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When Feng Yi called the Yangcheng Branch of the Joint Security Bureau, Wei Hongxi happened to be free and took over the matter.

When Wei Hongxi arrived at the collection hall, he saw a young man lying on the table crying.

The man was extremely emotional, crying and howling: "I was wrong! I was really wrong. I shouldn't have picked it back that night five years ago! I wouldn't have been traumatized if I hadn't!"

Wei Hongxi looked at Feng Yi and asked with his eyes: What's going on?

Feng Yi spread his hands: It has nothing to do with me.

Without interrupting A Bin's emotional venting, Feng Yi stood up and walked aside, briefly telling Wei Hongxi the information he had just heard.

Wei Hongxi just raised his eyebrows slightly. He has investigated many incidents, so he is not surprised by this.

Let A Bin continue to vent for a while, and Wei Hongxi looked around. He knew that this was Feng Yi's private collection. If this place was bought and built like this, it would not be for profit in the future, so a lot of money would have to be invested.

But thinking about the news he heard in the past two days, if Feng Yi is a shareholder of the Ancestral Factory, the money invested is really not much to Feng Yi.

The shareholders of the Ancestral Factory...

How enviable.

But now is not the time to chat with Feng Yi.

Wei Hongxi walked over to the table, sat down, knocked on the table, and showed his ID when A Bin looked over with tears in his eyes.

"Investigator Wei Hongxi of the Yangcheng Branch of the Joint Security Bureau, I am now in charge of your matter."

As soon as he heard "investigator from the Joint Security Bureau", Abin's complicated and complicated sad emotions were frightened away, and he hurriedly wiped his tears and nose with a tissue.

Feng Yi asked someone to hand over two glasses of water.

A Bin calmed down, and during Wei Hongxi's questioning, he repeated what he had told Feng Yi. Because most of them really happened, and his emotions were not fake, he was also mentally prepared, and there was no situation where his words were inconsistent with each other.

Wei Hongxi took notes and said, "We need to go to your residence, where this lizard is raised, to take a look."

Abin nodded: "Okay."

He had followed Feng Yi here to explain things, so as not to be noticed by other residents in the community, and to confirm the status of his pet lizard.

Now that the matter has been settled, taking them to the residence will not cause any big disturbance.

However, before leaving, A Bin asked with some concern: "Tyrannosaurus, do you want to take it away together now?"

Wei Hongxi said: "We will have people take it back to the bureau first."

Wei Hongxi came here with two auxiliary staff and asked them to catch the lizards.

But the capture was not smooth.

This lizard has a bad temper and will get into an attack stance before anyone gets close.

It propped up its body, and the **** on its neck and throat spread out like a fan and shook. This was a demonstration.

When someone approaches, its mouth opens slightly and it looks like it is smiling, but in fact it may be about to attack.

One of the staff members was almost bitten, but fortunately he had experience and responded quickly.

A Bin said: "Tyrannosaurus has a very fierce temperament and is more violent than other individuals of the same kind. It is difficult for me to catch it without wearing gloves or using tools. "

The two clerks were about to get the tools when Feng Yi patted them and motioned them to step back.

The two people didn't say much and decisively gave up the space. In terms of profession, an expert like Feng Yi should have stronger skills.

Under the gaze of several people, Feng Yi walked over, ignoring the lizard's protest, and slapped it on the head with a moderate slap as if it was casual.

The mouth of "Tyrannosaurus" that was open just now was closed.

The throat fan that was shaking just now is no longer shaking.

So well-behaved that it seems fake.

"Where's the cage?" Feng Yi asked.

"Here it is!" the clerk responded and brought the cage over.

Feng Yi grabbed the lizard with one hand and put it into the cage.

This one

Although the lizard is said to be 1.5 meters long, in fact, the slender tail accounts for most of the length, so the whole body is not heavy, only a dozen kilograms. If the lizard is incapacitated, anyone present can lift it with one hand.

However, the entire process of Feng Yi controlling it was something that no one else could do. It’s also very difficult… In other words, no one can imitate it yet!

A Bin, who had been standing not far away and looking at this side, looked dull.

With a shocked look on his face:

"Just now...what happened? Why didn't it move? Where's its temper?! Is it really just me?! It can actually be tamed?!"

Next to him, Wei Hongxi looked quite calm: "There is also a possibility that it only behaves obediently when facing certain special people. It has nothing to do with being tame or untamed."

I have seen Feng Yi catch snakes many times, and I have become accustomed to Feng Yi catching snakes in the same way as hemp ropes. Now when I see Feng Yi catching this hot-tempered lizard like a toy, I just think, "Ah, it really is like that." idea.

A Bin was comforted: "It's really not my problem alone?" Wei Hongxi: "No. It's just the differences in the world."

A Bin looked at Feng Yi, and then recalled the treatment received by the staff of the Joint Security Bureau when they captured the "tyrannosaurus", and felt mentally balanced again.


This is not my problem, this is the world!

Just as he calmed down, he saw the clerk walking out carrying the cage, and Abin's eyes followed.

He asked: "What will you do with it after you take it away? I heard that if the number is too large and cannot be sent to the habitat, it will be humanely destroyed?"

Wei Hongxi: "This requires detailed analysis of the specific situation."

A Bin didn't believe in "specific analysis". He asked, "Can I send it to the zoo?"

Wei Hongxi said: "If there is a zoo willing to accept it, of course it can."

Abin immediately took out his cell phone: "Please give me some time. I'll contact the zoo now, soon! I'll pay for them to help raise it myself!"

This kind of exotic lizard is different from the common pets in people's lives, and it is impossible for private individuals to take over it. Everyone is afraid of being reported and fined.

If the relationship is not deep, or if you are ruthless, you may have been cooked long ago.

They cannot be released into the wild, and they cannot bear to be killed, so they can only be sent to places like zoos.

Wei Hongxi asked: "Have you never thought of sending it to the zoo before?"

A Bin hesitated, then nodded and said, "I tried it before, but the people over there didn't answer."

The zoo now does not dare to accept pets whose origins are unknown, or pets that have been sent there on their own initiative but without formal procedures and certification. Afraid of being targeted by the Federal Security Bureau.

A Bin had never made up his mind before, but this time it happened that his pet escaped due to negligence. Now that he has confessed, he can go through the process directly.

Abin contacted the person in charge at the zoo. The person in charge might be busy at this time and it was not convenient to call. Abin sent a message there, but at the same time he also paid attention to Wei Hongxi's movements.

When A Bin contacted the zoo, Wei Hongxi looked at the surrounding buildings and layout and said to Feng Yi: "Your place is almost completed. When will it open? Oh no, this is your private collection. Is it open to the public?"

Feng Yi said: "It may be open to the public for two days at intervals, but it will not be opened frequently. "

Abin had just replied to a message from the zoo, and when he heard their conversation, he noticed his surroundings.

"here it is?"

Feng Yi: "My private collection."

A Bin was surprised: "Collection? What is the collection?"

Feng Yi: "Some animals I have caught."

A Bin's expression changed slightly as he thought of Feng Yi's status as an expert in the UN Security Bureau and the news about Feng Yi he had read online.

He asked: "In addition to snakes, are there also crocodiles?"

"Yes." Feng Yi said.

"Does the lizard count? You just caught the Tyrannosaurus, does it count?"

Feng Yi looked at the lizard.

This guy who brought it to your doorstep can also have a collection spot.

"Forget it," Feng Yi said.

A Bin was about to say something, but he held back and asked, "By collection, do you mean specimens?"

Feng Yi said: "It's just a scale model."

"Oh! Then you can make a proportional model of the "Tyrannosaurus"! I know you may have caught this kind of lizard when you caught pythons in Florida, but the "Tyrannosaurus" is different! It From childhood to adulthood, I have photos and videos, high-definition shots from all angles! There are also detailed data records! The model will definitely be more realistic if it is made according to this! It is very different every year, and the color will still change during the breeding season. Changes have occurred! You can do a few more! "

Feng Yi: "...You don't need that much."

A Bin: "What about larvae, sub-adults, and adults?"

Feng Yi still didn't respond.

A Bin: "Then just larvae and adults? The larval stage is different from the adult stage. The adult stage looks more majestic and domineering, and it is very recognizable when made in equal proportions. But the larval stage can be made to make everyone familiar with it. appearance, so as not to be confused with other lizards, such as our local iguana, which is too easy to be accidentally injured..."

At this point, A Bin suddenly stopped.

Feng Yi and Wei Hongxi looked over.

Wei Hongxi: "Iguana?"

A Bin: "..."

Wei Hongxi's sharp eyes approached: "Have you ever caught an iguana?"

Abin swallowed: "I have seen it in the wild, but I swear I have never raised it! I know that iguanas are in the second grade of the country, so I would definitely not dare to raise them!"

He didn't lie, he just didn't tell the whole story. I caught an iguana by mistake, but I have never kept one!

Without looking at Wei Hongxi, Abin opened the photo album on his mobile phone and continued to follow Feng Yi's suggestions:

"Well, this is what it looked like when it was a child. You must think it is easy to identify, but people who don't understand can easily make mistakes. Compared with iguanas, one is an invasive species and the other is a protected animal. This kind of public protection Popularizing science is still very meaningful, right?”

Wei Hongxi did not follow his words and just said: "You also know that this is an alien species with an invasion threat!"

A Bin sincerely accepted the criticism: "I have deeply realized my mistake!"

Before Abin and the people from the Security Bureau left, he told Feng Yi that he would copy the photos and videos of the "Tyrannosaurus" to a mobile hard drive and send them over when the time comes.

Looking at that posture, Feng Yi was really worried that Abin would send at least hundreds of G's, or even several T's, photos and videos.

"You don't need so many, just pick some." Feng Yi said.


A Bin thought to himself that he didn't need too many video photos, so he would definitely choose those with the characteristics of "tyrannosaurus", such as the color lines on the body surface, domineering posture, fierce eyes, etc.

To other people, these creatures look similar, but as a pet owner, they can identify them from many details.

The model he hopes to keep in Feng Yi's private collection is the "Tyrannosaurus", not other random lizards found online.

Why didn't he find someone to customize a full-scale model?

This is Abin's own choice.

He can save photos, videos, and collect objects from the time he raised the "Tyrannosaurus", but he cannot accept placing highly realistic full-scale models at home.

He can't accept it himself, but he is willing to recommend it to others so that more people can see it.

"Oh yes," Tyrannosaurus, I will compensate for the damage caused to this place! Please accept my apology! "A Bin said to Feng Yi.

If a pet causes damage, of course the owner must pay compensation.

After A Bin and Wei Hongxi left, Feng Yi continued to look at his collection.

Having already seen the small garden, he walked into the exhibition hall of the collection hall.

It is still vacant inside, and the arrangement of storage spaces is in progress.

The completed models are stored in a warehouse not far from here. They will be moved after the subsequent renovation and construction of the collection hall is completed.

come over.

The interior layout and the area where each collectible is placed are made of simulated plant landscaping. In addition to the habitat simulation corresponding to each creature, there will also be some other decorations to set off the atmosphere.

The project manager attaches great importance to the infield layout. Although the landscaping work is outsourced to a professional, he will also personally follow up and confirm.

Currently, only some of the museum's collections have identified species. The space in the museum is very large, and it is not full now. It will be gradually added in the future.

Currently, they are only working on the schedule they receive.

Because this collection is not for profit and is a private place, the location of the models and the order of the booths are all arranged according to the timeline of Feng Yi's encounter with these species, rather than based on rarity and appearance.

Therefore, in terms of sorting, their construction personnel do not need to spend any time and can just sort according to the list given by Party A.

He and his team knew most of these collection slots and display areas, but there was only one area where they still had doubts.

That was a special but very important showcase. Judging from the design drawing, this is position C of the exhibition area.

The entire collection hall is circular in shape and looks like an Ouroboros, but the space is larger at the "Ouroboros" node of the snake.

This area is the beginning, the end, and the center.

If this special area can be designated and placed, it must be very important, even a model with core significance.

The information previously received by the project team showed that there would be a model with a height of more than two meters, but they did not know what it looked like.

They had previously speculated that if it was more than two meters long, it might be a snake or crocodile or many other animals. But if it was more than two meters tall, apart from the model of the Titan clam, could it be some ancient creature?

"Now we are doing the infield layout, but we still have a question. Because we don't understand it, and we haven't received the landscaping design drawings for this collection space, it is currently vacant."

The project manager pointed to the core area: "What kind of species are displayed here?"

Feng Yi was silent for a moment and said, "You don't need to worry about this place."

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