The kitten in her arms was shaking.

Joe asked:

"Saori, are you okay?"

He reached out and patted her shoulder,

As if struck by static electricity, Saori screamed and jumped away. Immediately afterwards, her reason returned to her at a slower pace.

"Mr. Qiao, long time no see!" She put her hands under her stomach and bowed respectfully.

Qiao Xun exhaled,

"Sasori, it's been so long, you're still so polite."

Sayori muttered,

"Because it's Mr. Joe..."


She hastened to say:

"Nothing! Nothing!" As if she didn't want Qiao Xun to continue talking on this topic, she immediately changed the subject and asked, "Mr. Qiao, why are you... suddenly alive..."

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"I'm not dead at all."

Realizing that she had said the wrong thing, Saori's eyes drooped down like frosted leaves,

"Ah, sorry. I didn't figure it out. Hey, why is Mr. Joe here all of a sudden?"

Qiao Xun explained,

"I just returned to China. I wanted to tell you, and then I didn't get through when I called you. Then... I instinctively felt that you were in danger, so I rushed over to have a look."

Even so, it's not instinct.

When I called Saori at the base earlier, I couldn't get through. But it's not because of poor signal, but because of special field interference. If it is fifth-order, Qiao Xun is more difficult to understand this special field, but he is already a demigod, and he is very sensitive to various abnormal forces. Sensitive, and after taking a closer look, realizes that Saori may be in danger. He couldn't let go of it, so he came to have a look.

"I'm giving you trouble again," said Saori, with her head down.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Saori, don't think too much. And don't always feel sorry for yourself."

Saori didn't know what to say, and lowered her head as if she had made a mistake.

Qiao Xun got up and walked to the beach without putting too much pressure on her. The waves crashing against the blue sand, what a beautiful place it would be if it weren't for the pollution.

"Sasori, why don't you just accept the kindness of others?"

Sasori looked at Qiao Xun's back and asked:

"The kindness of others... shouldn't you be grateful?"

"But, what kind of thanks? Sayori, do you bow desperately to thank your mother for making a good breakfast?"

Sayori was serious about anything, she thought about it and said:

"I will be grateful for my mother's hard work. But, I really don't do that."

"Yes, mother's kindness is a reflection of your love. The best way to thank her is to give equal or even more love. You love her, and that's what she wants most."

"...But, what about Mr. Qiao?" Sasori didn't know how much courage it took to ask such a question.

Qiao Xun glanced at her,

"Of course I have a greater love than not your mother, but in the same way, my kindness to you is out of caring. I don't need you to keep saying 'thank you' all the time, you can be like a received Caring for a child who grows up normally and healthily is the best reward for this caring."

"Love..." Sasori thought.

"Sasuri, don't worry, we not only got to know each other for a short time, but there will be a lot of time for you to think about it in the future."

Sasori was always used to keeping things in her heart, thinking about it once, twice... many times, until she thought there was no problem before she was willing to tell others. She really doesn't want to say anything that she says might cause trouble to others.

This cautious attitude towards others is seen as modest and polite in the eyes of ordinary people. But for those who have known her for a longer period of time, she will increasingly feel that she is very conservative, even closed-minded.

Qiao Xun clearly recognized this. Therefore, he is not willing to reprimand her like a red face.

However, Sayori is a smart child.

She also wants to change.

Seeing the helplessness in Qiao Xun's eyes, she pursed her lips and suddenly said loudly:

"Mr. Joe, actually!"

Qiao Xun looked at her seriously.

Sayori said:

"Actually, I have a lot of things I want to say to you. There are also a lot of questions I want to ask you. Evolutionary troubles, my growth...and, what have you been through..."

After speaking, she became very nervous.

Fear of rejection.

After Qiao Xun saw that she did not back down, he smiled and said:


Sasori's mood faded like a cloud, the sun was shining brightly, and she showed a rare big smile.

"team leader--"

Qin Gushan's call came from a distance.

It was only then that Sasuri realized that she was the leader of the control team! She said hastily:

"Mr. Joe, please wait! I still... have some things!"

She didn't want to be seen by the team members like this.

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Sasori also has a heavy responsibility, the task is important, you should do your own thing first."

Sayori hurriedly ran away, saying as she ran:

"Mr. Qiao, I'll go back to the base to find you when I'm done! Please, be sure to be there!"

Such a bold request was not something she could say before.

The girl running on the beach is full of vitality.

Qiao Xun remembered that sentence again,

"Zhisee is a gentle god. When he closed his eyes and spread the runes on the earth, it was spring, and it was raining lightly."

Sasori, who carries the legacy of Terumi, is also like a light rain in spring.

Run silently, clapped his hands, and fell on his heart.

"Look at it!"

An annoyed voice interrupted Qiao Xun's thoughts.

Lu Xianyi said dissatisfiedly:

"Is it so pretty?"

"It's not worth eating a child's vinegar."

"I'm not jealous!"

"Those who are drunk also say they are not drunk."

"Can't you give me a little bit of your tenderness towards Miss Wu Mao?"

"Are you a child? Do you want me to take care of your growth?"

"Too much. I'm only twelve years and a hundred months old!"

"I'm still one year and three hundred months old."


Lu Xianyi was about to continue to argue, when Qiao Xun pinched her nose,

"Okay, let's do something serious."

Lu Xianyi patted his hand away, her nose was already red.

"It's neither light nor heavy!"

Joe Tour said,

"Do you know what I saw when I rescued Sayori just now?"


"A fantasy creature hidden in the ground, Titan. They are full of magma breath, and their body surface temperature is very high. Nine times out of ten, they live in magma."

"Magma can still live." Lu Xianyi was surprised.

"Maybe there are creatures on the sun."

"Is this serious?"

Joe Tour said,

"I just analyzed it. The previous Antarctic events have led to increased global geological activity, and Titan's habitat has been greatly damaged. If there is a supervolcanic eruption, it may trigger a series of changes. They may be Really out of the ground."

"Is it possible to know their attitude towards surface creatures at present?"

"Definitely not friendly. I've seen them once before on a beach in western Indonesia, maybe they're a very territorial creature."

"Looking at it this way, the earth is about to undergo drastic changes."


Qiao Xun thought about it and said:

"This kind of thing is definitely not something that can be solved by individuals. It needs to be dealt with globally. You have to tell Team Zhou and let them start an investigation."

"What about you?" Lu Xianyi quipped, "Why don't the great heroes of the Republic do something for the country?"

Joe Tour said,

"Of course I'll do what I can. But...I also have personal thoughts."

He knew very well that his strange identity was destined to be unable to devote himself fully to the cause of giving.

Nor is he a stabilizing factor from a national level.

So, this kind of thing comes to an end. Too much or too little is not suitable.

Lu Xianyi will not over-explore Qiao Xun's personal secrets. she says:

"Well, I'm sure you can handle it well."

Qiao Xun looked at her,

"Your identity is what's special on the bright side."

Lu Xianyi thought deeply,

"So, it's best for me not to have contact with official personnel. Although I have had some conflicts with my father, I don't want to cause trouble for him. In this era, all countries are going through the throes of change, and some sensitive things are It's best not to touch it."

she said with a smile,

"Then I'll be a carefree trash for the time being. Don't do anything, don't think about anything!"

"Being lazy in a different way."

"This is not being lazy! This is judging the situation!"

Qiao Xun rolled her eyes at her and strode away,

"Okay, it's time to go back."

"What kind of eyes are you looking at!"

"Love your look."



Qiao Xun summed up the findings on the blue beach and told Zhou Sibai again.

He also immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, frowned and said:

"In fact, in the current cutting-edge research, it has always been discussed that there are unknown ancient creatures in the ocean and under the surface. Although the debate has not stopped, there has been no conclusive evidence to conclude. The previous Antarctic incident After the outbreak, the opinions of various countries tend to agree. A few days ago, an oil tanker sank in the Pacific Ocean, and the preliminary investigation results speculated that it may have been attacked by special creatures."

Joe Tour said,

"There will be ecological upheaval on the earth. In my opinion, it is almost a matter of ten."

"It seems that the country's construction of super fortress cities has foresight. I will immediately form a team to investigate what you said."

Joe Tour said,

"Team Zhou, they are very strong. At the level of Sasuri, there is almost no resistance. I personally think that in order to reduce unnecessary losses, it is best to let high-level evolutionaries investigate."

Zhou Sibai thought about it,

"It also makes sense, and it is just right. In a few days, Yandu will come to the Commissioner." He said in a serious tone, "I should also talk to you, and you can prepare."


"Let's do it for now, just let me know if anything happens."

"Then don't disturb Team Zhou."



Qiao Xun thought, maybe Yandu will let the demigods understand him. Since they could find the name "Qiao Xun" in the previous Eternal Resurrection incident, it means that they will not be weaker than the demigods. At the same time, they will also clearly understand that he is not the rookie who entered the evolutionary path before.

Since becoming a demigod, Qiao Xun has always lacked a reference to understand what level he is in among the demigods.

The ability of a demigod is more abstract, like Yihong... Qiao Xun still doesn't know how strong she is.

Like the K of Spades and the wheel of time, this ability involves the identification of concepts and reference objects.

And Agnes, Anyang. In fact, Qiao Xun did not have a good understanding of their strength.

Based on his own feelings, he realized that the demigods gradually broke away from the normal "equal hierarchy" ability distinction. It is difficult to describe it with a simple talent of a few ranks.

For him, because of the existence of demon power, it is even more so.

After he became a demigod, talent lost its meaning to him. He can fully display his talent without talent.

Therefore, after he became a demigod, the original Zhenwu route was no longer his advanced route, but only an accompanying ability. The bigger role is no longer to fight, but to explore "true martial arts" itself.

Other talents are also the same.

Just like the sixth-order talent "True World", it is a rare space creation talent that can be used to build a folding space similar to Night Watch Street.

But if Qiao Xun really wants to fabricate the folding space, he can also use the power of the devil directly to evolve without using the "real world" at all.

Demonic power is like a master key that can open any lock.

No wonder, for the major mythical worlds, demons are pests.

To a certain extent, demons make the characteristics of gods no longer "special". No **** is willing to accept that he is not special.


In the afternoon, Qiao Xun and Lv Xianyi strolled around the brand new Zhidong City.

When looking down from a height, this super fortress city full of futuristic technology is like a large lens of a camera. After the various rune channels converge, it reflects an extremely beautiful silver-blue light. After the industrial transfer, there are basically only some rune technology industries and evolutionary colleges left in Zhidong City, and there are basically not many entertainment facilities and catering industries left.

The once prosperous metropolis is now the Rune Science and Technology City.

The atmosphere of a military base makes this place not suitable for dating.

After reading the fresh, the two returned to the base. It was already night. After a simple dinner, Lu Xianyi suggested going back to the dormitory to play games.

Give Qiao Xun a full sense of otaku.

However, that's how she is. Busy and serious, playing heartless.

Qiao Xun was not in the mood to play games today, sitting alone on the balcony, watching the night view of Zhidong City.

The gorgeous rune light and technological light are intertwined, and the impetuous atmosphere of cyberpunk blows.

For the staff and evolutionaries who are still busy in the city, impetuousness is indeed the main emotion at the moment.

A confusing, dreadful future certainly won't bring peace.

Compared with the impetuous city atmosphere, even Lu Xianyi's voice of playing games and complaining about breaking the defense became more lively.

"Uncle Qiao, are you really not coming?" Lu Xianyi stretched her neck and looked at Qiao Xun on the balcony.

"You play with themselves."

"All right."

She's not stalking either.

Qiao Xun closed his eyes and lay on the reclining chair, the hustle and bustle around him gradually disappeared.

At such times, he would always think of Agnes.

The unusual tranquility around her made him miss him very much.

I don't know how long has passed,

He suddenly woke up with a blanket on his body at some point.

Looking back into the room, Lu Xianyi was curled up on the sofa and fell asleep.

Her sleeping position was very bad, like a kitten afraid of the cold, holding her head with both hands.

The wall clock on the wall shows the current time,

It's nine thirty in the evening.

Just as I was about to get up, my phone rang.

After connecting, Saori's excited and nervous voice came,

"Hey, Mr. Joe!"

As soon as the voice sounded, Lu Xianyi, who was lying on the sofa, woke up, got up and peeked at her head.

"Saori, have you resolved it?"

"Well! I'm at the base now, Mr. Qiao, are you convenient now? If it's convenient, I'll go to your dormitory to find you."

Qiao Touring glanced at Lu Xianyi.

Lu Xianyi blinked.

Joe Tour said:

"Okay, come on."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lu Xianyi shook her head,

"Tsk, let the underage girls come to my dormitory in the middle of the night, Qiao Xun, I despise you."

Qiao Xun threw the blanket to her and said:

"Remember to cover up next time you go to bed."

Lu Xianyi refuted You only have a blanket, I cover it for you, but I don't have it! "

"Then you go to bed."

Lu Xianyi blushed and stopped talking.

After a while, she stood up and straightened her hair and clothes and said:

"Then I'll go out first, so I won't disturb you. If I'm here, she might be nervous."


Lu Xianyi smiled lightly,

"Don't worry, I'm not a cheapskate. Well...I trust you." She winked, "Don't feel guilty."

After speaking, she put on her coat and left the dormitory.

Qiao Xun does feel guilty,

But not from Sayori.

From, Agnes.

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