Every day is one step closer to reality

Chapter 75 You open up to eat

The place where the rescue team's helicopter flew was not the starting point of their scientific expedition, but another part of the mountain range, a branch of the Nanchong Scientific Research Base.

Some teams that have completed their scientific expedition missions will rest here.

The helicopter landed at the Nanchong Scientific Research Base Branch. After getting off the plane, Feng Yi saw a group of rangers and their dogs.

Teacher Lei saw Feng Yi looking over there and introduced him, "They are the rangers in this area. They go into the mountains to patrol from time to time."

"They patrol the mountains and bring dogs with them?" Feng Yi was curious.

"Yes." Teacher Lei said, "Every time I patrol, I can find something, and I have even found corpses, both human and animal."

This is why Teacher Lei said with emotion when he left just now, "There are many secrets hidden in the mountains and forests, and only a very few of them will be discovered by people."

Most of the discoveries were made by rangers and their dogs.

"The bag of gold nuggets we found in the forest would be more likely to be discovered by rangers if it were buried in the ground. These dogs have been trained to search very well, and sometimes they even help hunt down fugitives. ."

Teacher Lei was familiar with the ranger here and said hello.

When Feng Yi and the others passed by the group of rangers, several dogs bared their teeth in Feng Yi's direction, looking on guard.

The rangers just laughed and scolded them.

"You just came out of the forest, and you have some smell on your body. They are nervous when they smell it."

Teacher Lei also likes dogs. He originally planned to go over and pet the dogs’ heads, but he gave up when he saw this and said with a smile: "That should be it. I will take a shower later and come over to play with them."

Feng Yi lowered his head and silently followed Professor Zhou and the others to the temporary dormitory.

He can already smell the food!

I’m not interested in paying attention to others!

All he wants now is to eat!

However, no matter how hungry or greedy he was, Feng Yi could only eat so much food.

Gotta keep holding it in.

After resting for one night at the base branch, Feng Yi would set out to go home the next day. He has already booked a flight.

Professor Zhou stopped him before leaving.

"There will be a small scientific expedition at the end of September and the beginning of October. The route is different from this time. Do you want to participate?"

Everyone in the team was very satisfied with Feng Yi's performance in this scientific examination. Although he was sometimes reckless, his skills were really strong and he would not hold back the team.

This time, Feng Yi was not used to participating in the scientific examination for the first time, but he has performed very well, and he did not have any sleep problems even in the deep mountains and old forests.

As long as you sleep well, your physical strength will recover quickly, which is very good!

Therefore, Professor Zhou is still looking forward to working together again.

However, Feng Yi declined politely but firmly.

Even if you add points...

Let’s take a look at the specific situation.

The feeling of starvation is really bad, and Feng Yi is worried that this long-term starvation will have bad effects on the body.

He is only in the early stages of evolution, and starvation affects his development.

Professor Zhou was not surprised when he heard that Feng Yi refused, but he still asked Feng Yi to think about it and contact him if he is willing to participate.

"Oh, one more thing. Do you want the medical team here to check you in detail? You can let them take a look at any injury or discomfort. It's free of charge."

Feng Yi also refused.

Detailed inspection is impossible!

"No, I'll catch the flight and then go to the hospital when I get back." It's impossible to go to the hospital, so let's get this out of the way first.

Feng Yi added contact information to everyone in the team, especially Steve.

Steve also made an appointment to take him to catch anacondas when he had time.

We left by car from the base branch, had another meal at the airport, slept after boarding the plane, ate the in-flight meal, and continued sleeping until we landed.

Then, eat all the way home.

After getting home, I took a shower and went to bed.

I slept for two days.

After waking up, I responded to messages on my phone and drove out to circle the city, eating and stocking up on the road.

Then sleep for another day.

Only then did it slow down!

After replying to the message and scrolling through the news on his phone, Feng Yi saw that someone was still talking about the Nan Chong Spirit Snake.

About the gold bar incident, Steve talked a lot next to him that day, but he didn't actually listen to much. At that time, all he could think about was how he was going to get through it next.

Now browse the mobile news. I have a comprehensive understanding of this matter.

But after reading it, he discovered that he could only read official media reports. Only a few people in the self-media were objective, and most of them were exaggerated.

The self-media is really powerful. These people even revealed the village’s former beliefs and various ancestral stories.

Feng Yi was stunned for a moment.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, Feng Yi himself wouldn't have known it would be so bizarre!

I almost believe that there really is a spiritual snake in Nan Chong!

After closing the news page, a notification text message popped up.

The points have arrived!

The 1,000 points for the volunteer from Team South 6, plus the 3 points for being the first to catch a snake, plus an additional 100 points!

100 points!

The South 6 team is really heroic!

Professor Zhou is such a good person!

There are so many points for scientific examination activities!

If the scientific examination time is short next time, you can still take part in it.

After a while, another notification message came.

The Bureau of Insurance gave a reward of 2 points.

Feng Yi asked Professor Zhou, and Professor Zhou told him that except for Cheng Si, who dropped out midway, everyone else in the South 6 team had received bonus points from the UN Security Bureau. Finding a snakeskin belt provides a reward for clues.

Points transfer in quickly.

1000 volunteer task points + 3 points for first capture reward + 100 additional rewards + 2 joint security bureau rewards

Coupled with the 45 points he had previously, he now has 1,150 points.

He didn't know how many points other people in the team could get in one scientific test, but anyway, he was very satisfied with the more than a thousand points!

This point can be regarded as a contribution to the improvement of the human living environment. It is also a social value.

The more contributions you make, the more points you earn and the more privileges you can enjoy.

Many privileges cannot be easily bought with money.

Feng Yi was happy about his new points when the phone rang.

Lu Yue called. He was doing business nearby and said he would stop by to see Feng Yi.

Of course, Feng Yi also knew in his heart that it was impossible to "stop by and have a look". There must be something else going on.

Lu Yue left a message to Feng Yi the day before yesterday and got a reply. He knew that Feng Yi had to rest for the next two days, so he didn't rush over. I happen to be free today, so I came here to discuss something with Feng Yi.

During the hottest time of the year, Feng Yi spent nearly two months in the wild.

Therefore, Lu Yue expected to see a person who was tanned like charcoal, with ruined appearance, listless, lack of energy and blood, and a dull look.

did not expect……

Didn't this Damn go to absorb spiritual energy? ! !

Compared with two months ago, except for the fact that my face and hands are a little darker, my overall energy is better than two months ago!

Lu Yue originally didn't believe the rumors on the Internet, but when he saw Feng Yi like this, he suddenly became suspicious again.

Are there really spiritual snakes in the Nan Chong Mountains?

Even if there is no spiritual snake, there must be something special. Otherwise, why would Feng Yi seem to be in better condition? !

"Do you know the rumors about the spiritual snake in Nan Chong Mountains?" Lu Yue asked.

"I know." Feng Yi replied, "It's all nonsense on the Internet."

"Not necessarily?" Lu Yue glanced at Feng Yi again, "You look good. Is the air in Nan Chong Reserve very good?"

"is very good!"

If there is anything worth remembering about this scientific expedition, it must be the air in Nanchong Nature Reserve.

Before taking part in the scientific examination, Feng Yi felt that the air and climate here in Yue Mountain were very good. But after a trip to the Nan Chong Mountains, I really realized the difference.

It’s so cool to sleep in the mountains and forests of Nan Chong!

Of course, Feng Yi also knew that this was a problem with his constitution. Others were definitely not like this. They could not adapt to the climate in the mountains and forests of Nan Chong. They often felt too humid and stuffy.

After hearing what Feng Yi said, Lu Yue thought about it and planned to analyze it with his team after returning to see if there were any business opportunities in the Nanchong Reserve.

"How do you feel about the scientific examination?" Lu Yue asked.

"I'm very tired!" Feng Yi said in a heavy tone.

It was the first time in his life that he had been hungry for such a long time!

Lu Yue didn't believe it.

Looking at Feng Yi's state, he doesn't look like someone who has endured hardship!

However, Lu Yue did not continue to dwell on this. He had another thing that he was more concerned about.

"The news just came out. The belt you found to tie the package was made of the skin of artificially bred snakes. The United Nations Security Bureau and local departments have destroyed a luxury goods counterfeit chain."

"Luxury imitation chain?" Feng Yi really didn't pay attention.

When turning over the news, he was shocked by the "Nan Chong Spirit Snake", and then the points were received, so he didn't pay attention to other news.

"Yes, aren't there snake series elements that are popular among many big brands this year? The minimum price of an authentic snake belt from an international first-tier brand is more than RMB 10,000. Doesn't this give opportunities for imitations. Some people know that they are buying fakes, but some People only think that what they buy is genuine and defective goods.

"It looks the same and feels almost the same. You also know that the seventh-generation Medusa imitation leather is made to look like the real thing. It is the most advanced environmentally friendly leather technology at present. It is really difficult for ordinary people to tell the difference when using real snake skin. .”

The thing that deceived Lu Yue's company's production line was wild animal skins, and someone bought them specially to trick them. It actually has little to do with this incident.

However, seeing more and more fakes on the market, Lu Yue is also worried.

The cost of research and development of environmentally friendly leather is there, and it is the only company in the world. Its technical advantages keep the price of Medusa's seventh-generation imitation leather high, and the test kits and related instruments are also expensive. If they hadn't met someone like Feng Yi who could tell the difference between real and fake snakeskin at a glance, their company would have been in trouble this time!

Because the cooperation with the new brand has also achieved results, Lu Yue trusts Feng Yi's identification ability even more.

After the rest of the Lu family found out, just to be on the safe side, they asked Lu Yue to send an invitation to Feng Yi and ask Feng Yi to do an appraisal at that time.

During the annual celebration, there is a new product show to showcase this year's and next year's new products, some of which involve leather materials. It is safer to re-appraise them and they feel more at ease.

Lu Yue explained his purpose of coming.

"There are not many goods to be appraised, no more than a hundred pieces. You can complete the appraisal by just walking around."

Feng Yi thought for a while and asked, "When will the appraisal be conducted? I'll go and come back."

Some celebrations are almost not about eating. They are either about daze and making up for the numbers, or about various interpersonal exchanges and all kinds of socializing with fake smiles.

Feng Yi had started a business before and knew some of the tricks involved. Before the scientific examination, Feng Yi might be interested in going to the Qianli Group’s annual celebration venue to have a good look, but he had been hungry during the scientific examination. He was really hungry. Feng Yi didn’t want to waste it. time,

There is no need to suffer that now. When you get there, show Lu Yue and the others the costumes and then withdraw!

Lu Yue was surprised and advised: "Why don't you stay at the venue for a while? We also invited some popular male and female groups in the entertainment industry in the past two years to warm up the show. There are many celebrities singing. You don't have to worry about socializing if you don't like it. Go watch the show.”

Having cooperated before, Lu Yue knew that Feng Yi had some money and might not really need to force himself to socialize.

Feng Yi asked again, "Is there food at the venue? It's more casual and you can eat at any time?"

If he can't eat he won't go.

Lu Yue was stunned for a moment and then realized what he was doing.

Feng Yi has been participating in field trips for nearly two months. Regardless of whether he went to absorb spiritual energy, there must be restrictions on food, and he must replenish it when he comes back.

So Lu Yue smiled and said: "Yes! There are multiple buffet areas at the venue, with dishes from all over the world and local dishes. You can eat whatever you like! Eat as much as you want! You are free to eat!!"

Feng Yi was happy.

As expected of a large group!

So proud!

Lu Yue said: "In this case, you go before noon, and we will take some time in the afternoon to look at the costumes. You will make your own arrangements for the rest of the time. The money will be settled on the spot."

Feng Yi: "Okay! I will definitely go!!"

Participate in the celebration (×)

Eat a big meal()

The next update should be at midnight.

If you are working or going to school, don't stay up late, read it after you wake up.

Monthly tickets are ready!

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