Criminal Valley 锛

鍦╞lack clothed person 镄勯灜瀛悫 樻娊鈥欐墦涓嬶纴 樻娊鈥欐墦涓嬶纴 € € € € € € € 夐潚 un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un孋riminal Valley 銆

鍜孋hen Tianshan 宸笉澶泛纴Criminal Valley 镄勫ぇ钖嶏纴杩戜箮 € € € € € € € 変 煡阆撱 煡阆撱 煡阆撱 煡阆撱

Thousand Islands Sea criminal 镄勫湴鏂癸纴杩欑兢criminal chain 缁堥兘浼氶€佷笂Beast Fighting Arena 锛宭ife and death duel 锛佲€滳hen Tianshan 鑴€樿壊鈥欓毦鐪嬭呖鏋 and €

Gu Hai Xian存槸寰堟蒙榛桡纴Gao Xianzhi 璺熷湪Gu Hai 韬悗涔熶笉鍙戜竴瑷€銆

鈥滆埖銆佸ぇ浜猴纴鎴戜滑鐜板湪镐庝箞锷炲晩锛熲€滳hen Tianshan anxiously said 銆

鈥渄on鈥檛be impatient 锛孖f you can鈥檛do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it 锛佺幇鍦纴鎴戜滑娌°C湁璧勬牸璇存庝箞锷烇纴鍏堚€樻懜鈥欐竻鎯呭喌锛佲€浒u Hai 浣庡0璇撮death

鈥沧槸锛佲€滳hen Tianshan bitterly said 銆

姝ゅ埢锛岃嫢涓嶆槸Gu Hai 鍦ㄦ梺锛孋hen Tianshan 閮借缁濇湜浜嗐€侰hen Tianshan 鐭ラ死闱掗摐闱(一)叿浜虹殑涓嫔満锛宱therwise die 鍦̇east Fighting Arena Fight村 Fight烘銆

Gu Hai 涓€鍏ountain valley 锛宨mmediately 镒熷 鍒 鍒 ソ浼 ソ浼 ソ浼 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜


Mountain valley 棰囦 骞 骞 around around around around by by 灏忓湡涓桡纴one by one 灏忔帺浣 箣钖庯纴鍗 箣钖庯纴鍗 small n small groups镄勮 瀹堢潃one by one 闱掗摐闱(一)叿浜恒€

铏界劧鐪嬩笉娓呬粬浠殑闱(一)锛屼絾锛屼粠闾d screening yes 涔嬩腑锛屽嵈鑳 湅鍒 湅鍒 湅鍒 竴 竴€

杩欐槸镞╁厛灏卞眳浣忓湪姝ょ殑criminal 锛

Gu Hai 涓 缇や 缇や 杩涘叆 杩涘叆 mountain valley valley 嶏纴 at not at all 澶 皯鐣忔儳锛岄兘鏄竴缇 皯鐣忔儳锛岄兘鏄竴缇 in ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce 鑸纴鈥橀槾鈥欐蒙镌€挞噺挞噺 in all directions 銆

“Pa!” “Pa!”…………

Great Harvest Gang black clothed person 涓€鐢╅灜瀛恠houted 锛气沧墍沧墍沧墍変杩囨潵杩囨潵杩囨潵

“crash-bang bang !”

Mountain valley 涔嬩腑锛宑riminals 鍗撮潪宁稿惉璇濅竴鑸纴蹇€熻仛鏉ワ纴闱炲父蹇€

涓€浼梑lack clothed person 鍐风溂鐪嬬潃锛屽贰瑙唅n all directions 銆

杞溂already 鏉ヤ 锲涘崈涓猚 锲涘崈涓猚 riminal 銆 姩浣滈潪 夯鍒╋纴鏉ヤ 夯鍒╋纴鏉ヤ 夯鍒╋纴鏉ヤ 夯鍒╋纴鏉ヤ 夯鍒╋纴鏉ヤ 夯鍒╋纴鏉ヤ 鑸纴闱炲 鑸纴闱炲 鑸纴闱炲 鑸纴闱炲Father

Key 屾湁镌 鍗佷 鍗佷 鍗佷 鍗佷 浜 浜 潵镄勬瘮杈冩 潵镄勬瘮杈冩

鈥渉 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 涔堟 涔堟 灏卞幓 灏卞幓 灏卞幓 灏卞幓 east east east east east east east 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾

鈥滀笉锛孲enior 锛屾垜鍒氭墠 argon-helium chain

鈥沦enior 锛屾垜鍒 幓杩嘊 幓杩嘊east Fighting Arena 锛屼 骞 骞 锲炴潵锛岃 锲炴潵锛岃 锲炴潵锛岃 锲炴潵锛岃 锲炴潵锛岃 锲炴潵锛岃 锲炴潵锛岃 锲炴潵锛岃 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 嶏纴 嶏纴 嶏纴 嶏纴

鈥沧垜涔熸槸锛孲enior 锛屾垜鍏ㄨ韩鏄激鏄€




鍗佷釜criminal immediately 姹傞ザ镌€銆

鈥渉mph 锛岄搻璧锋潵锛佲€濅负棣朾lack clothed person stared 锛宻imply 涓岖悊浼氥€

杞溂锛屽叾瀹僢lack clothed person 蹇€熶笂鍓岖敤熶笂鍓岖敤嬮搻鐑よ捣浜嗗崄浜嬮搻鐑よ捣浜嗗崄浜纴鍗佷纴鍗佷鍗鍗(笉鏁)弽鎶椾竴鑸€

鈥沧妸杩欐柊鏉ョ殑锏句汉锛屽幓鎺夋落愩愩佽剼闀佽剼闀佽剼闀紒鈥濅紒鈥濅棣朾lack clothed person 璇撮死銆

鈥沧槸锛佲€濅竴浼梑lack clothed person 蹇€熺粰Gu Hai and the others 铡 帀 帀 帀 嬮搻銆佽剼闀


Cloth洪black clothed person coldly 镄勭湅镌€Gu Hai 绛塇uman Path 锛气沧垜涓岖浣犱沧垜涓岖浣犱沧垜涓岖浣犱浠ュ墠镐庝箞镙浠ュ墠镐庝箞镙纴浣嗭纴鍒纴浣嗭纴鍒鎴慓 at reat Harvest Gang 锛屽 ammonia peak 惉浠わ纴钖 垯锛屾垜浠殢镞 垯锛屾垜浠殢镞 浜嗕綘浠殑 浜嗕綘浠殑 浜嗕綘浠殑 浜嗕綘浠殑 浜嗕綘浠殑

涓洪black clothed person 镄勮颈楠傦纴璁╂柊鏉ョ殑锏句汉immedialyly 闱10€橀湶鈥欐€掔伀銆

鈥滀綘璇 皝鏄嫍锛熲 濅竴涓柊鏉ョ殑涓嶆湇鍙 濅竴涓柊鏉ョ殑涓嶆湇鍙 濅竴涓柊鏉ョ殑涓嶆湇鍙 濅竴涓柊鏉ョ殑涓嶆湇鍙 濅竴涓柊鏉ョ殑涓嶆湇鍙 濅竴涓柊鏉ョ殑涓嶆湇鍙

All around key riminal one after another 鈥橀湶鈥椤嚭a trace of a sneer 銆


闄$劧锛屼竴闉瓙鈥樻娊鈥椤埌浜嗛偅浜鸿韩涓婏纴闉瓙涓婃洿闄勭潃浜唍umerous/massive True Qi 锛屼竴闉瓙鈥樻娊鈥椤嚭锛宨mmediately 灏嗛偅浜 嫤 嫤 嫤 墛鏂 墛鏂


All around 鏂版潵镄刬mmediately 鑴糕樿壊鈥欎竴鍙桡纴樿壊鈥欎竴鍙桡纴fist clenched 锛屼笉鏁(一)啀椤舵挒浜嗐

鈥沧垜璇 綘浠槸镫楋纴闾 槸鎶 槸鎶 槸鎶 槸鎶 槸鎶 槸鎶 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 棣朾 cloth cloth 棣朾 棣朾 cloth ed

Everyone rudder

“Everyone has a number. Next, just live here with peace of mind, wait for the number to be called, give it to me!” headed black clothed person coldly said.

Turning the head, the black clothed person looked at a group of old criminals, coldly said: “This group is new, you teach them rules!”

All criminals don’t dare to talk.

“Let’s go!” headed by black clothed person coldly said.

With a group of black clothed person and the ten bad luck criminals, slowly step out of the valley.

The new hundred people looked at the four thousand criminals, not at all fear, thinking that there would be a new and old conflict.

However, the just four thousand criminals that just stood up were slowly spread out. Just look at the newcomers who are fiercely, and don’t pay attention to them.

Teach them rules? Who is lazy to teach.

Hundreds of criminal look at each other in dismay, but at the moment not at all say more, each one is scattered, find a place to take a break.

Gu Hai The three of them naturally gathered together and sat under a secluded rock.

“This group of old crimeal, but did not find trouble?” Chen Tianshan somewhat puzzled.

“Why are they looking for us trouble?” Gu Hai shook the head.


“There is no interest dispute, as long as it is a bit of a brain, there will be nothing to look for, moreover, everyone’s cultivation base is sealed, they are just mortals, and it is not worth fighting here!” Gao Xianzhi explained .

“Hey!” Chen Tianshan nodded.

Gu Hai three people sit in a secluded place, looking at all around criminal, and all around criminal is also looking at them, who has no good intentions, are full of malicious.

“Sure enough, the Criminal Valley!” Gu Hai eyes slightly narrowed coldly said.

“Gao Xianzhi, Earth Helm Master token, are you still?” Gu Hai solemnly asked.

“Yes, adults, we have searched all over the body, everything is searched out, only the soles are not searched, the tokens are hidden inside, things are still there!” Gao Xianzhi explained.

Gu Hai nodded: “First take it!”


“Adult, I heard that I entered the Criminal Valley, I don’t want to go out. Everyone has been sealed cultivation base. What should we do?” Chen Tianshan anxiously said.

“Let me see this seal!” Gu Hai said solemnly.

Eyes closed, Gu Hai sinks into Dantian.

“Weng! ”

It seems that the energy of a gray ‘Mongo’ is isolated from Dantian. Gu Hai simply can’t detect Dantian. The True Qi in Dantian can’t be transferred.

After a while, Gu Hai opened his eyes and his face was ‘color’ and ‘slow’.

“Helm Master, I am Golden Core Realm, and I don’t earn to open the seal!” Chen Tianshan’s face ‘color’ is unsightly.

“Now, there are two major problems in front of us, one is the seal, and the bronze mask on the head!” Gao Xianzhi face ‘color’ ugly.

“Look, someone wants to run away?” Chen Tianshan eyes shined.

I saw a new criminal in the distance. At this moment, I was working hard to climb. Although the cultivation base was sealed, the movement was extremely slick, and I climbed a little to the mountain, as if I had to climb the mountain to escape the Criminal Valley.

The man fled, all around criminal but not at all blocked.

Four thousand old crimeal cold eyes, occasionally ‘show’ a trace of a sneer.

I saw that the man quickly climbed halfway up the mountain.

Head up a little further.

“Weng! ”

In the sky, a blue ‘color’ ripple appears suddenly, as if a transparent cover covers the entire mountain valley, and only when it touches, there will be blue light.


The criminal did not even have a scream, and the bronze mask on the head exploded, and the eyes disappeared.


The headless body fell down.

“Ss!” The new criminal is all in a suck in a cold breath of air.

“This bronze mask can’t be picked up when it is put on, forcibly picked, it will explode, this escape triggers the mechanism, it will explode! Can’t escape, can’t escape!” Chen Tianshan face ‘露’ horror ‘.

“Calm!” Gu Hai coldly said.

“Adult?” Chen Tianshan bittered towards Gu Hai.

“The mask can be worn, there is a way to take it off, calm down, there will always be a way! When people are alive, there will always be opportunities, people will die, there will be no chance!” Gu Hai said solemnly.

“Yes!” Chen Tianshan, Gao Xianzhi complied.

One night without a word, Gu Hai, Chen Tianshan, Gao Xianzhi quietly sat in the corner, trying to communicate True Qi, but this seal is too strange, everything has no effect.

In the dead of night, Gu Hai took a little food from the token space for the three to carefully eat.

After all, the cultivation base is now sealed, and it is no different from mortal. Although physique is strong, it can last for a long time, but Gu Hai does not want to become weak.

Early morning on the second day.


Suddenly, numerous/massive mouse drops from the sky. Drop it from above the mountain valley.

“squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak !”

In midair, the mouse made a scream of squeak squeak, and among the mountain valley, four thousand old immediately immediately eyes shined.


All the old criminals were busy and quickly rushed to the mouse.


The first person who grabbed the mouse, immediately opened his mouth, put the mouse in the mouth and tried to chew it.

Chen Tianshan’s face ‘color’ changed: “This is the food for the crimeans? Rat?”

“Quickly grab!” Gu Hai’s face ‘color’ is a sin.

“Ah? Adult, let’s eat mice?” Chen Tianshan’s face ‘color’ changed.

“It is one thing to eat or not, it is another thing to grab it!” Gu Hai coldly said.


Gao Xianzhi immediately executed the order and quickly robbed it.

Gu Hai also jumped into the center of the plaza and snatched away from the falling mouse. Chen Tianshan followed closely from behind, and the face ‘color’ was ugly.

Maybe for a long time, the public criticism is no longer exclusive to the raw mouse. The most important thing is to keep yourself physically strong, to live longer, to live, to have a chance. When you die, there is nothing left.

In a blink of an eye, Gao Xianzhi already grabbed a mouse.


Suddenly, one person rushed to Gao Xianzhi. It is a Scar face man.

Gao Xianzhi A sly, immediately fell, and the dead mouse in the hand also fell out. The Scar face was ‘d’, and immediately rushed to the dead mouse.

“courting death !”

Gu Hai suddenly appeared and punched.

“en?” Scar’s face ‘color’ glimpsed and collided with Gu Hai.


A hard and hard impact, Gu Hai slammed a stone and stabilized the body, and Scar’s face suddenly fell back seven or eight steps.

Gu Hai, after all, cultivated External Strength was born, just fighting ‘meat’, naturally difficult to rival.

“Boy, are you courting death?” Scar face ruthlessly said.

“It’s not your thing, it’s never yours! How do you call it?” Gu Hai coldly said.

Gu Hai just punched, but let all around snatch the mouse ‘meat’ of the criminals all Pupils shrank, coldly looked at Gu Hai.

Scar face ‘show’ a trace of a sneer: “Remember, I am Scar, boy, I remember you!”

Gu Hai coldly smiled, I didn’t care.

With Chen Tianshan and Gao Xianzhi, with ten dead mice back to the side, Gu Hai can feel the Scar in the distance and keep looking around. The ‘yin’ cold eyes are chosen.

All around, the person who grabbed the mouse ‘meat’, was chewing, bloody licking. The public is only a single thought head, alive!

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