206 Like a swarm of bees (2)

Joao Pelex’s strategy of entering the Italian region without taking any damage was also passed on to Lee Hwan.

He laughed very happily.

“Wow, you are a fun friend.”

“Joao Pelex has a really, really, really good ponytail. I am so lucky to have such an officer as our corps commander.”

“By the way, you must have been pretty pissed off in France, did you stay still?”

“This time, it is said that North Britain will send support troops from the Eastern European Union and Greek reinforcements. Based on that force, it seems that we will make a forcible breakthrough into Italy.”

“If that happens, Austria’s operation to capture Eastern Europe will be the key.”

“Presumably, pressure from our army seemed to be the main strategy.”

“If the Eastern European Union Army enters, will Eastern Europe take care of raising the white flag?”

“Rather than raising a white flag on their own, it is the Austrian idea that we will take a step back in front of the logic of power, and that if we help defend Russia, they will not be able to step forward.”

Austria seemed to want Easterfield to completely entrust the defense of its territories, and if so painted, many countries in Eastern Europe would inevitably come into conflict with Easterfield as it would lead to civil war.

If the Federation Forces of Easterfield are defeated or suffer serious damage here, Lee Hwan gets a justification for sending in a large army.

Apparently, Roan was aiming for it.

“The Archduke used a very dreadful move.”

“Will you give according to the will of the Habsburgs?”

Lee Hwan had no choice but to nod his head.

Because I couldn’t think of a better operation than that right now.

However, he decided to stick to the existing defensive operation and lay the foundation for an operation that would surprise the world.

“Move the Central Intelligence Agency so that we can find places to bomb. When will the bombing operation be possible?”

“It’s one week. The operation will unfold in it.”

“Then it means it will happen soon.”

“Yes, it is. Perhaps by the time Russia gets to the Austrian border, the bombing will drop.”


A week later.

In California, the capital of the Confederation of Easterfield, eight carrier squadrons were ready for sortie.

They organized an expeditionary force consisting of a large army of 400,000 water and built an attack fleet consisting of battleships and destroyers.

Above all, it now possesses a submarine fleet with a scale that cannot be compared to the past.

The carrier squadrons marched freely to their respective areas.

Citizens and merchants who witnessed their sortie were truly shocked.

“… … It’s a floating base! I will never see a sight like this in my lifetime.”

“By the way, where is all that simple?”

Taken from readwn.com

Merchants simply watched as the carrier fleets departed to pour fire into Europe.

They arrived at their area of operation within a fortnight.

The first to arrive was the 1st Carrier Fleet in charge of the North Sea area.

The 1st Carrier Fleet had 80 attack ships, including three carriers, battleships and destroyers.

Even if you rake in all of Europe’s power, you probably won’t be able to beat the 1st Carrier Fleet.

The 1st Carrier Fleet bombed Manchester, the capital of northern England, and the main city of Edinburgh.

Boo woo woo!

When the trumpets sounded from the carrier front, the fighters began to maneuver one by one.

The carrier squadron, loaded with 60 fighters, quickly induced bombardment.

Boo ah ah!

Northern England, which had never even dreamed of being a powered fighter until now, had no choice but to stare at the sky, wondering what this really meant.

But it was only when they saw the bombs falling towards the military base that they realized what they were facing.


“… … It’s a bomb!”

“Bring the gun! Shoot with a gun!”

Sharpening a rifle at a flying plane was practically insane.

Even the fighters were equipped with machine guns, so their attack power was not comparable to that of the ground forces.

Doo doo doo doo!


“… … crazy! A flying machine gun!”

It was truly a feast of shock and horror.


The Russian Empire was burning with the ambition of aggression even at the moment when Northern England was going to be devastated.

The Russian Army, which was facing the Austrian Empire, was considering sending more troops.

However, as St. Petersburg became a sea of fire, everything was about to be wiped out.

Beep wooh… … !

“Bombing! Hurry and avoid!”

“Shit! Where the hell did you make such a monstrous thing?!”

Even the carrier carrying them was moored in the yard that was too heavy for planes to fly, so there was no way to see the road.

Even the Russian navy was sunk as it was about to sortie.

“… … The navy has collapsed!”

“Did you destroy it? How many ironclad ships are they destroying?”

After the last battle with the British, they were sold to Easterfield for 80 first-generation ironclad ships.

It was the largest of the countries that received ironclad ships in Europe so far, and their armaments were also very perfect.

Even the money that went into it had robbed the empire of finances and was about to go bankrupt.

However, it was hard to believe that such a battleship had been destroyed.

“It’s been less than an hour since we launched the sortie! There was no such thing as fire, how could you destroy it?”

“It is said that a bomb was fired from below the water surface.”

“… … Under the water?”

“It is clear that they have a submersible ironclad ship.”

“What nonsense! How can a human dive and drive a ship?!”

“At first, we thought it was nonsense, but all the survivors aboard the 80 ironclad ships are giving consistent testimony. Some even say they have seen the reality of the submarine.”

“… … Is it beyond human limits?!”

He was well aware that Easterfield’s science and technology was excellent.

However, they could not even imagine that they could fly in the sky and swim in the sea.

“You mean these are monsters from another world?”

“If this continues, our Russian Empire will be destroyed. Something needs to be done.”

“Damn it! What did the Tsar say?”

“… … It is highly probable that the Tsar has passed away.”


“Now, the Prime Minister has to take care of everything.”

Russian Prime Minister Romansky was deeply troubled.

Since the emperor passed away, he was holding the military power in his hand.

However, if they wield their military power incorrectly now, there is a high possibility that Russia will not be listed in the history of the country.

‘There is nothing Even if you abandon the capital, you have no choice but to drive your enemies into a corner!’

Romansky ordered Seojin.

“Continue pressing Austria!”

“Yes, I understand.”

“If we widen the border, our troops will not rest… … .”

It was when Prime Minister Romansky was coordinating his troops.

woo woo woo!

“… … Bombing is falling!”

“Shit! You don’t really give people a break!”

“dismissal! They say a tram is coming from the south!”

“Me, the train?”

“It was first shown in China the other day, and it is said that it is made of armor and cannot be penetrated by cannons.”

“What, what?!”

“It is said that the tank corps are coming in like a flood! Soldiers and our heavy weapons are disappearing like snow!”

The unbelievable things continued.

This time, news came that troops were coming from Joseon.

“The troops are coming from the Far East! This time, not only the army but also tanks and self-propelled artillery are mobilized! They even come loaded with supplies in the car! They plan to take over all of Russia!”

“… … Oops!”

Easterfield was never underestimated.

Romansky was rather afraid of Easterfields, and did everything in their power to undermine their power.

However, the Easterfield Federation Forces had powers that were not of this world.

Even what he had shown me so far was to the point where I could only think of it as hemostasis of the foot.

“Did I make a mistake… … ?”

“If this continues, our Russia will perish! Even if you move the capital, the enemy will come to you with a bang! He has a lot of troops and his equipment is very good. How about surrendering anyway?”

“… … Are you telling me to sever the legacy of the empire with my own hands now? It would be better to burn the Tsar’s Empire with my own hands if this would become Easterfield’s colony!”

“Easterfield says they don’t hit those who surrender twice. So just close your eyes… … .”


Surprisingly, Romansky shot an entourage.

Then the priests big and small looked at Romansky in amazement.

“Shut up! We, Russia, are not that weak!”

“… … Crazy!”

“Who else wants to die? Was it yours?!”

Romansky went mad and aimed his guns at the gods big and small.

That was then.



“… … you must die Can’t we all die together like this?”

With a creaking noise, Romansky vomited blood.

With his death, the legacy of the Russian Empire was also being cut off.


Shortly after Romansky’s death.

The Russian Empire has surrendered unconditionally to Easterfield.

One axis of the British-Russian Allied Forces, which had so far driven the whole of Europe in fear of war, had collapsed.

It was the Eastern European Allies, including Greece, who were bewildered by this news.

The Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, etc. were claiming independence by force, but they had stopped witnessing the massive bombing of the Easterfield Navy.

They now had to make a decision on both ends.

The ‘Eastern European Independence Organization’, created by 15 Eastern European countries, was at the crossroads of whether to return to the arms of the Austrian Empire or continue the war as it is.

“Maybe good?”

“Hmm, I didn’t know Easterfield was such a powerful country. It’s a disappointment.”

“It seems that special measures are necessary. At this rate, there will be no answer but our downfall.”

Croatia’s Milzenko Artavich, who was quietly listening, came up with an idea.

It was directly attached to Easterfield, the party to the bombing.

“If we go back to Austria now, it is certain that we will face even more terrible oppression. Wouldn’t it be better to enjoy the status of an independent state and to be protected by the Confederation of Easterfield?”

“Is Austria really alone?”

“For Austria, it would be enough to have an imperial fence linking Switzerland, Germany and Liechtenstein. What we can do is create an atmosphere where Austria can be satisfied with such a territory.”

If you look at the territory of the Austrian Empire before the division, it occupied the largest territory in Europe except for Russia.

This was a burden even for the powerful Netherlands, but with such a hefty size, he was even exercising de facto rule over Italy, so his influence was actually stronger than that of Russia.

Can such an Austrian Empire be satisfied with its present territory after being divided?

Taken from readwn.com

Milzenko Artavich said that it was the subordination of North Germany that could create such an atmosphere.

“We were effectively ruled as a vassal state, but North Germany was sacked by the Commonwealth of South Germany. In other words, it was the territory of a united Germany with no sovereignty and no monarchs. If so, we can turn them into traitors.”

“You are a traitor… … .”

“By clarifying the difference between the Principality and the Subordinate Territories, we gain sovereignty and drive them in the form of devolving them. Technically speaking, we are independent, but are they not rebels?”

“Well, in the case of North Germany, they are the rebels. Cities such as Leipzig, Hamburg, and Bremen, led by Berlin, bought mercenaries and moved powers such as Russia to accelerate the rebellion.

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