Chapter 72: Swindling Tianfujing

Then, a loud loud noise erupted, the tone became sharper and sharper, and rushed upward until it was above Jiuxiao, and it did not stop. It took a long time for the tone to sink suddenly, like a meteorite falling into the sky, and then it turned into a dull roar.

Some mages who are superficially fainted and passed out after hearing this strong voice. At a glance, a few good people at Taixumen quickly cast the light and poured it into the light curtain to prevent the explosion from rushing out.

The tremendous strength shook the battlefield, and it took a long time to stabilize.

Li Xing stood in the air with a calm look, just like a dream. His body constantly released golden rays of light, which was the damaged Vajrayana, and the Vajrayana rune that escaped.

On the other side, Dugu Starskin was pale, staring at Li Xing with his teeth gritted, murderous, and seemed to be shooting.

The two of them were quiet, silent and motionless.

"I haven't seen such a wonderful battle for many years!" Tai Xumen sighed. "These two people are both wizards of the world, and Li Xing is even better. I hope he can win!"

"Li Xing's chances are bigger." Dongxu Tao said lightly, "Duogu star marks can't be hit in one shot, morale is weak, and it's impossible to give another blow to life."

"I hope so," everyone said.

However, on the battlefield, after a long time, Li Xing sneered: "How? Let's spell it again?" Outsiders didn't know that he had suffered severe internal injuries and could no longer send a return to Yuanyuan.

Dugu star-streaked with resentment, Li Xing took away his star power, it can be said that he has nothing against him. However, even a blow of life, such a thousand times the power of combat can not kill him, he has nothing to do at this time.

"A blow of life can only be performed once in a short period of time, and I can't perform it at all now!" He thought intently, "This matter must not let Li Xing know, otherwise this person will not let me go!"

"As long as he hits again, I must be seriously injured. I must find a way to scare him so that he dare not take it easy!" Li Xing had a similar idea in his heart. Both men are strong at the moment.

"Haha ..."

Suddenly, Doku Stars burst out laughing: "Unexpectedly, there is a character like you in the world! Even a blow of my life can't kill you! Admire!"

Li Xing proudly said: "What you call a blow of life is nothing more than that! It is far worse than a blow of Guiyuan! I suggest that we fight again and find out how long?"

He determined that the other party could not be so desperate again, and deliberately lied to him.

Sure enough, Dugu Starmark was taken aback, saying that if this person cast another hit, he would die!

Turning his thoughts, he sighed: "Li Xing, don't think I can't see it, you are already injured."

Li Xing's face remained unchanged: "Yes, I was injured, and it would cost me a price to cast a blow. However, this does not affect my combat effectiveness!" He sneered again and again, "Dugu Star Mark, you are surrendering, Or am I beheaded? "

While speaking, he took a step forward, and seemed to be about to shoot.

Li Xing was so aggressive that he immediately frightened Dugu Xingshen. Although he lost the power of Tian Xing Xing, he still had a treasure in his body. As long as he practiced for a while, he could restore the body of Tian Xing. Of course, he did not want to put his life here.

"Li Xing! Don't be too aggressive! Today, even if we are tied?" Forcibly calmed his mind, and Dugu stardrinked.

"A tie?" Li Xing was relieved in his heart, but the expression on his face was unreasonable, very scornful, "Only you, are you eligible to tie with me?" Then the tone turned, "Of course, if you are willing to pay For the price, I can consider agreeing to a tie. "

Dugu star marks secretly rejoiced and asked: "What conditions do you want?"

"I want to know, how do you train your celestial body?" Li Xing stared at him. "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't say it. When I kill you, I can search your memory! But, this way It is not the best policy to have a relationship that is detrimental to Wan Fa Men and Tai Xuan Men. "

Dugu Xingshen cursed in his heart: "Okay! This beast, actually hit my baby's idea! Whimsy!" In his hand, there is an ancient star sutra picture. With the help of the astral chart, you can open up the stars and meridians around the body, systematically cultivate the star power, and make rapid progress.

"I cultivated myself, I worked hard. If you don't believe it, then you will fight to death!" Du Gu star-screamed loudly, and he was fierce and guilty. In fact, he was afraid to fight Li Xing again.

Li Xing sneered: "That's the case! Please take it!"

"Slow!" Du Guxingshen jumped in his heart, and said positively, "Li Xing, my celestial punishment is indeed cultivated by myself, so there is no secret, so there is nothing to tell. However, I have a treasure in my body, maybe right You are useful. "

"Oh?" Li Xingshun descended the donkey and asked, "What is it."

Du Guxing marks took out a volume of Scripture from his body. Above the verse, Bao Guangyan, knew it at a glance.

"This is the‘ Sky Rune Classics ’. There are many wonderful ways to make amulets and make them valuable.”

Li Xing knew that the drama could not be played too much, otherwise it would be bad if it forced the other dog to jump off the wall. Immediately: "Okay, it's a treasure. Today, we are even draw. However, when you go to the ancient battlefield, you just do n’t think about it. Like luck. "

Dugu Stars breathed a sigh of relief, surrendered the Tianfujing, and arched his hand: "If the mountains are not changed, the green water will flow!"

"Anytime!" Li Xingdao also flew out of the arena.

The two sides of the match demanded a draw, this kind of thing happened for the first time. After asking several opinions, Master Qingyu announced: "Li Xing and Dugu Starscore, draw!"

Li Xing returned to the platform and immediately sent a voice to Dong Xu: "Head, can there be room for me to practice with peace of mind?"

The head asked secretly, "Your injuries are serious?"

"The injuries were severe and we must retreat as soon as possible." Li Xing smiled bitterly.

"It seems that you are struck by that lonely star mark." He smiled and waved, and Li Xing entered a small cave sky. In the sky, there is no sky, no ground, and a cloud of white air.

"You can adjust the time for this cave day. After one year in the inside, one day outside, you can practice with peace of mind." Dong Xu said.

Li Xing understands that the Dongxu Taoist did this because he was worried that if there was another fight outside, and he could not come forward, that would be a bad thing, so he adjusted his time and let him recover as soon as possible. This kind of time control method is also used by Master Tai Yi, and Li Xing is no stranger.

Next, he had to run the third day of silkworm exercises to transform, otherwise the fetus might leave a defect.

The golden silkworm quickly condensed, and Guanghua glittered, and he quickly recovered from the injury in the cocoon.

However, it was said that Dugu Xingshen returned to the side of Wan Famen, and the more he wanted to hate him, the more he could not help but vent his grievance.

"Dolly star mark, Li Xing was also seriously injured." An elder who is good at peeping, "I saw that Dongxu Taoist took him into Dongtian, and he must have recovered his injury."

Dugu star mark snorted coldly: "Sooner or later one day, I will frustrate him!"

Li Xing practiced for seven days and recovered as before, but only a short time passed outside. When he came out of Dongtian, the last match had just ended.

The game was played one game after another, and on the third day unconsciously. When the twentieth inning was over, 19 people were eliminated in this round. However, because Li Xing and Dugu Starscore were tied, the 21st inning will be played next time, so one more person will be eliminated. In this way, only 60 people can enter the ancient battlefield.

The roulette rotates, and the sixty-one personal names on it flash continuously. In the end, two names are displayed: Li Xing and Ren Chongtian.

Li Xing smiled bitterly and got up.

At the same time, one side of Wan Famen also walked out.

Li Chongtian, Li Xing knew something. This man has threefold law and has not used any magic weapon, but he can easily win every time.

In the arena, the two were ten steps apart, both staring at each other, ready to shoot.

"Li Xing! The treasure of the sixth son is on this person! I felt that power for my teacher." Tianxie warned, "Be careful."

"I understand!" Li Xing said.

On the side of Wan Famen, several high-level expressions were solemn. Among them, the Vientiane Taoist said: "As soon as the town of Tianshi comes out, Li Xing will die. However, Ren Chongtian will also be backfired."

"This son is unexpected again and again, wait for me to figure it out." At the central position, Tianji Daojun began to implement the "Tianji Algorithm", he spit out a clear light, the light was turning and changing, and mysterious.

After a moment, Tianji Daojun snorted and sighed, "If the two of them continue to fight, Ren Chongtian will fall!"

The Vientiane Taoist was very surprised: "Brother, can't Zhentian Stone kill him!"

"I don't know what practice method I have cultivated, the vitality is extremely tenacious and the explosive power is amazing. According to the calculation, once Zhentian Stone strikes, it will disappear. Then Li Xing beheaded and killed Ren Chongtian when he was seriously injured." Tianxun Road said.

The Vientiane Taoist made an immediate decision and suddenly said to the audience, "Li Xing, how do you discuss with you?"

Li Xing was preparing to take a shot, and suddenly heard the head of Wan Famen opening his mouth, his heart was strange, and he said, "Please tell me!"

"Ren Chongtian has a very powerful treasure called Zhentian Stone. It is extremely difficult to be urged, but once released, even Fajun will be suppressed. Li Xing, you are a generation of wizards and should not Falling down here, if you are willing to join Wanfamen at this time, this is a draw, how? "

Before Li Xing talked, the Dongxu Taoist laughed "haha": "Vientiane! The power of Zhen Tianshi has been heard by the Taoist, but Li Xing may not be able to handle it! Moreover, if Ren Chongtian can really kill Li Xing, Will you come forward to stop this fight? "

Dongxu hit the nail on the head, and Vientiane Taoists said coldly: "Dongxu, Wan Famen has always loved talents. This Li Xing has amazing qualifications and is not out in a thousand years. If you can join me in Wan Famen, it will be beneficial to both sides.

"Vientiane, unfortunately you are one step too late, Li Xing has promised to join me too virtual door!" A word thrown by Dongxu Taoist.

"Li Xing, as long as you say one word, you can join the Wan Famen, and no one can stop it." In Vientiane's tone, there is the majesty of the first major faction, who speaks freely.

The imaginary face of the cave showed anger, and Vientiane said that it was undoubtedly stepping on the face of the imaginary door!

In the face of the two martial giants, Li Xing looked as usual, and said lightly: "Thank you Wan Famen for your love, but unfortunately, the younger generation has always said what they must do, and it is difficult to obey."

"Hum! Shame on the face!" An elder of Wan Famen erupted. This is an old acquaintance. The five elemental princes who have seen one side in the forbidden ground. When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous, and the two of them stunned as soon as they came up.

Li Xing looked at the Five Elements Falun Gong and said loudly, "The five elements are old dogs! You haven't died yet. It's really surprising. Look at you, I'm afraid it's going to get into the soil, right?"

The five-element monarch was so angry that his nose was crooked, and Tengdi stood up and yelled, "Little beast, I must have chopped you today!" With a flash of his body, he went out of the light curtain and banged.


Fajun was powerful and shocking. He directly broke the light curtain and broke into it. The mana shot was directed at Li Xing.


Master Qingyu was furious. With a flick of his finger, there was a cold ray of radio waves coming around the neck of the Five Elements Fajun. I didn't know what magic weapon was. Everywhere he went, the space was cut into pieces.

As soon as the figure of the Five Elements Duke swayed, there was a great shock, and Li Xing and Ren Chongtian popped out of the battlefield at once. At the same time, the Lengmang was stopped by another phoenix that flew across, but was shot by another elder of Wanfamen.

The two Guanghuas collided, sending out a series of fierce collisions, and then each flew back.

At this point, as soon as the Dongxu Taoist waved his hand, Li Xing came to his side, in case Wanfamen gave up another poisonous hand. He stared coldly at the Vientiane Taoist, and said in a deep voice: "Vientiane! Do you want to undermine the conventions?"

Vientiane Taoist indifferent, rebuked the Five Elements Dharma: "Five elements, you actually act without permission, punish you to go back to the front wall for ten years!"

The Five Elements Duke ’s move was impulsive on the surface, successfully pulling Ren Chongtian out of the light curtain. The math of Tianyi has always been spiritually effective. If he is allowed to fight Li Xing, there will be no death, and Zhentian Stone will also be lost. This is what Wan Famen does not want to see.

The Five Elements Monarch bowed his head: "Yes, the Five Elements are willing to be punished."

Dongxu Taoist snorted coldly: "Wanfamen breaks the rules ~ ~ deserves punishment!"

Vientiane opened his eyes: "Empty holes, no one can punish Wanfamen!" Seeing, the two giants of the state are about to fight.

"That's it." At this moment, Tianji Daojun said, "Wan Famen really broke the rules and voluntarily gave up a quota. It's empty. Are you satisfied?"

At this time, after three rounds of competitions, Wan Famen still held 20 places exclusively, with obvious advantages, and a decrease of 19 was 19.

Dongxu Taoists do not take it seriously, archway said: "Tianji Taoist friends can speak naturally."

In this way, the Wizards Conference officially ended. Wan Famen received 19 places, Taixu Men received 15 places, Dayi teaches 14 places, and Troll Gate 12 places.

At this time, Qingyu announced the end of the conference, and Taixumen sent away the majors one after another.

Watching Wan Famen and his team go away, Li Xing looked sad and said, "What a Wan Famen! It is so shameless! That town Tianshi is one of the three treasures that make up the Five Elements Town Tianyin. The cooked duck actually looks Flying away! "

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