Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 20: no longer hide

"Doctor Qiao, do you really not consider joining the 'emergency center'?"

Zhou Sibai asked again.

Qiao Xun said:

"Everything should be based on a certain purpose. I really don't know why you want me to join so much."

"Eight-legged frog man, second-order believer, girl 'red' puppet, third-order spokesperson, you have cleared the level with almost no injuries."

"Don't say it like playing a game, it's very dangerous, okay?"

"This is not the key. Just your attitude towards world change and your ability to learn make you qualified to join the 'Emergency Response Center'."

"But I have no talent..."

Zhou Sibai shook his head,

"I can even tell you frankly that talent is not the key. There is a mechanism of 'inheritance of talent' in the 'tower', that is, the talents of those members who died in battle can be inherited by others, although the conditions are harsh, But it's not impossible. Otherwise, do you think that the number of people who are naturally awakened can deal with so many polluting creatures?"

Qiao Xun pondered.

In fact, he doesn't care about any talent or not. The devouring ability of the body guarantees one thing, and that is that talent is the least thing he lacks.

On the contrary, what he lacks is the opportunity—

opportunity for advancement.

Don't look at him now that he has mastered two talents, "Amphibian" and "Mitan", as well as several talents that he has not yet started to learn from the girl "Red". In fact, he still has no idea about evolution, so that he still doesn't know which rank he is on the God Long Rank, and what the so-called totem is.

Moreover, as more and more contaminant creatures of the same species are devoured, the effect becomes worse and worse.

A very realistic thing, that is, the pollution incident in Zhidong City this time gave him a chance to grow up, but what if the pollution incident in Zhidong City was solved? Relying on him alone, where should he look for opportunities to grow?

In the fairy world of novels, you can still be a loose cultivator, after all, there is spiritual energy everywhere.

But the real world is different. If polluting organisms could easily see it, the world would be in chaos long ago.

Therefore, what he lacks the most is to constantly understand the world and constantly gain possible opportunities for growth.

And this, can the "emergency processing center", the so-called "tower" provide it?

"Join the 'Emergency Response Center', what can I get?"

Qiao Xun asked this straightforward question.

Instead, this is what Zhou Sibai wanted to see. Those who do their job are most afraid of those who do things with only blood, and such people generally die the fastest in battle. Fighting in ancient times paid attention to morale, but fighting against tainted creatures was all about comprehensive abilities, otherwise a control team would not have leaders, guides, sentries and warriors.

Qiao Xun's character that considers problems first from his own interests makes Zhou Sibai more at ease than a passionate person.

Zhou Sibai smiled and said:

"First of all, you can get the permission to view the first-hand information about pollution incidents, chosen people, talents, totems and everything you want to know; secondly, if the talent library has suitable talents for you, it will be matched with you as soon as possible; Then, we have a professional team that can tailor the growth space for you.”

"Don't use corporate language."

"Really. In short, you can participate in the control team's control confrontation mission."

Qiao Xun thought about it and asked:

"What about the salary? Welfare, year-end bonus, vacation, etc."

Zhou Sibai's expression froze slightly. He didn't expect Qiao Xun to ask such a question. In total, do you still think about it?

He exhaled and said:

"The treatment is definitely not bad, but we don't have many opportunities to spend money. The food and accommodation are all contracted by the organization. After a year, it's still a problem to save half a house in a good location."

After all, there are too few evolutionaries, and they cannot be exchanged for money. If they are not treated properly, it will be a huge loss to run away.

What Zhou Sibai said about the "treatment" was what Qiao Xun wanted.

But he still looked reluctant,

"I'll think about it again."

No matter what, he couldn't give Zhou Sibai the feeling that he was eager to join the organization.

"Think slowly on the road."

"Where are you going?"

"The pollution wave is about to break out. You have to prepare everything in advance. You can go to our control center to see how we work."

Um...not bad.

in the car.

The co-pilot Qiao Xun took out his mobile phone and watched the news.

The local news was broadcasting the "Monster Incident" that appeared on Wutong Street in Beiwan District.

The professional host also seemed to be strongly impacted by the three views, and his tone was trembling.

This time, the information is no longer blocked.

After the host broadcasted the news of the "Monster Incident", he told a comprehensive account of what was happening in Zhidong City. He no longer used "infectious diseases" and "epidemics" to describe the crisis, but frankly stated that "abnormal biological metal diseases" , describing how the disease spreads—

blood transmission.

Infected people will enter a cycle of illness:

First, the incubation period: it can be long or short, as short as a few hours, as long as several days, or even a dozen days.

Second, the infection period: the virus has different forms. At present, there are four forms in Zhidong City: frogmen, fish people, salamander people and crab people. At this stage, the human body will undergo great changes. Several typical representative pictures appeared on the TV interface without coding. In addition to physical changes, consciousness will gradually be eroded.

Third, the aberration period: consciousness is completely eroded, the virus takes over the body, and becomes a polluted creature that acts only by instinct.

Afterwards, the news broadcasted several videos of **** and heavy-mouthed polluting creatures in succession.

There is no coding, which also shows the seriousness of this incident.

At the end of the news, the host emphasized:

"Citizens, please stay at home and don't leave, close the doors and windows, and do not turn on the lights at night. All four polluting organisms have phototaxis. Then, please rest assured that the country and the government will save us."

Subsequently, the news entered a twenty-four-hour uninterrupted rotation.

As soon as the news was broadcast, the whole city was plunged into darkness, and no one had the courage to turn on the lights carelessly after seeing the disgusting and scary pictures on the news.

Qiao Xun looked at the street outside the car window and couldn't help but sigh:

"Ordinary people really have nothing to do with this kind of thing."

"Since ancient times, people have suffered the most."

"Is this matter only spread in Zhidong City?"

"Well, the entire Zhidong City is shrouded in large barriers, and information cannot be spread. At present, the Republic branch is still discussing whether to publish the metal disease related information nationwide. At present, many foreign governments have given up information blocking, especially It is those small neutral countries that are really powerless in the face of this kind of thing. Even big countries are still hiding it for the sake of social stability.”

"But you can't hide this kind of thing."

Zhou Sibai nodded,

"The full disclosure of the truth of the matter means a new era has come. We think about things for a moment, and the country needs to consider a lot from a macro perspective. Society and the country are a large group, not an individual, and it is difficult to control the work. made."

Qiao Xun was about to speak when a call came.

It is Yu Xiaoshu.

As soon as he connected, there was a cry of relief:

"You're still here, great!"

Qiao Xun smiled,

"What do you mean I'm still here?"

"I read the news and said that the community you lived in was destroyed by a monster. You don't know that I was shocked when I saw the news, and it took me a while to remember to call you. I thought, , you, you have an accident."

Qiao Xun comforted:

"I have always had good luck. When the monster appeared, I happened to be not at home."

Yu Xiaoshu sniffed,

"It's great, it's great."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Where are you now, the community has been destroyed, does UU read www.uukanshu.com have a place to live? Here I am... here I am," she said, "there just happened to be an empty room."

Qiao Xun looked at the desolate street scene that quickly retreated outside the car window, his eyes became very shallow, and he replied softly:

"It's okay, I have a place to live, you don't have to worry."

Qiao Xun was a little reluctant to keep the topic around this, so he asked:

"By the way, how is your body now, are you okay?"

"Well, nothing unusual."

"The news said, don't go out, don't turn on the lights, you have to remember."

"Well, don't worry."

"Then I'll hang up first, and I'll talk later."

"Okay, okay."

Qiao Xun hung up the phone and frowned slightly. He didn't like this feeling of worrying about others, but Yu Xiaoshu, a simple girl, really made him feel less at ease.

I came to work in an unfamiliar city by myself, and this kind of thing happened before I worked for a long time... I couldn't get through on the phone at home, I couldn't go out, and I still lived alone...


Zhou Sibai smiled and asked:

"What, little girlfriend?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"My assistant."

"Then I'm still curious. Your conditions are pretty good, and you're actually single."

Qiao Xun leaned slightly against the window, as if answering, as if talking to himself:

"I don't like the feeling of caring about others, and I don't like the feeling that others care about me."

Zhou Sibai was silent for a while, then said:

"You are really a special person."


The army green off-road vehicle galloped down the empty street.

On both sides of the street, there are polluted creatures hiding in the dark with saliva flowing from the corners of their mouths.

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