Evolution Frenzy

Chapter 263: Duan Fei's ambition

   "What? Let me be the commander of the base?" In the commander's office, Cao Silong's eyes turned into copper bells.

   "Yes, is there any problem?" Luo Siling was very satisfied with Cao Silong's surprised performance. The face covered with gullies was a little brighter.

   "There is a problem...no, no problem!" Cao Silong, who wanted to refuse, saw Luo Commander's eyebrows raised slightly, and immediately changed the answer. But after enduring it for a while, Cao Silong couldn't contain the doubts in his heart, and asked, "What is the commander going to do next?"

"Take a rest." Commander Luo said angrily: "The old man has been in the army since the age of fourteen. He was named Yan Luo at the age of nineteen. He was caught when he was assassinating a head of a certain country in Europe at the age of twenty-six. He had nails and feet on his hands. The nails on my upper toenail were pulled out one by one by them. After that, without damaging my ligaments and bones, more than a dozen steel nails were pierced into my body. I didn't have a breather! Whether it was torture or torture The old man didn't subdue him because of the beauty plan. Later Xu Jianguo sneaked in alone and desperately rescued the old man..." At this point, Commander Luo's tone became bleak, and his face darkened. The brother who was born to death at the beginning, after forty-three years, is still separated from his own heaven and man forever.

  "Sorrow for the commander." Cao Silong's heart was shocked. This was the first time he heard that the worship of Xu Jianguo, which had been extinguished, was also ignited here.

"That time was March 1970. There was heavy snowfall in Europe. Xu Jianguo carried me and marched for 20 kilometers on foot. He was shocked to drag down the physical strength of those chasing soldiers. Daxue was a good helper, although it made the journey a little bit difficult. It was rough, but it concealed our tracks. This finally allowed Xu Jianguo and I to escape from the chasing soldiers. After finding a cave and treating my wounds urgently, Xu Jianguo went straight to death. I fell asleep on the ground. Later I learned that he had been lurking outside the secret prison for two days and one night in order to save me. He hadn't eaten anything except compressed biscuits. He used it to even urinate and defecate. The diaper only used by children. As for drinking water, you just grab the snow next to you and put it in your mouth..."

  Commander Luo is no longer a general who instructs the country, but an old man who cherishes the memory of the past. He talked about his past to Cao Silong babblingly, and Xu Jianguo was traced in many things.

  Cao Silong finally knew why Luo Commander tried to make his reputation stink at the end, and he also asked everyone to forgive him. Xu Jianguo, even if he did many wrong things, Luo Commander would forgive him. If it weren't for being blocked by the human coalition, if he could catch up with the blow that Xu Jianguo was seriously injured by Duan Fei, Commander Luo would definitely ask Duan Fei's men to show mercy.

  However, for Xu Jianguo's handling, Cao Silong could probably guess Luo Commander's method-life imprisonment is Xu Jianguo's final fate, but there must be an extra old man named Luo Yang in the room where Xu Jianguo was imprisoned for life?

   "I have a way." Suddenly a voice came from outside, and then a figure walked in from the door, but it was Duan Fei who had been listening outside for a long time.

   "Oh? Awake?" Luo Commander looked at Duan Fei who walked in, with a warm smile on his face. This smile made Cao Silong secretly jealous of him, although he knew that Luo Commander was cultivating himself as a successor, so he was very strict with him. But after all, I have been under Luo Siling for more than ten years, but the total number of smiles I saw Luo Siling on him is far less than Luo Siling's smile to Duan Fei!

   "Xu Jianguo is dead, but Huaxia Alliance is still there." Duan Fei's words were a bit inexplicable, but the well-rounded Luo Commander suddenly smiled.

   "Brother Duan, do you want Luo Commander..." Cao Silong tentatively softly.

"Presumably after this incident, Yanhuang Base has no face to continue to serve as the leader of the China Alliance. Although the Federal Base is not the largest, after this battle, the strength of the Federal Base is the most complete. This disappeared. Between them, the strength of the Federation base is already enough to occupy the top positions among the human bases south of the Yangtze River. With this speech, the reputation of Luo Commander has reached a very high level. Yanhuang Base The leading position of the United States is lost, and the Federation Base can take over, but the China Alliance has not yet disbanded."

  "So you let the Federal Base take over the position of the leader, and then let Commander Luo be the leader of the alliance?" Cao Silong's eyes lit up.

   "Yes, in this way, Commander Luo can continue to serve more people, and one of my future things can happen to be implemented." Duan Fei said in a deep voice.

  "What's the matter with you?" Commander Luo raised his eyebrows. Commander Luo was surprised that Duan Fei would take the initiative to persuade him to be the leader of the alliance. Of course, what was even more shocking was what Duan Fei said afterwards.

   "I want to set up a base of my own." Duan Fei shouted lowly.

"Brother Duan, what base do you set up?" Cao Silong laughed and patted Duan Fei on the shoulder: "Brother doesn't like this kind of commander status of calculating people back and forth, otherwise you will replace the brother as the commander. How is the location?"

   "No, the federal base is very good, but the location is not what I want." Duan Fei did not tell the truth in his mind. In the federal base, Commander Luo's mark has been completely branded. Although he has rescued the federal base many times, in the hearts of the civilians at the base, his position is still far less than that of Commander Luo. Even Cao Silong and Duan Fei didn't think he could be much better than him.

  After the last World War, Duan Fei finally realized that although his own strength can fight against a hundred people, even close to the first thousand. But what if the other party is ten thousand people? What's more, if it was near the Yangtze River, how many C-level monsters he encountered again? Once those monsters dragged him down, and then let the countless monsters in the Yangtze River beat him up, Duan Fei guessed that even if he broke through to the C level, he would not be able to withstand the beating of nearly 100,000 monsters.

  In addition, when Commander Luo was jointly reprimanded by the Awakeners in the human coalition, it was the people at the Federal Base who rose up to help Commander Luo to refute. Their support for Luo Siling is unconditional.

  This kind of thing is something Duan Fei never thought of. In the last days, the strong are the easiest to be respected, but the strong who can help the weak are more likely to get the support of public opinion. Of course, at this time, public opinion is the voice of the civilians in various bases.

  Establishing a base of his own, with a group of civilians who can only support himself, this is Duan Fei's ultimate goal.

  If you set up your own base, the Federation Base and the Bright Base will definitely become your own alliance, but if Commander Luo, who also supports him, becomes the leader of the China Alliance, then his base will develop faster and better. It will not experience the threat of corpse tides that all human bases face immediately after the disaster erupts.

  Of course, even if the tide of corpses broke out, there will be countless alliances to help in the first time.

  But Duan Fei didn't want to say these things, people's hearts are separated by their belly. After the last time Commander Luo chose civilians instead of himself, Duan Fei realized one thing, that is, in Commander Luo's heart, he is his own, but he is not yet a person in the base. In order to protect civilians, Commander Luo will give up himself, but if someone wants to persecute himself, Commander Luo will still help himself.

  In order to prevent similar things from happening, Duan Fei finally decided in his heart to establish his base in the shortest possible time!

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