110 – That Girl’s Sweet Trade 9

Foolishness often exerts more power than one might imagine.

The regret of something that has not been achieved sometimes moves a person’s heart more than the greater something that has been achieved.

In an unexpected way, very intensely.


Saint-Rom’s shopping district.

There were many different types of people wandering around, from residents trying to buy daily necessities, tourists trying to buy souvenirs from their travels, and merchants trying to trade.

Although only in terms of trade location, Rome was not much better than Milan in the north as it was biased towards the south of the continent, but the symbolism of the city and the solid infrastructure concentrated here were enough to attract the attention of many merchants. .

And, among the countless people who conduct transactions for such a variety of purposes.


Members of the Predator, Mergon and Nemea, were in the middle of purchasing items needed for movement.

“The food will be dry bread and fruit as always, right?”

“Sometimes I want to eat a little bit of meat… but it can’t be helped. Until this job is over, I have to tighten my belt as much as possible.”

While saying that, Mergon slowly took out a small pouch from his bosom, and Nemea looked at it with familiar eyes.

“Are you going to do it again? After a while, I might be able to make a good profit for such a penny.”

“That’s that and this is this, it’s a bit more of a hobby now.”

While saying that, Mergon got away from the place selling daily necessities and started heading somewhere, and Nemea smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth toward Mergon.

‘Even in situations like this, they’re always the same.. That’s definitely what you’re like.’


A trading store located in the heart of the commercial district.

There, not daily necessities, but a lot of specialties only in Rome were sold, and this was receiving the main attention of those who visited here for trade.

“Umm… As expected, the price of holy water goes up day by day. It would have been really nice if the storage was excellent..”

YuRia wanders around the shopping district and checks the prices.

Behind her, as always, Robert was with her.

“I thought you came here simply to buy souvenirs… but even under these circumstances, you are running your own business.”

“Of course, for merchants, moving is a matter directly related to profit, right? Whether it’s a trip or something else, once you arrive in another area, it’s the basic of the basics to buy cheap things that can only be found there and sell them expensive elsewhere to make a profit.”

While saying that, YuRia was still checking the prices of the items piled up in front of her.

“The price of Holy Water is too high, so the margins are not good… Sculptures are a bit like that because there are too many likes and dislikes… Considering storage, would you like something like an olive or a consecrated new ticket?”

Yuria is struggling with what to buy as a trade item.

For some reason, Robert couldn’t take his eyes off her since she was struggling with a serious face.

Objectively speaking, it was Robert who had seen many women who were incomparably more beautiful than Yuria.

Among them, there were many people from noble families to princesses from other countries, and there were many people who were impeccable in terms of status and dignity.

However… Yuria had something that she didn’t feel in those people.

Even Robert wasn’t quite sure what it was, but at least he could vaguely perceive that it had kept him interested in her.

‘I don’t know what it is, but at least it’s clear that it’s not a bad thing… Or, would you know if you ask Obama? My late mother was from a commoner like YuRia, so maybe she knows something.’

While thinking about that, Robert still has some doubts about himself who can’t take his eyes off Yuria.

It was the time when the boy was watching with excitement as the young girl looked at the trade goods so diligently.

“Tch.. I never thought the price of holy water would rise like this… If this happens, do I have to buy something else on the way to Benessa?”

“It must be because the atmosphere these days is gloomy. If you have nothing to buy, let’s go. In a little while, I think the other side will also leave for Benessa..”


Yuria turned her gaze to the voice coming from the side.

At this, Robert also turned his head and looked at the people next to him who were expressing concern.

Standing there were two women with slightly unusual appearances.

A woman with green hair and brown skin, and a woman with orange hair and white skin.

Looking at the two of them, Yuria cautiously spoke to them.

“Hey… are you guys going to trade with Benessa too?”

“yes? It’s like that… but what happened all of a sudden?”

A woman with green hair asked with a slightly annoyed expression.

YuRia gave her a friendly smile and said.

“No, actually I came here to trade there. The price of holy water just went up, so I’m looking for other items.”

“Ah… so did you.”

The woman’s face softened at YuRia’s words and she showed a convincing expression.

Seeing a little girl in almost the same situation as her, she let her guard down and began to show some friendliness.

“You are already trading at such a young age, do you think the little girl is also a merchant?”

“Yes, I originally live in the Schwyz area, but now I came down here because of trade.”

“Hoh… in Schwyz, right? How great are you at such a young age? Did you come alone? Or with the top..”

“I came with the caravan, and because of that, I have to leave here in a little while.”

“I see…”

Showing interest in YuRia’s words, she began to smile slightly.

Somehow, the fact that such a girl came to trade with the merchant company to such a far place seemed difficult, and on the other hand, it seemed cute.

“So, did you choose what to buy? I think it will be difficult for you and me to have fun with holy water..”

“Yes, I thought something like this would happen, so I checked the market price of other items in advance, but I think olives are good if there are no problems with transportation, and if that is a little difficult, a new ticket will be fine even if the margin is a little less. ”

“Ohhh… is that so? I can’t believe I’ve been researching even those spare parts. You are more amazing than I thought.”

Looking at Yuria who prepared more meticulously than expected, the woman was slightly impressed, and seeing her like that, Yuria lightly smiled.

“hehehe, no matter how you look, you’ve already worked on this floor for over 5 years, right? It is always essential to make plenty of escape holes.”

“Haa.. You’re right… I’m honestly a little embarrassed about that, right? No matter how close it is to a half hobby life, it means that you care less about information than a child.”

The fact that she had received help unintentionally made the woman smile a bit embarrassed.

Then, placing a hand on her shoulder, the orange-haired woman spoke in a bright voice.

“Certainly, there is a difference between an expert and an aspirant. Isn’t that right, Mergon?”

“Um… I’ll admit it. As expected, there are limits as a side job.”

“Yes? So… are you saying you two aren’t merchants?”

Yuria asked with a slightly surprised expression, and the orange-haired woman continued to speak in a bright voice.

“That’s right, I have nothing to do with you in the first place, and this friend used to be a merchant, but he quit after he went bankrupt once, but he still can’t throw away his lingering attachments and pretends to be a merchant.”

“Imitate… Nemea, if you’re going to talk like that, throw up everything you’ve eaten so far. How many times have I bought you food with the profit of the transaction?

“ah… hahahaha… sorry. Cancel that.”

Two people who talk lightly about not very pleasant stories.

After thinking about this for a while, YuRia carefully asked her.

“Then… that green-haired sister…”

“Ah.. Call me Mergon.”

“Yes, then… Does Mergon have any thoughts of becoming a merchant again? If given the chance.”

“… .”

Mergon couldn’t answer for a while at the words that were a little more weighty than he thought.

However, she soon opened her mouth with a slightly lonely smile on her lips.

“Well… I’d be lying if I said no. Still, I don’t think it’s an easy choice. Even if it looks like this, there are younger siblings that I need to take care of right now.”

“okay… ”

Yuria showed a slightly regretful reaction to Mergon’s words.

In response, she spoke to her in a slightly light tone.

“But… I might try again once the job I’m doing goes well. At least not as a hobby like now, but as a real merchant.”

At her words, Yuria’s face started to glow again.

Although it wasn’t long before we met, hearing that a person who had given up on the path of a merchant would try again was something I wanted to cheer for as a person working in the industry.

“I wish you all the best. I will cheer you on.”

“Whoops. thanks. See you again when things go well and you’re back on this road. In terms of industry experience, since you are a senior, I want to hear your advice.”

“Yes! Of course. I will do that.”


Immediately after having a conversation that made me feel warm for the first time in a while, Mergon, who had purchased trade goods, left the shopping district with Nemea.

“Still, thanks to you, I can earn the money I put in.”

“Good. As a bonus, it’s been a while since I’ve talked to people in the same industry.”

It was Nemea who spoke in a slightly teasing tone, but Mergon only replied with a light smile.

Unlike usual, her dissatisfaction seemed to have been resolved a little.

Seeing this, Nemea asked her friend in a cautious tone.

“By the way… is that true? If this job goes well, I will become a merchant again.”

“… Shall I be honest with you?”

Instead of answering, Mergon spoke a word in a serious voice.

Upon hearing this, Nemea let out a small sigh as she understood the meaning of the words contained in it.

“..Haa.. I will do that in the end, right? Yes.. I’m saying it now, but I expected you to be like that someday.”

“At least… after we twins and the leader settled down. And…you too.”

“me? Whoops. what am i okay If that happens, I’ll be with someone as an escort for the upper ranks. I don’t think I’ll throw you out because of your loyalty.”

“… I’m serious?”

“Have you ever seen me lie?”

“… no..”



While laughing lightly, the two draw a future that is different from the past.

at that time.

Shortly after they arrive in a deserted place.

The eyes of the two people who had been able to afford it suddenly began to change sharply.

“Huh?.. Hey. is that the girl? That greatsword in question.”

“.. well done. I’m in a good mood, and I don’t have many eyes to see.”

With those words, the warm atmosphere from just before was wiped away, and the two immediately drew their weapons.


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