1997. The 1997 chapter has a big appetite

The Oba cattle had a headache at this time. He went to China and signed a number of agreements, but many agreements have additional terms.

If you don’t look at those additional terms, the country is big and cheap. If you count the additional terms, it seems that the country is still suffering. The situation is stronger than the people, and the Oba cattle have to eat a little for the sake of money.

But now he is more concerned about Feng Yu’s investment, which is very different. Many people in the country now say online that Feng Yu has earned too much money from the country.

But what can he do? Feng Yu was born in the time of George Bush’s administration, and now it is unstoppable. In particular, Feng Yu’s industries not only can withstand investigations, but also several consortia are involved.

The industry of Feng Yu will not only worsen the relationship between the country and China, but also make China and Russia more compact, even closer to the EU, so the country will suffer big losses. What’s more, once Feng Yu really came hard, regardless of the loss, playing both sides, even if the country is worthy, he can’t afford it.

Feng Yu plans to increase tens of billions of dollars in investment in the country, and can drive many jobs, but it has touched the interests of other consortia.

Although the California consortium is strong, it cannot compete with other consortiums. The difficulty now is how to let Feng Yu promise to share some benefits to other consortia.

The most worrying thing for Oba is that the agreement was signed, and then the implementation went into half. Whether Feng Yu announced the withdrawal of funds, or other consortiums to jointly attack, let the project stop, is a great blow to the Obama.

The Obama is in great need of political achievements, especially at the beginning of his tenure. He has done a lot of things for the country in the past six months. He has filled in many pits left by his predecessors, but there are still many pits. If you want to fill it, you can do it. If you have money, you can do it.

Speaking of a General Motors alone costs tens of billions of dollars and is not finished. Helping General Motors, Chrysler must also help, can’t be thin.

On the east coast, the dock workers asked for a raise, and soon the West Coast would follow suit, and the troubles followed.

Why do people work so well when others are in the President position? At that time, he had the same thoughts as Donald. On the stage, that was silly ×, I must be stronger than him.

But when he came to power, he discovered that many things were not as simple as he thought, and that the country was not as powerful as he thought, and his power was much smaller than he had imagined.

He needs the support of the rich, balancing domestic contradictions, or passing on contradictions, like George Bush. He was anti-war. He originally wanted to stop the war abroad in the first time, but now he can’t stop. Otherwise, there will be no more people to attract the attention of the people, and other domestic contradictions will follow.

In his appointment, the war will be terminated, and his re-election will be greatly promoted. The premise is that he can make the economy of the country recover.

If he hasn’t been able to do this at the end of the term of office, he will be the only President of the country who can’t be re-elected in modern times.

Today, he also had a meeting with his staff, discussing how to get a lot of money in the hands of the government as soon as possible, which can quickly stimulate the economic development of the country and satisfy the people.

“Mr. President, what about the negotiations with Feng? We need a lot of factory investment now, not only can drive infrastructure, but also drive employment, this is very important.”

Aoba cattle shook his head: “Not very smooth, not what you think, Feng Yu is willing to invest, and the investment amount is indeed not low, but there is a big contradiction, he invests in the port terminal, is to take the road of automation. ”

Automation means that a large number of workers will be unemployed. When trying to stimulate employment, there will be another round of unemployment. This is not aggravating.

Someone added: “Feng also said that he will expand the logistics channels and need more delivery personnel. This will provide hundreds or even thousands of jobs for most states in the country within one year.”

So, the future is this delivery man, it is necessary to provide tens of thousands of jobs? This is really good news, which can greatly alleviate the employment pressure, not to mention that within a year, more people will be needed in the future.

“There are also many construction workers who need to build their docks. They need to expand the yards, warehouses, etc., and they will be accompanied by a lot of infrastructure projects.”

“There is still a point that I am not sure if it will succeed. Feng wants to build a high-speed railway running through the east and west of the country. The speed of operation exceeds 240km/hour, which is more than double the speed of our current railway. This will bring a lot. Employment opportunities, including the relevant staff needed for the railway.”

Some people explained the contents of the negotiations in detail, and they all had to be piloted. No one would object. It’s just that everyone is measuring the pros and cons of doing so.

There are many additional conditions, and how to talk about it can guarantee the best interests of the country. Let high-speed trains be built in the country, including railroad tracks. There are also automation equipment for port terminals, etc. It is best to purchase in the country, or to build factories in the country. Anyway, this is definitely not available from China, and workers must not use China.

Although they know that Chinese people can especially suffer, seeing those Chinese who open restaurants know that they can do midnight from sunrise. So if the Chinese people come to work, they will certainly finish faster or even more economically, but then the people of the country will lose their employment opportunities.

Anyway, this is a joint venture. The salary of the people of the country is higher, but they are the people of the country.

“Mr. President, have you ever thought that the shareholding of Feng Yu, such as Amazon and Google, is too high, can you let Feng Yu make some concessions?”

If you can succeed at this point, then in other respects, those behind the big consortium will certainly agree to concessions, because Amazon and Google can obviously bring great returns.

Now is to see if Feng Yu is willing to give in. If they don’t, how can they continue to talk? If they are willing, then Feng Yu can give up, and Feng Yu will ask for conditions as compensation.


“What? Reed, do you really want to talk about it? If so, then you can go.”

Reid actually said that if Feng Yu was asked to give up part of the shares of Amazon, Google, Facebook, Chaowei, Nvidia, Gold Stone and other companies, they could promise that the five port terminals would become the pilot of the port reform in the country. The horse is fully self-powered.

And the pilot project of the high-speed rail project will also be passed quickly. The shares of the two parties will be divided into five or five points, and the specific capital contribution will be discussed in detail to ensure that Feng Yu will not suffer.

Feng Yu thinks that this group of people is too whimsical, and those companies that are obviously profitable now, Feng Yu, why let the shares go out? How much was the premium he had in order to invest in these companies? Now that an overall IT industry has been formed, no one can be lost. How can he give up equity?

Even if you still have control interest, then Feng Yu is not willing. Because the port terminal and the high-speed rail can bring too little benefit, of course, it is very important for China and Hutchison Group.

Feng Yu can sacrifice a little profit, but can’t sacrifice it so much!

This group of people, appetite is too big!

PS: The new book of the fourth is uploaded, “Domestic Animation Adventure”, can you collect it, and vote for it by the way?

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