113 – That Girl’s Sweet Trade 12

“Really?.. that’s what happened..”

“Yeah, I’m sorry, leader. If only I had thought a little deeper…”

“no. No need to blame yourself. It’s hard to believe in such a tempting offer.”


Echid comforts Ken, who speaks with regret.

However, even if she didn’t express it openly, the story that Ken had heard from a girl in Milan the other day was quite disappointing from her point of view.

Of course, I can’t believe Ken’s words right away. If the preconditions were laid, at least it was worth sitting in the negotiating table.

‘If it happens as it is, it’s perfect.. Even if some additional conditions are added, it’s worth considering.. It’s a waste, I almost didn’t have to risk my life to do this…’

Even though she made assassination a living, she made that choice because she could achieve optimum efficiency with her own abilities.

‘Some people do this simply for the pleasure of killing, but that’s unprofessional. Taking people’s lives for no benefit is just a lunatic killer.’

If he could settle down and make a living, there was no reason to take the risk to maintain his job as a contract killer, especially at a time like now when conditions are getting tougher.

Feeling such deep regret, Echid erased his thoughts about that matter and then turned his thoughts to what he had to focus on right now.

“Then, stop talking about work. Have you prepared well for the things we talked about?”

“Ah…yes, I made sure. I knew in advance where they would be staying, and I was well aware of the surrounding terrain.”

“Yeah, good job. Again, the most important thing is to finish the job and get everyone out safely. If it’s really dangerous, I’d rather give up. You can create another chance, but you only have one life.”

“yes. I’ll keep that in mind, leader.”

“great. Then, tell Mino the situation well… Ah, is there any news from Mergon and Nemea yet?”

“Not yet. If you haven’t fallen into a strange place, you should come back soon…”


At Ken’s words, Echid automatically frowned slightly.

Knowing the skills of the two, I did not think that they would be defeated easily.

However, no matter how they were, they were not invincible, and above all, now was the time when they were about to commit suicide.

As long as he didn’t get caught up in something dangerous, Echid began to feel the growing anxiety that had existed for a few days.

‘That’s not going to happen, but… no way… no… it can’t be.

Even in the midst of trying to comfort herself like that, Echid couldn’t easily shake off her anxiety.

Actually, it was already quite late.

If things hadn’t gone wrong, the news would have come already.

As those thoughts began to pop into my head, Echid started biting her nails without realizing it.

‘if… really if. What if they’re wrong?.. If at all… if my plan is causing trouble for them… ‘

Echid begins to tremble a little in such anxiety.

at that time..


The next moment, the shadow that was about to cast over Echid’s face suddenly disappeared as if it had been washed away.

And right after that…

“We are here!”

“I’m sorry I’m a little late, right?”

“… It is very late.”

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Nemea comes in with a lively greeting, and Mergon apologizes lightly.

Looking at them, Echid spoke in a quiet voice as usual.

as if nothing had happened.

As if there was no need to worry about them.

Then, accepting Echid’s appearance, the two of them collapsed into their seats as if toppling over.

“Are you hurt?”

“yes? Uh, a little… I’m pretty good right now.”

As always, Echid asked in a voice that seemed to have dried up his emotions.

In response, Mergon rubbed his leg, which was still in pain, and smiled bitterly.

And, looking at Mergon like that, Ken said with a slightly interested expression on his face.

“You mean someone hurt Mergon? I don’t know who it is, but how is it? If so, I’m no longer a person in this world, but…”

“… .mmm.”

Ken, who has a fairly common story among them.

However, at her words, Nemea and Mergon slightly hardened their faces, and then, as if they had made up their minds, they opened their mouths with a little difficulty.

“..actually.. I have something to say about it.”

“yes? What does that mean?”

“no way..”

Ken expresses his doubts while watching Mergon talk carefully, and Echid slightly frowns.

In response, Mergon and Nemea carefully began to tell the stories they had experienced in Rome.


“… That… nonsense…”

Mino, who had just entered from the outside and heard the story, began to grow deep anxiety on his face.

Mergon and Nemea fought a fierce battle with a woman considered to be an escort of the Beden Merchant in the holy city of Rome.

However, the woman destroyed the pincer attack of the two people, who had never escaped except for the leader, so easily, and they were able to come back with a really difficult life while going through a crisis that almost cost them their lives.

“I’m sorry, but it’s true.. I’ve never met a guy with that kind of skill..”

“It’s not just a matter of skill. i saw That woman.. she was mimicking my skills just by looking at her once..”

Applying the principle of dagger manipulation magic, his main skill, to block Mergon’s movement and float the greatsword in the air.

Recalling this, Nemea began to feel a chill run down her spine again, and so did the others.

Seeing magic, understanding its principles, and imitating them.

If you think about it simply, it wasn’t very impossible. It was a fact that everyone knew that from the point of view of those who handle magical powers, it was close to impossible.

Just like a person who has never been in the water can suddenly become a good swimmer just because he sees someone swimming.

That it was possible meant that the opponent’s latent capacity was enormous.

In other words, it would be nice if you were born with a ridiculous talent.

“What do we do? To be honest, when I ask her to fight again, all I can hear is to die.”

“I agree. But even so, I can’t give up on the plan like this…”

It’s not that I didn’t think about the possibility of failure very much, but the situation that I’ve consumed for preparation so far is too great to stop working without doing anything here.

This was the time when a dark shadow was cast on the faces of the Predator members.

“… There is one thing I want to make sure of.”


“What is the leader?”

The eyes of the four people who were worried about Echid’s words, who had been silent all along, gathered as one, and Echid slowly opened his mouth as it was.

“Among the upper tier escorts, the only one with that level of skill is… that woman, right?”

“yes. Probably. I don’t know if it’s one person, but if there are more than two such monsters, we’ll have gotten the information long ago.”

“Originally, there were no such famous adventurers in the Beden Merchants. Perhaps that woman is highly likely to be the strongest member of the guild secretly trained?”

“I get it. Then proceed with the plan, but with some modifications.”

With those words, Echid calmly begins to direct the future.

Listening to this, the faces of the members who were feeling anxious began to straighten slightly… They eventually decided to proceed with the plan as scheduled.


The Beden Merchant arrived at Benessa.

In this place, which corresponds to the last part of the long journey, they were able to rest comfortably for the first time in a while.

“Whoa.. I’m finally starting to see the end. Now just buy some supplies here and go back and it’s all over.”

“Anyway, it happens three or four times a year, but it’s not always easy. Fortunately, this time, Bahamut-sama gave us a special escort, so nothing special happened.”

Just like that, merchants and workers feel relief and joy at the fact that the trade is coming to an end safely.

Meanwhile, unlike those who were resting in peace, Isolda and Ophelia, who were in charge of this procession, were still unable to relax their tension.

It was like what had happened in Rome before, and above all, it was not over until the work was over for the person in charge.

“How is the security situation?”

“There are still no major problems. Both Yuria and Prince Rosebout are resting in the courtyard, and bodyguards are also placed at a distance around them.”

“It’s fortunate that nothing major has happened yet… Still, if you don’t know, don’t be lazy to keep an eye on it. You never know when, where, or how things will happen.”

“of course. In that sense, additional adventurers under his command will go there..!”

At that moment, Ophelia’s expression suddenly hardened.

Before Isolda could react to this, Ophelia quickly pulled out her greatsword.



The sound of an explosion followed by a thick cloud of dust.

However… soon the dust cleared in an instant, and there was Ophelia unscathed with her magic barrier open, and Isolda staring straight ahead with cold eyes.

“They say words become seeds.

“… .This might be a little dangerous.”

With those words, Ophelia puts power into the hand holding the sword.

What she saw was a woman floating in the air, radiating tremendous magical power.

She is glaring at us with her magical powers wriggling like snakes stretching out in all directions.

It was already very clear that the opponent was not a normal person with the ability that was visible.

Like that, Ophelia, recognizing that very troublesome things would happen if it moved, told Isolda as it was.

“I don’t know who it is… I don’t think there will be an answer unless I step forward myself. I would like this one please.”


The idea that it might be a trap suddenly came into their minds, but neither of them mentioned it.

Even so, if Ophelia didn’t step forward at this moment, there was a high possibility that enormous damage would occur.

In response, Isolda, as soon as Ophelia sortied, immediately began to move the waiting adventurers as best she could.

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