Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 257 · Watching movies to replenish soul fuel

The self-destruction incident in the office building subsided, the nearby maintenance puppets were dispatched, and various staff were dispatched to treat the injured. Soon the crumbling office building was re-fortified, a lot of garbage was sorted out, and a new office building was built with various replaceable equipment components.

Then new staff came in.

It all took 30 minutes from the event to the end.

If you hadn't seen it for real, you would have thought nothing had happened.

John came over, pointed to the office building by the window, and said, These are buildings made of modular construction. Every room on each floor is a predetermined size, and when it breaks, it is torn down and replaced.

Lu Kai: What about the dead person?

John: It's the same with people. When someone dies, someone will make room. Maybe these people who take the place of others can't wait for more incidents to happen. The people here are immortal, or they die very slowly.

John: There is only one situation in which people die here, that is, the wear and tear of the soul, the wear and tear of the soul, and will spontaneously commit suicide, keep committing suicide. But this behavior is useless, should it be resurrected or resurrected, and then continue to repeat suicide This act until the soul dissipates.

John: Our Forsaken Organization was established because of this situation. For the ultimate liberation, this is the program of our organization. Because no one will die, as long as you figure this out, then guide it, and death will also There are no obstacles and obstacles, it will only make people more powerful.”

Lu Kai: ... What and what, what the hell are you talking about?

John: This Eternal City is a completely closed city with a total population of about 1 million to 1.2 million. The number of God's envoys is about one percent, or about 10,000 people.

John: They are the rulers and defenders of this Eternal City, and they are also a group that can retain their memories after the restart. I was once a member of the gods. After John finished speaking, he took off his clothes and turned his back. He revealed it and said, This is my Divine Rune. After the constant restart and reincarnation, I know that this city has been wrong since its establishment.

John said seriously: Only destruction! Destruction is the end of this city!

Lu Kai: Uh...

John continued to speak generously: This city has long been rotten! There is no blood flow, it is just rotting and rotting! What I want to do is for everyone to know their situation, let them recognize the reality, and then do Choose!

Lu Kai stretched out his tentacles to stop John and continued: Stop, stop!

Lu Kai: I'm not interested in any of these destructions, awakenings, or anything. I'm just here to find this nodule. Since I found it, I'm ready to leave.

John: Can't go.

Lu Kai: Huh?

John: The reason why this Eternal City is called Eternal City is because it is a completely closed world, with no exits and no entrances. So I am surprised by your existence, Lord.

John: The energy of the Eternal City is obtained through the step wells, and these step wells will absorb energy from the outside world from time to time. Of course, some things from the outside world will be obtained from the step wells from time to time, but these are all dead things. And adults You said you came here through a soul image...

Lu Kai: What are you doing? I came through that crystal ball. I dug a hole in the crystal ball, and when I dug the crystal ball cracked, it was sprayed out, and then the crystal ball exploded. It was also a cow. Oh, there are many such movie theaters in this city, right? There are so many such powerful bombs in these movie theaters.”

John: Master Evil Eye, are you interested in going to the movies together? There is a new movie coming out here, so let's watch it together.

So Lu Kai and John went to the movies.

Came to a movie theater near here.

There are many people in the cinema,

It was full. John used the relationship to open a separate VIP booth. Luke and John took their seats.

This is the story of the struggle of a prince in trouble.

At the beginning of the movie, Lu Kai was happy when he saw the protagonist. Isn't this the fifth prince?

At the beginning of the movie, the whole scene seems to have entered a fantasy. As long as you let go of your attention, you can be immersed in the whole movie, as if you were participating in the development of the events in the movie.

What soul resonance technology does this cinema seem to use? Very interesting, Lu Kai thought about it, and then watched the movie seriously——

The fifth prince is younger than before. This movie is about the events before the fifth prince's coming-of-age ceremony, and after the coming-of-age ceremony, he divided his territory, was sent to a desolate territory, and then fought against the territory's wild monsters and hard conditions.

At first, the local indigenous people did not welcome the fifth prince. The daughter of a local clan chief did not deal with the fifth prince everywhere. The fifth prince established his own team and established a good relationship with the local people. Farmland, selection and breeding of fine breeds... Finally, it gained a firm foothold, killed the clan chief, got engaged to the chief's daughter, and won the story of the beauty's return.

After Lu Kai read it, he called out to the good guy, and his mood could not be calm for a long time: what the hell is this, is there any logic! ? Killed the clan patriarch for Mao, and then the patriarch's daughter married the fifth prince! ?

Then this is obviously the last one of the movie I experienced! ? Linking the above, the next chapter is the story of the fifth prince going to the capital, then participating in the competition for the throne, and finally escaping.

The road opens in the VIP booth, and you can see the people in the ordinary seats on the first floor. These people who came to watch the movie were enjoying it and watching it with relish. The movie ended and he stayed in his seat.

The staff of the cinema came to chase people away, and some audience members were so fascinated that they even shed tears. Some looked paralyzed and were dragged out by the staff.

Then fifteen minutes later, a new audience came in, sat down with the tickets they bought, and watched the movie.

Lu Kai and John were in the VIP booth, and they could watch as long as they wanted.

John pointed to the movie and asked, Evil Eye Lord, what do you think of this movie?

Lu Kai's face hurts: In the records of the running account, the plot has no rhythm, conflicts and characters do not stand up. The final breaking point of the plot is to kill the patriarch, but the patriarch can be killed at any time, and Mao is the last to kill? And this The breaking point is also... messy. To be honest, this is a garbage movie, and it is difficult for these audiences to watch it with such relish.

Audiences aren't watching a movie, they're fueling or maintaining their soul, John explained.

Lu Kai: Huh? What?

John: The world will keep restarting. Although the body is restored, the loss of the soul will continue to accumulate. Through watching movies, the loss will be weakened and repaired.

Lu Kai: So it is.

John: There are five films in this Prince's Adventures, and here is the second one. The five films are in five theaters in this city. The audience will finish one film and then go to the next theater to watch the next film, and they will finish all five films. , the audience will get the perception of the protagonist's thinking mode and add nourishment to their soul, and the third part exploded and disappeared completely.

Lu Kai: Haha... I came in through the third part. At that time, the fifth prince was being sacrificed, and all the internal organs were escaped, and then the soul was thrown into a space door...

John: ...

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