you played politics in that narrow board, someone would be destroyed.

“Well, you do.”

Lee Hwan very coolly accepted their request.

After today, he was looking forward to how they would get into accidents.


A few days later, Lee Hwan visited Ben Heren’s mansion.

Richard Benheren’s complexion has improved considerably due to the recent streak of victories in the Austrian Allies.

He greatly welcomed Yi Hwan, the protagonist of this war.

“I was waiting for you to come!”

“Are you talking about me?”

“After the Austrian Allied Forces won a great victory in Leipzig, only a part of the northern part remained. If we don’t be greedy and just do a siege for six months, we’ll get a picture of us winning in the end.”

“Good luck. Congratulations on your winning streak.”

“Haha, shouldn’t this victory be something to celebrate for you too?”

If the Austrian Allies win this war, what kind of profit will Lee Hwan bring?

No, rather, the end of the war was not so welcome to the military commander.

In any case, money is supposed to move only when there is a war, and when military supplies are rotated, East Stellar must also make a profit.

Hana Yi Hwan sympathized with Ben Heren, who was celebrating such a victory.

‘Yeah, when the Austrian Allied Forces win, the plate will be more favorable to me.’

After all, this war was just the beginning of the war.

After the German Confederation was completely annihilated by Austria, it was certain that Britain and Russia would meet again here.

Then there will be a much bigger game than now, and Lee Hwan will be able to touch big money again in the middle.

Lee Hwan cautiously asked Ben Heren, who was in a good mood.

“Duke, I have something to tell you.”

“Something? It was the royal guideline to do whatever you wanted. I’ll give you the royal son-in-law’s seat if you want.

“Then let me tell you. Instead of giving the Baltic Corporation in the UK, we have been asking for the supply of the ES-2.”

“… … You mean the supply of new firearms?”

“Yes that’s right.”

“So, what do you think?”

Ben-Heren’s expression hardened in an instant, as if looking at an unidentified iron-faced skin.

I wondered if it was the person who laughed at Lee Hwan just before.

However, Lee Hwan had no intention of backing down in front of him.

“Based on this company, I want to lead European finance by tying it together.”

“Bundling finance?”

“The financiers in the UK, France and even Austria and northern Germany are very dissatisfied with me. In fact, some people said they wanted to buy oil to burn Eaststellar.”

Richard Ben-Heren burst into laughter after hearing Lee Hwan’s story.

“Isn’t oil a commodity you monopolize? You’re going to burn Eaststellar with the oil I bought from you? They are stupid people.”

“It means that you are very angry.”

Lee Hwan recently monopolized oil and started distributing it to each country, and also monopolized the sale of refined oil used to roll goods sold in East Stellar.

So far, there has been no problem with Lee Hwan’s monopoly supply, but the story will be different once the railroads are drilled in various places.

Thinking about such a situation, Ben Heren laughed for a while, then returned with a serious expression.

“Is it really possible to bind them together and control them?”

“But in this narrow Europe, you can’t do business with an enemy on the back of your head, right?”

“But nobody knows what will happen if you give Britain a new gun.”

“you’re right. No one knows what will happen. But I have a rough idea of what things will be like after this war is over.”

“… … Are you feeling it?”

“Sometimes ago, people from northern Germany told me that Austria seemed to be trading wagons with Russia.”

Ben-Herren was not surprised when he heard the news of Russian-Austrian relations.

Apparently, he was already aware of it.

‘What, did you know?’

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