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The old man finally left.

Feng Chi called Feng Yi that night.

The moment he learned that the old man had passed away, Feng Chi sent a message to Feng Yi. I'm calling now because I want to tell you in detail what happened that day, but it's too uncomfortable to hold it in.

Feng Chi has very complicated feelings about the old man. Now that the old man has left, he doesn't want to talk too much about the old man's past. He just wants to talk to Feng Yi about something that happened in the Feng family today... that is hard to understand. Behavior.

The old man suddenly suffered a huge stimulus and couldn't bear it.

But the question is, what stimulated the old man?

The old man asked his secretary to go to the old house to find a zodiac sign and spend money, then he locked himself in the ward without seeing anyone else.

But it is true that he will never die with his eyes in peace.

"The old man seemed to have seen something before he died, or what kind of scene? His heart rate suddenly shot up extremely high, and his eyes were wide open... and his expression was quite scary!"

Feng Chi didn't see the scene. He just listened to his parents' description and felt butterflies in his heart.

"I heard that the medical staff who were nearby were frightened."

Feng Chi lowered his voice. Although no one was eavesdropping, he couldn't help lowering his voice when he mentioned this matter:

"The doctor who has been following the old man for many years said that he has never seen such a look on the old man's face. It seems to contain a lot of strong emotions, but he can't explain the reason. In short, it is... very scary!"

When Feng Yi heard this, he couldn't help but wonder, what did the old man see when he was dying?

Feng Chi swallowed, took a deep breath, and continued: "Before he died, the old man kept holding a coin in his hand. It was the zodiac coin that the secretary found from the old house! He held it so tightly that the medical staff couldn't do anything at the time. Let him loosen his hands and the coins will be embedded in his flesh!"

On the phone, Feng Yi raised his eyes and took out his zodiac sign to spend money. Thoughtful.

Over there, Feng Chi continued to talk about what happened next.

Everyone in the Feng family received the news from the hospital. No matter what their original thoughts were, they rushed over and were shocked and frightened when they saw the old man's appearance.

Some people chanted sutras on the spot.

Feng Chi: "My uncle secretly found a Taoist priest to perform rituals. After he was done, he felt uneasy and found another monk."

Feng Yi: "..."

Feng Chi paused and continued. Not as smooth as before, with indignation, but hesitantly: "There is also a very outrageous... um... internal rumor, I don't know who spread it in the first place."

"What rumors?" Feng Yi listened.

Feng Chi: "Some people say that the old man was killed by your... um... coin curse."

Feng Yi: "..."

? ? ?

Feng Yi: "Why didn't I know I still had this ability?!"

Feng Chi said excitedly: "It's the rest of the Feng family, not including me! Of course I don't believe it, but everyone else seems to believe it!"

Having seen Feng Yi flipping off a truck, Feng Chi certainly didn't believe that Feng Yi would use this method to attack the old man under everyone's noses.

There are plenty of ways to use it, so why use this one?

The first time he heard this rumor, Feng Chi also used other reasons to refute it, but the rest of the Feng family believed it!

As soon as this statement came out, those in the Feng family stopped talking about easing their relationship with Feng Yi. Feng Yi seemed to have become an "unspeakable" presence in this big family.

Looking at the old man's death, even the experienced, experienced and calm uncle Feng Chi shivered at that time: "It's too cruel!" Insidious and vicious!

Of course, these statements are only made by them in private and will not be spread out. Once word spreads, the impact will be great, and they are also afraid of being retaliated by Feng Yi.

Because they were too scared, believed in this view, and worried about damaging their family fortune, they spent the night searching for money in their homes that might exist in that corner and had received money with similar zodiac signs. After finding it, they threw it away far away. Lose!

As for the zodiac sign that the old man has been holding on to for a long time, of course he has to ask the master to take it out quietly and bring it to a famous Taoist temple or temple, and pay a lot of money to ask an expert to suppress it!

After hearing this, Feng Yi said: "..."

ah? ? ?

What? !

Originally, he was still thinking about what happened before the old man died, but when he heard the Feng family's actions, Feng Yi was shocked to the point that his train of thought suddenly stopped.

Ah this...

Although the old man used to hate spending money on zodiac signs, according to Feng Chi's description, Feng Yi guessed that before his death, the old man's thoughts must have changed drastically, otherwise he would not hold on to the zodiac sign and spend money.

Even at the last moment, the old man may have understood the persistence of the deceased elders.

The old man probably didn't want to throw away his zodiac sign and spend money.


My descendants, throw away that zodiac sign! I still want the temples and Taoists to suppress them!

Can the precise behavior of going against the decisions of ancestors be inherited? !

I didn’t know what to say for a moment.

After talking on the phone with Feng Chi, Feng Yi walked to the terrace and looked at the night sky.

The old man's era has finally come to an end, and he has no interest in recalling what the old man did in the Feng family.

Feng Yi thought about what he heard on the phone just now.

That day I went to the hospital to see the old man and mentioned spending money on zodiac signs. At that time, I just wanted the old man to find his own one.

This special zodiac sign has a lot of money and is "packed". It has some energy that ordinary people can't perceive.

If you are lucky, if the old man has had some special experiences and has some special nodes in his memory, you may be able to find relevant hints from them. If he couldn't find it, Feng Yi wouldn't tell him.

Now it seems that the old man should have gained something.

I wonder if the old man saw a vast picture that is unimaginable to ordinary people when he was dying?

Did he find the answer he wanted?

Over there with the Feng family.

The boss of the Feng family, Feng Yi's uncle, who finally took power, was not as satisfied as outsiders thought.

They have asked the hospital to keep the news about the old man's death a secret.

I performed several rituals in secret, but I didn't feel very relaxed. I also had a tacit understanding that I didn't want to have contact with Feng Yi.

The old man's funeral affairs consumed a lot of his energy.

In addition to arranging a series of ritual activities, there is also the distribution of property, which is the key point!

In the next few days, the Feng family's old house was always busy. Now that the old man is gone, everyone has stopped pretending, and the quarrels have never stopped.

The old man did make a will before, but now they know that some of the assets in his hands have not been distributed!

Those were the ones in front of Fang Fengyi in the hospital that day.

Feng Yi didn't pick up those things, but the other Feng family members' eyes turned red.

Then, before they could allocate themselves, the investigation team came to the door.

The old man's secretary and several cronies were invited to tea. I didn’t come out after drinking for several days.

Some of the old man's property involved in the case has also been seized and frozen. It will only be returned if it is found to be irrelevant to the case.

Most of those that once appeared in front of Feng Yi and those that everyone in the Feng family was fighting for were blocked.

Everyone in the Feng family was anxious.

They all know that many of the sources of the old man's wealth are not so bright, and now they just hope that the old man will do his job cleanly! otherwise…

Seeing that the acquired wealth was about to fly away, the eyes of everyone in the Feng family became even redder.

When Feng Chi took the time to talk to Feng Yi on the phone, he asked curiously: "Brother, did you say that the old man put those things in front of you to deceive you, or did he want you to protect these assets?"

"I don't know." Feng Yi sighed.

No one knows what the old man was thinking at that time.

The Feng family has to deal with the investigation of the investigation team and the eager eyes of the surrounding people. Extremely busy.

However, without the old man's suppression, they can freely express themselves.

They have made the decision themselves, and they have to face it themselves.

As for how many people can withstand this pressure and how many people will be hit, it has little to do with Feng Yi.

The Feng family did not want to sell the old house where the old man had lived for many years, and even planned to move there for a while.

It used to be a psychological shadow, but now it's getting what you want.

It's a bit like - I don't know how many people died in the place where the emperor lived in ancient times, but a bunch of people still crowded there.

But before they moved there, they also asked the master to perform rituals.

The old man's funeral was a little rushed, but it was a grand event.

Some of the new generation in power were emotionally stable, while others were in tears, attracting attention in their own ways.

Feng Yi also went there. Wearing sunglasses and dressed very low-key, he was similar to many people around him.

Feng Yi had someone send him a wreath, and he was clearly separated from the Feng family in terms of etiquette.

Nothing more was done.

At the funeral, Feng Yi also discovered people from the investigation team.

Probably in order to control the impact, the people in the investigation team dressed very low-key so that they would not be easily recognized. They looked at everyone who came.

Feng Yi also saw Feng Chi.

As a celebrity, Feng Chi was interviewed by local media. If he wanted to hear what Feng Chi said about the old man, it was best to express some subjective emotions.

Feng Chi was fooled.

It is true that the old man was not a human being in many cases, but at the same time it did allow him to live a rich and prosperous life for many years. At this time, nothing he said was right.

Dealing with people who worked in the media, Feng Chi recognized Feng Yi, but it was not easy to chat in this situation. Feng Yi obviously didn't want people to recognize him. So he made a gesture from the distance.

They can talk about anything directly on the chat software, which is more convenient and they don't have to worry about being overheard.

Feng Yi also discovered that other people in the Feng family recognized him but did not come over to talk.

Everyone who meets his gaze will be a little frightened, and then hurriedly look away, touching their pockets, wrists, chests or other places intentionally or, they have eminent monks or Taoist priests with them to consecrate them. The "magic weapon"!

Feng Yi suddenly said: "..."

He looked at the people.

That kind of fear and avoidance is really not an act.

Feng Yi remembered the "cursed killing" rumor that Feng Chi had said, adjusted his sunglasses, and left.

That's fine, keep your distance, keep your boundaries.

His appearance and departure were low-key, and he did not intend to cause trouble at the funeral. No need.

Behind Feng Yi, there was a crowd of people present.

Feng Jing, who was taken by his parents as a good child, looked at the figure walking out, pursed his lips, and felt a little anxious.

At this time, he tricked and persuaded his parents to receive a chat message on the new smart watch they bought. After clicking it and reading it, I was immediately delighted.

He ran away on the pretext of going to the toilet.

While passing somewhere along the way, he took out a small cloth bag behind a flower pot.

Without even looking at it, he put it in his pants pocket and ran to the bathroom.

After closing the door of the toilet cubicle, he took out the cloth bag and poured out a brand new coin with a very special pattern.

This was what Feng Yi promised to give to him after he left a message to him.

Feng Jing grinned with satisfaction and carefully put it in the inner pocket of his clothes.

After packing up, I came out and met Feng Chi.

Feng Chi had just finished dealing with a few media people and went to the bathroom to drink some water. He didn't expect to see Feng Jing here.

After looking around, Feng Chi stopped him and said:

"Are you alone? There are a lot of people today. Please be careful and have someone with you, so you don't get stolen again!"

Feng Jing hummed, looked up at Feng Chi again, "hum" and ran away.

Fengchi:? ? ?

Hey, what do you mean? What are you so proud of?

I don’t know if there will be a second update, but if not, I’ll see you next year!

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