222 War Again (1)

In the spring of 1844, the Ronald family of Russia was growing explosively, expanding its business beyond St. Petersburg to all of Russia.

In addition, they made a lot of money in the secondary processing industry, where they buy minerals from Eastern Europe, process them, and then sell them.

As the secondary processing industry spread its wings, a new wind was blowing throughout Russia’s industry, and the business of exporting cement raw materials and raw materials for coins prospered greatly.

Ronald, who grew up like that, succeeded in raising the spies he had sent to Russia by dividing the capital.

As Ronald’s factions grew, they advanced into Eastern Europe, and through these connections, they were able to create connections with military scholars and government officials throughout Europe.

hum hum… … !

Ronald’s Matan received the above report from his subordinates.

“You’re cruising.”

“It looks like we will be able to calculate the exact number of mercenaries soon.”

The place where Mattan was being reported was the secret market ‘Black Market’ on the outskirts of St. Petersburg.

In the black market, weapons are trafficked and stolen goods are traded as in a typical black market, but these days, documents with the names and remuneration of mercenaries were traded.

The documents listed the age and experience of the mercenaries, and even a rating guaranteed by the same industry.

“The number of mercenaries traded on the black market will exceed 100,000, right?”

“It will go far beyond that. Not all rumors have been circulated about all the mercenaries in Europe yet, but if all of them are introduced, it is expected that the number will be 400 to 500,000.”

“What a huge number… … .”

“Now, sooner or later, more than half of that number is expected to come in.”

“Are there any events?”

“I know that Eastern Europe is now independent and has a lot of friction with each other as they each have repeated economic growth.”

Trade friction is truly the plague of the human world.

Humans have been trading since ancient times, and people who accumulated wealth were created through them, so there were many cases where they risked their lives for a single interest.

It was also a common saying in competition between countries, so trade friction was also a cause of war.

“Economic friction has occurred, and military clashes are illegal, so we fight them through lawsuits or media play.

“Are you saying, then, that you were looking to hire mercenaries to resolve the trade conflict by force?”

“Mercenaries are already being used wildly for that purpose. In order to resolve trade conflicts, companies, associations, and even public corporations purchase mercenaries and raid trade routes or wage an all-out war.”

“… … Heh, that’s absurd.”

“It is for this reason that the mercenaries are graded. Disabled soldiers or those who worked as mercenaries in the past lost their jobs and became troubleshooters. At that time, when poor-skilled people came in, the damage returned to the person who did the mediation was graded.”

If mercenaries continued to be traded in this state, it was certain that war would rekindle sooner or later.

Taken from readwn.com

Mattan thought that if he did it wrong, Russia might create a cause that could only stimulate the whole of Eastern Europe and raise soldiers.

‘It is not very difficult to start a war as long as the technology and troops are secured. Even if there are fighters, even if the submarine cannot launch the ship, we can somehow advance. The Russians were the ones who attacked even if they didn’t have teeth.’

In the past, Russia’s operation of using wooden ships to encircle ironclad ships and procuring battleships by stealing ships in hand-to-hand combat is still being talked about as a bizarre tactic.

But that meant that Russia could use its military with clever ideas and daring strategies.

Taken from readwn.com

Matan later decided to organize a mercenary group for the purpose of disbanding them.

“Let’s start organizing a mercenary corps too. Report this to the boss and get the payment.”


In the late spring of 1844 a second prince was born in the Netherlands.

His name was ‘Lee Gyeom’, and his Dutch-style name was Alexander Michael.

“Gyeom, this name was given to be a humble king.”

“… … I like it.”

Born after 14 hours of labor, Lee Gyeom was a great baby weighing 4 kg.

The ministers were very happy that Lee Gyeom would one day reign as a loser in Europe. But the royal doctor did not.

“majesty! I am sorry, but I have some bad news.”

“Something? Say it.”

“Now, Your Majesty of Holland will not be able to conceive.”

“… … What do you mean? You can’t conceive.”

“The birth of Prince Alexander Michael put a lot of strain on my body. Still, you are giving birth to a high-quality baby with a lot of physical exhaustion due to late delivery, which is a huge blow to all organs connected to the uterus.”

Because Elizabeth was prepared to some extent, the damage did not seem to have been that great.

However, Lee Hwan could not hide his worries.

“How can your body be broken like that? … . Then there will be no problems in living in the future?”

“I have to be careful in my daily life, but I don’t think there will be any problems with taking care of affairs.”

Elizabeth Sofia’s Habsburg Dutch dynasty has just given birth to a crown prince. However, if there were no descendants to support him, there was a big problem.

Also, since Lee Shin, the Crown Prince of Easterfield, had no brothers, there was no person to support him.

Lee Hwan showed a sad expression on his face.

“… … There are only two brothers.”

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty!”

“not. Easterfield and the Netherlands will have to thrive by pushing and pulling each other. Don’t worry.”

“Yes, my lord! The castle is crazy!”

“It was a lot of trouble. I will give you a big reward, so stop and go back and get some rest.”

After the doctor left, Lee Hwan held Elizabeth’s hand tightly.

“It was a lot of work. To have two sons in a row!”

“… … Sorry. You can no longer have children.”

“it’s okay. In addition to your two sons, you have many children.”

With Elizabeth’s quick judgment, Lee Hwan had sowed seeds around the world, and the seeds were now in full bloom.

She asked Yi Hwan to build a school for the royal grandchildren.

“Can you set up a royal school in the royal palace in the capital of Easterfield so that the descendants of each country can be gathered and educated?”

“The royal school?”

“Did you say that you want to raise the children of the Easterfield royal family as soldiers in the future? So, what if you could specialize in military education at school, but get a special education built on your strategy and knowledge?”

“Uh… … !”

“It’s about mass-producing Little Michael Easterfield.”

No matter how dull you are, if you teach it well, you can shine anywhere.

This is because people living in this world must have at least one talent in any one field.

Elisabeth had suggested that the children be brought together in one school to inspire a sense of belonging, and a military organization made entirely of brothers.

“The goal is to create a group that will lead Easterfield based on strong mental education, strong bonds, and a strong sense of community.”

“… … Oh my! If that happens, it will be a picture of the children going out into the world with their enemies in Easterfield instead of giving out their surnames in Easterfield!”

“The picture we wanted is finally complete. Then I don’t need children anymore. There are brothers who are united only for the Easterfield royal family, what does it matter?”

Lee Hwan nodded his head.

“like. By creating such a school, we can raise our children to become the best soldiers.”


In the summer of 1844, in the summer of 1844, the royal family with the middle names of Michael and Michaela in the name of the King of Easterfield were sent an official letter asking them to enter the California Royal High School at the age of five.

The memorandum stated that 152 children at the Royal High School in California would be brought together and systematically educated, and at the age of 20, they would be commissioned as a federal military officer to carry out their duties in their hometown.

Along with the official letter, Maria received a letter written by Lee Hwan.

The content of the letter was that Lee Myung would be raised as an admiral, and that he would be reborn as a warlord by forming a strong alliance with his brothers.

-… … It must be a difficult decision for you as a mother. But our son will one day return to Portugal to defend his kingdom, and even further Western Europe. Please, I want you to deeply understand the will of this father.

Taken from readwn.com

Maria doubted her eyes.

“Obviously, you said you wouldn’t separate Myung from me… … !”

She managed to squeeze her trembling hand.

But as I thought more deeply, my mind quickly cleared up.

“Are you reborn as a warlord?”

There are no warlords in present-day Portugal.

However, it is a different story if Lee Myung joins a warlord group with his brothers and becomes the head of the Federation Forces.

Not only will he bear the name of the Easterfield royal family on his back, but he will also receive the halo of his brothers.

Rather than feeling sad, she now has a greater sense of gratitude.

“… … Myeong-ah, this mother will surely protect this throne and bring it to you. Promise.”

For the next three years, Maria vowed to give Lee Myung unsparing love until then.

On the other hand, among those who received the letter like Maria, there were those who protested that they could not follow Lee Hwan’s decision.

The biggest objection was the Ottoman kingdom.

In the Ottomans twin sons were born, with plans to place one on the throne of a constitutional monarchy and the other as prime minister.

This was a part of the scheme to inspire the people of the legitimacy of the Ottoman dynasty and gain a great political response.

But the Ottomans had no choice but to send their children.

“A warlord, a warlord with the name of the Easterfield royal family?!”

“Yes, it is. Mama, I think it is right to send the two princes to California.”

Obviously, Lee Hwan promised not to separate the children from their mother.

However, he wrote in the letter that he would bring 152 people to California for the sake of their children’s future, and that the mother would be able to see the children whenever they wanted to.

Also, there was another reason why the Ottomans had no choice but to listen to him.

“You said you were a poor friend. Princes, princesses and His Majesty Easterfield have said they will keep a close relationship.”

“… … Your Majesty?”

“He said that he would teach academics and also teach military studies.”

In the Ottomans, there was nothing more to worry about.

“Prepare to let Hwi and Min-i go.”

“Yes, Mama!”

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