Chapter 792: Enlightenment.

Chapter 792: Enlightenment.

In the realm, there are many monsters. The invisible devil, the devil's demon, and so on that Li Xing contemplates from the fierce Zen of the Demon can be found in the realm. They are all powerful masters of the realm.

Territorial monks, the cultivation process is relatively simple. The first step is foundation, the second step is enlightenment, the third step is sermonization, and the fourth step is beheading. In the process, the first step of building a foundation is equivalent to the practice of training the blood and qi, and it is relatively long.

The second step of enlightenment is equivalent to the first six levels of Fatian; the third step of preaching is equivalent to the seventh level of Fatian to the state of Taoism; the fourth step of enlightenment is more advanced and has three realms, known as the third state of enlightenment.

Territorial monks differ from the monks above mainly in their mentality. Territorial monk, free mind. They disregard the rules, they want to kill, they kill, they set fire to fire. There is no ethics, no reason, and only instinct to act. In other words, they all have strong magical qualities.

In the realm, some powerful demon heads were cut off by the time of beheading, which belonged to the monks of the realm. For example, the demon heads of beings known by Li Xing are the heads cut off by an ancestor of all beings.

Territory monks can never leave the territories, because outside the territories, they are completely blocked. Li Xing can speculate that the so-called blockade is naturally the dragon elephant world, which is the handwriting of the dragon elephant.

The specifics of this situation are not yet clear to Li Xing, and he needs to discover them slowly.

The three realms of beheading in the realm, the first realm is the ancient realm, the second realm is the holy realm, and the third realm is the nirvana realm. It is roughly equivalent to the three levels of Heavenly King, Heavenly Saint, and Heavenly King.

Nirvana masters have not yet appeared in the realm, but there are nine masters of the holy realm; the king masters are as many as 108. As for the masters of the sermon level and the enlightenment level, they are even more numerous.

This information is very important to Li Xing, and he has determined one thing. The realm of land can indeed compete with the realm of heaven, as strong as a cloud.

At this moment, in the law of the realm of the earth, every time Li Xing breathes, he will constantly repair and understand this law of the realm. The chaotic array kept running, changing the structure of his body.

When Li Xing entered the territory of the wonderful family, he had become a territorial monk who realized the progression series.

Monks at the sermon level are called "earth masters". They are the masters of the laws of the earth. There are six realms of the earth division, which is called the earth division. These six realms are not easy, and Li Xing is not easy to disguise.

And the monk who realized the Taoism series is almost the same as Li Xing. Li Xing already knew from the ancient Xuanjing ~ ~ what the complete territorial laws are, and it is not difficult to "understand the Tao" at this moment.

There are four realms of monks at the level of enlightenment, namely, first enlightenment, little completeness, completeness, and great completeness. At this moment, Li Xing is a newly-discovered monk who has just come into contact with the laws of the land.

According to the memory read, the fabulous tribe is a relatively weak race in the realm of land, and has been oppressed by other races. Previously, those killed by Li Xing belonged to the Shura tribe.

The criterion for the division of the territories of the territories lies in the image of the devil in their hearts. For example, the Shura tribe will definitely cut off the Shura demon head when they are beheaded. After the people of the wonderful phase clan, they will cut out the magic head of the wonderful phase.

Li Xing entered the wonderful family clan and encountered many monks along the way, but no one came to ask. Because of the various ethnic boundaries, the appearance features are obvious. People of the wonderful family, handsome men, beautiful women.

Li Xing is quite in line with this condition and will not let anyone see any flaws.

(This chapter is not easy to write, a thousand-character small chapter, the next chapter is written five thousand supplements. Look at it tomorrow. Alas, it is getting worse and worse, let me think about it.)


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