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The coronation of the Commonwealth of Easterfield took place on the mainland, North America.

As Lee Hwan’s fleet returned to the mainland, the delegation followed and reached California.

In March 1829, the United Kingdom of Easterfield was proclaimed with California as its capital.

Extensive territories were established, linking British Columbia to the north, California to the south, and Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming to the east.

In addition, the Gulf of Mexico area was incorporated into Easterfield’s territorial waters, and overseas territories were Panama, southern Australia, and Suez.

It was the beginning of the most powerful kingdom in North America and Europe.

It was because of the territorial wars in North America and the Portuguese genocide that Easterfield was able to occupy such a vast territory in North America.

If the Portuguese had not committed the genocide, they would not have been deprived of their territory, nor would they have been eaten by the Commonwealth.

However, the whirlpools of history were intertwined with great precision, as if a clockwork was set.

Lee Hwan and Elisabeth wore the crown robes made in France by the best designers of the time, and crowns were worn on their heads in front of the people.

“Long live His Majesty Michael Easterfield, ruler of vast territories and ruler of the Federal Kingdom of Easterfield with the strongest army!”


Now, with the establishment of the Commonwealth, the Eaststellar Company became a state-owned Easterfield company.

The army was reorganized and the mercenaries were converted from the current ranks to the regular army.

Judicial and legislative bodies were put in place, and the executive branch was formed and Yi Hwan’s cabinet was established.

The foundation of such a nation was already created by Lee Hwan from the beginning, so only the name was changed, but the only change in reality was the establishment of the National Assembly and the Court.

All that was left was to use the power of the Kingdom of Easterfield to oppress the British while consolidating the succession to the Dutch throne.

As soon as the coronation ceremony was over, European delegations gathered together.

At the meeting of the delegation, Lee Hwan decided to close the issue of succession to the Dutch throne.

“I can no longer leave the Dutch throne vacant. Even if it was difficult to establish the throne due to the sharp entanglement of interests, if the time is delayed like this, the Netherlands will be divided again.”

“Hmm… … .”

“I think the delegation was decided to finish the succession to the throne to some extent at the coronation ceremony today. Isn’t it?”

If you look closely at the members of the delegation, it is not difficult to see that their position in the political world is quite solid.

This was an indication that each country had the intention of ending the succession to the Dutch throne this time.

As Lee Hwan thought, the delegation was determined to finish everything here today.

“As your majesty said, it is true that small people came here to convey the will of the royal family. However, it will take some time for the decisions made here to reach the Netherlands, so I hope that the meeting will be concluded as soon as possible.”

“Our Easterfield thinks the same. Then we can aim to make all the decisions here today.”

Among the delegations, envoys from England, the Netherlands and Austria expressed the opinions of the royal family.

First, Britain insisted that the throne of the Netherlands should go to Elizabeth.

“Our British Empire believes that the succession to the throne of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands should go to Princess Elizabeth Sophia according to the maintenance of the previous king.”

“Hmm… … .”

“After careful consideration, I think the will of the previous kings is the most powerful cause. If you think about it, the king’s name is the most solemn thing in the world, isn’t it really absurd to go against it?”

“Well, that’s right.”

“The kingship is ordained by God, but we humans change it.

The story of the British envoy was enough to support those who supported Elizabeth’s succession to the throne, as well as to those who opposed it.

The Austrian side fully agreed with the British opinion.

“We, the Habsburgs, are in the same position. If Princess Elizabeth Sofia comes to rule the Netherlands, we will form a powerful alliance that will bring peace to Europe, in keeping with the previous kings. The goal is to create a country where people can no longer wander and focus only on the livelihood of the people.”

“We agree with that.”

As soon as the Austrian side’s opinion was expressed, a very unexpected person raised his hand to follow.

He was Viscount Roard, representative of the Dutch Senate.

Viscount Lloard was present as the representative of Richard Ben-Herren, who unexpectedly changed his position and supported Elizabeth’s succession to the throne.

The oddity happened again.

“Our House of Representatives agrees.”

“… … to the House of Representatives?”

The fact that the succession to the throne was decided just by the fact that the opinions of the Senate and the House of Representatives were agreed upon.

Lee Hwan smiled at the very satisfactory result.

One by one, I had a question.

‘I wonder why the House of Representatives suddenly changed positions.’

Ben-Heren couldn’t quite figure out what the hell he was thinking.

Lee Hwan could not hide his displeasure, thinking that he might be at a loss for a quick bite of the rice cake of the succession to the throne.

I couldn’t help but bite the rice cakes.

“How can you not be moved by the fact that everyone follows the instructions of the previous kings?”

“However, in our Senate, I would like to place one condition on the succession to the throne.”

“It’s a condition.”

“I would like to strengthen the power of the Prime Minister by strengthening the constitutional monarchy instead of unifying the Netherlands.”

“You mean to increase the power of the cabinet?”

“Yes, it is. I would also like to take the form of a federal state guaranteeing the autonomy of Belgium and Luxembourg.”

It seemed that the strategy of the Senate was to inherit the throne but weaken the royal power.

In this case, even if Elizabeth became queen, her power would be greatly weakened and the king would only become a symbolic existence.

Elizabeth, who had been by Lee Hwan’s side at the coronation ceremony today, was watching the situation unfold.

Then, all of a sudden, she said something.

“If that is the will of the Dutch Parliament, I will accept it.”

“You listen to the opinions of our council, you are a true king.”

“Then let’s go to Holland right now, where we can be crowned and succeed to the throne.”

Elizabeth knew all too well that it was not very desirable to be unilateral in the negotiations.

She admits that although it is possible to gain an advantage in negotiations, it is only natural to lose one when one gains one.


Rumors circulated that the Qing navy would be dispatched to the Dutch army that occupied Tsushima and Jeju Island immediately after the Japanese occupation of Kyushu.

When the three battleships completed the occupation, the occupation forces armed with outdated weapons landed in a follow-up attack, creating an additional base, but when the Qing army arrived soon, no one knew how the war would turn out.

Not long after such rumors spread, news came that the Qing government was really organizing a navy and moving south.

“Tsuma Island and Jeju Island and Kyushu are in danger of being under siege. Should we go out first and fight the Qing army?”

“Hmm… … .”

“I heard that the infantry would also be marching by land. If there is a battle, I think it will be quite a long fight.”

If he died here, Andre might not have met Lee Hwan.

He decided to stick with the slaughter.

“I must ask Prince Ben-Heren for assistance. Get on the high-speed boat and go to Europe right now.”

“You have already provided arms and ships, can you afford to provide additional supplies?”

“I heard that a large number of Dutch Army weapons were returned to Eaststella with the completion of the supply of the ES-1. It was leased out in large numbers and distributed to European armies, but the Netherlands did not return 100% of the weapons.”

“Does East Stellar know about this?”

“No, you wouldn’t know that. Because the Dutch royal family said they were stocking up on old-fashioned weapons as spares.”

“But will Prince Ben-Heren send it to us?”

“I will have no choice but to send it. It would be advantageous for us to occupy Joseon in order to achieve his ambition.”

“Hmm… … .”

“Anyway, if we leave as soon as possible now, we will be able to return at least until the Qing army arrives. Come on, let’s go.”

There were no power ships in the East yet, and there were no vehicles used to move on land, and there were no special uses other than magic horses.

André was convinced that the time difference created by differences in means of transportation would help organize the armed forces.

He wrote another letter along with a letter to Ben-Heren.

“Send this to the Eaststellar Company.”

“Who can I hand over to?”

“You must deliver this letter to the master.”

“You mean Baron Easterfield?”

“Only by passing this letter to him will we be able to live. Prince Ben-Herren’s procurement of arms may free us somewhat from isolation, but it cannot fill that void until Japan and Qing work together. In the end, the only way to solve the fundamental problem is for the Black Hammer pirates of Eaststellar to land here.”

“Um, that’s right.”

“Anyway, it is impossible for us to completely conquer Joseon by staying here. Only when he comes will everything be resolved.”

“Then I will risk my life to meet him.”

“Yes, you must succeed.”

This single letter will change the situation in Asia going forward.


In June 1829, Fishers & Company invested 250 million Central in real estate investments throughout Africa.

It was the second largest investment in recent years in Africa.

Eaststellar’s funds flowed into Egypt amounted to 400 million central, which was quite high for a simple real estate investment.

After investing in real estate, Fishers & Company was incorporated as a subsidiary of East Stellar.

However, despite this great deal of money and mergers, there were no rumors in the stock market.

If there were rumors that an investment of 250 million Central would be made in London, Amsterdam and Frankfurt, Africa might be overheating with speculation by now.

The rumor didn’t circulate because all of this was done through Eastbank, not the European Development Bank.

Eastbank is based in the Americas, but in terms of its financial strength, most European banks cannot match it.

As such Eastbank secretly financed Africa, no one knew about it, even though 250 million Central moved.

Taken from readwn.com

Moreover, the recent turmoil in Europe played a major role.

Immediately after the real estate investment and mergers and acquisitions were completed, the East Stellar Company mobilized construction equipment to 41 regions in Africa.

It was the largest project ever, and it would build roads and put military facilities in various places.

In a word, Eaststellar’s highways would be built across Africa.

In the 15th zone of Central Africa, where the construction was in full swing, unexpected good news came.

Billy Ringerun, general manager of Section 15, was informed that a diamond had been found during construction.

“Sir, a lot of diamonds have been found near Area 15! Haha, are we rich now?”

“Diamonds found?”

“Yes, it is!”

If diamonds were found, they would have to dance, but Billy Ringerun’s expression turned into a serious one.

He spoke to the excited staff with a serious look and tone.

“Who else knows this?”

“Only us know. The local workers seem to think that this is not a big deal.”

“Then, will only you be aware of this from now on?”

“… … Yes? What do you mean?”

“It means don’t tell the story until Eaststellar’s army is here. There are rumors that Britain, France and Spain are keeping a close eye on Africa here. So, it means that we could be killed if we spread rumors around the neighborhood needlessly.”

“iced coffee… … !”

“Your Majesty will send infantry and navy. Until then, you must never keep this a secret. Okay?”

The UK, which has lost its income in North America, is now only targeting Africa.

They chose Africa as the next best option as a stepping stone to advance into Asia.

Billy Ringerun once again insisted on secrecy.

“know? When diamonds are poured out of the mine, 0.1% of the production is returned to us. We’re going to get rich, but there are risks involved. So you better watch your mouth.”

It was still unclear whether their wish would come true.

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