203 Quadrant (1)

North Germany’s independence movement, along with Belgium, began to inspire strong nationalism and independence and sovereignty in Europe.

Under such circumstances, the Dutch parliament was divided.

hum hum… … !

Elizabeth I asked the ministers large and small in the Dutch Parliament.

“Belgium is demanding independence. I wonder what the lords think about this.”

The first to raise a hand was Richard Ben-Herren.

He knelt in front of Elizabeth.


“God, Ben-Heren! I dare you, I know that it is right to wipe out the wicked reactionaries of Belgium with one blow!”

“Are we going to crack down on Belgium?”

“If there are those who take actions to weaken the national power, it is of course right to suppress them.”

Richard Ben-Herren was urging troops to be dispatched.

Upon hearing this, the southern nobles rose up in anger.

“… … They oppress the same people with force! Does this make sense?!”

“How can suppressing the reactionaries be called repression?”

“If independence is suppressed by violence, the Central Army of the United Kingdom is no less than a massacre!”

“Don’t you know that if slaughter is also a medicine, it must be done?”


Emotions were getting deeper and deeper.

If the situation went out of control after a little more time, Belgium and the Netherlands could have suffered civil wars.

Elizabeth couldn’t be sure of what decision she had to make at this moment.

Then a letter arrived from Austria to her.

“majesty! They say Austria has asked the Easterfield Army for assistance!”

“Hmm, are you going to let Easterfield’s federal troops finally enter your territory?”

“The Habsburgs are asking the United Kingdom of the Netherlands to open the way for landings and advances.”

In an instant, the expressions of the ministers sharply changed.

Since Easterfield I was married to Elizabeth I, if there was a rebel group in the Dutch royal family, it could have been wiped out in one stroke.

If the Easterfield Federation was involved in an unrelated royal family, it could be oppression and oppression, but lending force for the wife was a sufficient justification.

“good night. Then, immediately open the North Port and allow the Easterfield Federation Forces to enter.”

“Yes, my lord!”

As soon as the military received Elizabeth’s orders, it immediately began to move.

Also, Belgium seemed to have decided to follow the decision of the royal family without much resistance this time.

However, Richard Ben-Herren’s expression looking at them was different.

After the dissolution of Parliament, he visited Elizabeth separately.

“majesty! It is strange that the Belgian side would accept your will without any resistance.”

“However, it is not possible to suppress all the subjects who follow the royal family’s instructions.”

“I do, but… … I would like to ask Easterfield I to intervene a little more deeply.”

Richard Ben-Heren achieved the existence of the United Kingdom even while wearing the mask of a double personality.

It was the most unbearable thing for him to see his efforts go in vain.

Elizabeth knew her feelings all too well, but she thought that if she made the wrong decision at this moment, the country would be ruined.

“A deeper intervention is a matter to be considered carefully.”

“Easterfield is the bloodline of our Kingdom of the Netherlands. What problem are you talking about getting them in?”

“If we unnecessarily provoke Belgium, a civil war will break out, and if the weapon system our Dutch coalition possesses is cut in half, it will cost a lot of money. If you intervene deep in Easterfield and land infantry or artillery units, the game will be bigger.”

“… … Well, it is.”

“I want to get things done with as little casualties as possible. To do that, even if an all-out war breaks out, isn’t it forbidden to bring in foreign powers and create a crossroads for escalation?”

Although Easterfields are of Dutch blood, that does not mean that they are not foreign.

No matter how they put their troops, from the point of view of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, foreign powers come in and interfere.

This was also to give Belgium a justification for an army call due to foreign aggression.

Elizabeth was more careful than anything else about giving justification to the Belgian side.

“Once you open the northern gate. And let the Union troops land on the Austrian will.”


Lee Hwan receives a letter from Austria.

While he immediately organized a federal army and sent it to Austria, he was a little nervous about his troops going through the Netherlands.

“If it’s not about completely conquering Belgium, then it might not be a very good option to pass through their territory.”

“But, wouldn’t this be the only way to cut off the tangent between North Germany and Belgium in advance and overwhelm the northern German aristocrats who were dissatisfied with the reunification and independence of Italy?”

The most powerful cause that the nobles of North Germany could stand up for was to induce war by using the colonies as wealth.

Being swayed by such a simple cause would be the most painful part for the Austrian Empire.

Currently, Poland and Hungary are demanding the division of the empire along with the independence of the Czech Republic.

Either way, Italy will become independent if left alone.

If a peaceful method does not work, it is only greed to hold on to Italy, which will become independent even by force, until the end.

Even the nobles of North Germany knew it well, but they had only one thought.

“Through this opportunity, North Germany will only try to establish a single dynasty and form an alliance with North Britain to join Russia.”

“They think that the military and reunification of the past is a humiliation, and they think that the present sovereignty is against them.”

“I’m sure we’ll have to revise the way these guys think.”

“Perhaps it is a way of expressing the confidence we have now, leaning on Northern British artillery technology. There is only one thing that can correct such arrogance.”

“At times like this, the hawk is a medicine.”

“you’re right. The only thing in this world that is faster than the law is the fist.”

Lee Hwan quietly fell into thought.

You have the most powerful fist in the world, but how you wield it will change the picture.

He decided to swing it properly if he was swinging his fist.

“How complete is the carrier flyer now?”

“For now, two of the carrier groups are ready to move, and eight more are in the process of being deployed. Operation is possible immediately after assembly is completed.”

“The tank corps?”

“Currently 12,500 4th generation tanks are ready for assembly. If you give the order, tanks can be built and landed all over the world.”

“When will all the previous briefings be done?”

“It’s enough for two months.”

Lee Hwan nodded his head.

“Okay, that should be enough. From now on, our Easterfield Federal Forces will focus on strengthening our forces, no matter how the international community operates.”


The day of the landing of the Easterfield Army.

Belgium and North Germany were tense.

If new weapons and firearms landed on the continent like this, they thought that their independence might be in vain.

But they have one piece of good news.

“… … Don’t you have any heavy weapons?”

“It is said that there is not even a ship capable of attacking.”

“Oh, okay?”

Roas Havent, a key member of the southern Dutch nobleman who is said to be the first king of the Belgian kingdom, touched his chin as if it were interesting.

He thought that Easterfield was an invincible army, but he did not think that the difference in infantry strength was that great.

Infantry power is determined by rifles, but if you think about it, they and Belgium share the same rifle.

“How widespread is the ES-2 series in Belgium?”

“About 5,000 to 60,000.”

The ES-2 was the first rifle to introduce a bolt-loading system, a step up from the conventional cartridge rifle.

If the stock of these ES-2s was worth 60,000, I thought that it would be worthwhile to go to war.

Loas Havent was determined to prepare for independence.

“Declare war.”

“Are you saying you want to open the war now? There is no support from the UK yet… … .”

“We have quite a bit of ESA-1 power. Even in the ESA model, we overwhelm the UK. With that in mind, we might be able to fight on an equal footing with them in infantry battles.”

“All right. So how do we pass it on to neighboring countries?”

“Tell them that we’re going to face the Netherlands, and we’ll tie up Easterfield’s infantry so that France, Russia and Greece can advance north.”

“Yes, I understand! Then we will declare war on the Netherlands.”

“Do it.”

“How to write a propaganda proclamation?”

“Write down that the Netherlands and Belgium are divergent as of today.”

“I will write it down and send it to you.”

In the end, the Belgian nobles established Roas Havent as the first king and declared war on the Netherlands.

It was truly a surprise declaration of war by Belgium, which had created Mt.

Due to their declaration of war, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic became independent one after another, and many countries in Eastern Europe set the justification for freeing themselves from the control of the Austrian Empire.

Belgium began distributing weapons to strengthen its alliance, while advancing land forces armed with ESA and ES series northward.

Belgium currently has a total of 670 ESA-1s, which is much more powerful than Britain at present.

However, it was mentioned as a problem that Belgium’s naval forces were quite shabby.

Hana Loas Havent wasn’t too concerned.

It was because he firmly believed that Northern Britain would surely make up for the absence of Belgian naval forces.

His beliefs returned as a response from Northern England.

The Northern Chester regime has announced that it plans to completely control the western coast of Europe through an alliance with Russia and to secure a supply route completely based on an alliance with France.

They thought that if they could secure a supply route and drive an all-out war to an advantage, they would lose no matter how much Easterfield they were.

Loas Havent ordered to advance north.

“I am running towards the heart of the enemy right now. Dispatch 50,000 of our army as an advance squad.”

“Your Majesty, there is territory outside Easterfield in our southwest region. What will they do?”

“Hmm, roughly how much power do they have?”

“Military facilities are dense, but I know there will not be that many regular troops.”

“Okay then, send 20,000 soldiers there to take control of the military facilities first. At the same time, we also secure the railroad facilities, creating an advance route into Austria.”

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