Evolve from cloning

Chapter 124 Go Deep Underground

Chapter 124 Go Deep Underground

Ya Ge completed the third evolution and became a butterfly evolutionary?

Su Ze was overjoyed. In this way, the chances of hunting gravitational demons are much greater, at least there is no need to worry about safety.

Ya Ge in the cocoon breaking stage claimed to be able to escape under the hands of the holy class. Now that he is in the butterfly stage, a third-level gravitational demon must not be able to threaten Ya Ge.

Everything is ready.

"Then we will act tomorrow!"


On the second day, the freshmen were divided into teams of 20 and started their first hunting in the wild. Each team was escorted by an instructor or teacher.

They will not help, only when the students' lives are in danger, but if they do, the team's mission will be considered a failure.

But Su Ze and Ya Ge took the initiative to reject the teacher's protection.

Pei Wuhua didn't insist either, he knew that Brother Ya's ability to escape was superb, and those teachers and instructors who were responsible for protecting the students were only at the breaking stage, and might not be as strong as Su Ze in terms of strength.

"Let's go."

Su Ze greeted Brother Ya, and the two of them disappeared in place together.

After Ya Ge completed his third evolution, his stamina had obviously increased significantly. After two consecutive earth escapes, the two of them had already come to the vicinity of Qianying Tomb.

"Take a rest, let's walk there." Su Ze said.

The Qianying Tomb is said to be a bit weird. Thousands of evolved people were buried there, and countless corpses of strange animals were mixed in it. The power of evolution and evolutionary substances penetrated into the soil, causing some unexplainable strange things to happen there. .

However, some strange things may not have happened for real, and may also come from rumors, but just to be on the safe side, Su Ze didn't let Brother Ya escape directly.

After a short rest, Su Ze and Ya Ge came to Qianying Tomb.

Senyingzuka is about the size of several football fields combined.

Within the range of Qianying Tomb, the soil is pitch black, but it is not pure black, it seems to be the color of blood soaked in the soil and solidified.

Other places are lush with vegetation, but there is no grass in Qianying Tomb, and there are holes dug everywhere, and bones of people or animals can be seen everywhere.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a mass grave rather than a Thousand Heroes Tomb.

The legend of the Thousand Heroes has attracted countless treasure hunters. Some people think that the treasures of those who died in battle must still be missing under this soil. Some people think that under the influence of the power of evolution and evolutionary substances, these bones have the potential to become strange objects. possible.

It is also true that some people have dug up treasures here, so more people are attracted to come here to try their luck.

Even now, Su Ze glanced over and saw three or five figures digging around in this black land.

But Su Ze didn't expect to find any treasure here. Hundreds of years have passed, and countless people have dug three feet and countless times here. Su Ze didn't think he could find any treasure that was really missed.

"Let's go three or four kilometers underground to have a look." Su Ze said to Ya Ge.

He's going to get straight to the point and go straight to find the gravitational demon.

Brother Ya nodded, pulling Su Ze to perform Earth Dungeon.

But then his expression changed, and he said, "Tudun is useless."

Ya Ge kicked the dirt and said, "The black thing on the ground is not dirt, at least it's not pure dirt."

Su Ze frowned. There was no way to escape in Qianying Tomb. It seems that this area is really weird.

"Then let's escape from the normal land next to Qianying Tomb." Su Ze said.

It is unknown where the black soil of Qianying Tomb spreads underground, but it is impossible to go thousands of meters underground.

Their target is not Qianying Tomb, but the gravitational demons underground in Qianying Tomb.

The two came outside Qianying Tomb, and Ya Ge led Su Ze into the underground again. This time it went smoothly, but he only escaped to a depth of more than ten meters, and Ya Ge stopped because he found that the underground was actually empty. A tunnel was dug out.

Su Ze and Ya Ge stood in an underground tunnel, and found that the tunnel extended in all directions, with several forks leading to different directions of Qianying Tomb.

The two of them walked a few steps forward, and saw a hole that could only be passed by one person dug out of the black soil in front of them, leading to the inside of the Qianying Tomb.

It seems that someone has reached here through escapism and dug a tunnel to enter the Qianying Tomb to hunt for treasure.

Although the earth escape skill is a rare S-level skill, it is not unique to Yage. Su Ze and the others can think of using the earth escape to escape from the Qianying Tomb into the ground, and those treasure hunters with the earth escape skill must also think of it.

Su Ze tapped the black soil in front of him, and found that the texture was obviously harder than the surface, not like soil, but rock.

Sure enough, as rumored, the deeper you go underground, the harder the soil in Qianying Tomb becomes, making it harder to dig.

It would take a lot of time and effort to dig vertically from the surface, so using the earth escape skill can save a lot of effort.

Su Ze walked into the dug-out passage, glanced at it and immediately backed out, not interested in exploring at all.

The underground of Qianying Tomb has been dug into a sieve!

There are passages inside, extending in all directions, like a maze.

Looking at it like this, you can tell that there are really some treasures that have been dug away long ago.

Brother Ya led Su Ze to continue to escape underground, only to find that there were dug tunnels everywhere in the underground.

The two circled around the underground of Qianying Tomb, and found that the black land of Qianying Tomb spread underground in a funnel shape, and it was not only a few tens of meters deep as Su Ze thought, but at least spread underground hundreds of meters.

The entire Qianying Tomb is like a huge black cone inserted into the ground.

The upper part of this cone has been dug full of holes, while the lower part is extremely hard because of the soil, which is a test of the strength and patience of the diggers, so the further you go down, the fewer traces of excavation.

Su Ze and Ya Ge explored the depths of the ground all the way. At a depth of about 100 meters underground, more and more underground beasts were gradually discovered.

There are giant mole rats, lava earthworms, gophers, etc. These subterranean beasts have the ability to travel underground.

These strange beasts seemed to be attracted by the black soil of the Qianying Tomb underground. They lay lazily beside the Qianying Tomb, opening their mouths from time to time, biting off two grains of black soil and chewing in their mouths.

These black soils are a mixture of various evolutionary powers and evolutionary substances, which are too messy for humans to absorb, but they are quite attractive to these underground beasts.

Going down to 200 meters underground, the number of alien beasts here has increased significantly, and their strength is also stronger. Most of them are second-order alien beasts.

"Someone!" Ya Ge suddenly said vigilantly.

Su Ze also heard the movement.

Two hundred meters below the ground, they saw a passage dug in the Qianying Tomb, and the sound of chasing and fighting came from inside.

After a while, four people got out of it. The first three were young people in school uniforms. Su Ze's eyesight improved a lot after completing the second evolution. It can be seen clearly by the light of evolution emitted by the three people. "Lin Hua Noble Academy" was written on the school uniform.

And behind the three young people was a middle-aged man with a short cut, who looked like the teacher of Lin Hua Noble Academy who was in charge of protecting the three students.

One of the students held a huge squirrel-like beast in his hand, and said with a smile: "With this treasure hunting mouse, our chances of finding good things will be greatly increased."

The treasure hunter is a second-order alien beast evolved from the gopher. Compared with the gopher, it has no other skills, but it is very sensitive to the evolutionary material and the power of evolution. This ability is very suitable for finding treasures, so That's why it got the title of Treasure Hunting Mouse.

Although treasure hunters are only second-level animals, they are very rare. First-level gophers are everywhere, but 99.9% of them will evolve into second-level gophers, and only a very small number of them will evolve into gophers.

These students were really lucky to catch a treasure hunting mouse.

In the next second, the four teachers and students also found Su Ze and the others.

In this dark underground, several people are urging the power of evolution to emit the light of evolution, so the evolution level on both sides is also clear at a glance.

Three students of Lin Hua Noble Academy, two males and one female, two of them looked eighteen or nineteen years old, with red evolutionary light on their bodies, and one in his early twenties, with orange evolutionary light on his body.

And the middle-aged teacher who protects them is emitting a yellow light of evolution.

Four people, one at the butterfly stage, one at the cocoon breaking stage, and two at the chrysalis stage.

The middle-aged man with an inch head glanced at Su Ze and Ya Ge vigilantly, and quietly guarded the three students behind him.

He couldn't help being careless, after all, the yellow light of evolution on Yage's body was quite bluffing.

Su Ze didn't know if the four people in front of him had harmed Lao Fang and the others, but whether it was or not, it had nothing to do with him.

Although he didn't like the teachers and students of Lin Hua Noble Academy, he wouldn't take the initiative to avenge Lao Fang and them, after all, he didn't have any friendship with Lao Fang.

The point is, they may not be able to beat others.

Ya Ge's yellow evolutionary light is only for bluffing, and he can only run when fighting.

"Let's go." There was no communication between the two sides, Su Ze and Ya Ge continued to escape deep underground.

At about 300 meters underground, Su Ze and the others began to see third-order strange beasts.

Some strange beasts are extremely aggressive, such as hell centipede, abyss snake, etc. Once they find Su Ze and the other, these strange beasts will attack immediately.

Fortunately, Brother Ya ran fast, and the two of them were safe and sound all the way.

Four hundred meters underground, Su Ze and the others discovered a group of crypt spiders. Most of the spiders are solitary animals, but this kind of spider has evolved the habit of living in groups.

Near their lairs, there were dense cobwebs, and Su Ze and Ya Ge were almost covered.

Once caught by these spider webs, it is difficult to get out, and the prey caught in the web will quickly attract a large number of crypt spiders, and they will eagerly inject venom into the prey, and then wrap the prey with the spider web as a food reserve.

"Let's go straight down to three thousand meters, first to find the gravitational demon, and then slowly explore like this, the ghost knows what we will encounter later." Su Ze said.

Brother Ya also nodded in agreement, and said: "Then let's escape to a depth of three or four kilometers at once, and see the situation first."

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