113 Banker’s Bomb (2)

A week after Eaststellar’s financial austerity began, the European financial markets were running towards bankruptcy.

Lee Hwan was watching their downfall through the report.

“The price of British government bonds has fallen more than 30% in just over a week. Now, there is so much stock in the market that it is impossible to issue new shares.”

“The situation is very bad.”

British bond prices were bottoming out, and it became difficult to issue additional consoles as many wealthy people were selling consoles at bargain prices.

At present, Britain was under pressure from railway construction, road construction, the procurement of various electric expenses, and the payment of raw materials.

No matter how much India has seized power, the economic situation will never improve as long as the country’s balance of payments continues to deteriorate.

“If it fails to issue consoles or other government bonds, how will the UK pay off its bonds now?”

“I know they are looking for various workarounds, but honestly, I don’t think there is any way to find out.”

The present-day Britain was controlling everything by turning it around.

Even the price of raw materials used when handing over the cannons to Portugal was blocked by issuing government bonds.

They had managed to maintain the state by circulating bonds here and there, deferring payment and paying interest.

“If this continues, will the country be destroyed?”

“Honestly, I can say that I am completely ruined even now. You borrowed the people’s name to bring guns to us, didn’t you? In addition, subordinated bonds were issued to the gentry class to improve the country’s creditworthiness. Until now, we had managed to spread the risk, but as the economic crisis accelerated, even this became impossible.”

In the past, Lee Hwan had fed the British who wanted to eat Eaststellar’s weapons for free.

At that time, the economy was running towards catastrophe as the huge taffy that Britain ate caused indigestion.

Now, all Britain could do for Lee Hwan was to run and pray for his hands to become feet.

“When are the bonds due?”

“Most of the things that are due are already due, and the big royal bonds are due in a month or so. If you do not extend the repayment period, the Bank of England is in bankruptcy.”

“It’s self-employed. So, I don’t know why they rushed to prepare for war.”

“Even at that time, the situation in England was not particularly good.”

“Well, that’s right.”

In England and Portugal, there were plenty of cases where the colonies were run and left behind.

Although it became a country where the sun never sets, maintaining its glory to the end was like a mirage.

Now it was clear that Britain was at the crossroads of bankruptcy by Eaststellar’s decision.

“What are you going to do? Are you really going to let them go bankrupt like this?”

“I do not know. I think that’s an issue we need to think about a little more. However, if the succession to the throne is made in our favor based on this, we may change our minds a little.”

“Aha… … !”

“The British Treasury will come back. At that time, we will set the conditions that will favor the succession to the throne and draw a line on the more intimate relationship.”

“Yeah, you’re smart.”

“Isn’t strategic tactics fundamental to making every situation favorable?”

Lee Hwan was planning to show the delegation of the Ministry of Finance, which will come soon, as a neat banker.


A steel wagon returning to headquarters with gold near Mine 3 in Montana was attacked by an enemy, and they had been struggling for over 30 minutes.

Jeff Peterson was using his convoy as cover, his hut as a fortification, and stopping an endless stream of enemies through the canyon.

A miraculous tactic of stopping 3,000 enemies with just one company was unfolding, but even that seemed to be overpowering.

“There are not many mortar shells left!”

“Captain, the bullets are almost gone now!”

Convoy Captain Jeff Peterson couldn’t understand where the heap had been hiding and pouring out.

Obviously, if the 3,000 troops had moved, there would have been signs, since there has never been such a sign until now.

“… … Before we set out, we obviously thoroughly scoured the surrounding terrain, and spent a month examining the convoy for any dangers. And yet we get hit in the head by the enemy.”

“Chief! Now that doesn’t matter! Somehow, we must get a rescue force!”

Jeff Peterson, who was a little stunned, suddenly came to his senses.

He asked about the connection of the wires.

“A telegraph pole will surely pass in this vicinity. Send temporary troops there so they can fetch the telegram.”

“At the beginning of the war, when we built our positions, the temporary troops had already started. But things got harder when the enemies shot and killed the temporary soldiers.”

“… … Did they already know that there was going to be a temporary disease?”

I don’t know where the error came from, but it was clear that information was leaking from inside.

Jeff Peterson could now easily realize that securing the front line, even risking his life, was the key.

He checked the military status first.

“How many troops do we have left?”

“Around 90 people.”

“For 30 minutes of fierce fighting, there aren’t that many casualties.”

“Isn’t this all thanks to our intensive training and excellent weapon system?”

As his subordinates say, Jeff Peterson is a commander with an army of one hundred per day.

He decided to make the decision of a lifetime here.

“We send half of our troops to the temporary site.”

“If half of the troops move to secure the telegram… … .”

“If you move a large number of wagons to build cover, and fire mortars at the enemy base to distract your gaze, you have a good chance of winning.”

“But if everyone dies before then… … .”

“Their guns can’t penetrate our steel wagons. In the worst case scenario, you might be able to get in the wagon and hold out until the end. Well, even then, it would be the same as risking your life.”

It was Jeff Peterson’s strategy to fight with his teeth until the end.

For now, this was the best course of action, and the soldiers had no other option than to follow his instructions.

“… … Start right now.”

“Yeah, I’m so proud of you guys. I think the Baron will surely be delighted to see you like this.”

“I will fight with my life!”

“Come on, let’s get started.”

Jeff Peterson removed six of the eight manned tow trucks and gave them to the Telegraph Securing Forces.

At the same time, he decided to collect as many mortar shells from the camp as he had and give the enemy a rain of shells.

“When we fire a mortar, you have to run to secure the pole without looking back. No matter what happens, you must never come back until the rescue force arrives. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand!”

Jeff Peterson ordered four mortars to fire.

The ammunitionists, who were running around with their aiming rods, completed their formation in line with his signal.

The catcher gave a thumbs up.

“Ready to shoot!”


The fire began, with the fate of the convoy at stake.

Now, in this fire, the second fight to secure the power pole will be fought.

When Jeff Peterson poured out shells with the momentum to destroy the enemy’s base, the enemies stopped and paused for a moment.

It was absurd to charge in a situation where a single bullet could kill dozens of soldiers, no matter how terrified they were.

Thanks to this, the operation to secure the telephone pole went smoothly.

Squad leader Randol Sturmack firmly believed that this operation would be successful.

That was then.

tang tang tang… … !

“Squad leader, the enemy is coming from all directions!”

“Shit! Observer, how big is the enemy?”

“Approximately 500 people!”

“You really did a plan.”

“Since there are still people left, it seems that a large number of troops have been deployed in front of the telephone poles in case something happens.”

In a situation where a large army of 3,000 men surrounded 100 or so troops, it was not difficult to turn around 500 commandos back.

Randol Sturmack decided to first actively use his armored wagon to build a defensive position against the influx of enemies.

“Let’s fight in such a way that we can effectively block enemy bullets by placing the wagons on all sides, while protecting the telephone poles as much as possible.”

“all right!”

“Don’t back down, fight!”

At the command of the squad leader, the soldiers valiantly poured out their bullets.

Again, two generations more than the original cartridge rifles, Eaststellar’s new firearm was enough to wipe out enemies.

The problem was that the enemies already knew just how important the poles were.

They were shooting down visible telegraph poles with cannons, making telegram communication impossible.

“… … Telephone poles have collapsed!”

“Hey, these bastards can’t just leave the utility poles alone.”

“How about now?”

“Let’s check that the power line is alive first.”

How did I get here, and now I can’t give up.

Randol Sturmack first connected a telegraph to the pole and checked to see if electricity was going on.

Beep, beep… … .

Fortunately, the signal was caught.

“Even if they knocked down the poles, they didn’t seem to think of cutting off the wires at all.”

“You must have known that you could get electrocuted and die if you touched the wrong wire.”

In this age, the understanding of electricity was not very high, and even the very simple principle of insulation in which a wire is clogged by rubber was not well understood.

It was as if such a historical background had saved the lives of these convoys.

Thanks to this, Randol Sturmack was able to connect the telegram and inform the main unit that the enemy is attacking and stealing the gold.

Beep beep… … !

As soon as I sent the telegram, I got a reply right away.

Eaststellar’s telegram system has several ciphers for emergency communication, and Randol Sturmack chose the most urgent cipher.

Then, the main university recognized the situation and replied that they would send a 5-minute waiting group immediately.

Randol Sturmack sighed in relief.

“… … lived.”

“But Squad Leader, the enemies are pulling their cannons!”

“A cannon?!”

No matter how hard the gloves are, if you beat the cannons all day long, the door will inevitably open.

But he didn’t back down.

“Telegram is our life. If you want to protect this, you can fight as much as you want.”

“you’re right. Isn’t it impossible to surrender like this?”

“Ha ha, yes! You are right!”

Now that there was no place to retreat any more, the squad was prepared to die.

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