Evolution Frenzy

Chapter 590: Phantom

"This is..." A moment ago, Duan Fei was confused about these symbols. Now I can understand the meaning of these words. Although I can't translate it word by word, I understand the whole paragraph. It is not difficult to describe what things are.

  There are two stories described here, the first paragraph is about the illusion of the origin of the earth.

3.5 billion years ago, the earth when life first appeared was completely different from today’s earth. At that time, the earth was just born out of a cloud of gas, dust and rocks. Although the composition of the atmosphere was uncertain at that time, it was dominated by carbon. The composition of the gas is no doubt, dense carbon dioxide, there may also be methane, there is no oxygen at all; the sun at that time was also different from the sun now. According to the theory of stellar evolution,  The temperature of the sun at that time should be higher than the current one.

  Sun temperature is 25~30% lower. In the early days, the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide in the air around the earth kept the earth warm and life continued. However, as the sun's temperature rises and the sea water becomes hot, more and more water vapor enters the atmosphere, plus hundreds of millions of tons of reserves. If the carbon dioxide in the carbonate rocks continues, the greenhouse effect will eventually get out of control, and the earth will be covered by a thick carbon dioxide gas like the current situation of Venus, and the high temperature can melt the lead. Fortunately, about 2 billion years ago, cyanobacteria began to appear in the ocean. They used photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide in the air into organic carbon compounds. For hundreds of millions of years, cyanobacteria and their transformed plants have greatly evolved and multiplied. Therefore, the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has kept pace with the warming of the sun. The theory holds that it is life itself that saves the entire world of life.

  On the other hand, the earth has never been calm since its birth. In addition to various droughts, floods, disasters, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, it is constantly bombarded by rocks and fragments from space. Most meteorites are small and become harmless meteors, and a few larger meteorites can reach the ground. About 100 million years on average,

A huge meteorite hit the earth, injecting a large amount of dust and gas into the earth’s atmosphere, blocking the sunlight, causing great disaster to the earth and extinction of a large number of species. The most recent one occurred about 65 million years ago and caused the The dinosaurs that ruled the earth's land became extinct.

  This mass extinction seems to be the first mass extinction in the peaceful era, but after the appearance of the ancient gods relics, mankind really realized that this was the first extinction.

  The comet not only brings life to the earth, but also threatens the existing life on the earth. Comets can give birth to life and give it to the earth 4 billion years ago. Of course, it can continue to give birth to life. These simple life forms may have been brought to the earth by comets, or come to our world because of the small dust left in the orbit of the comet while it is moving and falling on the surface of the earth. These life forms, which are unfamiliar to our earth creatures, resemble some filtering viruses, and Hall boldly assumed that these "comet viruses", no matter in terms of time or structure, are out of touch with our advanced earth animals. On the other hand, earth creatures have no resistance to these "comet viruses".

When the meteorite fell three years ago, the virus came to the world, and the human world was completely overturned. Various creatures evolved madly. This is the same as the wave of meteorites that wiped out the dinosaurs hundreds of millions of years ago. The same reason.

  Does life on Earth originate from the land or the ocean, or is it carried by asteroids from a distant place in the universe? So far, the issue of the origin of life on Earth is still a mystery that has made scientists exhausting their minds. They often hold their own opinions and are inconsistent. The planet we live in was formed about 4.6 billion years ago. To some extent, at an uncertain time, something must have happened, because this lifeless celestial body began to accept something very different from rocks and water. Something.

Nitrogen and carbon molecules evolved into dna, a kind of microbe that travels between the stars in the universe... The unquestionable fact is that after millions of years of the appearance of such tiny molecules, primitive single-celled bodies were born, and then slowly reappeared. With more and more complex aquatic organisms, they finally landed on land. Since then, various organisms have multiplied and spread on the earth on a large scale.

  There are about 2 million different kinds of creatures on the earth. However, this is only the number counted before the doomsday. After the doomsday, this number rises to an uncountable number. Various creatures merge with each other, and then continue to swallow the genetic nucleus of other mutant beasts. In mixed evolution, there are different biological genes even in the human body. There are gene nuclei of different types of zombies, and gene nuclei of mutant beasts with different abilities. They merge and absorb each other in the human body, transforming into a brand new one. Mixed individuals.

  But all kinds of living things originate from the same substance—a substance that can start the course of life to a certain extent. What kind of substance is this? This article will describe the latest theories and latest research results about life on earth. The fragments of some celestial bodies cruising in space are like a group of "robbers" in the universe, sooner or later they will collide with a certain celestial body. But some comets and asteroids that collided with the earth may have become the creators of life on earth. It is very likely that a comet brings a lot of water to the earth. If there is no water, the earth may always be a dry planet.

  Seeing this, Duan Fei couldn't help but wonder, the previous mass extinction of living things was caused by meteorites, and this time the mass extinction of humans was also caused by meteorites. Is there any mysterious connection in this.

  At this moment, the second fantasy was also automatically opened, and scenes of scenes abruptly entered Duan Fei's eyes and came into his mind.

This is a paradise-like beauty. The first thing that attracts Duan Fei's soul is the phenomenon in the air that cannot be explained by physics. The floating rocks slowly spin like a top, and countless iron chains. The stones are connected to each other, and there are all kinds of strange tall plants on the ground, some plants are more than two hundred meters high, like a skyscraper.

  In the clouds behind these scenes, a huge dreamlike island appeared, with tens of thousands of buildings lined up on it, and the scene was amazing.

  Swish! All the phantoms were taken back at this moment, turning into a red symbol floating in front of him again. Duan Fei, who touched it lightly, yelled like an electric shock.


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