160 – Big Deal 2

As he checked the contents of the letter in front of his eyes, Bahamut’s face began to glow with a deep sense of tension.

“Is this really… the contract Your Majesty wants to go through with me?”

“Yes, it is.”

Elbafa answered in a quiet yet clear voice.

In response, Bahamut nodded slowly, and at the same time, the light of complex emotions began to dwell on his face in many ways.

‘Ever since I said the word deal, I expected it to some extent. I never thought the scale would be this enormous..’

Literally, a story on a grand scale worthy of the name of an emperor.

At the same time, it was difficult for even Bahamut to imagine the outcome it would bring.

In any case, if this were to be revealed live, in some cases it would be dangerous enough to happen with the continental monarchs as a group.

Instead, it was clear that the benefit that this event would bring to Bahamut would be very great.

“Originally, the content was to be revealed at a slightly later point in time, but… His Majesty said that he was revealing this because he had special trust in Bahamut-nim. And that He would never refuse it.”

“Yes… ”

Although he was saying that, Bahamut knew that it was actually a sound close to a threat.

As you said, I trusted you and gave you top-secret information.

If he refuses, of course there is no choice but to treat him for silence.

As much as this meaning was connoted, it could be said that Bahamut had no choice in the first place.

‘Well… I don’t have any particular reason to refuse, though.’

It’s quite large, and it’s also quite dangerous. From the point of view of a profit-seeking merchant, it is a proposal that has nothing wrong with it.

With that thought in mind, Bahamut sneaked in, and with the woman named Elbafa in front of him. I looked at the woman named Ayla standing with her.

Elbafa in the form of a young woman, and Ayla in the form of a young girl.

However.. Bahamut already knew to some extent through spoilers that these were actually witches over 100 years old.

‘Elbapa Envy.. One of the founders of the Dragona Empire and one of the closest aides to Emperor Rosebeta, one of the best doctors on the continent who has no one to follow when it comes to recovery magic.. His fundamental personality is quite finite, but he is strong when needed A person who shows a sense of responsibility..’

In other words, he was a typical extroverted person, and sending such a person as an emissary meant that Emperor Roseveta would definitely decide this matter to that extent.

‘And. that woman in the back. Ayla Sloth… A disciple of Emperor Roseveta, but also a witch who ranks among the top 10 on the continent in terms of combat power. It’s not as strong as Elios or Ophelia, but that side was also quite strong.’

Under the circumstances, she seemed to have been sent as an escort by Elbafa, but depending on the circumstances, if she refused this job, she might try to deal with Bahamut.

Of course, since Ophelia is on this side, he won’t be so easily offended. In any case, Bahamut had to make a choice in order not to cause trouble, and furthermore, to stretch out his legs and fall asleep comfortably.

“.. great. Anyway, the part about the transaction was something I brought up to His Majesty first. I will accept this job even for the sake of credit as a merchant.”

“Well sir. As it is written, Bahamut-sama must personally come to the Dragona Empire for the details of the contract. When are you planning to come?”

“For now, after finishing the work here. I’ll be leaving in about three months. Because you will need time to prepare too.”

“Three months.. that’s good. I will tell His Majesty that.”

With those words, the two rise from their seats.

Seeing this, Bahamut also stood up and spoke in a polite voice.

“Are you going to go like this? No matter how much it is, I know that it is not polite to send a guest who has come a long way like this. I will treat you in a small way, so please relax and rest in peace for at least one day.”

“no. You don’t have to. I have quite a bit of work to do… and I can go back quickly anyway.”

With those words, Elbafa took something out of his arms.

What it was, Bahamut could easily recognize.

“Then, I’ll see you later. this much..”

With those words, Elbafa injects magical power into the object in his hand.

At the same time, the two people who had been in the room just before disappeared without a trace.

Right after that, Bahamut took a seat on the road with some interest.

It’s called ’emergency escape magic tool…’ but it actually feels like a return magic spell, right? I’ve seen it briefly before, but it’s definitely comfortable. Being able to come home right after work on a business trip…’

It was a magic that was not very helpful for commercial transactions because of the technical limitation of not being able to move objects that exceeded a certain volume due to a minor drawback.

It was a small part that gave a glimpse of the outstanding magical power of the Dragona Empire, which was more developed than other countries.

‘Even though considerable sacrifices were made for the development of that magic… Anyway, if I get a chance, I hope I can get a little bit about that kind of magic.’

In the original work, there were only a lot of magic for battle and war due to the nature of the genre, but there must be a lot of magic that is useful in everyday life.

As he was in a position where he had to go for a deal anyway, Bahamut was expecting a lot about that as well.

‘It’s the Dragona Empire… I thought I’d visit it someday anyway.’

A state that, in effect, is a public enemy of the continental monarchs to whom he lends money.

However, to Bahamut, that fact was irrelevant.

Bahamut was a merchant who acted only on credit.

Previously, the target of the transaction was the Holy Empire, and in this regard, Bahamut fulfilled the contract with certainty to the satisfaction of the other party.

And now that the transaction with them has ended successfully, it is only that the target of the transaction has changed to the Dragona Empire.

I wonder if they were knights who pledged allegiance, or generals who staked their honor. Since they originally met in a business relationship as merchants, there was no reason to betray them in the first place.

So, while looking at the current situation from an extremely calculated standpoint, Bahamut began to determine the number of people to mobilize for this journey.

‘As a place is a place, of course Ophelia has to accompany you… Since it’s your first outing after getting married, it’s better to take your wife with you. After all, your wife had a business with you..’

Of course, the hands of the Uranus Merchant Corps holding the Holy Empire were also very close to the Dragona Empire.

As such, if Bertina could make good use of the connections there, this transaction would be beneficial in one way or another.

The reason why Bahamut called for a fairly long time of three months as part of it was to move Bertina, who was still with her baby.

‘then. Shall we prepare step by step? Get ready to leap to a higher place once again..’


“That’s right..”

“Yes, it is, madam.”

“Good job. Please step away.”

Bertina heard Tilda’s message.

A small smile began to form on her lips.

‘The Dragona Empire.

Even Bertina did not know when Bahamut made a deal with the Rose Emperor.

However, it was clear that the current situation was a great opportunity for her.

A golden opportunity to make the seeds sown all over the continent bloom splendidly.

At this, Bertina’s lips quietly smiled, and then her eyes turned to the baby sleeping quietly in her arms.

‘My baby.. wait a little bit, this mother must. I’ll make sure to prepare the seat for you to sit down.’

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