134 Far East (2)

The British royal family asked Lee Hwan for an apology, saying that the Deputy Finance Minister risked his life to write the letter.

“We, the British Empire, are a country that does not spare much respect for your country. Bio promises to find out the reason behind the mistakes and punish them severely.”

“Um, was that the case?”

“Sir, this is an insulting statement, but at this point, please calm down your anger and accept the apology with a generous heart.”

The Duke of Wellington repeatedly bowed his head to Yi Hwan.

The British Prime Minister came and bowed his head in apology, but no matter how hot-blooded Lee Hwan was, he could not be killed.

Of course, Lee Hwan wasn’t even hot-tempered, and he had no intention of killing the Duke of Wellington in the first place.

Lee Hwan decided to accept his apology.

“Okay. Even after seeing the Duke of Wellington, I will accept an apology.”

“thank you!”

“From now on, we can have a discussion with a fresh start. By the way, the Duke of Wellington is a military veteran, so it will be of great help when discussing the international situation on overseas territories.”

“If it’s something that a small person can do, I’ll be happy to help.”

Since the opening of Easter Field, Lee Hwan has been seen as a person who only goes straight without thinking about the back.

Those words were certainly not wrong, but everything was done by thorough calculations.

Especially when it comes to war.

“Our Easterfield Kingdom is trying to acquire Alaska through negotiations with the Russian Empire. The amount is 300,000 central.”

“… … Isn’t that giving the enemy country room to negotiate?”

“It’s an enemy country. Are we not at war yet?”

“But we once went hand in hand and fought Russia. They are ready to swallow Europe at any moment. Still, if you hold hands with them, you will surely get very upset later.”

“Are you angry?”

“Isn’t Russia one of those peoples?”

The British slandered Russia as always scoundrels who hit the back of the head, but Russia also accused Britain of being of a similar race.

Knowing that such accusations led to each other’s muddy fights, they could not stop.

If Lee Hwan hadn’t introduced a huge force called Easterfield, the situation would have been completely different by now.

Hana Lee Hwan appeared and completely shook the situation in Europe, and the plate was inevitably turned upside down.

Lee Hwan made a suggestion to them.

“Then do this.”

“Tell me.”

“Russia wants us to act as a cushion between Britain and themselves.”

“A cushion? Are you saying that it serves as a buffer to deter the outbreak of war?”

“That’s it.”

“Well… … . Realistically, I wonder if that is possible.”

“Well, it can’t be a perfect cushion. But one thing is for sure, isn’t it that there’s a big difference between what we have and what we don’t?”

The Duke of Wellington was a man who led the war as a central force in the Great French Allied Forces in the Napoleonic Wars in the past.

He is a strategist and has led the Allied Forces, which have suffered somewhat with great resourcefulness.

Even in his eyes, Easterfield must have been the most powerful buffer in the world.

However, it was difficult to simply accept it diplomatically.

“But the problem is that Your Majesty pays them a small sum of 300,000 Central. I think it would be a bit problematic to deliver cash itself without knowing anything else.”

“Do you think you can mobilize military supplies through militaryization?”

“Yes, it is.”

The most fearful thing from the British standpoint is the war with Easterfield, but the most frightening thing was the expansion of Russia.

In their view, Russia’s mobilization of military supplies was terrifying.

But there was one thing Britain didn’t know.

The current war was only led by the East Stellar Company.

“Didn’t you think that even if they tried to buy war supplies, that would be enough if we didn’t sell them?”

“… … !”

“No matter how much money we want to buy military supplies, if we refuse to sell it, that’s the end of it. We are now refraining from mass-selling military supplies. Because there is no need for that.”


Lee Hwan’s remarks could be seen to have several meanings.

There will be no supply of military supplies to Russia, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t be selling as much weapons to Britain as in the past.

“If we have confirmed our will, I hope you know that the purchase of Alaska is also good for Britain.”

“… … Yes, my lord.”

“Then see you later.”

Arthur Wellesley’s expression grew serious.

But Lee Hwan was only consistent with an expressionless expression.


On Easterfield mainland, one of the largest construction projects in recent years has been ongoing.

It was the construction of a hydroelectric power plant.

As the construction of the hydroelectric power plant that came out of Lee Hwan’s head progressed step by step, a huge amount of goods was being put into it.

Taken from readwn.com

Meanwhile, the first hydroelectric power plant was completed after three years of construction.

Easterfield No. 1 hydroelectric power station was installed near Montana, which was built in a nearby habitual flooding zone.


As the floodgates opened, the technicians cheered.

“Wow! It is finally complete!”

“Everyone did a great job! Let’s enjoy the festival as much as today!”

The Easterfield Construction Department divided and classified technicians and general laborers under its umbrella, and general laborers were called field technicians.

These field technicians are put into the field after spending a year in vocational schools such as carpentry, concrete pouring, and masonry.

Field technicians are paid rather high wages, and most of the chores are done by those in charge with machines.

They are put into places where manpower is absolutely necessary, and they go all-round as all-weather agents.

Lee Hwan called them ‘teachers’, and they accounted for 99% of the field engineers in the construction department.

Now, they will be dispatched overseas and build a power plant with gold based on their know-how.

After the completion of the first hydroelectric power station, it was finished very neatly, although some repairs were found.

Accordingly, the time has come to determine the future course of field technicians.

Government officials in charge of field technicians each handed out pamphlets to the technicians.

“This is a list of sites that can be dispatched. When you go out, you will receive roughly 1.5 to 2 times the wages and bonuses you have now. You will probably have a much richer life than you do now.”

“Hmm, but there must be a downside to having to leave the family.”

“Of course it is. But you can come home at least once every six months. Also, in case of a nearby site, we can rent a car.”

In Easterfield, the treatment of all its employees is the best in the world, and the welfare is also very satisfactory.

However, not all welfare is managed by the state, and all welfare facilities are made up of companies.

The tax that the people have to pay is not that much, but it has the disadvantage of having to spend money for personal welfare.

The people’s happiness index was always at the top because they were very satisfied with the money they received from insurance or pension for personal welfare.

Field technicians gladly applied for overseas dispatch.

The manpower quickly gathered, and now it was time to discuss the direction of the power plant construction.

“We plan to build a total of 12 hydro power plants on the mainland. The construction direction for this will be the same as the first hydroelectric power plant. Now is the time to discuss the direction of construction for the rest of the area.”

“What about the rest of the area?”

“Africa and Australia.”

“Hmm, Africa and Australia.”

“In the case of Africa, which is now one of the main strongholds of our Easterfield Kingdom, we may need more power than the mainland. But it will not be easy to build a hydroelectric power plant of a full scale unless it is in Central Africa.”

Africa is clearly a land of rivers and grasslands, but the northern Sahara, which occupies one third of the land, is a desert area.

Based on Central Africa and South Africa, it would be easy to build a power plant, but in the case of the northern region, a slightly different development would have to be pursued.

“Considering Africa’s population, building a power plant is a project that should be pursued. However, the disadvantage is that hydroelectric power generation is impossible.”

“Then, why not stick with thermal power generation instead?”

“Is it thermal power generation?”

“I don’t think there is a better way to generate electricity than this if we can generate electricity by rolling turbines with coal.”

“Well, that’s probably the best way. Africa is rich in mineral resources, so if coal mines are also excavated, procurement will not be a problem.”

“Then can Australia build power plants in the same way?”

“It’s like that.”

This set the direction for the construction of power plants in Australia and Africa.

But the next was the direction of Asia’s development.

“The problem is the direction of the new power plant construction in Asia, which we will occupy.”

“You don’t have detailed information about the area yet?”

“Your Majesty gave me Eonji, and it is said that the country called Joseon is rich in limestone. And coal is relatively abundant.”

“Then we can take over western Japan, establish a foundation there, and then bring in raw materials from Joseon.”

“Then, is the conclusion going to stick with hydroelectric power?”

“I think that would be good.”

“But again, manpower is a problem.”

“It’s manpower.”

It was pointed out that there was a lack of population even in the development of Australia, and there was also an opinion that the population was insufficient for large-scale construction in Asia.

In this regard, I decided to seek Lee Hwan’s opinion.

They sent this news to the Second Royal Palace.

Lee Hwan, who was still preparing a blueprint for the occupation of the Asian region, thought for a moment when he received this letter from the Ministry of Construction.

“Your Majesty, is Asia on the more populous side?”

“It’s probably like that.”

As the ministers asked, Asia has a very rich population.

If so, the problem may be easier to solve than you think.

“Simple. We can bring in manpower from China and Japan. Especially since Qingguk has a large population, it will not be too late to pursue development after the annexation.”


Yi Hwan wanted to occupy Japan as an occupation base anyway, and he would subdue China with Joseon as a foothold and absorb it into the Federation.

Then, rather than balanced development, I thought that it would not be bad to first lay the foundation of the country and promote development.

“First, set the foundation for the construction and draw manpower.”

“Yes, my lord!”

The work to solidify the procurement process that can make full use of the abundant human resources in Asia has begun.

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