148 Advanced Strategy(2)

In the spring of 1835, Easterfield finally advanced the telephone and radio to the commercial stage.

[…] … The European Economic Conference was organized under the leadership of our Easterfield. With this, the Easterfield Federation has once again provided an opportunity to publicize its status as the world’s most powerful power… … .]

Easterfield’s Ministry of Technology and Economy spread these broadcasts within the metropolitan area, and each base station that heard them decided to notify the central government by phone.

Today will be the glorious first broadcast and first call.

In March 1835, for the first time ever, the results of simultaneous telephone and radio operation would be announced.

Follow me!

There was a call to the office of the Minister of Technology and Economy.


– Minister, success!

“Oh oh! It’s a phone call!”

– The radio as well as the phone sounds very good!

“Is the new world finally open?”

If you use radio, you can not only deliver news between continents, but also make a walkie-talkie based on this in the future, and wireless communication becomes possible.

Of course, it would take more than a hundred years to commercialize wireless communication, but it was important that the foundation was laid.

“Others have just started telegraphing, but we have commercialized the phone! Your Majesty will be very happy to hear about this!”

“That’s it.”

“Your Highness has told us not to export any new technology that is being developed from now on. Now let’s spread this technology within the Federation, but don’t sell it to other countries, even if it’s a billion dollars.”

“I will.”

“Now that we can use these technologies as a network of contacts, how happy is it? In the future, let us accelerate our research to develop short-range wireless communications.”

“Yes, Minister!”

“Let’s start with the ferry. Let’s bundle it up with the good news we’ve recently received so we can send it.”

The news that the radio and telephone technology designed by Lee Hwan had been commercialized reached the Netherlands in just 8 days.

He was overjoyed to hear this news.

“Ugh, finally!”

“Your Majesty, I will reduce it!”

“I am not going to be celebrated. Isn’t that our Confederacy?”

“Isn’t the Confederate sergeant the same as the sergeant of Your Majesty?”

“Anyway, we will now become the undisputed masters of communications. From now on, let’s establish a company for broadcasting and communication, and let’s use radio for smooth communication between continents.”

“Yes, I understand.”

There’s a huge difference between what’s on the radio and what’s not.

The news would arrive several times faster than dispatching ferries one by one right away, and this was truly an innovation.

Along with these slopes, there were also double slopes.

The aluminum fighter that was being tested in North America is now commercialized.

In addition, he made an oil tank using aluminum, and said that he could even build a tanker based on it.

“Now it is possible to build an ocean fleet. We expect to be able to carry fighters and pour bombs.”

“… … The day has come when we will rule the world. Now, if we just create a diplomatic justification, we can go beyond Britain and Russia to dominate Asia and integrate Europe peacefully.”

“All of this is your grace.”

Without Lee Hwan’s knowledge, the present Easterfield Federation would not exist.

He was planning to make a little better world with this knowledge in the future.

“Establish a combat wing and allow it to organize an expeditionary wing under the Navy.”

“Yes, my lord!”

After the good news came, this time some sensitive reports followed.

It had to do with Britain.

“It is said that Victoria and Richard of England are currently competing for the throne.”

“Is it a competition?”

“They say that the succession to the throne will be completed within the next two years, but it is said that in the meantime, it is a test to see who is closer to the king.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

“Richard is said to be doing quite well in the competition.”

“Is it great?”

“It is said that the rotation of the brain is unusual. Although he is very talkative and weak-looking, he is said to be good at handling swords and tactics than I thought.”

“It makes sense that the king suddenly appointed him.”

From Britain’s point of view, it would be important for a more powerful king to be born.

Of course, being a king can only do well in politics, but getting support from the people is equally important.

Wouldn’t it be good for the royal family and their heirs to succeed to the throne by a person with a solid foundation?

In that respect, Richard could be said to be a fairly good successor.

“Of course, Victoria isn’t normal, is it?”

“It’s a problem because he’s so arrogant, but he’s known for being so smart.”

“Is it Bing Bing?”

“It’s like that. But I think Richard has a little more edge.”

“Hmm, is that so? Anyway, it doesn’t matter who has the upper hand. I’m going to bury both of them anyway.”

Now, sooner or later, England will be stained with blood.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, Hwan Lee was plotting a ploy to eliminate the two candidates altogether.


In July 1835, the European Economic Conference was held in Bucharest.

The Ottomans neatly renounced the hegemony of the Crimean Peninsula, which resulted in tremendous growth under the protection trade of Easterfield.

Now, rather than having to expand their territory to become an empty gangjeong, they became a full-bodied, very thin watermelon.

As a result, Eastern European countries under Ottoman rule were able to achieve peaceful independence, and they have recently been on a tightrope in pragmatic diplomacy between Britain and Russia.

Some even hinted that they wanted to join the Easterfield Federation, but as nationalism spread in Eastern Europe, such opinions were dismissed one after another.

In the meantime, the European Economic Conference held in the future made Europeans dream of becoming wealthy and powerful in the future.

In Bucharest, national flags representing each country were hung, and firecrackers provided by Austria went off all night.

It was just right to say that it was a European festival for peace.

However, there were some who were displeased with such a European economic conference.

Ten Britons gathered in a small pub in a back alley of Bucharest were determined to grab a drink.

“In two days, our ceremonies will proceed. As we all know, after the massacre, we could all be put to death.”

“If it’s for a cause, wouldn’t it be great to sacrifice one’s life?”

Among the British senators, the ‘firewall’ created by the illegitimate sons of radicals had the cause of existence to make a better Britain.

They believed that Britain was being despised by neighboring countries in recent years and that it was no longer able to develop its status as a great power after being pushed out of the struggle for supremacy with Russia.

Therefore, Firewall organized a group of ten people and planned to assassinate the Russian Crown Prince.

“Isn’t the Easterfield Federation aware of our assassination plan?”

“Then they wouldn’t have held such a grand meeting. They are not pacifists.”

“Hmm, then that shouldn’t be a problem at all.”

The 10 members of Firewall’s death squad handed over a glass of wine.

Whether they succeeded or not, it was clear that they would be hanged, and this drink today would be the last.

“You may drink until you die. If you go to the afterlife, you will never drink again. Let’s drink it to the fullest even today.”


The group drank alcohol in the midst of drinking and traveled around the red light district with the money given to them by the family, and embraced women several times.

Before I die, I don’t want to leave a lot of free time.

And over time, it became a big deal.

Numerous national officials were mobilized for the meeting, which will be held at the Bucharest Parliament House.

The gang, which was registered as a British official through the power of the family, even took a weapon to assassinate the Crown Prince without any doubt.

They will kill the Crown Prince waving the British flag in front of everyone.

Their original plan was to assassinate the Crown Prince without anyone knowing, but when he thought about it, he thought that if he did, sparks would burst into Easter Field and Russia could be crushed without a click.

Thus, a great feat was planned, with the risk of being hanged, and now there is not much left to do.


Inside the Bucharest Parliament House, where the economic conference is held.

Easterfield’s first deputy economic minister, Jilin Tohu, was receiving reports from the Central Intelligence Agency in real time.

“It looks like the British radicals are going to have an accident soon.”

“You idiots, are you really going to do that?”

“Two days ago, he was walking around the red light district of Bucharest and didn’t hesitate to get a bite. And all day long.”

“It’s as if you were determined to die from the very beginning.”

“It means going without a break.”

“Because I’m really living, I’m going to have to go through all sorts of things.”

After a while, all European officials gathered inside the Capitol.

Security personnel were minimally deployed, but escorts from each country were stationed outside the Capitol.

If anything happens, he will run like a deokdal and escape from this place with the VIP.

“They said it was assassination, but isn’t this just killing?”

“It looks like the plan has been revised. If it had been the case, we should have shot him with a rifle and then got out of here, but then we, Easterfield, intervened and thought that everything could go to nothing.”

“Then, is there only one thing they want, an all-out war with Russia?”

“Yes, it is.”

“It’s a plan that will make you doubt your ears while listening.”

“Even now, Britain and Russia were destined to wage a full-fledged war someday. The radicals were of the opinion that Russia should strike first before it was any more prepared, and in their opinion there is no better chance than now.”

The radicals acted as if Britain would be destroyed if there was no war.

It was their thoughts that gave birth to these madmen.

After a while, delegations from each country began to enter in turn.

“Then shall we go?”

Since entry was in alphabetical order, Easterfield was located right in the middle.

So, until the middle part, it went very smoothly.

And now it was Britain’s turn.

“A delegation of the British Empire enters.”

Clap clap clap!

Security personnel and delegation greeted the participants from each country attending the meeting.

Then, England sits down.

Easterfield also followed England and took a seat.

Then, the position continued.

“The Crown Prince of Russia enters.”

People stood up and gave the Russian Crown Prince their own courtesy.

But it was then.

“Long live the British Empire!”

“… … What, these crazy people!”


British radicals drew their knives and pistols and rushed towards the Russian Crown Prince.

The Russian escorts stopped them, but after firing two pistols two at a time, 20 people were quickly wiped out.

Suddenly, gunshots poured out at the Crown Prince.

Tang Tang!

In the end, the war that would stain Europe in blood had begun.

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