Every day is one step closer to reality

Chapter 24 Hypersensitivity to smell

After knowing that his tongue would not split, Feng Yi felt much more relaxed.

As for the "different world", it's not a ghost, so don't be afraid! ! !

Although my face is still swollen and my nose still hurts, can't I just get over it and be fine?

It hurts and then becomes numb, just get used to it and it won't be a problem!

Isn’t it just two weeks?

As soon as the psychological construction was completed, Feng Yi calmed down and was still in the mood to make a leisurely lunch - liquid food that he hadn't seen for a while.

Plug in the straw, suck, suck, suck~

After eating and drinking, Feng Yi thought about how to survive next.

It's two weeks. It's not long, it's not short, it's not short. You can't do nothing.

Let’s first think about how to deal with nose evolution.

Feng Yi started to search for information again. The more he searched, the more worried he became. There were various hypotheses and inferences. The more he knew, the more worried he became. Finally, he put his phone and computer aside and stopped reading.

The only way to relieve worries is to roll iron.

Exercise is also a good way to drive away sorrow, but the nostrils are blocked and it feels a little uncomfortable when breathing.

In addition to checking information and exercising, Feng Yi also made other preparations.

Never fight an unprepared battle!

With the previous experience, Feng Yi started to place orders for equipment after checking the information this time.

As the super-olfactory organ evolves, it will definitely be able to smell various smells. What will happen then? What should I do if the smell that I usually find pleasant smells pungent?

For example, indole, which has great olfactory characteristics, has a floral scent at very low concentrations. When the concentration increases, it smells like various indescribable odors. How can it be tolerated?

Don’t be carried away by the smell then.

With the previous experience of buying toothbrushes and toothpaste when teeth were growing, Feng Yi went online and ordered masks with different filter materials and functions, as well as masks with filtration efficiency greater than 90%, 95%, and 99% as spares.

After buying it, I felt that it was not safe, so I ordered another dust mask.

In addition to odor molecules in the air, floating dust fibers also carry various odors. Feng Yi cannot guarantee that he will not be "poisoned" by then.

It was the first time in his life that he had an evolved version of the vomeronasal organ. He had no experience with it, and Feng Yi didn't know if he was exaggerating or overreacting. However, he was prepared.

In addition to these, Feng Yi also bought ingredients on the delivery platform that are convenient for making liquid meals. I thought that after the toothache and cheek pain were over, I could start eating. But I didn’t buy in this direction when I was stocking up yesterday. Food was in short supply.

After placing the order, Feng Yi put on a hooded jacket with a collar that could stand up.

The collar of the coat was raised and the hood was covered, "As long as I take the takeout fast enough, the delivery man can't see me clearly!"

As for express delivery, when placing the order, he chose the express delivery company and made a note to leave it in the community express locker. When he went to pick it up early in the morning, he basically didn't encounter anyone.

While staying at home, Wu Ji and Qian Feiyang also called him, but he made various excuses to get past them. Anyway, they wouldn't see anyone until their faces were swollen.

A week later.

The swelling on my face has subsided, and the pain is not as strong as it was at the beginning. I can barely see the outline of my face. I finally don’t need to be treated like a pig when I go out wearing a mask.

The nostrils that had been blocked were finally ventilated.

At the moment of ventilation, Feng Yi took a deep breath, and then immediately blocked his nostrils with tissues.

What does hypersensitivity of smell feel like?

It was like there were countless inexplicable pungent smells coming towards him, and a large amount of complex information filled his brain in an instant, making Feng Yi confused and even doubting "Am I living in the real world?"

After he calmed down, Feng Yi could only block his nostrils——

My nose is not under my control yet, so, sorry, I have to plug them up for now!

Just like when the two teeth were out of control before, stop their work first!

At this time, the gas mask Feng Yi bought came into play.

Although the mask itself also smells, it at least blocks most of the odor gases and particles, giving his brain a chance to rest.

He had to take time to adapt to this change and explore whether he could control the new olfactory organ to function selectively. It would be best if he could sleep normally, otherwise he would not be able to live a normal life.

This hurts too much! !

Feng Yi stood in front of the mirror and looked at the man in the mirror who was wearing a breathing mask and had a solemn expression, as if he was facing some difficult problem in life.

Forget it, I still won’t go out.

I wonder if he will be regarded as a lunatic if he goes out like this.

Now is not an emergency period, and it has been raining continuously for the past two days. The rainfall is enough to wash away the pollution particles in the air, and the air quality has always been good.

Forget about wearing an ordinary mask. If he goes out wearing such an exaggerated gas mask, the rate of turning heads is not 100%, but 80%. Maybe someone will take a short video and post it online for discussion. When you meet a curious passerby, you may also be concerned about whether he has any respiratory disease and can only breathe sterile air or something.

So, Feng Yi continued to stay at home for the next week, going through this difficult adaptation period.

The evolution of the nose has not yet been completed and is not easy to control, but Fengyi can try to distinguish smells and identify objects through the captured smell molecules.

Fabrics, dining chairs, sofas, appliances, etc. all have their own smells.

Identify these smells and record them with your brain. After entering a lot of information, your brain will not be stuck due to the impact of various smells.

You have to be selective and focused.

Without sufficient processing power, the biological cost of rapidly switching between tasks is too high and it is too easy to tire.

Adapt slowly and take control step by step.

From dust and gas masks, to masks with a filtration efficiency of more than 99%, and then to 95% or 90%.

Different masks have different filtration focuses, and the particles and gases they filter are different. After adapting to the gas information, the particle information adapts quickly.

Of course, during this period, the load on the brain was extremely heavy. In addition to practicing identifying odor information and controlling new olfactory organs, Feng Yi was eating and sleeping. too tired.

But at this time, the tea given by Uncle Mum has no effect.

The one-month validity period has expired, and the tea leaves are gone.

No matter how good the tea leaves are, they can't help Feng Yi control his nose and recognize the smell.

The swelling on his face has subsided, but his face is still the same, but it still makes Feng Yi feel a little strange.

It looks the same, but is it really the same?

The nose seems to be the same as before, but there is a small olfactory organ inside.

There is not an extra dimple on the face, but the extra ones cannot be seen from the outside.

Looking at the gloomy sky outside, Feng Yi planned to go out for a walk.

During this period, although I practiced identifying smells every day, my control over my nose gradually deepened, and I could wander around the room with my eyes closed. But after all, these were only limited to the house. He wanted to see what the "different world" the old housekeeper said was like.

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