187 Korean Mercenaries (1)

In the process of arresting Kwonmunsedoga of Iri, 7 people were killed, and the enemy was wiped out on the spot.

The captured Kwon Munsedoga was a member of the Andong Kim clan.

He engaged in vicious acts by paying usury in the area, but he was afraid of public information and hid in the seowon.

David Black, a member of the Central Prosecutors’ Office in Hanyang of the Soviet Union in Easterfield, thoroughly investigated Kim Ik-chon.

“Kim Ik-chon, do you admit your guilt?”

“… … I just did it to live. Why on earth is it bad to have privates?”

“Do you think it makes sense to have such a large army to survive? Besides, they didn’t even have gun licenses. No matter how good gunners are, they must report to the state and have their guns taken care of. But he carried a matchlock without any control. Even though this alone is a felony, did you protect this sinner privately? It is a great sin.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“For now, I will hand you over to the people’s trial, Kim Ik-chon. And in the process, the female guilt will be revealed clearly and clearly.”

People with heinous crimes are sometimes sentenced to death in national trials.

This was not simply a case of public sentiment, but a case of s*xual exploitation by killing a person or by committing adultery or raping a woman who had not yet reached the age of majority.

Up until now, yangbans had been raped at random, and many government sons knew it and turned their eyes away.

It was like, what’s so bad about raping a slave that belonged to him?

But now the world has changed.

Some committed rape even though they knew the law had been passed, and some still harassed the people by collecting usury.

It was the role of the prosecution to dispose of such garbage that had rotted down to the bone marrow.

“Okay then, I will give you one last chance. Where did you hire those mercenaries, and how did you arm them?”

“… … How do I know that?”

“If you know that and give us the information, it could be extenuating in the trial.”


“There is room for two sentences. In some cases, property rights can also be preserved.”

The most important thing for yangbans was politeness to the clan and their honor, but even if they were humiliated, the best thing to do was to survive by leaving even a penny of fortune.

Kim Ik-chon was no different from other Kwon Mun-se-do families.

“… … If there is room for sentencing.”

“You just have to pass on the correct information. If we find any errors in our investigation, you will go to jail immediately and be barred from coming out for the rest of your life.”

“For now, I will tell you what I know. So send me a sentence!”

“Again, if you want to be sentenced, tell me everything you know. Otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life.”

Kim Ik-chon had no choice but to open his mouth, knowing that he had nowhere to run anymore.

He began to divulge everything he knew.

“In Joseon, there is a company that gathers people who used to hunt and live in the Qing, Japan, and Joseon and make them into mercenaries.”

“… … company?”

“Not so long ago, companies that solicited contractors and bodyguards appeared one by one, and the skills of the mercenaries they have were truly outstanding.”

“I didn’t know that such a company existed… … .”

David Black, let alone the Korean government, even the federal government was unaware of their existence.

In a word, they were spreading like cancer in the dark.

Perhaps, if we let them grow as they are, one day they will grow into gangs and cancer organizations and we will not be able to use our hands.

David Black asked how to communicate with them.

“How did you contact them?”

“They call first.”

“What if I want to contact them first?”

“I do not know either. They used to contact me in a timely manner to see if they were watching me all day.”

“Do you know exactly when the client wants it?”

Wasn’t it quite difficult?

How on earth do you know what people want unless you do the interest method?

But if you think about it, it was the same as being faithful to their pay that much.

David Black felt the need to go to an expert in this area.

“For now, I will arrest you in Hanyang. I think I have already prepared enough mentally.”

“… … Wait, you promised to send me a sentence!”

“Sentence means freedom. I can’t let the prosecutors accept the crimes they want to receive.”


“then Let’s go.”


Upon returning to Japan, Yu Hara became a member of the Soviet Union in Joseon and became the Chief of Naval Staff of the Soviet Army.

He receives quite a few requests for advice, most of which are about criminal gangs.

When he was Yuhara in the Kanto region, he was the worst pirate who roamed Japan and Joseon, and was also called the so-called ‘King of Pirates’.

Yuhara also had a powerful intelligence organization, and, if nothing else, it was the best group in East Asia when it came to crime.

However, it has now been disbanded and absorbed into the Navy’s Intelligence Command, where he was accumulating modern knowledge on the operation and utilization of information while attending university.

Because Yuhara had lived as their leader, she knew a lot.

“A gunner who went back and forth between Joseon and Japan?”

“Did such people really exist?”

To the prosecutor’s request for advice, Yu Hara did her best to answer it as far as she knew.

“You know that? The tigers of the Joseon Peninsula have the best skins in the world. But befitting the nickname Sangun, they were bigger than bulls, and their speed was like watching a swallow full of water. It is absolutely impossible to hunt such a Joseon tiger with ordinary skills. That’s why there was a group that took the best hunters and made hunting a business.”

“Then can we hypothesize that that group of hunters evolved into contractors?”

“Of course. It would be a piece of cake for those who used to hunt tigers to hunt people.”

The intelligence of a tiger is quite high.

Taken from readwn.com

Moreover, humans can never defeat tigers in mountain battles, as they live a life specialized in hunting.

For the hunters who hunt such tigers, hunting for humans is as easy as eating rice cakes in one sitting.

Yuhara advised her to go to the largest hunter group she knew.

“Go to a place called Jeokryongdan in Mt. Baekdu, saying it was sent by Yuhara from the Kanto region.”

“The Red Dragon?”

“The Red Dragons are possessors of tremendous skill in hunting tigers not only in Joseon, but also in Arsa. They must know something.”


Siberian tigers have the same bloodline as Korean tigers, but they live in a fairly large area.

Because of that, chasing was not easy, and even if they succeeded in chasing, there was no guarantee that they would be able to catch him in one shot.

If he succeeded in the pursuit in Siberia, it meant that he was not of normal skill.

The Central Prosecutor’s Office of the Soviet Union headed straight for Mt. Baekdu.

Recently, the area around Mt. Baekdu has been crowded with tourists, and when they heard that the hot spring water from here is good for joints, even European nobles came to recuperate.

The stronghold of the Jeokryongdan on Mt. Baekdu was very majestic even at a glance.

The main building of Jeokryongdan, made by stacking as many as eight layers of tile like whales, looked like a beautiful wooden pagoda.



There were still quite a few houses that did not use doorbells, and it was deeply related to the sentiments of Joseon.

They think that it is only right for a member of the family to personally come to meet the guest who knocks on the door.

When I knocked on the door of the Jeokryongdan, a woman in a beautiful hanbok walked out.

“What are you doing? Tiger hunting must now be done through the government office.”

The tiger has become a state-controlled animal, because only humans can control the individual tiger, the top predator.

That said, it was illegal to hunt tigers blindly.

It was possible to kill a tiger only if the tiger caused compatibility and a person died.

If there were no casualties, efforts were being made to anesthetize the tiger and release it to Baekdudaegan, or release it to Eastern Europe.

Recently, there has been discussion about relocating Asian tigers to Canada when food is scarce.

Prosecutors showed her identification.

“It is the prosecution. Can I share a few words with you?”

“Well, it is.”

Disrespecting the guests is to paint the face of the family, and the Red Dragons gladly brought the prosecution in.

In Joseon, yangbans disappeared, but Confucian ideas still remained, and only good things were taken from the lives of yangbans and left as a custom unique to Joseon.

In particular, customs such as welcoming guests were kept as diverse as possible and compiled into a booklet.

The Jeokryongdan treated the prosecution with the dignity of such a nobleman.

A woman who brings omija tea and refreshments.

“Wait here for a moment. Danju will come out soon.”

“I will.”

Prosecutors enjoyed refreshments to catch their breath and admired the surrounding landscape.

They simply marveled at the beautiful and dignified garden.

“… … The difference between Europe and Korea is so great that it is impossible to compete. How can it be so different? When you go to Europe after being in Joseon, it feels like you are in a city of barbarians.”

“So we have to go back to the Federation right away. It cannot be compared to Joseon, but the city is neat.”

In Europe in the 19th century, the streets were still dirty, and when you entered the back alleys, drunken people were vomiting in the loud rooms.

Even when darkness fell, men and women were often mixed in the back alleys.

After going through the back alleys of Europe, which is such a bad place, of course, when I came to the aristocratic family of Joseon, I couldn’t get used to it.

After a while, Hong Seong-wook, the leader of the Red Dragon, appeared.

“Let’s have Danju Hong Seong-wook come.”

“Nice to meet you. They are inspectors from Hanyang.”

“Um, what are the inspectors doing all the way here? Anyway, let’s sit down.”

No matter how bad it is, the law is to sit down and talk slowly while eating refreshments.

This is the custom of the yangbans in this area who refuse to do gyeonggeomandong.

The inspectors explained to Hong Sung-wook what had happened.

“… … A lot has happened. I came here because President Yu Hara recommended this place.”

“Ugh, Yuhara from Kanto! We owe him quite a bit. I’ve heard that he’s become the Chief of Staff of the Navy, but I don’t know if he’s doing well.”

“He recommended this place and asked for an answer.”

Hong Seong-wook dismissed it as absurd that there are so many hunters roaming around in Joseon, where there is no hoarseness.

“Probably the work of a group of vocalized hunters.”

“It’s a voiced group. Do you know anything about such groups?”

He shook his head.

“No. To be honest, we are having a hard time cracking down on them.”

“A crackdown?”

“They are hurting us because they go on a forbidden hunt for humans or roam around without government control. The fact that we were originally supposed to be returned to security, carrying valuables, and not being able to work.”

Originally, the position was given to 600,000 veterans, but among them there were quite a few who would not engage in trade, construction, or escort.

In particular, more than 30% of people said they wanted to be fishermen in Japan, farmers in Joseon, and dairy cattle in Qing.

In addition, more than 30% of those who wanted to work in the industry were more than 10% who wanted to work in finance or other industries.

Since the number of personnel was so dispersed, it was necessary to supplement the personnel for the originally planned projects, but groups such as the Red Dragons were trying to converge it.

“They say our food line is cut off because of them.”

“Um, that’s right.”

“We’d like to help catch them, if you give us the cooperation we ask for.”

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