Alpi sat dazedly on the seat of the city lord, the huge rotten flesh shriveled tightly into a ball, trembling behind him.

What happened today had a big impact on him.

Qiao Xun and Yu Xiaoshu's dialogue with "world" as the basic unit is like listening to heaven to him. But even with such a complex content, with his cognition, he could simply and clearly realize that the rot of the rotten world was artificially created, and the fallen angels were just "harmful by-products" that were raised in captivity and waited to die.

And his honorable Her Majesty the Queen is holding a sharp sword and wants to cut through the darkness. However, Her Majesty's road ahead is full of predetermined dangers.

Angels really exist,

The angel caused the rot and wanted the rot to kill the fallen angel,

The angel is going to assassinate the queen.

The content of the simple summary, no matter which one, if it is revealed, it will cause the world to shake.

From childhood to adulthood, although you can read the word "angel" in novels from time to time, people in the rotten world only know it to the degree set by a story.

Alpi's migraine came back again, and he grunted, pressing his fingers against his temples and frowning.

This is a migraine of decay that cannot be relieved by drugs or corrupted powers.

At dusk, a thin layer of rotten mist evoked a thin layer and slowly trickled in from outside the fortress. Alpi walked out of the mansion and looked towards the far west. After opening the sea, a very clear path leads from the fortress to the extreme west. The sky above the far west sea is overflowing with colorful aurora.

Those auroras, the other end of the deep sea crack - the earth.

He knew very well that the road to Earth would be an extremely dangerous road, and it was also the road that determined their fate. Whether he was slapped to death by the "Lord" in the mouth of Mr. Cha, or turned into an angel after rotting and turning into an angel, that's the way.


There is only less than 1,000 kilometers of road to the west of the Nopez Fortress. For the fallen angels who are advancing at full speed, even ordinary soldiers only need about half an hour.

For those fallen angels who have practiced occult arts, magic, or fallen powers, the journey is even shorter.

Alcott's shadow hangs over Phoenix's chariot. It looked into the distance, penetrated all obstacles, and saw the living city of Cliff on the plain.

Mr. Qiao Xun is in that living city.

After thinking about it, it said to Phoenix:


Phoenix didn't know what to think, and was a little lost.


Phoenix came back to his senses,

"Ah, what's the matter, O."

"Well, I'm going to check the surrounding cities for survival to avoid unnecessary accidents."

"You can just call Knight Commander Bezima, and Duke Yemu can also."

Alcott shook his head,

"Forget it, it's better to go and check it out yourself."

"Oh, maybe you can try to trust them."

"You are the king, and it is enough to have your trust. I only do what I think of."

"Okay. Then we'll go straight to Nopeth Fortress and wait for you. We'll set off for the Fissure of the Abyss at dawn tomorrow."

"it is good."

After Alcott finished speaking, the shadows hid in the dark night.

Not long after it left, a fallen angel wearing a heavy robe flapped his fleshy wings and came to the front of the chariot giant.

"Her Majesty the Queen."

"Duke Yemu, what's the matter?"

The chief duke of the royal city, Yem Subaru, was concealed in black and red robes, except for a pair of fleshy wings, and soft tissues resembling squid tentacles could vaguely be seen gushing out from the outer edge of his hood.

"The subordinate wants to go to the surrounding life-saving city to check it out."

again. Phoenix muttered to himself, and then said:

"Someone has gone."

In fact, other than her, other people in the royal city didn't know the existence of Alcott, they only knew that there was a rotten beast beside Her Majesty the Queen.

"who is it?"

"Duke Yemu, just know that someone has gone."

Yem bowed his waist,

"It's the subordinate's stupidity. However, the subordinate still wants to go to the Cliff Living City again."

"What, is there anything you value in there?"

"One of my old friends lives in Clifford. I will go to Earth with His Majesty tomorrow, and I don't know what will happen next, so I hope to see my old friend before going."

Phoenix buried his hands under the royal robe,

"Duke Yemu, what we do and the way we travel is for our relatives and friends. If we forget the emotional bond that connects us, then we will lose the meaning of running. So, go."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your permission."

Duke Yem's physique is not tall among the fallen angels, but his heavy robes make his figure very majestic.

He then left.

Phoenix looked at Duke Yemu's back and murmured slightly,

"Why do you want to go to the nearby Survival City..."

She looked west.

Four huge subsistence cities are located in three directions of the Nopez fortress. One of the most conspicuous is the life-saving city of Cliff built on the plains.

She couldn't help thinking that maybe Alcott had also gone to Clive Life under the guise of an "inspection".

This guess does not require any well-founded proof. Just an intuition.

Alcott has really changed, he doesn't know everything like he used to...

For some reason, some worry and unease rose in Phoenix's heart. She knew that the road she had taken was very difficult. Because of this, she needs solid support. Her sister Alcott has always been her support. But now, Alcott apparently has some hard-to-tell secrets. Conjectures about Alcott's secrets were the source of her unease.

Although I don't want to think about it...

But she really didn't know what else she could do if she lost Alcott.

Even though the rotten world is her original hometown, she still has the intractable sorrow of "being in a foreign land" at this moment.

After Duke Yemu left the Queen's chariot, he reached the outermost edge of the army, where a fallen angel knight was already waiting for him.

"Lord 'Duke'."

"'Cavalry', go to Clifford. Find out why there is no news from Lord Ranger yet." Duke Yemu's voice was low.


"I hope you explained it well to that 'shotgun'."

The "cavalry" nodded,

"Lord 'Duke', I promise that I have told the 'Shotgun' the detailed arrangements and attention."

"But what was the result?"

"Lord Duke, maybe things are not as simple as we thought."

"So, are you doubting the judgment of the Royal City Messenger Council, or are you doubting the will of the Tourer-sama?"

"The 'cavalry' will never question the messengers and the pilgrims."

"At that time, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation. 'Cavalry', you must know what the pilgrims mean to us. Now Queen Phoenix is ​​going to Earth, if she really finds it on Earth A place to stay... that night messenger does not need to exist anymore. According to the will of the pilgrims, on earth, there is an organization called the Black Revolution, which can perfectly replace us."

"Lord Duke, I—"

"Okay, no more words. Let's go."

Duke Yemu waved his sleeves and fluttered his wings, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye, leaving only some rotten breath.


Yu Xiaoshu sat bored on the couch in the front room, looked at the street where the pedestrians were decreasing, and said:

"Boss, close the stall, no one will come."

Joe Tour said,

"Not urgent."

"I really don't know what you want to open this tea room. If it's to tell the fortress city lord those things, just go to him directly. Why do you have to spend so much trouble?" Yu Xiaoshu raised his eyebrows with interest when he said this. He said, "Don't you open the tea room specially to imprison me?"

"You think too much."

"Oh, what a pervert. Imprisoning a young woman in her prime, and using it at will, is just... exciting!"

Qiao Xun glanced at her,

"Young? You're probably older than Earth's sun."

Yu Xiaoshu waved his hand shyly,

"People are not so young anymore."

Qiao Xun's eyelids twitched.

"So, a life like this is just a trivial moment in your life. Why care so much."

Yu Xiaoshu lay down,

"I don't care. Seriously, if you weren't here, I wouldn't care about the world at all."


"You. That's right. You."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Uh... Boss, I have watched you grow up. For billions of years, I often visited the earth to see you. At that time, you were... how to say it, as fragile as a paramecia. I lost it, I don't know where you went, but! We are actually old friends who have known each other for billions of years. So! Yu Xiaoshu and Qiao Xun met can only be regarded as a reunion, um... reunion."

Qiao Xun thought about it, Yu Xiaoshu said that he lost him in the middle, probably the time when he started to create the evolutionary path on earth.

"Why are you following me?"

"God's calendar collapsed in a short ten thousand years, and almost all worlds were shrouded in a cloud of despair. At that time, there was a popular opinion that...the finite world is just a huge arena, the existence of the infinite world. A place to watch 'fighting crickets'."

Compared with the span of billions of years, 10,000 years can indeed be said to be short.

It can even be said that God's calendar collapsed in an instant.

"So, is it?"

"Of course not. Looking at the infinite world from this angle is like a peasant fantasizing about the emperor using a golden hoe. I always believe that thoughts cannot be communicated without the existence of the same conceptual layer."

"Then what do you think infinity is?"

Yu Xiaoshu stared blankly ahead,

"Who knows... I have been thinking about this question for hundreds of billions of years. From the completion of the God's calendar, to the collapse of the God's calendar, to now... I have been thinking about it."

Hundreds of billions of years, for ordinary people, it is probably distorted, and it is impossible to imagine how this time span exists.

Of course, Qiao Xun's cognition has spanned hundreds of millions of years since the birth of life on the earth, which can be understood to a certain extent.

Joe asked:

"Will it be, there is no limit at all."

"Yes, there must be! We never know how the first finite world came into being. Since a finite world can be born, there must be an infinite!" Yu Xiaoshu firmly believed in this.

"Where is the first finite world?"

"I don't know." Yu Xiaoshu looked at Qiao Xun, his eyes were serious and trusting, and even had a "entrusted to you" meaning. This made Qiao Xun a little uncomfortable and wanted to avoid her gaze. She said, "I can tell you that I am actually a second finite world."

"The second... finite world?"

"Yes, I am the second finite world. This is something I know since I exist. However, in the long evolution, I have lost my identity and become highly conceptualized."

"After me, the third finite world is also highly conceptualized. But I don't know where it is now. And all the finite worlds that follow are still physical worlds. Like heaven, the fourth finite world, and Asgard is the first Seven, the Ring of Truth is the 19th, the Dominator World is the 529th, and the Creation World is 529,700... Counting back, the current Earth is limited in how many. The world can no longer be counted with basic numbers. But even if it cannot be counted, it is a finite world."

Learned a lot more.

Qiao Xun couldn't help but wonder if Yu Xiaoshu was caught by himself on purpose, just to have a reason to tell these things.

"The first, second, and third finite worlds are conceptualized?"

"I and the third are conceptualized. As for the first...I don't know. After I was born, it disappeared." Yu Xiaoshu lowered his head, "When I first discovered you, I thought that you would not would be the first finite world."

"What about your answer?"

"No. You are not the world."

"What am I?" Qiao Xun asked a meaningful question.

He wants to know what kind of existence he is in the eyes of the second finite world.

Yu Xiaoshu looked at him, thought about it carefully, and then said solemnly:

" a fool."

Qiao Xun's face suddenly turned cold. He took a sip of cold tea, looked out at the desolate street, and said nothing.

After a while, Yu Xiaoshu asked carefully:

"You're angry?"


Yu Xiaoshu spread his hands,

"How can I know what you are. If I knew you, I wouldn't have any interaction with you. I just liven up the atmosphere, don't be angry."

"I'm not angry."

"Okay." Yu Xiaoshu sighed, "You men, it's really confusing and hard to coax. It's not like us women, who are reasonable and distinguish right from wrong."


Yu Xiaoshu stretched his waist lazily, and suddenly, the whole tea room was filled with dazzling holy light.

Qiao Xun roared:

"Why don't you wear underwear!"

"It's too tight, it's too tight!"

"Put me on!"

"You have to take care of this too."

"I don't want the tea room to be suddenly occupied by a dazzling holy light."

"Then give me bigger underwear."

Qiao Xun patted the table angrily. A rough linen underwear fell into Yu Xiaoshu's hands. She said in disgust:

"Don't do this, it's too rough, and it doesn't look good!"

"A lot of shit."

"Don't say such vulgar things to a lady."

"It's not as dirty as you are."

Qiao Xun threw her another finely crafted underwear.

Yu Xiaoshu looked at and nodded with satisfaction, then took off his shirt.

Then, the Holy Light shines on the tea room.

"Go into the back room and change!"

"I'm not shy, are you still shy? It's just two pieces of low-level flesh and blood, don't care so much."

"..." Qiao Xun was expressionless, already despairing of Yu Xiaoshu's broken moral concept.

At this time,

A shadow slowly emerged in the tea room, and then, Alcott stood up from the shadow.

Then, it saw the holy light in the room, and two lumps of low-level flesh and blood.

It froze for a moment, then said:

"Uh... am I going the wrong way?"

Yu Xiaoshu calmly dressed and said with a smile:

"That's right, little angel."

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