Hmm... This movie studio has serious infighting. This round of struggle seems to be the victory of the female secretary, but the moths created by this new system can be fatal to the quality of the film.

Lu Kai thought, maybe he could find a soul and try to make a movie crystal ball.

Lu Kai turned his attention to the old men and women jumping from the stepwell.

There are fewer people jumping from the stepwells near the pyramid, and the more dilapidated the outermost, the more people jumping. There are even young people who lose their desire for life at a young age.

Lu Kai found an old man who was jumping from a well.

There is no one in this step well now, and the old man trembled to the platform at the bottom of the well and looked at the tumbling energy mist underneath.

The old man had no hair on his head, his hair fell out, his face was covered with age spots, and he had a lot of filiform warts on his neck. The old man's eyes were blank, as if recalling the past.

Well, anyone who wants to jump from a well will recall the past, and if there is something worth fighting for, they will be refreshed again.

However, no, the old man thought for a while, and resolutely plunged his head into the well.

Then Lu opened his eyes quickly, his tentacles stretched out, the old man's body was dissolved by the surging energy mist, and his soul body was about to be dissolved immediately. The tentacles spread out violently, like a needle pulling the old man's soul body into the tentacles.

Then the road drifted away.

With the soul body, the next step is to create a stable environment and build a movie scene.

Well... Lu Kai looked around and found that there was no suitable place, so he saw the clouds floating in the sky, maybe he could do it in the air.

If it is done in the air, even if it makes a mistake and causes a big explosion, it will not have much impact on the residents of the city.

So Lu Kai found a cloud, radiated his own spiritual energy, and fixed the cloud. The cloud soaked in the spiritual energy and turned into a jelly-like elastic material, and then Lu Kai hollowed out the inside of the cloud and made a into a studio.

Then a large number of tentacles spread out, and according to the structure of various instruments recorded by the eye of big data, these instruments were constructed with tentacles. It was very easy to set up a film production workshop in the clouds.

Then Lu Kai further transformed the tentacles that had taken away the old man's soul body and turned it into a square box to connect to other instruments.

Because they are all formed in one piece, Lu Kai can immerse himself in the old man's soul body as long as he moves his consciousness.

This immersive road trip found incredible places.

This old man has been reincarnated 120 times!

This old man was originally a member of the Shenwen family, and his parents were from the Shenwen family. Then the old man was not affected by the restart in his first life. His memory grew coherently to the age of 30, and then the restart from the age of 30 continued for a short time. continued loss of memory.

At the 48th restart, the old man became an ordinary person, and the divine pattern completely faded.

The experience of the next 72 reboots is to live as an ordinary person. In the experience of being a Shenwen family, the old man was in high spirits and surprised the situation. He obtained a lot of resources through the information difference, and monopolized the market for daily necessities in towns and cities. At that time, he was a prominent figure in the Shenwen family.

But as the divine runes faded and he became an ordinary person, his memory also became lost in the rock formations, and the old man's industry was cut off by the rising stars little by little. At first, the old man had more than 20 buildings in his property, and he could collect rent and live a good life, but after several restarts, the old man's buildings were all taken away, and finally the money was gone. Just go to work.

After working for about 40 restarts, the old man had an epiphany on the 108th restart, so he jumped into the well.

The interval between each restart is different, the long restart is about 5 years, the short one year, and even the experience of restarting every three months.

If the time from birth to the present is calculated, the age of this old man is 380 years old!

These restarting experiences are like geological rock formations, layer by layer.

In the top 12 times, the old man kept jumping from the well. Respawn after jumping out of the well, and then jump out of the well again.

Lu Kai is in trouble. How can this old man have so many levels of souls to make it into a film?

If you make one film with one layer of experience, you can make 120 films.

It can't be done by the number of layers.

In the end, after thinking about it, Lu decided to edit this soul with the theme of Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Dark Iron Age and Grey Lead Age five consecutive periods of continuous sinking.

The Golden Age tells the continuous memory of the old man from his birth to his thirties. The old man belongs to the Shenwen family, but the old man's parents are not dignitaries, but ordinary people.

After the old man was born, his parents took him to find various wealthy relatives to recognize his relatives throughout his youth, and then the people around him knew that the old man was a natural awakener of the gods, and they all loved the old man.

The old man recognized a lot of relatives that he did not have, and his godfather and godmother recognized more than ten.

The old man was curious about the things around him since he was a child, and then he sold the shabby items at home when he was a teenager, and got the money, which confirmed the budding enlightenment of doing business behind the old man.

As for the old man's marriage and children, the old man did not marry a woman from the Shenwen family, but found an ordinary woman, and the children he gave birth to were also ordinary people.

Then came the Silver Age after the age of thirty. The old man knew that he was the prophetic character of the Divine Rune family. Like other Divine Rune families, restarting would not lose his memory, and some Divine Rune families could sense the restart time early.

And the old man is one of those who can sense the restart time! So the old man set his sights on the daily necessities market, pots and pans, lamps and rugs, stationery and toys. This is a large labor-intensive market. Through precise layout, the old man joined hands with his fathers and obtained various factories and sales channels at low prices. , the business territory has been continuously increased in the restarts, and finally monopolized the daily necessities market of the entire Eternal City!

Then came the Bronze Age, and the old man found that his ability to restart his perception had disappeared, and the divine pattern was fading. It also loses memory every time it restarts. So the old man went to the godfathers, recognized the new godfather, and finally gave up the market, exchanged it for money, bought a lot of real estate, and became a rent collector. Become invisible rich.

The old man has a total of 20 buildings, one building with 7 floors and 6 rooms on the first floor. One room is rented out for 1,500 moon crystals a month, and the old man can collect 1.26 million moon crystals for a month!

The old man lived a good life, but with the increase in the number of restarts, the old man's industry was also continuously lost by various accidents, such as gas explosions, earthquakes, rampages of step wells, etc.

In the end, the old man even took away the house he lived in and entered the age of black iron.

Here the old man works part-time, earns a living wage every month, then saves, thinking about buying another house, then settling down in the city, marrying a wife, and having a child.

Then I kept restarting, and I found that the money I saved was always not enough. The last time I got sick, I spent all my savings and owed a lot of money to the hospital. It's useless to be a son now. When you're old, others don't have a son. The old man can only stop working and work harder. During the day, he works in a factory, at night as a cashier in a convenience store, and he has to go to furniture in the middle of the night. City resident security guard...

However, the debt has not decreased, it has continued to increase...

Finally came the grey lead.

The old man held the bank's payment slip, which was a desperate number, a number that he couldn't repay after working his whole life. Then the old man sighed and looked at the stepwell, where the energy mist was billowing.

The lingering air makes up all kinds of shapes, from the image of a parent in the golden age, to the face of the girl with whom he dated when he was young, to watching a warehouse full of goods sold out in the silver age, to the one of the bronze age. Monthly rent collection, the joy of increasing the number of bank passbooks by 1 million, and then the joy of working hard and being appreciated by supervisors and bosses...

Then the old man jumped into the energy mist, and the picture turned black...

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