150 Great Britain and Russia (2)

The Andong Kim family was engulfed in sorrow.

“… … How can this happen?”

After the death of Kim Yu-geun, a pillar of the Andong Kim family and close blood relative of the queen consort Kim, the Andong area as well as the royal family was quiet as if dead.

In the portrait of Kim Yu-geun, the center of Joseon’s power, it was a gisaeng’s house and an inn, all of which were closed to a hundred li.

“Brother, this must be the scheming of the Fengyang Jo family!”

“… … Don’t be arrogant.”

Kim Yu-geun’s younger brothers Won-geun, Jwa-geun, and Son-geun argued about the death of their eldest brother, but there was no solid evidence.

According to eyewitnesses, a normal person made a strange noise and collapsed and died.

The medical officers asked for an autopsy, but the Kim family in Andong was furious, and in the end, the cause of death could not be properly determined.

Taken from readwn.com

Meanwhile, Kim Yu-geun’s younger brother, Kim Won-geun, had a lot of worries about whether this was a good thing.

Hana Kim Jwa-geun and Kim Son-geun ran wildly down the street, wondering if they had to leave the Cho family right away.

“Fungyang Cao, it’s clear what those vile things did!”

“It’s noisy, I told you not to be reckless.”

“But bro, eldest brother has gone crazy, can’t we just stay still?!”


Why wouldn’t you want to attack the Poongyang Cho family right away as Kim Won-geun?

However, the balance in the conflict was not to be ruthlessly broken.

“For now, I guess the first thing to do is to follow Mama’s will.”

“Isn’t Queen the Great still living without a windy day after the death of Ikjong?”

“So, wouldn’t it be more important to ask Mama’s intentions first?”

“Hmm, maybe?”

While the brothers were discussing the matter of asking their sister about the future and deciding what to do, a voice was heard at the gate.


“come here!”

“Dolkey, find out who you are.”

“Yes, inspiration!”

Dolso, who was standing outside the door to assist his superiors, hurriedly ran and opened the gate.

However, the tone of the key was a bit strange.

“… … uh uh huh?!”

“Why? Key, who came… … .”

“Inspiration, a show from the Poongyang family!”

“… … what?!”

Kim Won-geun’s two younger brothers, who were impatient, rushed to the main room and grabbed the hilt first.

It was a momentum to cut even people if they made a mistake.

“Have you seen such hooligan-like people?!”

“… … this guy! Stop it!”

“Leave it! The Cho family is coming to tell you where you are now!”

Kim Won-geun was drying his two younger brothers, and the men of the Cho family pushed in, kicking the gate.

The Cho family had one more drink and even had a bow.

“Come out, Ga-ga Kim! How can you slaughter our eldest grandson and shamelessly carry that face?!”

“… … what?!”

Kim Jwa-geun pulled out his sword.


Then, Jo Byeong-gwi, the eldest son of Jo Man-young, one of the pivotal forces in the Cho family, gave him a bow.

“huh! If you want to cut it, cut it! Let’s see whose hand is faster!”

“… … What does a scholar mean with a bow?!”

“Does it make sense that the scholar drew his sword?!”

There really was no mess.

If the family’s servants witnessed this scene, it was clear that both families would be amazed.

However, Cho Byeong-gwi glared at them as if he liked these little things, and his blazing eyes spit fire.

“The crime of killing our precious eldest grandson must be punished!”


“How can you get the eldest grandson and how can you raise the eldest grandson?!”

“… … What do you mean? You mean that family also got a prize?”

“Yesterday, our eldest nephew, while visiting Masil with my aunt, was bitten by a Jangsanbeom or something, and died in such a horrific manner that it was difficult to recognize his body.”

“What, what criminal?”

“That’s what the jugglers I saw did. Jang Sanbeom bit and killed him.”

“… … What is Jang San-beom?”

“It is said that it is a monster that imitates a human voice. But there is no Jangsanbeom in this world. Do you think it’s not Jang San-beom, but Kim San-beom?”

When it was said that Kim Won-geun’s two younger brothers were Kim San-beom, the road began to run rampant.

“Have you ever seen such a f*cking bastard?!”

“What, what?! Who’s going to sound?! These motherf*ckers!”

“Huh! A motherf*cker from a scholar’s mouth?!”

“Who said that I was the first to be called Furejak!”

Kim Won-geun wondered what the hell he was doing.

He thought that there was no reason to slander and fight with the same Noron.

“Come on, stop! stop… … .”

“You have to kill him!”


“… … Die, you motherf*cker!”

“Uh-huh, stop!”

Kim Won-geun rushed into the bedroom to calm this atmosphere, which is not easily calmed down.

What he brought into the room without taking off his shoes was a celadon.

Kim Won-geun is about to throw the celadon that is descending from the heirloom on the floor.


“Uh, huh?! Brother, why are you like this?!”

“Put down the sword! Otherwise, I will break it!”

“… … Oh, I see. Put it down!”

When Kim Won-geun made a fuss about breaking the celadon, Jo Byeong-gwi, who was excited, quickly shut his mouth.

Both sides’ faces turned red as the heightened excitement subsided.

It was shameful that I had just spit out a bunch of words that were difficult to put into words as a scholar.


“Let’s not do this with the same Noron!”

“What is the same Noron… … .”

“Then are you from the North?”

“Oh, that’s not it!”

“Look. Same Noron No. Instead of doing this, let’s find the culprit step by step.”

“Well… … .”

Kim Won-geun thought it was certain that someone was separating the two families.

Even so, I couldn’t come up with an answer right away.

“Let’s take a step back and try to find an answer.”


“Two people have died. I don’t think we can just ignore this. Isn’t it?”

“Well, it is.”

“Then we wouldn’t blush at each other… … .”

Now the atmosphere was calming.

Just then, something amazing happened.

In front of Kim Won-geun, Jo Byeong-gwi began to bleed.

“Cool, cool! Wow!”


In the end, the Kim clan vomited blood, and if Cho Byeong-gwi died like this, the rumor would be strange.

‘Pungyang Cho of the Kim clan died!’


After the British delegation went to the Netherlands, the Dutch royal family agreed to provide 50,000 regular and mercenary troops to Britain.

Spain, France, Denmark and Austria also agreed to support mercenaries.

“The number of mercenaries is now said to have reached 200,000 in total.”

“The army of mercenaries is huge.”

The idea of Western Europe was to check Russia’s territorial expansion by supporting mercenaries rather than directly participating in the war.

Of course, it would be impossible for the Russian Empire to cross Austria and through the Netherlands as long as Easterfield’s army was in place.

However, since it is possible to secure territory in Eastern Europe even without encountering Easterfield, Western Europe decided to lower the risk even by supporting mercenaries.

Lee Hwan received reports of weapons support for the dispatch of mercenaries.

“The British position is to secure 15 million rounds of ammunition. We are also asking if it is possible to rent an ES-1 if possible.”

“Are you going to push Russia away even if you borrow a gun?”

“At least they don’t want to lose the title of Europe’s strongest in a one-sided fight.”

This war was a battle between Britain and Russia, as well as a battle for the title of the strongest European power.

Of course, except for Easterfield, it is a matter of determining the strength of the European continent.

Lee Hwan decided to lend the ES-1 to countries sending mercenaries.

“Allow the rental.”

“Oh, my lord. If that happens, you will not be sure who will win the war with Russia.”

“Isn’t that what we wanted?”

“iced coffee… … !”

The longer the war, the more gold Easterfield takes.

If both Britain and Russia owe the Federation of Easterfield, Lee Hwan would be the creditor of gold from all of Eurasia.

Lee Hwan issued one more instruction along with the weapon supply.

“We, Easterfield, do not participate in this war under any circumstances. Unless our Federation is invaded.”

“If it was the Federation, would Austria be included?”

“Austria is my wife-in-law and our biggest market. Of course, we will not watch the invasion.”

The united Germany was Easterfield’s largest car seller.

10,000 vehicles a year flow into this area, and the amount of oil inflow is second only to the United States.

Rather than England, Austria was called a major trading country for Easterfield.

“We do not fight, but if a neighboring country is invaded, we pay it back.”

“Yes, my lord. I will pass the instructions on to the Federal Army.”

If Lee Hwan comes out like this, Russia will have no choice but to go a long way and set sail.

If the infantry did collide, it would probably happen on the Russian-Austrian border, which was not very desirable.

Even if Britain mobilizes its military first.

“Now we can only take advantage of both sides.”

Lee Hwan was already looking forward to how much he could touch with this war.

Soon, a new report came to Lee Hwan.

This time it was about submarine cables.

“After researching rubber and wires, it is said that they have completed a cable that can cross the seabed.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Attempts to lay submarine cables were already underway.

Although an undersea cable connecting England and France was installed, it was frequently damaged by the influence of currents.

However, the cable invented this time was different.

“It is 20 times stronger and more durable than conventional cables. If this is enough, I think it will be possible to connect continents to continents.”

“Continents and continents!”

In 1866, the first transatlantic cable was installed in Yi Hwan-i’s world.

For almost 50 to 100 years, Easterfield, which has been making advanced technology, already had technology that went well beyond that level.

If the cable was installed, there were only a few exchange offices, and there was a source that crossed continents and continents.

Lee Hwan has decided to focus his money on this sector.

“By investing R&D funds, we will connect continents to continents within three years from now.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Whether it is a war or an economic competition, the side with the most advanced information will win overwhelmingly.

Lee Hwan was trying to preempt that victory himself.

He was thinking of constructing cables in Asia once this development is complete.

“Think about running a cable through the Arabian Confederation to Southeast Asia and then connecting it to Australia.”

“Then, shouldn’t we have to go through India?”


There was a burden of passing through the huge land of India, but that was not the only concern of the servants.

The problem was that it was British land.

If Hana Lee Hwan made up her mind, would that really be a problem?

“If you have to go through it, why not go through it? Is there any problem?”

“British… … .”

“Is Britain a problem?”

“Well! No!”

If Easterfield does, it will be.

Because that was the world right now.

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