218 Rebellion(1)

It was said that the revolt of the Russian kingdom was, surprisingly, ended through negotiations.

Lee Hwan received such a report and was puzzled.

“You attacked the Royal Palace in St. Petersburg and suddenly changed your mind? Does that mean that they had no intention of targeting the princess in the first place?”

“I think it could be interpreted that way.”

“What the hell kind of wind is blowing?”

The reason why he was so puzzled was that Princess Natalia was so cold-blooded that she was called an ice princess or a witch.

No matter how brilliant your political skills, what kind of negotiation did you make when even the royal palace was taken away?

Lee Hwan decided to postpone his national marriage with Russia as much as possible and send troops to the country.

“For the safety of the Russian people, deploy tank corps and marines. In addition, special operations forces and spies may be dispatched to thoroughly search and monitor the St. Petersburg Palace.”

“I take orders!”

As for what kind of news the spy team would bring, Lee Hwan was looking forward to it, but at the same time worried.

There was a vague sense of anxiety that this might be the seed of another strife.

‘I hope it’s not a big deal.’

Soon, close associates came to Lee Hwan with news.

It was about the South American War.

“It is said that the Federation of Colombia and the Empire of Brazil clashed on the border. Yesterday morning, after the official declaration of war, the artillery battle in the border area has begun.”

“War in South America?”

South America united with Colombia’s Simon Bolivar, and South America encouraged and supported their independence under the slogan of brotherhood.

However, Colombia was actually building a huge empire by joining the federation of neighboring countries, but their power became an opportunity to create a conflict of interest with the emerging country of Brazil.

“Yeah, I had a feeling it was going to crash one day.”

“War broke out in South America, but the conflict between Colombia and Brazil is also concerned about damage to the Kingdom of Easterfield.”

“There are a lot of defense forces stationed in the northern oil field, so don’t you worry?”

“That’s true of the northern oilfields, but the trade ships that cross the Panama Canal are a problem. It seems that South America is no longer a land worthy of human habitation, as it is said that the atmosphere of fear is gradually being created in South America due to the privatization of the navy, and that it is oxidized by blind shells passing by due to indiscriminate shelling. .”

“Then the trade volume would have decreased significantly.”

“It’s less than half of what it used to be. Profits from the Panama Canal are also on the decline by about a third.”

“… … damn it It would be a bit difficult if the operating profits of the Panama Canal decreased.”

It is because the profits of the Panama Canal are so astronomical that they can now feed the soldiers in South America and give them an abundant salary.

A portion of the profits earned here is taken to flow to the South American garrison and defense forces in the oil fields.

Besides, that wasn’t the only problem.

“If the balance of trade gets smaller and smaller, it will definitely have an impact on the stock market on the mainland, which is not good news for those who are just starting to tighten.”

“But what can’t be done about the war that has already been waged?”

“Hmm… … .”

“How about trying mediation at this point?”

Taken from readwn.com

Mediating the war could be seen as a sign that Lee Hwan would begin to exercise a full-fledged influence in South America.

It was unclear how Brazil and Colombia would react.

Nevertheless, there were sufficient reasons for Lee Hwan to intervene in the war.

“It is to prevent further escalation. Send the envoys first and ask them to avoid further escalation.”

“Yes, my lord!”

“Also, attach escorts to major trading ships to minimize damage in war and focus on restoring the credibility of our Panama Canal.”

“Are you going to call the Chief of Naval Staff?”

“Do it.”

After a while, the Chief of Naval Chief of Staff bowed down in front of Lee Hwan.

When the former president left due to an exacerbation of a chronic disease, the first Chosun Soviet Union Admiral Choi Ik-hoon was appointed to replace him.

Chief of Staff Choi Ik-hoon, who was assigned with the unanimous vote of the National Assembly on the recommendation of the staff, was paying attention to how he would achieve that result.

“My Highness, are you calling Shin Choi Ik-hoon?!”

“President Choi Ik-hoon, I have something to instruct you, so I called you this way.

“You name it!”

“From now on, create a new coast guard to protect trade routes and prepare for possible damage to trade routes. In addition, by creating an intelligence unit, we can take more control of the coastline and organically respond to unprecedented situations that may occur at any time or place.”

“I will obey your orders!”


Taken from readwn.com

Meanwhile, Lee Hwan’s children were being born all over the world.

Having been married more than 100 times, Lee Hwan devoted his energy to the production of descendants, and even now he travels around the Federation at least once a week to sleep for the production of descendants.

Those efforts are now finally bearing fruit.

The first to shine was the Netherlands.

“Ahh… … !”

“Congratulations! Your Majesty, you are a prince!”

“… … At last, the enemy has been born!”

The first step was taken by Yi Hwan’s son, who was born to Queen Elizabeth I of the Netherlands and Queen Jeongsil.

Lee Hwan’s son, who was born after more than 8 hours of labor, made a loud cry to the whole world.

The ministers took turns delivering congratulations to Lee Hwan.

“I’m saving you! I believe it will bring infinite prosperity to our Easterfield royal family in the future!”

“Thank you. I hope that God’s blessings follow the family of Gyeongui.”

After spending about three days with the delegation, Lee Hwan was able to visit his son and wife.

Even in the midst of becoming green onion kimchi due to diplomacy, Lee Hwan started looking for Elizabeth.


“… … You are here.”

“How hard was it?!”

“no. As a king, this kind of suffering is not a big deal. By the way, have you decided on a name for our son?”

Lee Hwan decided to give the child who will inherit the Easterfield royal lineage two names: an Easterfield-style name and a Korean-style name.

“Ryan Easterfield. And her Korean name is Lee Shin. I already had something in mind.”

“It’s Ryan! It means a child with the courage of a lion. But what does the Korean name mean?”

“Lee Shin (李伸), it means to spread the big will.”

“That means good. God!”

“Anyway, from now on, taking care of your body is our top priority. Now that I have a child, sooner or later, I will leave the affairs to the servants and focus on recovery.”

“But still partisan fights… … .”

“Am I there?”

To a German who doesn’t do postpartum cooking, the idea of taking care of herself may seem a bit absurd, but Lee Hwan’s position was not.

He was very worried that his wife might be hurt.

“I will protect the Dutch royal family on your behalf. The Dutch royal family is like our family.”

“… … thanks.”

“It was nothing.”

After a while, Lee Shin, the son of Lee Hwan, who was dried in a soft wrap, came in.

With dazzling platinum hair and Western features, he resembles Lee Hwan overall.

“It’s very oddly similar.”

“How are you feeling?”

“… … How do I express this? curious? no, weird? I can’t put it into words.”

The midwife handed the child to Lee Hwan.

“You take it.”

“… … What if I hold it and break it?”

“You are a strong prince, it’s okay.”

Seeing my son, who had just been born and who couldn’t even open his eyes properly, made my heart ache.

It was only then that Lee Hwan realized that he had become a parent.

Then I realized that I had been sowing seeds hard for over a year.

“Are there children like this everywhere?”

“Perhaps he resembled his Majesty.”

“Hmm… … .”

Lee Hwan falls into deep trouble.

At first, this decision was made for the sake of the alliance, but if you think about it, it was virtually impossible for humans to weave all the alliances one by one by blood.

Now, how are you going to take care of all those children?

Elisabeth gave advice to Lee Hwan, who was in such trouble.

“Don’t worry too much. You just have to give your children the same love. You don’t have to think too hard. Leave everything alone and think of your child. Then the politics will be resolved.”


There was a crown prince, born in the Netherlands, Ryan Easterfield, and after that, Lee Hwan traveled to meet the children born in succession.

The purpose of his visit was to further strengthen the ties of the Federation, which had recently been loosening, while suppressing the forces that tried to provoke war by taking advantage of the unrest in Russia and South America.

The first place he visited was Portugal.

Portugal was the first country to declare war to have a child, and even when the pregnancy failed, he even went to the royal palace of Yi Hwan himself and returned home.

With such efforts of Mary I, she was able to give birth to a son who would pass on to the royal family.

“Your Majesty, your son.”

“… … This guy is very similar to me.”

The big eyes and the oval-shaped face resembled Lee Hwan so well that he couldn’t lie anywhere.

Even the hair color of this one was the same, so it felt like a child was put in a frame and took a picture.

“Do you have a name?”

“Not yet. Your Majesty will make it for you.”

Lee Hwan looked at the child quietly, and suddenly spit out a word that passed by.

“Toughness, how about gelani?”

“… … Gelani! like. Gelani!”

“It means to inherit your mother’s strength.”

Taken from readwn.com

Maria had the name of Maria II in the past, but Lee Hwan gave her the name of ‘Mary I’, meaning that she was the one who opened a new dynasty.

Since then, Maria has been living as the father of the Portuguese constitutional monarchy.

The name was given in the hope that his son, Gelani, would inherit the strength of Maria I.

Lee Hwan also felt a strange feeling from Gelani.

“Please raise your child well.”

“of course. Now I will be crowned crown prince on Gelani, and this child will become my heir.”

Taken from readwn.com

Maria looked genuinely happy.

Until now, she had been under considerable pressure from the ministers over the issue of the heir, because if Maria died without an heir, the legitimacy of the name Lee Hwan gave as a gift would be lost.

In a word, it was his intention to receive even a little bit of the halo of the Easterfield royal family.

Taken from readwn.com

Maria, who had been so wild, received Lee Hwan’s seed, conceived, and gave birth to a son.

“I will now live for this child. Because this child is the future of Portugal.”

“The future… … .”

Lee Hwan remembered the Korean name for Gelani.

“Lee Myung means brightening the future.”

“… … tinnitus!”

“I made this with the intention that this child is a person who will brighten up the future of Portugal. I think I will be able to list it in the genealogy later if I name it in the way that I use it in my hometown.”

“thanks. You even put your name on the genealogy!”

In the original genealogy, the surname was not named, or even if he did, he would put a brand of bastard and upload it.

However, Lee Hwan decided to keep the family history anew by removing such a system and adding the Joseon genealogy to the Easterfield royal family genealogy.

Taken from readwn.com

Maria was greatly moved by Lee Hwan’s actions.

“To enlist our son in your genealogy, a noble family that can count up to dozens, even royalty. Now I have no spare time even if I die!”

“My name is also my son.”

He will probably have a lot of trouble as a king because he has a big tinnitus.

Lee Hwan felt that he had to work hard from now on so that he could give him a lot of strength each time.

‘I’ll have to lay a plate for my children.’

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