Chapter 789: Buffy Ghost

Chapter 789

Three of the most ancient royal families are the most terrible: the Prophet Royal Family, the Undead Royal Family, and the Ghost Family. The three royal families can end the past, present, and future of souls.

Ghosts were once very powerful. They devoured the future of humanity and turned them into ghost slaves. Each member of the royal family has several ghost slaves. Ghost slaves can also cultivate. Their strengths are strong and weak.

"The luck of the Nether Island is really swallowed up by the ghost clan, and there is no vitality!" Li Xing shook his head, and in his heart, he gave birth to an aversion to the ghost clan.

Suddenly there was a cry of "嘤 嘤" in front of him. Li Xing hurried forward, bypassing a gray grove, and saw a young girl sitting on the ground, crying very sadly. When the girl was thirteen or fourteen, she heard footsteps, stopped crying, raised her head and looked at Li Xing.

The girl's complexion was also dark, and her eyes were full of despair and sadness. Seeing Li Xing, the girl showed a curious expression and asked, "Who are you? How is it different from me?"

Li Xing was about to speak, and the girl suddenly screamed, turned into a wind, and rushed towards Li Xing. There was an engulfing force in the dark wind, and she actually launched an attack.

With a wave of his sleeve, Li Xing's powerful force directly dispelled the Yin Feng. The girl was rolling, falling to the ground, breathless, she looked at Li Xing in horror, but deep in her eyes, hiding the cold murderous power, full of vicious meaning.

With a sigh, Li Xing saw that the girl was a "ghost", a monster that had been devoured by the ghost family. Strictly speaking, she is no longer a human, not even a living creature.

The girl turned into a cloudy wind and fled away.

Li Xing stood still. He knew that when the girl left, he would attract more ghosts. Sure enough, not long after, a thick overcast wind came and three men appeared.

"Who are you?" The three men were surprised when they saw Li Xing. They have never seen such people, all of them are full of vitality and vitality, which makes them very disgusted.

Without the ghosts of the future, natural aversion is full of aliens of the future and vitality.

Li Xing frowned. He reached out and scratched, and the memories of the three male ghosts were all extracted. Immediately, he had a certain understanding of Youzhou. The next moment, his body disappeared, and the three male ghosts became blank, wondering what had just happened.

The sacrifice of the nirvana light, Li Xing silently walked through the nether continent without attracting the attention of any ghost clan. The memory that is read at all, there are countless ghost slaves throughout the Nether Continent. There are not many ghost clan members, only about 100,000.

The status of the three ghost slaves is not high and their knowledge is limited. To learn more, Li Xing must act in person.

Half a day later, Li Xing came to a large-scale palace, in which a ghost family lived and was a prospective king. This quasi-king of the ghost clan, with 800,000 ghosts, has a great influence and has a status in the Nether Island.

In the palace, the quasi-king was admiring the ghost girl singing and dancing, and there was a group of warriors sitting underneath, drinking and making harsh laughter.

Suddenly, the sound came to a sudden stop, and everyone looked out of the hall in surprise.

A man, alive and vivid, strode into the temple with a smile, so that everyone was stunned. The person who came is Li Xing, the great emperor of Yuan Dynasty.

For a moment, the prospective king screamed, "Who?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Ignorance, have you forgotten that there are living people in the world?"

The quasi-king was furious and raised his hand to shoot a black light. This black light can extract human life and future luck, which is very vicious. However, it also depends on who is dealing with.

Li Xing just blew his mouth open, and the black light exploded. He reached out and grabbed the prospective king, and read the memory directly. Subsequently, the Yuanyuan Ding appeared on his hand and began to refine the prospective king of this ghost clan.

The blood of the Ghost clan is very evil. After the Yuanyuan Ding refined it, it could not be directly transformed, and it was very stubborn.


It was also difficult for Li Xing, who immediately put the prospective king into the altar. Suddenly, the quasi-king screamed and disappeared after a while. This ghost king can actually exchange the power of destiny and continue to bless it.

At the same time, the eight million ghost soldiers nearby stopped all they were doing, and then their figure gradually became vivid.

It didn't take long for them to vanish, and a touch of true spirit went into reincarnation. It turned out that Li Xing beheaded the quasi-king, and the ghost slaves under his control resumed their vitality and entered the cycle.

"That's how it happened." Li Xing smiled, grabbed his hands again and again, and the ghost warriors who were present were caught by him, thrown into the altar and sacrificed, all in exchange for fate.

After clearing the palace, Li Xing learned a lot. Not only did he get the power of fate, but he also had an in-depth understanding of Nether Island. The quasi-king knows more than that. There is a half-sacred **** in Youzhou! Three ancestors and twelve are powerful.

Li Xing continued to search for the second quasi-king, and also sacrificed it, and rescued hundreds of thousands of ghost slaves, allowing them to enter the cycle. Time and again, a large number of prospective kings and warriors were beheaded and killed, and countless ghost slaves were released.

On this day, Li Xing finally found a king of the ghost clan. The king walked away at the sight of Li Xing. It's a pity, if he gets past Li Xing? He was caught up, grabbed his hands, and directly sacrificed.

The king of this ghost clan is incredible. His Majesty has eight million ghost soldiers, all of which are explained at once. This time, a glimmer of vitality was restored to Nether Island, which naturally shocked the entire ghost clan.

On all sides, all members of the ghost clan who have senses came to Li Xing. This saves the trouble of searching in person, Li Xing simply waits in situ to come and practice one by one.

The ancestor also killed him casually. Why fear those kings and quasi-kings? I saw that they had no return, and each one was exchanged for the power of destiny by Li Xing.

Three days in a row ~ ~ more and more dead ghosts, the weather of the entire Nether Island began to change, to restore more vitality, no longer so lifeless.

Finally, an ancestor was shocked, tumbling with a hundred thousand Yin wind, rolling in with great momentum. However, the ancestor did not dare to be too close, but just drank from a distance: "Oh! Which sector are you from? How did you get to the Nether Island!"

Li Xing sneered: "You don't deserve to ask me." He reached out and grabbed it, and the Emperor Xing displayed it, and captured it directly. Without asking a word, he sacrificed it.

Although the ancestor of the ghost clan is powerful, to him, it is like a pig and a dog. You know, he can carry the siege of the three kings, and he will never be afraid of the holy kings.

As soon as the ancestor died, the entire Nether Island was a sensation. A moment later, the void cracked and an old man emerged from it. The old man, with a deep twilight, in his eyes, a dark gloomy phoenix is ​​spinning, as if a desperate world.

He stared at Li Xing, and Yousen said, "Mixed Yuan emperor, what did you go to my Ningzhou? Do you think I can lie to you?"


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