136 Ottomans in Silly Diplomacy (2)

Following the organization of the 8th Fleet, the organization of the 9th Fleet accelerated.

Lee Hwan built a shipyard in the Seattle area and was constantly using it to build battleships.

The level that can be built at the same time here is equivalent to about 18 ships, but it took two years to build a battleship, so it was said that 18 battleships would be delivered to the Easterfield Navy after two years.

But Easterfield’s shipyards weren’t just in Seattle.

Shipyards are located not only in California but also in Panama, and there was a shipyard capable of building eight or more battleships at the same time in an Israeli port near Suez.

In a nutshell, it meant that if Lee Hwan put his mind to it, he could build more than 40 battleships within two years.

Hana Easterfield’s ability to mobilize munitions far outweighs this.

“Assembly building started in Seattle. The formation of a large-scale force, including destroyers, frigates, and corvettes, on the 18 battleships that Your Highness ordered will be completed within one year.”

“Well, I’m satisfied.”

Recently, Arc welding technology has been developing in Easterfield, and arc welding has been applied not only to automobiles, but also to construction sites, weapons, and shipbuilding.

As a result, the battleship was divided into parts and loaded separately, and then assembled at a time to a level where it could be electrified.

Currently, Easterfield can deploy more than 50 battleships in one year, and firearms and artillery can arm more than one million men in one month.

“How strong is the reserve force?”

“We have enough systems to supply 2.5 million people with ES-2 and second-generation artillery.”

“Are there enough troops?”

“The reserve power is popular because it can be run in parallel with the livelihood front. We can now operate 1.5 million reserve forces.”

The reserve forces are less mobilized for training four times a year, and the money paid at this time is quite savory.

In addition, since 7 days of leave is given after training, in the case of Easterfield, which is a state-owned enterprise, employees often voluntarily joined the reserve army.

“Since export of second-generation and older firearms has been banned since a year ago, our reserve force is far superior to that of European armies. Any foe from anywhere can be completely annihilated.”

“great. In addition to the mainland, we can send reserve forces to Suez, Panama, Australia and other occupied territories.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Since Easterfield was dreaming of becoming an oceanic fleet, a reserve force was essential.

Hwan Lee, who had built a reserve force for national defense, asked how the advance squadron of the 9th Fleet leaving for Asia was being built.

“How was the advance of the Asian Expeditionary Force?”

“Two battleships, destroyers, escorts, and corvettes formed a fleet, and a total of 20 ships were deployed. It is believed that 25 patrol boats departed for Asia as an advance guard before that.”

“A supply ship?”

“There will be enough supplies to use ammunition and shells for three years. We also loaded enough gold.”

Easterfield has become the key currency that controls all the world’s finances as a country that completely took control of the gold-producing regions.

As Easter Field is capable of producing precious metals suitable for it, the ability to mobilize funds was by far the best.

Lee Hwan ordered to depart.

“Continue and continue to sortie the rear of the 9th Fleet.”

“Yes, my lord! I will perform the order.”

The 9th Fleet will in the future be the second largest in Easterfield, including the Private Fleet.

The moment this oceanic fleet occupies Asia, Qing will no longer be the hegemon of Asia.

Taken from readwn.com

Meanwhile, a ferry from the expedition to Australia arrived.

“It is a message that we have arrived in Australia after 3 months of departure and are stably building a position. It is said that within the next year, the whole of Papua New Guinea will be conquered one after another.”

“Hurry up to prepare to send a squad of the 9th Fleet to Australia, so that you can establish a uniform position in an area that might lead to a route.”

Lee Hwan unfolded a map detailing the locations of small islands and uninhabited islands in Asia and the Pacific.

Then, with a ballpoint pen, I marked where the fleet base and supply depot would be established.

“Send an advance squad here so we can take it.”

“I don’t expect it to be easy to find the perfect bearing.”

“Okay. I have the perfect coordinates.”

Even if you don’t have a GPS, it is not impossible to find an island you know originally as long as you learn how to navigate properly.

So far, the Easterfield Navy has been recorded as having the most sorties in Europe in a short period of time.

Since he has learned to navigate based on his rich experience, it will not be difficult to find an island.

“Let’s come up with a way to greatly develop these places. We have built some lighthouses so that merchant ships can provide emergency supplies on the way or avoid storms.”

“Yes, I understand. I will pass on your instructions to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.”


Leaving Europe and staying in Asia for a year, Lee Gak’s fleet was in a predicament where it was impossible to foresee.

Lee Gak heard about the supply situation of his subordinates.

“Admiral, it seems that it will be difficult to hold out for more than a week.”

“… … A week.”

“I never dreamed that Cheong would launch such a wave of waves.”

The Qing Dynasty continued to send a huge number of infantrymen to the extent that it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a tactic because of it.

It’s a pity because they are blocking the landing base with ironclad ships, but if it weren’t for it, Lee Gak’s fleet might have been annihilated.

“How about contact from your home country?”

“Not yet.”

“… … After all, did I make a mistake?”

Lee Gak thought that he could no longer wait for his nephew’s salvation.

But then something unexpected happened to him.

“Admiral! Now there are monks and scholars lining up outside!”

“Monks and scholars?”

“I think you should see it with me.”

From ancient times on the Korean Peninsula, volunteers used to act in a timely manner when faced with a crisis.

I wondered if Qing was advancing repeatedly, so the medics were up and trying to annihilate Yi Gak’s fleet.

Lee Gak took off his priest’s robe, curled his hair well, and put on his topcoat.

In addition, he wore a white robe and three-fold plain clothes.

He made his way to the Jeju Gwana, where medics and scholars were waiting.

“Open the door.”

The soldiers opened the gate and stood next to Lee Gak, who was about to go outside.

Then Lee Gak raised his hand and blocked their approach.


“But, Admiral… … .”

“it’s okay. I was originally from this country.”

Lee Gak from Joseon, who also inherited the royal lineage, believed that at least they wouldn’t beat him to death.

After a while, the scholars faced a difference.

“Did you come as an agent?”

“no. Call me a bis*xual.”

“… … elongation?”

“I was born to the Lee family in Jeonju, and I left for Europe, but returned a year ago.”

“Mr. Lee Munjung?!”

The scholars murmured as if they could not believe it.

Then, Lee Gak took a thick book out of his pocket and gave it to the other party.

“Even though I studied catholicism, I was branded a traitor and lived in exile in Ganghwa, but I am a descendant of King Taejo the Great. I’m here to wipe out those vile rulers and create a new world.”

“… … No, then, does that mean that all of those western groups have gathered to break the supremacy politics?”

“Other than of course. They believed in me and followed a cause and came here. Contrary to what the Qing and the shogunate say, we are here for the revolution.”

Recently, the shogunate’s messengers come to Joseon every day, and every time they come to Joseon, they insist that the western armies located in Jeju and parts of southern Joseon are vicious pirates.

Such a paradox is that through the courtship, it roamed eight provinces across the country in an instant, and came down to the Honam region in just one year.

“I don’t know why you are angry. But think about it. If we came here only to plunder, as the shogunate said in Japan, why did we free up our food, and why would we have to kill the ducks before the people?”

“Hmm, that’s what I heard again.”

“If I, Yi Gak, tell a lie, I will be struck by lightning right away, and my ancestors will wake up from their slumber and curse and become lepers.”

The scholars were somewhat agitated by Lee Gak’s Japanese speech.

However, the scholars had a few questions.

“No, then how would you explain your actions in your father’s country with guns and swords? Isn’t it unforgivable for a wise man to commit an affair that damages his father’s country?”

“Oh, that’s right!”

As the scholars murmured, the monks also closed their eyes and gently nodded their heads.

Lee Gak faced their criticism head-on.

“This land is tainted with extortion and murder. Then you should believe in those powerful rulers of the authority who sit in the dark of the court and do tyranny in the midst of people dying from boats?”

“… … Of course not!”

“Isn’t it really absurd that scholars who have read or read can be swayed by a few nonsensical words of the powerful masters of the world?”

“Ugh, that’s it again!”

“It is Heaven’s will to have a king on this earth to look after the people, and it is not the earth’s will to punish a wicked king. I’m just trying to end the tyranny and make the right land by obeying the will of the heavens and earth. If you’re going to fight back, you’d better go to Hanyang. I have no intention of holding you any longer.”

At Lee Gak’s Japanese speech, the scholars stopped and nodded their heads in agreement.

It was the same with the monks.

That was then.

“The Blue Navy is attacking!”

“It’s a start again. Get ready for battle!”

“Admiral, it seems that the naval forces of Joseon and the Japanese shogunate also sortie this time!”

“… … what?”

“The scale is amazing! It seems that there are at least 100 ships!”

Taken from readwn.com

Making more than 100 wooden ships in this day and age was like a full-fledged effort.

Even if they had ironclad ships, it was unclear how long they would be able to withstand such a large number of wooden ships.

“Once we deal with field artillery, we take as much time as possible.”

“What do you do after that?”

“… … You just have to persevere. Anyway, their cannons can’t fly less than 1km. Besides, it’s a mess with accuracy, so if you’re determined and stick with it, you’ll be able to survive.”

When the news that the Qing Allied Forces had come with a fleet of 100 ships, the scholars and monks began to murmur again.

Even though Lee Gak was a member of the royal family, he was not the king in the city of Hanyang, so he thought it would not make sense to follow him.

Taken from readwn.com

Moreover, when 100 ships landed, they wondered if they would be driven into treason.

But their hearts were changed like reeds again.

“Ah, Admiral! A fleet of ships rushing over the horizon with great speed!”

“Has he finally come? How big is the army?”

“25 patrol boats, two battleships, and 20 destroyers and frigates!”

“… … Qingguk is now over!”

Even 25 patrol boats would be enough to fight.

Lee Gak asked the scholars and monks.

“Now what?”

“Well… … .”

If they had come with the heart of a medic, they would have fought anyway.

However, that was not their position.

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