2032. Chapter 2032 Entertainment Tycoon Feng Yu

3D technology can be widely used in the pan-entertainment industry, and the future of the entertainment industry is very optimistic about Feng Yu. Even now, Feng Yu’s entertainment industry is already very strong.

MGM The film company, which was acquired by Feng Yu and is on the verge of bankruptcy, is now in the world. In Hollywood, giants such as Disney and Sony have been stepped on, and it’s a Marvel movie that makes a lot of money.

There are other movies such as “Avatar”, “Pirates of the Dream”, “007”, etc., each of which is a good and awesome.

Other film companies have also discovered that MGM is a comprehensive enhancement of film special effects technology, allowing viewers to have the best viewing experience. 3D, IMAX and other fares are so high, but many viewers are still rushing.

When viewers come to the movies, they can experience the feeling of being there. Many people feel very cool when they go out of the cinema. This kind of experience is not enjoyed by traditional 2D movies, and it is different from reading.

MGM also remake many old movies. The story was very good, but now I think that the picture is too bad, the sound is too bad, and the experience is very bad.

Many people think that remake won’t have a good box office, but it turns out that they are all wrong. Like a comic book, many people have seen comics and even seen cartoons, but moving to the big screen is a completely different experience.

The development around the film is also the most successful point of MGM, which was previously Disney’s lead.

All kinds of movie characters, posters, costumes, and props are all highly sought after.

The Hulk looks ugly, but his muscle-stricken clothing has been sold out of stock many times. Iron Man’s clothing doesn’t even look like it, but it’s more sought after.

There is also a similar Marvel theme park with a variety of Marvel’s one-to-one statues, including statues of actors. Many people are rushing to buy tickets to watch and take photos, just as they are taking photos with big stars.

Other films, filming ten movies, can make a fire, so the three or four are laughing, but on the MGM side, all the movies that have been filmed since Feng Yu bought are big fires.

And it’s not a simple shot of a fire, it’s a movie, a series of fires, which makes the other film Corporation very helpless.

The 007 series has re-turned, and the old movies have been re-interpreted and adapted to get a box office close to One billion dollars, which is very unbelievable to many filmmakers.

The Marvel series makes them speechless, an Avenger League, where all the characters can be listed for several movies.

The box office is higher than one, but they can see the actor’s pay, and it’s so horrible!

The reddest Robert Downey, Jr. Downey, is less than $10 million in pay? In terms of his current worth, the minimum value is 30 million US dollars!

The black widow, two million dollars, she had only a few shots in other movies, and she had eight million dollars!

Even the director’s expenses are lower than those of other movies. So red movies, such as Cameron’s big-name director, why is this low price?

Because at that time no one was willing to invest in Cameron to film, but also used Cameron’s own film special effects Corporation. After the film was released, the box office went all the way. Feng Yu also gave Cameron a red envelope and told him that this is China’s tradition.

Of course, Cameron, the big director, will not suffer consecutive losses. Next, Avatar’s sequel, and other films he supervised, Cameron will have to pay dividends at the box office. He has this qualification and is worth the price.

They all lamented that there must have been brain damage in MGM Corporation. Otherwise, how can such a good relationship get bankrupt? And the people who sold Marvel are also brain-destroy, Marvel is such a good organization, why sell it, how much directly?

Others say that Feng Yu is lucky, just in time to catch up with the prosperity of the film industry.

They have forgotten that no one was optimistic about MGM, Sony is the highest offer, or to adopt the model of financial leverage acquisition, many other homes have not quoted.

The same is true for Marvel. Only Disney has reported a good price. The other homes offer only half of the price. They think that it is not worth the money, and the possibility of going downhill is very high.

Stan Lee gave these Boss a slap in the face. You didn’t make money because you were too greedy. If you have the conditions that Feng gave me, then you should be the one who makes money.

Stan Lee still holds a 10% stake in Marvel. With the Marvel movie fire and the surrounding fire, his income is also rising, and he is sitting and counting money every day.

At this time, someone smashed Marvel, smashed MGM, and even smashed Feng Yu. He first disagreed!

In fact, Marvel gives them a fire, because the world’s best special effects company, in the hands of Feng Yu and Kirilenko, do not work with them, then you can not do these effects quickly and with high quality.

At the beginning, many people thought that Feng Yu’s investment in this special effect was crazy. Lucasfilm didn’t deserve Feng Yu to pay so much money. Now they regret it. In order to pursue special effects, they have to seek cooperation with Lucasfilm. Expensive!

It’s not that there is no choice to work with other special effects organizations, but it either looks very bad, or it is very slow, and even more expensive than Lucas.

Because of the same quality, they have to pay more work, and technology is not good.

MGM even produced an animated film of China, called Kung Fu Panda, which is said to be a high-priced book from DreamWorks.

The result is that such a guy who only knows to eat, swept the world, became the most popular cartoon image of the past few years, and even many people have become interested in the cuisine of China. It is said that the shops of noodles and buns have become more popular. It is.

Many of them also found that in many places in the country, there is a chain of snacks called Sha ~ County, which is said to be the first chain of Chinese food, and no one knows that this brand of Sha ~ County snacks also has Taihua Consulting. The venture capital, this overseas promotion, was done by Feng Yu’s Company.

No one can think of it five years ago, such a snack can be ignited like this, but it will be even more hot in the future, known as China’s McDonald’s!

Because of the high-gloss performance of MGM Pictures over the past two years, and the games launched by Wind & Rain Games’ game Corporation, the overall revenue of Wind & Rain Entertainment has been rising.

Today, Feng Yu has added a title to the IT tycoon, retail tycoon, food tycoon and many other titles – entertainment tycoon!


PS: Today’s fourth birthday, ask for a wave of rewards ~ everyone is not enough to see, you can go to see “domestic animation adventure”, a different story

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