103 ​turning point (1)

The East Stellar Company decided to supply 100,000 ES-1s to the UK, and to give priority to ES-2s produced in the future over other countries.

As soon as the British Ministry of Finance received the letter from Lee Hwan, it immediately sent a deputy minister-level person.

The deputy minister-level person did not show any signs of discomfort while traveling directly from England to the Netherlands.

Rather, he smiled quite happily and shook hands with Lee Hwan.

“A very hot choice! Today’s choice will be a major turning point in improving relations between you and us, the British Empire.”

“Then I would be very happy too.”

“Then, just sign the contract and end the conversation.”

The British undersecretary acted as if a fire had fallen on his foot.

If we don’t sign the contract right away, it’s like the world will collapse like this.

Lee Hwan smiled softly.

‘Yeah, I’ve been looking for it since I came to someone else’s business and asked them to print out currency that doesn’t even exist.’

Not long ago, Lee Hwan received a note from England.

The note was that the risk posed by British subordinated bonds was at odds with the financial crisis, and bad debts were exploding.

Lee Hwan issued a bunch of subordinated bonds to the gentry class in order to raise the UK’s national credit rating, and the gentries who bought it without knowing anything, sucked up the Bank of England’s risk like a sponge.

As a result, the amount of repayment of the bond resulting from the default of the bond could not be returned to the gentries and all went back to the overseas banks.

East Stellar was the first priority, so it would not be an exaggeration to say that Lee Hwan took all the repayments made by British bonds.

That’s why Britain pressured Eaststellar to open a European Development Bank.

It was unclear whether Britain, which had wiped out the entire gentry class to bring gold enough to buy 100,000 guns, would win the war against Russia.

‘I broke my back and no one can stand up and walk around. The same goes for the military.’

Officers and sergeants were British of the noble or gentry class, so if the nation’s waist is cut, the discipline of the army is bound to be disturbed.

In a word, it was the sound of having to compete against the mighty Russia without a commander.

Being entangled in such a complicated situation, I had to sell the Baltic Corporation, and there was no other way.

Lee Hwan once signed a contract with the UK.

However, he was thinking of getting one more for himself at this time.

“Before you sign the contract, please put an option on it.”


“Please allow me to set up a mining corporation in Australia.”

“It’s a mining company.”

“Australia has the flag of the British Empire, isn’t it?”

“Well, it is.”

Why would you go all the way to Australia to set up a company? The vice minister’s expression was exactly that.

Not surprisingly, as Lee Hwan had seen in the past, it was Australia where people who were expelled after participating in the Luddite movement, or who lived as criminals in Europe and then emigrated as if pursued, settled in Australia.

Australia was chaotic and chaotic, and the northern regions were quite barren, making it very difficult for people to live.

Crucially, it was the orthodox that it was not even properly governed because it was too far from the mainland England.

At Lee Hwan, who was going to enter the land of such madmen, the vice minister shook his head.

“If you really need to do that.”

“Please allow us to claim ownership of the mines we are exploring.”

“Hey, is that what you were so craving for?”

“Maybe it felt more practical than coveted.”

“That’s it.”

“Anyway, can you please?”

Lee Hwan was making a very polite request, but the Vice Minister seemed to take it very seriously.

Since the British discovered Australia, there has been a steady flow of immigrants, and recently even declared the whole of Australia a colony.

However, there are still more unexplored areas in Australia, and the population density is quite low.

It was a completely different phase from the occupation of India.

“I will give you some settlements. With him as a starting point, whether you develop a mine or dig up the land to do business, it is up to the Baron.”

“How come you’re talking like you don’t understand me at all.”

“It is surprising that a nobleman asks for exploration rights and territorial rights in that wasteland.”

You must have wondered how serious it was to have something to eat on that land.

However, the British were still unaware of how much gold there was in Australia.

Even Melbourne, Australia, was once a place where huge amounts of gold were poured out, accounting for one-third of the world’s gold production.

He didn’t understand Lee Hwan that much, so to Lee Hwan, this felt like an opportunity.

“Then do this. Sell us the sovereignty of southern New South Wales.”

“Isn’t the land pretty wide?”

“Isn’t it?”

“Well, that’s not it.”

“Then give us the land at a cheap price. And please recognize the property rights along with the sovereignty there.”

In terms of future value, Lee Hwan’s proposal was really so forceful that I couldn’t listen to it any longer.

However, considering the current era, the money left over and I thought I was crazy rich.

The deputy minister nodded happily.

“Do whatever you want. Would you like to create a dominion over there?”

“It would be nice then.”

“good. But I can’t hand over Sydney where the colonial government is.”

“Do not worry.”

Lee Hwan pulled out the map he had prepared in advance.

The map showed Australia in great detail, and Lee Hwan accurately drew a line on the borders of the future Victorian state.

“Well, I guess this should be enough.”

“That’s right. Then you pay for the gun on this condition. It’s difficult to change words.”

“It will never happen.”

Lee Hwan put an iron fence here and completely blocked the entry of outsiders for a while, and was about to slowly develop a gold mine later.

‘No, it’s not even a gold mine. Even the streets are full of gold!’

This was the fisherman’s jiri, and it was like a lottery.


As the development of the Arabian Peninsula continued, projects to expand cities and roads were in progress.

Building a road in the Middle East, the land of martyrs, was not as easy as one might think.

However, it was at a level where workers from Africa and local workers got their hands on a job at a relatively cheap price.

Lloyd Joins, head of development on the Arabian Peninsula, was continuing to build the foundation for moving oil locally.

Not long ago, Eaststellar developed a tanker that could hold as much oil as possible.

As a result, a huge amount of crude oil has already flowed into Literkirk, but compared to the amount of crude oil they will take with them in the future, it is a blood clot.

Now, research that could create an oil pipeline was in full swing.

The fastest and safest way to transport crude oil was through pipeline transport, so even if it took some time, Lee Hwan gave instructions so that it could be completed without fail.

Eaststellar had first compacted the ground before the pipeline was even completed.

The ground had to be dug while the road was being laid anyway, but the idea was to secure a space to bury the oil pipe under it in advance.

Lloyd Joins toured the site of the pipeline as he drove along the makeshift pavement.

But the length wasn’t that great.

“To safely transport crude oil, at least we have to run pipelines from the military garrison to the road connecting area, which is unlikely to be as easy as it sounds.”

“Are you expecting hard work?”

“How many times a day there are sandstorms, what can we do?”

Once the road was cleared, it was not difficult to bury the pipeline or transport crude oil.

However, the construction itself was not easy.

“It is said that if you work for a full week while covered in dust, a person will become ill and unable to move. Fortunately, the soil is being plowed in shifts, but the shortcoming is that it takes a long time as the period of employment is so short.”

“Damn it… … .”

“It looks like something special is probably needed.”

Lee Hwan-eun paid a huge bonus to Lloyd Joins, saying that transporting crude oil is the heart of East Stellar.

With such an enormous responsibility on his shoulders, Lloyd Joins couldn’t sleep well.

“It’s at a level that you’ve been forced to endure until now, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is.”

“What is the most difficult? hot?”

“It’s more like a sandstorm.”

“Well, once a person breathes, it doesn’t have to be anything.”

“Yes, it is. You can’t install any kind of sieve. It’s difficult.”

“… … strainer?”

When Lee Hwan heard the sound of a strainer, something flashed through his mind.

It was just a strainer for the face.

“If dust is such a problem, why not work with a strainer on your face?”

“Are you talking about something like a mask?”

“It’s like him. But there is a sieve attached to the mask that can filter out the dust.”

“Aha! That way?!”

“It seems that the head office is producing masks while developing in South America. Can’t we just put a strainer on it?”

“It’s a mask with a sieve!”

“It was originally used to prevent infectious diseases, but wouldn’t that be enough to filter out dirt?”

In this era, epidemics were one of the most terrifying beings.

Even if the dolimbyeong turned once, a village in the area would disappear, and if it was wrong, the city would tilt.

Since there was a mask that said it would prevent such a terrible dolrim disease, of course, I thought it would also filter the dust.

“If the mask only filters half the sand, where would it be?”

“Well, it really is. As long as you can breathe properly, the construction can proceed somehow.”

“Then, if we measure and bring the gas mask to the local area, can the construction be done a little faster?”

“It will be almost three or four times faster. Once people can start working.”

Lloyd Joins asked its headquarters to develop a gas mask for construction in the Middle East.

Recently, Eaststellar had electricity all over the place, so all news was supposed to arrive within a few hours unless the sea blocked it.

This powerful informational power carried the gas mask news to Lee Hwan as well.

As soon as he heard the sieve, he instructed the lab to make a dust mask.

“If you work in the Middle East wearing a regular mask, people will fall and be carried away. Instead, make and distribute a slightly heavier dust mask.”

“Hmm, does a dust mask protect against dust?”

“It’s like that. Let’s take the design like this.”

While drawing the blueprint for the dust mask, Lee Hwan drew a purification tank containing activated carbon on one side.

Then, the heads of the researchers tilted.

“A purifier? What is this?”

“In the future, it will be necessary for ground warfare as well.”

Anyone who has served in the military knows this.

How valuable is a gas mask?

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