141 Conflict with England (1)

Road construction in Africa, which began in early 1831, was now making considerable progress.

By the time the construction period was approaching the end of a year, Africa now looked quite different from what it used to be.

In January 1832, Africa had, first of all, a significant amount of infrastructure.

Water supply and sewerage systems were created, which made it possible to procure water for daily living, and to efficiently treat the sewage generated by people in their lives.

The shape of the city was gradually taking shape as square buildings made of concrete went up on the foundation.

Due to such rapid growth in Africa, some side effects were concerned.

It was just speculation.

“A real estate speculator has appeared?”

“Yes, it is.”

On Easterfield mainland, very strong sanctions were in place to deter real estate speculation.

Restrictions on resale and mortgage loans were placed in place, so that non-residents could not own real estate for speculative purposes.

However, since Africa was not controlled by Easterfield, there was no basis for restraining such speculation.

Easterfield’s Department of Technology and Economics was deeply troubled when it heard the news.

“A speculative force is coming. It’s something I hadn’t even thought of until now.”

“It seems that wealthy people from England and France came in after hearing that Africa is growing rapidly.”

“Hmm, Suez and Israel didn’t have a lot of room for external finance to come in, but Africa didn’t.”

“Yes, it is. The worst-case scenario, we think, is that the UK started speculation with great determination.”

“… … In England?”

“Right now, Britain is losing its influence in Europe, being overtaken by our Easterfield Commonwealth. Britain, which used to be a hegemony and suzerainty country in Europe, has recently been pushed to Easterfield and its name is fading, isn’t it? So, there is nothing strange about doing something like this.”

“Actually, I thought the British government didn’t have too much control over it so far.”

So far, Britain has had no choice but to wield whatever Easterfield does.

It was because Lee Hwan set the trap so perfectly and hunted in the direction of bringing Britain into it.

“What if Britain is determined to encourage speculation?”

“This is the opinion of the experts. Right now, under the king’s name, we are making and distributing real estate policies within the Federation.”

“Ummm, but that would mean our Easterfield democracy would be virtually meaningless.”

There are many ways for a state to establish a basis for government, but the best way is to establish an ideology that can be accepted by most of the people as a basis for government.

Lee Hwan made democracy and federal rule the basis of government, and liberalism and capitalism grew based on him, creating the present Easterfield Federation.

However, if Wang Myung bound the free will of the federation nation, the people’s emotions could falter.

“The opinions of experts are too extreme. Any other comments?”

“Honestly, the best opinion is to get your majesty’s prescription.”

“Your Majesty’s prescription.”

“Your Majesty will be in the Netherlands now. You’re creating a grain market. It will not be easy to get a prescription right now.”

“But there is no better way than Your Majesty’s prescription.”

“Hmm, then let’s set up the ferry right away.”

The Ministry of Technology and Economy, which had telegraphed from the mainland to Panama, sent a person straight to the Dutch palace.

Recently, high-speed vessels operated with a minimum number of people are used as ferries, which can reach Europe from the Americas in just a week.

As the means of going back and forth between continents developed, the speed at which news was delivered was also fast.

However, since the king has a set schedule, it will take some time for a reply to arrive even if the letter is delivered.

The servants thought that it would take at least a week for Lee Hwan’s answer.

But surprisingly, Lee Hwan gave the results in one day.

Another week later, when the ferry reached the Easterfield mainland, officials from the Department of Technology and Economics slapped their knees.


“Yeah, that’s it!”

“By binding them to financial policy!”

The European Development Bank, which acts as a central bank, is bundling money flowing into Africa through financial policy, rather than controlling the entire federation under the king’s name.

If this happens, there will be a justification to prevent speculation through financial circumstances, rather than suppressing freedom under the king’s command.

However, to do so would require the consent of the African Union.

“We need to stress the need to curb speculation to the African Union. How long will it take?”

“Would it be possible in at least a week?”

“It’s been a week. Wouldn’t it take longer than that? No matter how much the African Union is part of our federation, they each have their own circumstances and their own thoughts.”

“It is, but we are a multiracial country. There are a lot of high-ranking officials from Africa, so I think it will be quicker to persuade them if we select them as negotiators.”

“Ah, yes! In this case, it would be better to use blood ties and delays.”

Until now, blood ties and delays had never been used much in Easterfield.

However, as many mercenaries from Africa advanced to high-ranking positions, they gained a presence.

“Then it would be a good idea to tell senior officials about this and ask for help.”

“That’s right. And one more thing, I think we should mobilize the Central Intelligence Agency.”

“The Central Intelligence Agency?”

“If the UK is working behind the scenes to water us in the real estate market, shouldn’t we be a little more careful?”

“Well, that’s it.”

The Central Intelligence Agency of the Easterfield Federation was known as a perfect intelligence organization that was hard to find until now.

Lee Hwan was particularly interested in organizing the Central Intelligence Agency, as they not only play a role in collecting information, but also can be mobilized for espionage operations such as agitating public opinion and organizing.

The Ministry of Technology and Economy sent such a request to the Central Intelligence Agency.

The Central Intelligence Agency, who received it, informed that it would gladly start the operation.

A fortnight later, the Central Intelligence Agency’s special task force, which had decided to leave for Africa, was going to disrupt the real estate market.


In May 1832, Yi Hwan partnered with the Netherlands to create a grain integrated market in Rotterdam.

From now on, all grains from Europe will be gathered and distributed to the Netherlands, and Austria and France were invited for this.

King Willem I was organizing an organization with France and Spain in order to keep Britain in check, and Elizabeth took over and acted as a mediator.

France’s Deputy Finance Minister, François Thézew, promised to bring all exports to the Dutch grain market, and Austria’s Minister of Finance, Juilliard Dyck, made the same promise.

“We, France, will trade all grain in Rotterdam in the future. Even if there is no real transaction, we will make securities through this place.”

“Thank you.”

“Instead, I have the expectation that Easterfield will also join hands with us in France. Would that be okay?”

France actually owed a huge loan to Lee Hwan.

He had laid the groundwork for France to be loyal to him even before the Easterfield Confederation was founded, and France ate the meal and got his nose stuck on him.

The fact that Hana’s nose was pierced did not mean that France was suffering huge losses.

On the contrary, the French developed closer to Easterfield, to the point that they themselves wanted to come under the influence of the Commonwealth.

Knowing such French tendencies well, Lee Hwan planned to establish a grain market.

If he hadn’t laid down such a rice cake, the bold policy like now could not have been launched.

A project initiated by such convictions eventually made France a de facto part of the Confederation of Easterfield.

France made several offers to Lee Hwan.

“Until now, we have not been able to properly trade with Easterfield’s home country, but I firmly believe that from now on, we will also become a part of that strong trade chain.”

“Hmm, it’s part of the trade chain.”

The trade chain of the Easterfield Federation is capable of explosive economic growth just by joining it.

When Lee Hwan established a trade network, he created the Trade Act, considering the whole of trade, not just the two countries that are trading partners.

A fairly sophisticated bill has been enacted to prevent trade disputes from arising, and a plan has been prepared for the benefit of all.

In the case of arms and finance, there was no substitute for Easter Field, so it had no choice but to eliminate monopoly and oligopoly in the rest of trade and lead fair trade as much as possible.

From the point of view of France, they would have wanted to enter the chain by force, as they could even solve tax problems and loan problems.

However, Lee Hwan attracted France, but it was not so easy.

“There will be conditions. Are you okay though?”

“Of course. I never thought there would be no conditions.”

“Hmm, good. Then I will send a negotiator to start trade with France.”

“Thank you, my lord!”

“It was nothing.”

After writing a letter to financial officials, Lee Hwan ordered them to send it immediately by telegram.

Then, this time, the Austrian treasurer, Juilliard Dyke, spoke to Yi Hwan.

“Your Majesty, our Austrian Empire has also decided to send grain to the Netherlands unconditionally.”

“Thank you. After all, I thought that my wife would do as we wish.”

“All nobles in the Empire support Easterfield I. The same goes for the Habsburgs.”

If Lee Hwan had not been the son-in-law of the Austrian Habsburgs, there might not have been a painting like this one now.

He thought he had heard one of the marriages really well.

In the midst of this, an unexpected third force appeared.

It was Golden Child.

“Sir, what do you think of your relationship with Golden Child?”

“… … Golden Child?”

“Frankfurt’s financial powers want close contact with Easterfield through the establishment of this grain market. Among those forces, the ones that stand out the most are the Golden Child.”

“Golden Child.”

Lee Hwan almost automatically turned his head to look at his wife Elizabeth.

Golden Child competed with the Habsburgs over Lee Hwan, and the wave was not formidable.

Now, although it is thought that Golden Child gave up the marriage with Lee Hwan neatly, it was impossible to know what it would be like from Elizabeth’s point of view.

But she said it like it was obvious.

“Golden Child is a necessary financial force. If the marriage is still valid, consider using it as a car expense.”

“… … Tea?”

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