239 Great Escape (1)

Nearly a year had passed since the outbreak of the American Civil War, but the war was still deadlocked.

Taken from readwn.com

Meanwhile, South America’s participation in the war became visible.

Brazil supported North America and Colombia supported South America, and these two factions participated in the war to kill each other without ideological agreement.

If there was an ideological agreement, a more structured cooperative relationship would have been established, but they did not have such actions at all.

“As the face of the war is changing with the great powers of South America, it seems that we also need to take measures.”

“How strong are the two countries?”

“Since the army was recruited to wage war, and a lot of weapons were stocked up, the current national power is rather superior to that of the United States.”

“If the forces collide and clash, wouldn’t there be more deaths?”

“I think this is also what the South American countries want.”

“… … these guys are crazy Why do you keep bumping into each other like this?”

It’s something I can’t understand at all.

Why the hell did you keep fighting like this for what?

“Even merchant ships will find it difficult to pass because they have made the beach their battlefield. We must stop the escalation of war. Otherwise, our profits will be reduced by that much.”


Perhaps the situation would have been completely different had the South American War been brought in a little more.

But back then, it was the best option.

In the end, Lee Hwan made a plan according to his own will.

“The fight is over until they are satisfied. Even if you dry it, it will take some damage, and you have to recognize the seriousness of it to listen to it.”

“No, then, are you saying that we should just let the war escalate like this?”

“As I said earlier, fighting does not mean that someone unilaterally stops it.”

“Hah… … .”

“However, if we do this, we will be able to win the war with Russia as well.”

“… … You mean the Kingdom of Russia?”

“Yeah, those who call themselves the Kingdom of Russia. Isn’t Russia being maintained as a mercenary corps?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Anyway, in this battle, the mercenaries have no choice but to occupy an absolute position. If we want to lead the war to our advantage, we have to attract even mercenaries who have been active in the past.”

“iced coffee… … !”

“Let’s plant a spy so that the Russian mercenaries can get this news as well. If that happens, the Russian army will fall on its own.”

“… … Also! You are a master of strategy!”

“I heard that a spy is already being deployed?”

“Yes that’s right. Former Chief of Staff.”

“You mean General Ivanov?”

“Yes, my lord. General Ivanov is hiding under the guise of a mercenary leader.”

General Ivanov was one of the leaders of the army that Yi Hwan believed most.

He decided to completely entrust this operation to him.

“Tell General Ivanov. This operation is up to you.”

“I will delegate all powers.”


The back alley of Obdorsk at night.

These days, home bars where only acquaintances gather were popular.

They were distributing vodka that mimics the shape by distilling the damn cheap alcohol they had soaked in the past.

There was one peculiar condition for entering this kind of home bar.

It means that you must belong to the mercenary corps.


“Uh-huh! Let’s drink and die today!”

In the basement of the warehouse where the booze is literally going on.

There were as many as 50 people who gathered around here and there, saying that it was home-made alcohol and that they would serve it little by little.

At this gathering of many people, the landlord asked the mercenaries that he had received new information.

“You guys, how much is your salary owed to the Kingdom of Russia?”

“… … It’s been about a year. Not long ago, they said they wouldn’t accept it because it was given in rubles.”

“Then you don’t really have much, do you?”

“Of course. If you had anything, would you be starving as much as you are now? Damn, I can’t go out because I can’t get my overdue pay, this… … .”

“Then why don’t you go to America with us?”


“Now the mercenaries are moving to America!”

“… … Mercenaries rushing to America? Why?”

“The news that the South American leaders are giving you a huge amount of gold, not only South America, but also mercenaries from Europe and Asia are packing their bags and heading to America!”

“Am I doing something?”

“There was a Civil War in the United States, and it was said that there were two South American countries behind the war. know? How good their finances are.”


The accumulation of wealth through colonies enjoyed by Europe in the past was now returning to the emerging countries of South America.

Although slavery was abolished, the development of agricultural machinery enabled the operation of large farms, and South America emerged as a powerhouse in the grain and favorite food sector.

In addition, based on the roads and railroads that Easterfield had drilled, North American trade was expanding the economy to a scale.

The image of such emerging countries in South America could be seen as the same as that of the former United States.

“They say they don’t guarantee salary payment in the United States, but that emerging countries in South America do.”

“… … Then you won’t have to worry about losing money.”

“Of course!”

“Hey, do you have all these conditions?”

“If you come with us, we can help you find a railroad service.”

“… … railroad?”

“You drilled the Trans-Siberian Railway.”

“… … what? Was there anything like that?”

He had been in an isolated cell in Hado Obdorsk, and he didn’t even know that the track was being laid in Easterfield.

The mercenaries could now properly realize that they were isolated here.

“Obdorsk is a tomb. If you stay here like this, you will all die. Come with us!”


The mercenaries found this proposal very attractive.

But I had one doubt.

“Why are you taking the lead like this when we are going to America?”

“Tell me honestly. Because the scale of the war in the US is so large, I don’t accept the gossip about going in groups of one or two people. There should be at least 50 mercenaries.”

“Are there any such conditions?”

“The American Civil War was, frankly, very intense. Because it’s such a war, I’m an ambassador on a whim. But I think it’s better to go to America than to die here.”

“Well, is there a means of transportation that can move?”

“Yeah, that’s what I mean!”


“Let’s go together!”

“… … That’s right. Let’s gather our friends and let’s all go together!”


Around the time the drinking party was taking place in the Russian underground, the Kasinov mercenary corps distributed alcohol and meat to the royal family and their servants, who had suffered during that time.

It was set up to have a lot of money anyway, so it wouldn’t be strange to turn the alcohol around.

“Everyone is vodka and shashlik, and it’s not very fussy.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

The Kashinov mercenaries only distributed alcohol and meat to high-ranking people.

It’s an excuse that they don’t have a lot of stock.

A Hana party was held and everyone in the palace was getting drunk and trying to get the city to stumble.

“General, it is said that about 4,000 mercenaries are waiting to escape.”

“good night. Signal to escape immediately.”

“But still, the men of Natalia are in charge of the defense of the walls. It will not be easy to sneak out so many people.”

“Then give them a drink too.”

“… … You mean alcohol?”

“Anyway, here in Obdorsk, it’s like a dead end. If you give me a drink, I wonder if it’s good for me to drink it.”

“Oh, so women would be better?”

“Of course. But, don’t approach it too openly.”

“Yes, I understand.”

The Kasinov mercenaries weren’t the only men for fighting.

There were also members of the special operations unit disguised as women in charge of household affairs, so any mission could be accomplished.

They did not kill the soldiers, but put them to sleep.

“Approach like your uncle. It’s like accepting Russian rubles. And put some medicine in alcohol and put him to sleep.”

“That is their area of expertise.”

Special Forces members never sleep with their opponents.

However, he was specialized in manipulating people by creating such an atmosphere.

That night.

They approached the wall.

Disguised as peasants, they held out bottles of wine to the soldiers guarding the gates as scheduled.

“Take rubles. How about a drink?”

“I’m at work right now, so… … .”

“What if there is no one there anyway? Unless they’re crazy, would you come to spy on me in this scorching cold?”

“Is that so?”

“Have a drink! I’ll make it cheap.”

“… … Alright then!”

Even though it was mercenaries, there were many cases where the recruited soldiers did not receive a proper salary.

The problem was that it was almost like picking stars in the sky, and even if you were lucky enough to get a salary, there weren’t many places that accepted the ruble.

In short, it could be seen that Russia’s economy is now almost collapsing.

Nevertheless, merchants who were optimistic about Russia’s future would occasionally accept rubles, which were used by the special forces disguised as peasants.

“How is it, is it hard to live these days?”

“It’s hard! If you get a silver coin from those who run away through the back hole, you can use that to go to the market through the underground water and buy alcohol.”

“… … A groundwater market?”

“Anyway, the ruble doesn’t work well. But in the underground market, they accept such items well. How many meals are there for one silver coin?”

“I see! We came every time the soldiers stood on duty, so we didn’t know that!”

“Now let me know. That’s a pretty good deal.”

It was an unexpected harvest.

It means that you can get out through a secret passage only known to those you know without having to go through the gate.

They asked, returning the rubles they had received from the soldiers.

“Then we will buy this drink, so please introduce someone there.”

“Are you going that way at all?”

“Isn’t it better to go underground than to starve to death in this cold and hungry castle?”

“Well, it seems like a world where people live a lot more humanely.”

The soldiers drew a map for them on a small note.

It wasn’t easy to understand because my drawing skills were so messed up, but it wasn’t enough that I couldn’t find my way at all.

“done? This is enough… … .”

“Well, yes. Thank you. Now sleep well.”

The liquor was loaded with drugs, and the soldiers would only be able to wake up tomorrow afternoon.

While the soldiers were asleep, they decided to let the mercenaries escape.

They call the mercenaries through the pre-installed phone.

“This is the gate. There were unexpected results. There is a way to get out without having to send personnel to the gates.”

– Was there such a way?

“If you look under the wall on the left, there is a small hole, and it is said that if you go all the way down along it, you will find a way down to the waterway.”

-Okay, I see. I’ll send some mercenaries there to clean it up.

The soldiers were sleeping hard, not knowing what was going on in the wall right now.

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