Finally sprinkle flowers!

   When I wrote this sentence, it was 2:30 in the morning on August 2, 2023.

   This book began on August 1, 2022. At that time, I boldly knocked on Luming’s QQ, licking my face and asked him to give me the opportunity to sign this book.

   It has been exactly one year since I wrote it.

  To be honest, on the day I started writing, I never thought that I would persist for so long, nor did I think that I could write this book to nearly 1.7 million words.

   I have stumbled and stumbled to this day, and the first thing I want to thank is the readers who subscribe to the genuine edition!

Many book friends: Tears of the Starry Sky, Taiban, Yuyuyu, Pray for Light, Seven Soul Eyes, Mukan Chunqiu... I remember your names, even if it is just a brief encounter in this book, it is enough to move me It's been a long time.

  Hahaha, starting point is always a fascinating place, because he does the best in the industry in terms of reader and author interaction.

  The original ending was planned to be written yesterday, which happened to be the first anniversary.

   As a result, I deleted and deleted, changed and changed, and finally failed to finish writing the 10,000 characters before twelve o'clock.

Strictly speaking, this is the author's first completed book, and it is also the first time to write the results at the starting point. Today, I drew this full stop cautiously. Although I don't know if everyone is satisfied, I am still quite satisfied. .

  Basically everything that needs to be written has been written, and the pits dug and the sloppy words have all been rounded up, which is relatively complete!

  Of course, if you want to pick faults, there are so many faults in this book that I want to complain about it myself, so all I can do is to write the finale as well as possible within my ability.

  Well, stop moaning, let’s say goodbye to everyone here!

  The road is far away, the book "Full Talent" has come to an end, I hope everyone can be happy and safe in life!

   Sincerely, Jian Guan Xinghe!

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