The girl held the chopsticks and looked at the corpse on the ground calmly.

After watching for a while, the girl sat back on the chair and drank coffee in the small gazebo in the garden.

The coffee was warm, Americano, no sugar, no milk, and a little bitter.

Then the housemaid came over, saw the body on the ground, and screamed.

The girl said calmly: Don't be noisy! My father had a heart attack, and he had an accident with the native method and died.

The maid shut up in fear.

Girl: You went to the housekeeper and cremated the body.

Maid: But...but...Master...

Girl: I'm the heir of this family now, that is, your new owner. I don't like to talk nonsense. You just do what I say, or I don't understand it well enough?

Maid: Understood...!

The maid was about to leave, but the girl stopped her: Wait, I'll replace the drink with tea in the future. I want green tea instead of black tea. I don't like coffee.

Maid: Yes!

After a while, the butler came. The housekeeper is a mature and stable middle-aged man who looks to be in his 40s.

The housekeeper skillfully handled the body of the former owner, and then informed the girl of various things to do in the transfer of property.

The girl responded and said, Just do as you said.

The housekeeper was about to leave to deal with it, and the girl asked, Aren't you surprised how my dad died?

Butler: It's nothing to be surprised. I'm just doing things with money. As long as the salary remains the same, what's the difference between changing the master or not?

The girl was very satisfied with the answer: Well, very good. You go.

Then the family soon returned to its daily calm.

When Lu Kai saw this scene, he couldn't evaluate it, and it was a family affair. Although people were killed, it was difficult for an honest official to cut off housework, so it's best not to get involved. So Lu Kai continued to move in the direction of the pyramid.

When he visually estimated that he was only about 3 kilometers away from the pyramid, Lu Kai noticed something was wrong.

3 kilometers is long and short, but it has been 5 minutes since Lu Kai found that the distance has decreased.

There is a space enchantment around the pyramid!

The road opens behind the body to construct a jet engine,

Accelerate and pass this distance at a speed of 2 times the speed of sound, but it doesn't work. If you move forward, you will move forward, but you will not move forward again. The scene changes and returns to the original point.

Then I tried the method of making a hole in the enchantment, but it didn't work. The obstacle in front of me was just air. I formed an obstacle with an unknown principle, covered it with spiritual energy, and finally sealed a basket of air.

I tried several times, but in the end I couldn't get in. Lu Kai couldn't help but think: If only the Void Crab was here, he could enter by escaping directly into the void.

Thinking of the virtual skeleton crab, Lu Kai thought of Sister Ma, alas, Lu Kai fell into a sad mood and couldn't lift his spirits.

Lu Kai saw a coffee shop next to him, so he entered the coffee shop and ordered a cappuccino.

Lu Kai was looking for a seat in the coffee shop. At this time, a middle-aged man with a small beard in the coffee shop greeted Lu Kai.

The middle-aged man was wearing a dark purple suit, and beside him was a wooden cane that was covered in oil and shiny, as well as a top hat. The leather shoes were very bright.

Xiao Qiaohu: Hello, this little brother is very good-natured, where did you come from?

Lu Kai: Huh? Are you talking to me?

Xiao Qiaohu pointed to the seat opposite him: Who else is there besides you. Come, come, sit here, uncle, I like to make friends with people the most, little friend, come and chat.

Lu Kai sat opposite Xiao Qiaohu and asked, What do you want to talk about?

Xiao Qiaohu looked out the window, where he could just see the pyramid: I see you here walking towards the Holy Mausoleum.

Lu Kai: Yes, but I can't walk past.

Xiao Qiao Hu: Of course, only members and alternate members of the Holy Mausoleum can enter.

Lu Kai: Member?

Xiao Qiaohu: Members are a group of people who are in charge of the Eternal City. They have formed the Great Council, enacted laws, allocated resources, and maintained the Eternal City.

Sir, your coffee. The waiter brought the coffee.

Lu Kai took a sip, and couldn't drink it good or bad, then put down the coffee and said to Xiao Qiaohu, I came from outside the misty wetlands.

Xiao Qiaohu froze for a moment and said, Misty Wetlands...! You are from outside the Eternal City!

Lu Kai: Yes, I was traveling from March City. I didn't expect an accident and I was involved.

Xiao Qiaohu: Then you are really lucky. Generally, outsiders can appear in the Eternal City, and they all exist in the soul body. There is a chance to be reincarnated as a resident of the Eternal City and have a body again. At this time, we still have the memory of the outside world. We Call them strangers.

Lu Kai: Huh? Is this still possible?

Xiao Qiaohu: Of course, with the restart, the strangers who have a body will gradually become part of the Eternal City and completely integrate into the world. This is also part of the population source of this Eternal City.

Lu Kai looked at the little guy and asked, Is this kind of thing a secret? Is it okay to talk to a stranger who has never met before?

Xiao Qiaohu: No problem, as long as you come here, you will meet again in the infinite time in the future. It is very important to leave a good impression on each other. As I said, I like to make friends.

Xiao Qiaohu stretched out his hand to shake Lu Kai's hand: Hello, my name is Vida Libister, you can call me Vida.

Lu Kai stretched out his hand and held Vida's hand: My name is Lu Kai, nice to meet you... Huh!?

Lu Kai felt that this little husky spirit was agitated, and a large number of wriggling lines appeared in the spiritual energy. The lines followed Lu Kai's hand and eroded Lu Kai's psionic defense.

Lu Kai: What are you doing?

Xiao Qiaohu said with a smile: Strangers are very rare! After I catch them, my councillor's GPA can go up significantly! Xiao Qiaohu's spiritual energy peak continued to climb, and more and more lines appeared, and soon the road would open. Whole person coverage.

This little cockroach is a psionicist, and the total amount of psionic energy has reached more than 95 points!

At this time, a group of city patrollers came from outside the coffee shop. These people roared in their individual aircraft and rushed into the coffee shop. The battle made the waiters in the cafe scream.

Xiao Qiaohu's character lines eroded for a while, but Lu Kai did not move, Xiao Qiaohu panicked and continued to increase output.

However, the turbulent psionic energy lost contact, just like pouring water into the sea. No matter how much psionic energy was output, it would have no effect, and the opponent could not be controlled.

The patrolmen surrounded Xiao Qiao Hu and Lu Kai, and the leader of the team instructed the team members not to act rashly: The senator is controlling this stranger! Don't hurt the senator!

This situation lasted for about 5 minutes, Xiao Qiaohu's psychic energy bottomed out, and then the erosion of the word pattern faded from Lu Kai's body and returned to Xiao Qiaohu's body.

Xiao Qiao Hu was startled, the returned word pattern entered his body, and countless tiny tentacles followed the word pattern and took root in his body. The nervous system, medulla oblongata, brain, and muscles of the body were all controlled by the tiny tentacles. Now He couldn't even speak, and he completely lost control of his body.

Lu Kai's tentacles kept spreading and exploring in Xiao Qiaohu's body with the returned word patterns. Every cell was passed over by the tentacles, and then the word patterns in Xiao Qiaohu's body were fixed by the tentacles and could not be called!

In the end, all the word patterns were determined, and even the internal word patterns that were not out of the body were all found.

Xiao Qiaohu was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He wanted to wink at the patrollers around, but he couldn't move at all.

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