Chapter 55: Arresting a Thief

"In this case, the things of the four factions will become the whole of Tianyuanzhou. At that time, there will be a group of talents and talents." Li Xing narrowed his eyes, and the people attending the meeting will not exceed Fatian Triple. He is quite sure.

Even if Fa Tian is quadruple, he has the confidence to fight. Vajrayana is the ninth important of magical powers, and Xuanjie fetuses have greatly increased his strength.

"Wan Famen was well prepared and would not ask outsiders to help. However, according to reliable news, Wan Famen has trained a group of mages, each of whom has amazing strength, but he has not been exposed to the outside world before. Therefore, when you participate, you Be careful not to underestimate them. "Qingyu warned seriously.

"Naturally, I will not underestimate anyone." Li Xing nodded.

Having said the truth, the two talked about each other's experiences over the years, and Li Xing also knew Qingyu's identity and history. Master Qingyu was one of the senior figures of Taixumen at that time.

The Qingyu Taoist was the deputy head of Taixumen at that time. At that time, a great demon corpse was easy to suffer, and she had revenge against her father, so the two sides fought several times.

Because this is a personal grudge, it's too fictitious to intervene. Until one time, the Qingyu Taoist went to the ice and snow wasteland alone, looking for a treasure, but unexpectedly fell into the "dead body" set by the corpse demon, and a generation of the proud woman finally fell.

However, before the Qingyu Taoist fell, he also gave a severe blow to the corpse devil, causing him serious injuries. And at the time of the fall, she secretly performed the "rebirth and reincarnation strategy", retaining her reincarnation.

Now that she has returned from her reincarnation, the Taoist Taoist practitioners have re-trained to Fa Tian Jiu Zhong. It won't be long before they can step back into Fa Tian Jue again and restore their strength.

Speaking of the corpse demon, Qingyu said: "After the reincarnation, I have been searching for the whereabouts of the corpse devil. This man was the first master of the demon in that year, and it was impossible to disappear immediately. But strangely, I have never seen him. But , I did find out that this great devil had received a heir, whose name was Wuji. "

"What? Corpse Promise?" Li Xing was surprised. "I have heard of this person. He used to teach Qi Yupai to teach you Yuxu gambling. But this person has nothing to do, but he is a **** of five or six. That's it. "

Qingyu shook her head: "This corpse is infinitely proficient. Now that we have the true story of the corpse demon, I am afraid that he is not weak now."

Li Xing nodded, feeling very likely. That corpse Wuji and You Yuxu fought a battle. It has been more than ten years, and he can grow up. The corpse demon has a very high skill, and the disciples they receive must be extraordinary, and they must be super-qualified.

The two talked for a while, and a light came down and a woman appeared. The woman, Li Xing faintly recognized, his eyes lit up and shouted, "Xiang Lan?"

This woman is Xiang Lan, who hasn't seen her for a few years. She has grown up.

"Hum! Brother Li, your cultivation is not as good as mine!" Xiang Lan glanced at Li Xing with a smile. This little girl is currently under the weight of Fa Tian, ​​and her realm is indeed several levels higher than Li Xing.

Li Xing wasn't angry, but praised: "It's amazing! No wonder Qingyu had to accept you at the beginning. It's rare for you to wait for good qualifications."

Qingyu laughed: "Laner, you must not underestimate Li Xing, ten of you are not his opponent."

"Huh?" Xiang Lan was startled and looked at Li Xing again. "Sister Qingyu, won't he? Is he so powerful?"

"That's not it. We are too fictitious to invite him to participate in the Wizards Assembly, and use his strength to suppress Wan Famen." Qing Yu smiled.

Xiang Lan had to believe this time, she looked at Li Xing like a monster, and resentfully said: "Brother Li, you are obviously the sixth person of God and man, how can you be better than me?"

Li Xing rolled his eyes: "I didn't say I was great."

Xiang Lan flattened his mouth and suddenly reached out to grab him. This catch is a trivial matter, casting a spell, calling "Thousand Wind Binding". This spell, the rule of wind control, binds the enemy.

Each cyan phosgene, extremely tough, entangled Li Xing.

For another ordinary six-man god, I'm afraid I'll be caught. But Li Xing just shook his body slightly, and the blue light disappeared. Xiang Lan whispered and jumped away. Only when Li Xing was shocked just before, she felt a wave of horrible power, till it was endless and boundless.

Moreover, this power is very weird. It seems that it is not just the divine power, but also other powers.

"Do you know now?" Qingyu asked jokingly.

Xiang Lan smiled with a hesitation and said, "Brother Li is terrific. I will only be happy. At that time, we will participate in the Wizards Conference together, and he can help me."

"You also want to participate?" Li Xing was surprised. Although he didn't continue to say anything, Xiang Lan heard what he meant, because he was worried about her lack of strength.

"Why? Can't I participate?" The little girl raised her chin and was very proud. "But I just want to participate."

Li Xing looked at Qingyu, who said with a bitter smile: "There are only 17 masters of Taixumen Fatian triple and below, so as long as they meet the conditions, they will participate."

"Isn't this going to take a lot of risk?" Li Xing was shocked. At the Wizards Conference, in the event of encountering powerful characters, killing them one by one, it would be too heavy to lose money.

"There is no way. Wan Famen will dispatch at least 20 mages. If the number of virtual portals is too small, they will be at a disadvantage." Qingyu reluctantly said, "So I only proposed today that you can participate together, hoping to Make up. "

Li Xing became silent and felt that this Wizards Conference was really dangerous.

At this Wizards Conference, as long as the entire Tian Yuanzhou is a character who is not higher than Fa Tian Triple, I am afraid that they will be dug out by various factions and sent to the conference to compete for quota. Moreover, Taixumen will never only look for him as a foreign aid, there must be other powerful characters to join.

At the time of the conversation, Emperor Tianxie had told him in detail the situation on the battlefield in ancient times.

The battlefield in ancient times is the place where those characters from myths and legends fought in ancient times. Gods, real people, witches, immortals, and other characters who have been around the world have appeared there.

Therefore, on the battlefield, there are many ancient relics, among them are extremely precious exotic treasures. In contrast, the great wasteland is really nothing, the two are not at the same level.

If the great wilderness is a desert, then the ancient battlefield is a treasure house.

In history, many of those who entered the battlefields of ancient times gained great opportunities and inherited the ancient times. Even today, many practice methods are passed down from ancient battlefields.

For example, Bone Spirit Gate, Troll Gate, and so on, all have ancient traditions, otherwise they will not rise so quickly.

Now, Li Xing has condensed the fetus. At present, the most urgent thing is to find the treasures and feed the fetus. Moreover, the ancient Xuanjing in his hands must also be perfected, which will require a large amount of ancient authentic texts.

Among the ancient battlefields, there are the most ancient authentic texts. Almost everyone who enters the battlefield can bring out some ancient texts.

The ancient Xuanjing itself is also a treasure that nourishes the fetus. This baby, continuously releasing a bunch of qi, made his fetus even stronger. When the Ancient Xuanjing is completely replenished, it will certainly bring a huge surprise to Li Xing.

Of course, finding all the ancient characters is undoubtedly a huge project. It is impossible to complete just one trip to the ancient battlefield.

"Li Xing, there are still nine months before the Wizards Conference. In these nine months, you might as well stay in Taixumen and practice with peace of mind." At this time, Qingyu suggested.

Li Xingdi waved his hand and refused: "Thank you for your kindness. I still have something to do. I must leave immediately. Nine months later, I came too punctually."

Qingyu didn't want to stay, nodded: "Okay, if you have any needs, you can come to me. As long as you can do it, it will satisfy you."

As for Li Xing, as long as he is not blind, he can see his future achievements. It is definitely not a bad thing to make a good destiny with such a character. No matter it is Qingyu himself or too virtual door, this kind of thought exists.

"Thank you, I have no requirements." Li Xing smiled slightly. "However, I want to ask you one thing for my righteous father."

Qing Yu smiled: "Please."

Li Xingyi pointed to Beichen Changqing: "My righteous father, he has reached the tenth level of practicing God, but I think he has limited qualifications. I can't improve this life without special means."

"Would you like me to help him improve his practice?" Qingyu was indifferent. "But my practice is not yet in the realm. Now I can help him. I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"If someone in the state helps him initiate, he can immediately step into the level of law and heaven, thereby prolonging his life." Li Xing nodded, "Of course, this matter is not in a hurry, waiting for you to resume the previous life to discuss again It's not too late. "

Qingyu groaned: "Initiation is quite labor-intensive, but if you ask for it, I will agree."

Li Xing got up and said, "Thank you very much for coming to Japan."

Beichen Changqing was extremely grateful. He looked at Li Xing, not knowing what to say, and his eyes were moist. In fact, he accepted Li Xing as the righteous son and had a utilitarian heart, but today Li Xing treats him with such sincerity ~ ~ Li Xinghe said: "The righteous father, one day As a father and a father for life, as long as I can, I will help you. "

Beichen Evergreen nodded again and again, patted Li Xing on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, good ..."

After speaking with an old man, the next day Li Xing and Beichen Changqing left Taixumen and returned to Tianxingmen. During this trip, he gained a lot, not only relieved the star gate crisis, but also obtained an opportunity to enter the ancient battlefield. As long as he enters the ancient battlefield, he has the confidence to become the biggest winner!

Because the matter of the Star Gate has been resolved, after returning, Li Xing stayed for three days and continued to rush to the South China Sea.

After flying for half a month, he rushed to the South China Sea. The purpose of this trip was to hunt down the thief of thirteen thieves. It's just that the South China Sea is vast, and finding a person is undoubtedly very difficult. He decided to think of a solution first.

The first way, Li Xing first thought of seeking God's help. Providence, this institution is well-informed, and may know the whereabouts of the flower pickers. However, after contacting Li Xing, he received a disappointed reply, and Tianyi did not pick up the flowers.

In the end, he can only find it himself and set off on his journey.

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