After watching the high school, Lu Kai flew higher and higher, and flew in the direction of another city. Lu Kai wanted to visit the university's school.

The 400-kilometer distance is quickly reached at twice the speed of sound.

This is a technical college, a junior college. After graduation, the principals and leaders operate through the operation, and the junior college is upgraded to an undergraduate degree.

The school originally had a pond with fish in it, but now the pond has been filled and a 3-story canteen is built on top.

When Lu Kai arrived at the school dormitory, the dormitory building sank badly, and the floor tiles on the ground were upturned.

It is said that this place used to be a low-lying muddy land. The school and the surrounding area were backfilled and built, and the geology was very soft.

Lu Kai remembered that during the 3 years here, a new building was being built in the first year, and then stopped because the contractor ran away with the money. But the final building was built, which is the new dormitory building.

The students in the school are learning, with joy and hope on their faces.

But Lu Kai knows that this is only temporary. After graduation, most people can't find a job, so they can only go in and screw the screws.

There is an agreement between this school and the surrounding urban factories. Graduates have to screw the screws. If they don't screw it, they won't get their diplomas.

Lu Kai inexplicably remembered a speech given by his major at school. This is a speech given by a professional teacher who invited an overseas Chinese entrepreneur through a relationship.

Lu Kai was fortunate enough to be a participant in this speech. He was responsible for cleaning the venue and cleaning up the garbage. The venue for the speech was in the auditorium, and then it was hung at a height of 7 meters with ribbons and banners.

Then the entrepreneur said that the drink was freshly squeezed orange juice, so he purchased several boxes of oranges, and some students squeezed orange juice in the background. The speech lasted 3 hours, and the entrepreneur's orange juice never stopped! After drinking, someone refills the cup, and refills more than ten cups. Really admire the strength of this entrepreneur's bladder.

The theme of this speech has been forgotten for a long time, but I remember the most clear passage from this entrepreneur with a strong bladder. Back then, the entrepreneur failed in his business, and then he frowned and became decadent for a period of time. Continue like this, so I took a cold shower in winter, and then the whole person became agitated, and then the business was successful. Entrepreneurs encouraged the students present, don't be afraid of adversity, take a cold shower, and then overcome it! beat it!

Then the speech was a complete success. Lu Kai remembered taking a photo at that time, and a group of classmates took a group photo with the entrepreneur.

Well... entrepreneurs need a strong bladder.

After walking around the university campus, Lu Kai left. But now I don't know where to go. So Lu Kai went higher and higher, walked into the clouds, and lay upright on the clouds in the sky. The clouds were drifting under the impetus of atmospheric convection.

Lu Kai began to inspect the spiritual space.

The space of spiritual consciousness turned into nothingness. The garbage collected before, the brains, the water, the eyeballs, the objects of the gods, and the self of another soul disappeared.

Ma Xiaoling's light spot cubes collected by Lu Kai also disappeared.

A void.

Lu Kai was confused. Lu Kai tried to use his psionic cover, trying to ingest something into this spiritual space. But it's useless, Blue Star is a non-magic plane, and only nothingness is ingested.

Dang~~~ came the sound of a thick bell. Lu Kai popped his head from the cloud and saw that the cloud floated to an island with a large temple. Then there is a huge statue of Bodhisattva 323 meters high on the mountain of the island, oh, it is the statue of Mazu.

Lu Kai greeted the Mazu statue: How are you, sister.

When Mazu heard Lu Kai's greeting, she raised her head and smiled at Lu Kai.

Lu Kai: Fuck! It's alive! ?

Lu Kai's psychic energy was agitated, and the explosive airflow blew away the clouds. In the sky, he faced the huge statue of Mazu from afar.

Only then did Lu Kai discover that the 323-meter-long Mazu looks like something similar to the dharma of the void, a huge dharma.

Lu Kai stared at the Mazu Dharma image warily, and found that the fluctuation of the Dharma image was a peaceful and tranquil force field.

Just confronting at a high altitude can feel that one's own psionic structure is being appeased.

The giant Dharma star watched Lu Kai and seemed to be very interested in Lu Kai.

Lu Kai cautiously approached this huge Dharma sign, and after testing it several times, he knew that the Dharma sign was not malicious, so he calmed down the turbulent psionic energy, transformed himself into a psychic body, and communicated with the dharma by means of psychic contact.

Lu Kai's psychic energy came into contact with the force field of Dharma, and a huge amount of information was transmitted.

This is the wish and prayer of countless believers and pilgrims, praying for the health of the family and the safety of the family, for the peace of the country and the people, for the peace of the world, for the grandchildren and sons who go out to school for academic progress, successful careers and happy marriages.

Of course, there is also hope that Mazu Tuomeng will tell you the mystery of the code opening in the next issue, and if you can make a lot of money, you will come to repay your vows, and you will bless the mother and child who have three children.

Various prayers are complex and intertwined, forming this huge dharma image.

The dharma cannot respond to the prayers of believers. The dharma has no consciousness and is just an existence. If it weren't for Lu Kai being an extraordinary person, this existence would not have been discovered.

Lu Kai tried to answer one of the prayers.

This is a female pilgrim who came to this island to incense from other places. The female pilgrim is 68 years old. She has 4 children, 3 boys and a girl. The husband of the female pilgrim passed away the year before.

The eldest son is 48 years old and the eldest grandson is 27 years old. He graduated from college and works in a big city;

The second son is 45 years old, and he has two daughters, the eldest daughter is in the first year of freshman and the second daughter is in the third year of high school;

The three girls are 40 years old and the child is 16 years old. They are in the third year of junior high school and are now pregnant with 2 children;

The fourth son is 30 years old, unemployed, idle at home, wandering around all day to cause trouble.

The female pilgrim hopes that the younger son will be enlightened, and he also hopes that the other three children will help the younger son. The younger son has no job and has not married a wife. The eldest son has opened several companies. , so that the younger son can buy a house and marry a wife.

The second son worked in the agency and became a section chief. The female pilgrim hoped that the second son could arrange for the younger son to enter the agency, and it was best to give the younger son the position of section chief.

The third daughter is married to an executive of a foreign company. The executive is a banana man. The female pilgrim hopes that this foreign son-in-law can get a green card for the younger son and become a dual nationality or something.

Lu Kai was speechless about this prayer: ... Very speechless, this little son seems to be a waste. According to the clues provided by the female pilgrim, Lu Kai spread his thoughts and quickly found the youngest son of the female pilgrim who lived a hundred kilometers away.

This guy is playing the Orphan League, using Happy Wind Man, the record is 0-10-1, and his teammates are scolding him.

The younger son and his teammates scolded each other, but they couldn't scolded each other.

Then lost the game. Then it was reported. This account was blocked for 7 days.

The younger son smashed the keyboard angrily.

After smashing, lie on the bed, open the live broadcast software, and start rewarding the female anchor.

Lu Kai: ... Lu Kai looked at this guy's behavior, and concluded that this guy is a waste person and can't be saved. Even if he is given gold and silver, he will be defeated very quickly.

I didn't want to worry about it, but this is the first prayer Lu Kai received, and Lu Kai should take it seriously.

Lu Kai's psychic tentacles suddenly appeared on top of the younger son's head, and then inserted it!

To change a person, you need to start with habit.

Even Cthulhu can't stop me from picking up trash

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