191 Movement (1)

Early in the morning, Arthur Wellesley received a rather absurd reply.

“… … How many pieces do we have in our collection, are you going to use them as collateral?”

“Easterfield I thinks archeology is important, but it is said that he does not want it to cause major interference in state affairs.”

“Hmm, it’s difficult, but this.”

The British Museum began its life when physician Hans Sloane started the museum with his own collection.

The British Empire Museum, which is now nearly 100 years old, had a huge collection, so it was a bit unreasonable to repay it in value.

Hana Lee Hwan’s thoughts were firm.

“Are you saying that, after all, feed is just feed?”

“Even if it is of high archaeological value, you can’t immediately turn it into money, right? In addition, its value tends to change according to the circumstances of the times.”

For example, suppose there is an area in the midst of a war, and the value of art there will be quite low.

In a yard where it is too much to eat while avoiding cannon balls, who the hell would want to keep an eye on art?

For that reason, it is difficult to give an accurate evaluation of art, so if Lee Hwan wanted to borrow money, he would bundle the entire museum and hold it as collateral.

It was unfortunate for the Duke of Wellington, but the British had to accept it.

“The royal family is said to be seriously considering the sale.”

“… … What about Easterfield I?”

“That’s right.”


“It seems that the royal family thinks it is more appropriate to earn even a penny more and take the war to an advantage than to hold on to something of historical value.”

“Are you going to save even a penny more?”

The idea was obviously Arthur Wellesley’s, but the owner couldn’t hide his bitterness.

But that bitterness was only temporary.

“good night. Be prepared to sell, or to provide collateral.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And let’s consider one case and get an insurance policy.”

“Is it insurance?”

“Let’s make contact with France.”


Coincidentally, when French finance officials received a letter from the UK, plans to improve the economy were in full swing.

France, now completely free from the aftereffects of the Napoleonic Wars, was making remarkable progress through an oil pact with the Easterfield Federation.

Now, they were making quite a bit of foreign currency by selling their products overseas.

The French finance minister, Jean Lloris, fell into deep trouble.

“British giving us an unexpected opportunity… … .”

“Are you willing to accept the offer?”

“I think we need to think about it for a moment.”

Jean Lloris has recently been gradually increasing the defense budget at the request of the French military, and the proportion is gradually increasing.

Although there was no point other than purchasing Eaststellar’s weapons in contact with Easterfield’s Ministry of Defense at the moment, they were drawing a sketch for developing their own weapon system in the long run.

For Jean Lloris, the British letter heralded another phase.

“Let’s buy our own bonds and start a war against Italy… … .”

“Actually, from our point of view, there is no better picture than this, right? It is true that Italy is very politically chaotic, but if left alone, it will most likely become prey to Austria or a colony of Russia. In that case, wouldn’t it be better for us to join hands with Britain and devour communist Italy?”

I would never have thought of this when the Pope’s power was strong in the past, or in some cases, during the heyday of the Holy Roman Empire.

But France also had a chance.

“Now, we too will be freed from the sorrow of being second in the past.”

“… … It’s second in ten thousand years.”

It was only during Napoleon’s reign that France became a major historical figure while reigning as a European power.

France has so far reigned in second place, and has never seen it surpass Britain.

Even losing the war with England and losing all of its vast territory, the injustice must have been enormous in its own right.

It was the British proposal for cooperation that touched the soul of France.

Jean Lloris took the British proposal very positively.

No, I actually accepted it.

“Send an envoy to the UK and start working on a financial exchange.”

“Then, on the day Easterfield finds out… … .”

“What will you do if you are caught? It’s just a simple investment that we’re investing in British finance.”

Even though Easterfield I is omnipotent, he is not the son of the God who created the heavens and the earth.

Jean Lloris did not think that it was so impossible to deceive Easterfield I.


In the summer of 1838, the Museum of the British Empire was pledged to Easterfield.

The British royal family tried to force them to sell it, but Lee Hwan lure them with a medium-interest loan as bait.

In the end, the British royal family overthrew their will and became financial slaves of the Easterfield Commonwealth.

But they weren’t that stupid either.

“… … Do you have contact with France?”

“When Britain’s finances are on the verge of bankruptcy, it seems that they are starting to make contact with France. Besides, since the economic situation in France is slowly improving, we are preparing to enjoy a second heyday together with the UK.”

“Are you going to hit Easterfield in the back of the head after teasing him like that?”

I thought this guy’s France was going crazy.

In the end, Lee Hwan decided to pierce the French blind spot and draw their blood.

“Then there is no point. We have no choice but to stab them at their vital points.”

“Is it urgent?”

“Raising the benchmark interest rate.”

“iced coffee… … !”

France’s finances have recently been growing on loans

Since the federal government had invested quite a bit of money from the finances of Africa and Istanbul to run its business, if the East Bank went into austerity, a real big deal was inevitable.

Besides, now was a good time.

“Isn’t the UK and Russia raising interest rates so that Central can start raising them too?”

“of course. Central operates a currency basket, so it is also influenced by its surroundings.”

“It’s good that you have moved away from the fixed exchange rate in the first place and opted for a floating exchange rate system.”

If Easterfield decides to raise interest rates by the European Development Bank and East Bank, France will suffer a huge blow with only a 1% increase in interest rates.

In particular, entrepreneurs who established factories by introducing foreign capital were literally walking into hell.

“How many bonds have we planted against France?”

“About 30 million central.”

“Besides, isn’t the amount of money you took out as a loan?”

“On average, the amount of loans taken by French companies and factories exceeds 200% of their equity capital. This also works only where soundness is expected, usually over 300%.”

“Then there is nothing to see. Let’s start tightening the currency right now. Of course, you’ll have to start with a credit rating before that.”

“Yes, my lord!”

If you evaluate the current creditworthiness of France, you will inevitably receive a negative credit in the scale of the loan.

This is because, no matter how healthy a company is, it was not normal to have a debt ratio of more than 300% when it collapsed in the face of a financial crisis.

Lee Hwan did not stop here.

“Make contact with Sicily, Tuscany and other Italian countries. Of course, let the Archduke of Austria know this too, so that he can help.”

“Then, shall we send a message to the Archduke right now?”

“Do it.”

After the Viennese regime, Italy was divided into numerous principalities, and it was virtually like the Spring and Autumn Warring States period.

However, they were still under Austria’s strong influence, and they would be annexed into the Austrian Empire if another war of unification was ever waged.

Lee Hwan had one thing he wanted to make sure of before that.

It was to ensure that the kingdoms, or principalities of Italy, would not be attached to the British side against Austria.

For him, it was necessary to appeal to them first, a powerful federal force called Easterfield.

The letter sent by Lee Hwan came back in reply after just one day.

Even the answer was replaced by sending an envoy.

Amalie Julia, the daughter of the Duchy of Haustria, visited the Netherlands on behalf of the Archduke.

Hwan Lee, who came to the Netherlands in one day on a submarine, met Julia and heard more details.

“The Grand Duke does not want the unification of Italy.”

“You don’t want unification… … ?”

“They are divided into quarters like they are now, divided into numerous principalities, and they want to stay for another century or so.”

Unless a madman like Mussolini comes to power, reunification of Italy is not a bad option.

However, this was not the case for Austria.

“Do you think that one day Italy will rebel against Austria?”

“You seem to think so.”


“But if you think about it, the split in Italy is not very favorable for the Netherlands. In the south, European powers keep thinking of starting a war under the pretext of Italian hegemony.”

“Then what do you think the Archduke should do?”

“How about joining the small Italian countries to the Easterfield Federation?”

“… … Join the Federation?”

Even England or Russia, or even Austria or the Netherlands, are no match for Easterfield.

No, even if all of Europe fights Easterfield with all their might, victory cannot be guaranteed.

As such, Easterfield’s power and economic power were at a powerful level.

The Habsburgs, who were well aware of this, believed that Easterfield, no one else, could silence the Italian noise.

“If we join the Federation, there will be no need for Italy to dream of reunification through a power war, and there will be no reason to do so. As long as you stay within the confines of a strong federation, you can expect tremendous economic growth.”

“But if that happens, the Habsburgs will have to give up Italy. Because that’s the federal law.”

No one may encroach upon the countries of the Federation.

If anyone touches the nation of the Federation, the private fleet as well as the naval and army forces will move and give severe punishment.

Lee Hwan was the one who made such a bill, so he could not take care of his wife.

But that was only Lee Hwan’s rain.

“It is the intention of the Grand Duke to control Italy, which is a problem, now financially and return the sovereignty of the country.”

“Do you dominate financially?”

“The Habsburgs are already in contact with Italian financiers. They say they intend to sell their bonds and sell British and Russian bonds as well in exchange for their sovereignty.”

“If that’s the case… … .”

“The power of Britain and Russia will be a little weaker.”

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